concat src img with condition in angular - javascript

i try to show image of users in template angular from api call .So if the image is emty i will show any other img but if image is null i should make condition in src img :
<img [src]="element.img!= null ? '{{element.img}}' :
class="img-thumbnail border-0" />
the problem is i need to concate {{element.img}} with my base url

Use a get method.
<img [src]="imageUrl"/>
get imageUrl(): string {
return this.element.img != null ? `some_url/${this.element.img}` : `other_url`;

In your .component.ts file, make this a computed property is one approach
get elementImage(): string {
if (this.element.image !== null) {
return `${this.element.image}`
} else {
return ''
in your template, it would be
<img [src]="elementImage" class="img-thumbnail border-0" />


Angular - Use a default image if image does not exist on server

I have a component that will display a cover image. The user can upload a cover image and the component will display the user uploaded image. If the user doesn't upload an image, then I want to display a default image.
If there is no user uploaded image I want to return an error and call the changeSource(event), which should in theory bind a new image url to the img src. However I'm getting undefined for the and I'm seeing a blank space where the default image should be. It works fine when displaying the custom image.
<div *ngFor="let coverPhoto of coverPhotos">
<img src="{{coverPhoto}}"
(error) ="changeSource($event)" />
this.myService.getPhotos(ImageType.Cover, => {
this.coverPhotos = result;
}, error => {
this.errors = error;
}, () => {
changeSource(event) { = "https://imageurl";
directly use (where defaultImage is a variable in ts file which holds the default image path) -
(error)="$ = defaultImage"
your HTML -
<div *ngFor="let coverPhoto of coverPhotos">
<img src="{{ coverPhoto }}" (error)="$ = defaultImage" />
Working example here.
You are passing event from this code in ts, which is obviously undefined, and you don't need to call this function from here -
this.myService.getPhotos(ImageType.Cover, => {
this.coverPhotos = result;
}, error => {
this.errors = error;
}, () => {
The *ngFor was throwing it off. Removing this seemed to solve the problem. Not quite sure why so will post an edit when I discover why.
<img src="{{coverPhotos}}"
(error)="$ = defaultImage" />

vue dynamic image binding

The original code used an image in a menu like so:
class="mobile-plus-content visible-xs"
This compiles to:
src=" image"
I changed it to:
And in my script:
methods: {
mobileImage(id) {
console.log('id:', id);
return logic ? plus : minus;
It logs the id but I don't know what to return here. Where should I put the png because vue is no longer compiling it into static resources?
Just FYI. You can also use require in the template tag:
<img v-if="isMenuOpen(id)" :src="require('#/assets/img/minus-1.png')"/>
<img v-else :src="require('#/assets/img/plus79.png')"/>
In script I did:
const minus = require('#/assets/img/minus-1.png');
const plus = require('#/assets/img/plus79.png');
and in mobileImage:
return this.isMenuOpen(id)
? minus
: plus;

Modify Image Url Value with Vue Js in a Loop

I have a simple Loop with conditionals. I want to modify the full url to a version of the image with 60x60 pixels.
Full image url : .
Modified image url that I need : .
<template v-else-if="column === 'product_img'">
<img :src="replaceLink.columnValue" alt="" height="60" width="60">
Method function:
methods : {
replaceLink (record) { //logic
Is this the proper way ?
methods: {
replaceLink (record) {
let res = record.replace(".jpg", "-60x60.jpg");
Better solution is to create filter and use it on your images.
Instead fo methods object create filters object with replace function:
filters: {
replaceLink: function(value) {
if (!value) return '';
return value.replace('.jpg', '-60x60.jpg');
And now in your HTML you can use it like this:
<img :src="source | replaceLink" />
You should have source in your component data or you will get an error. This source should be image url

Read-only variable when assigning object to variable

I have a variable named picture that is taking in a thumbnail that is an address for a picture. I want to use that as the src path for my img tag. How do I accomplish this? From what i'm understanding is React generates render() first and then componentDidMount(), but my code is returning Cannot set property 'src' of null.
I changed the code based off suggested comments. I loaded the state in my constructor so that gets defined before everything else. But now it says picture" is read-only which is where --> is
constructor(props) {
const picture = {};
if (this.props.videos == null) {
console.log("It's null");
} else {
const videos = => {
<h5 key={video._id}>{video.thumbnail}</h5>;
--> picture = video.thumbnail;
componentDidMount() {
Snippet of return in render
<div className="explore">
<div className="row">
<div className="row__inner">
<div className="tile">
<div className="tile__media">
<img className="tile__img" id="thumbnail" src={picture} alt="" />
<div className="tile__details">
<div className="tile__title">
<h5>Impact Dallas</h5>
I changed the code based off suggested comments. I loaded the state in my constructor so that gets defined before everything else. But now it says picture" is read-only which is where --> is

Add class based on some condition Angular2

I am working with ng2 project and I need a help with one task, where should I add css class, only for one item from array.
I got sommething like this:
<div class="ds-photo__item" *ngFor="let albumPhoto of albumPhotos">
<div class="ds-photo__item--cover">
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [class.selected]="...">
And I need add class select only for one item which is choosen by function below:
selectCover() {
if (this.album.cover) {
this.cover = this.albumPhotos.find( photo => === this.album.cover );
console.log("COVER: ", this.cover);
this.isCover = true;
} else { this.isCover = false }
after that, I have one object with current cover of album. I need to add class "selected" to listed item, whuch is actualy cover.
I need something like this:
[class.selected]="if ==="
or sommething similar. There is possible to pass function, not only variable in []?
Please for hints!
Regards Greg
You can use ngClass as follows :
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [ngClass]="{selected : ===}">
Done with:
[class.selected]=" ==="
I hope it will help someone.
If you need only one class to be applied based on some condition then use
[class.selected]=" ==="
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [class.selected]=" ===">
[class.selected]=" ==="
but If you have multiple class to be applied based on some condition then just use this format
[ngClass]="{selected : ===}"
<img class="ds-photo__item--cover-photo" [src]="albumPhoto.url" alt="" (click)="choseCover(albumPhoto)" [ngClass]="{selected : ===}">
