How to mock a callback function from bookshelf js using sinnon - javascript

I would like to mock this piece of code that is using bookshelf js (with knex) with sinon.
const campaigns = await models.Campaign.forge()
.query((qb) => {
qb.where("account_id", accountId);
qb.andWhere("status", models.Campaign.STATUS.ACTIVE);
How could I mock the inner queries inside the .query function.
I am a bit lost
Thank you very much!

I finally solved the problem using Sinon. This code is covering almost all the behavior
const assert = require("chai").assert
const sinon = require("sinon")
const models = require("../../../../models")
const query = {
query(func) {}
const qb = {
where(arg1, arg2) {},
andWhere(arg1, arg2) {}
const fetchAll = { async fetchAll() {} }
const forgeStub = sinon.stub(models.Campaign, "forge").returns(query)
const qbWhereStub = sinon
.stub(qb, "where")
.withArgs("account_id", accountId)
const qbAndWhereStub = sinon.stub(qb, "andWhere").returns(null)
const queryStub = sandbox
.stub(query, "query")
.callsArgWith(0, qb)
const fetchAllStub = sandbox.stub(fetchAll, "fetchAll").returns(campaigs)
//Calling the method
assert.equal(qbWhereStub.callCount, 1)
assert.equal(qbAndWhereStub.callCount, 2)
assert.equal(forgeStub.callCount, 1)
assert.equal(queryStub.callCount, 1)
assert.equal(fetchAllStub.callCount, 1)
assert.isTrue(qbWhereStub.getCall(0).calledWithExactly("account_id", accountId))
assert.isTrue(qbAndWhereStub.getCall(0).calledWithExactly("status", models.Campaign.STATUS.ACTIVE))
.calledWithExactly("audience_create_trigger", models.Campaign.AUDIENCE_CREATE_TRIGGER.ON_ENTER)

Try to use knex-mock-client to setup a test friendly knex instance.
The test will look much simpler.
import knex from "knex";
import { MockClient, getTracker } from "knex-mock-client";
describe("test", () => {
let db;
let tracker;
beforeAll(() => {
db = knex({ client: MockClient });
tracker = getTracker();
afterEach(() => tracker.reset());
it("should do something", () => {
(query) =>
query.sql.includes("table_name") && query.bindings.includes(accountId)
// execute query using db;


How do I implement a unit test for a function that invokes two other functions

Inside this module, I want to test the getAppts function, which invokes two function. What is the correct way of evaluating the code that getAppts encompasses? Do I have to run db.getDatabase() and fetchAppts() as stubs inside the unit test function? My unit test implementation is, at best, incomplete, but it could be totally wrong.
'use strict'
const db = require('../db/db')
const log = require('../utils/logging')(__filename)
const { fetchAppts, fetchApptDetails } = require('../db/dao/appointment-dao')
async function getAppts (queryParams) {
log.debug('getAppts(): %j', queryParams)
const knex = db.getDatabase()
const appointments = await fetchAppts(queryParams, knex)
return appointments
async function getApptDetails (demoApptId) {
log.debug('getApptDetails(): %j', demoApptId)
const knex = db.getDatabase()
const apptDetails = await fetchApptDetails(demoApptId, knex)
return apptDetails
module.exports = {
unit test setup:
'use strict'
const sinon = require('sinon')
const chai = require('chai')
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised')
const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai')
const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai')
const { expect } = require('chai')
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire')
const apptsResponse = require('../../data/get-appts-response.json')
describe.only('appointment-service.js', () => {
let apptService
let apptDaoStub
let dbStub
beforeEach(() => {
dbStub = {
getDatabase: sinon.stub()
apptDaoStub = {
fetchAppts: sinon.stub()
apptService = proxyquire('../../../services/appointment-service', {
'../db/db': dbStub,
'../db/dao/appointment-dao': apptDaoStub
afterEach(() => sinon.restore())
describe('getAppts', () => {
it.only('should get appointments', async () => {
const appts = await apptService.getAppts({})
You can use mock functions, you will need to import the module:
it('should get appointments', async () => {
const mockFn = jest.spyOn(db, 'getDatabase');
const appts = await apptService.getAppts({})
expect(mockFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); // depends on how many times fn is called
You can learn more about mocking here:

Jest, How to mock an imported callback in Object Destructuring?

I did the tests in the following way, but it bothers me how I need to import an object with the functions, instead of just importing the functions.
this works
const get = require('../../modules/bankUser/model/getRegisteredUser');
get.getRegisteredUser = jest.fn()
.mockImplementationOnce(async () => mock)
.mockImplementationOnce(async () => mockUpdated);
const get = require('../model/getRegisteredUser');
const testedFunction () => {
const depositReciver = await get.getRegisteredUser(depositName, depositCpf);
this dosent
const get = require('../../modules/bankUser/model/getRegisteredUser');
get.getRegisteredUser = jest.fn()
.mockImplementationOnce(async () => mock)
.mockImplementationOnce(async () => mockUpdated);
const { getRegisteredUser } = require('../model/getRegisteredUser');
const testedFunction () => {
const depositReciver = await getRegisteredUser(depositName, depositCpf);
I'm triyng this (way):
const get = require('../../modules/bankUser/model/getRegisteredUser');
get.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ getRegisteredUser: () => mockObject }));
jest returns this:
TypeError: get.mockImplementationOnce is not a function
also I've tried to import like this
const { getRegisteredUser } = require('../../modules/bankUser/model/getRegisteredUser');
getRegisteredUser.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({ getRegisteredUser: () => mockObject }));
const { getConnection } = require('../../../global/connection');
const getRegisteredUser = async (userName, cpf) => {
const db = await getConnection('Data-Base');
const res = await db.collection('Collection')
.findOne({ userName, cpf });
return res;
module.exports = { getRegisteredUser };
The example you are pointing [][1]
is related to the default export but I think you are using named export in your code.
There are multiple ways to do so
One Way
const get = require('../../modules/bankUser/model/getRegisteredUser');
get.getRegisteredUser.mockImplementationOnce(() => mockObject);
Second Way
jest.mock('../../modules/bankUser/model/getRegisteredUser', () => ({
getRegisteredUser: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => mockObject),
An Another Way
We can also mock a module using the __mocks__ directory which is inbuilt feature of jest
And at the end never forgot to call clearAllMocks() after each test else it may impact the output of other tests.
afterEach(() => {

Jest mock not allowing inner function to be resolved in individual test

I'm testing a cloud function named myCloudFn in my functions/send.js module. My tests are in functions/test/send.test.js:
// send.js
const { getCompareDate } = require('../utils.js');
async function myCloudFn(myTestDate) {
const compareDate = await getCompareDate(argToTest);
const isOlder = myTestDate < compareDate;
return isOlder ? 'older' : 'newer';
module.exports = { myCloudFn };
// send.test.js
const send = require('../send.js');
jest.mock('../utils', () => ({
getCompareDate: jest.fn(() => new Date('2020-01-31')) // default
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02')),
describe('send.js', () => {
it('returns date comparison from myCloudFn()', async () => {
const myTestDate = '2020-03-03';
const returnValues = ['older', 'newer'];
const responsePromises = => send.myCloudFn(myTestDate));
const responses = await Promise.all(responsePromises);
The test functions correctly and passes as expected when I mock getCompareDate in this way, but for flexibility, I would rather provide custom input values for getCompareDate inside my tests and not 'globally'. Here's what I've tried:
const mockGetCompareDate = jest.fn();
jest.mock('../utils', () => ({
getCompareDate: mockGetCompareDate,
it('returns date comparison from myCloudFn()', async () => {
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02'));
const myTestDate = '2020-03-03';
const returnValues = ['older', 'newer'];
const responsePromises = => send.myCloudFn(myTestDate));
const responses = await Promise.all(responsePromises);
This method, however, is not working and throws an error:
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'mockGetCompareDate' before initialization
I've used this method with other tests as noted in the solution in this question, but I am not seeing similar results here. What am I missing?
Jest is hoisting the mocked function to the top of the module, and hence throws this error. The mock should instead be used right before you run the test. Further reading.
Try this:
const { getCompareDate } = require('../utils.js');
const mockGetCompareDate = jest.fn(() => new Date('2020-01-31'));
jest.mock('../utils.js', () => ({
__esModule: true,
getCompareDate: jest.fn(),
default: jest.fn()
beforeAll(() => {
To provide custom values do as you did before, when initialising the mock function. Source
Like this:
const mockGetCompareDate = jest.fn()
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02'));
Or do as you did before inside the test. Source
Like this:
it('returns date comparison from myCloudFn()', async () => {
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02'));

Jest mocking a module

I'm trying to mock a module import using Jest and I'm struggling for some reason. I've got the following code:
const getRolesFunc = elasticClient => async username => {
// Do some stuff
module.exports = { getRolesFunc };
const { getRolesFunc } = require("../src/elastic");
const handlerFactory = elasticClient =>
async (event) => {
const getRolesAsync = getRolesFunc(elasticClient);
const roles = await getRolesAsync();
My test file currently looks like:
const { handlerFactory } = require("../src/handlerFactory");
const { getRolesFunc } = require("../src/elastic");
jest.mock("../src/elastic", () => ({
getRolesFunc: jest.fn(),
describe("handlerFactory", () => {
it("handler returns correct response", async () => {
getRolesFunc.mockImplementation(() => "foo");
// Call the handler to get our actual result
const handlerAsync = handlerFactory({});
const result = await handlerAsync(event);
At the moment however I'm getting an error in my test:
TypeError: getRolesFunc.mockImplementation is not a function
I've tried a few things none of which worked, this feels like the closest but I can't work out why the jest.mock isn't working correctly. I've looked at a few examples and still can't work out why this I can't get mocking working. Can anyone help point out what I've done wrong?
As you have module.exports = { getRolesFunc }; you need to below change in your code:
const { handlerFactory } = require("../src/handlerFactory");
const elasticObj = require("../src/elastic");
// in your example, now put below code:
elasticObj.getRolesFunc.mockImplementation(() => "foo");

Unit testing an inner function?

I have a function that has inner functions, for my unit test, I only want to test the functionality of the inner function, but when I export the function and call the inner function, npm tests returns an error.
In my main.js:
mainFunction = () => {
functionToBeTested = () => {
// some code
module.exports = {mainFunction: mainFunction}
In my test.js
const chai = require("chai");
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const mainFunction = require("./main");
describe ("test", () => {
it("returns results", () => {
let result = mainfunction.functionToBeTested(args);
//equal code
But when I run npm test, it says:
mainfunction.functionToBeTested is not a function.
What am I doing wrong?
If you want to chain your functions you can try something like that.
const mainFunction = () => {
const functionToBeTested = () => {
return "I got it";
return { functionToBeTested };
module.exports = { mainFunction };
const chai = require("chai");
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const mainFunction = require("./main");
const mf = mainFunction();
describe ("test", () => {
it("returns results", () => {
let result = mf.functionToBeTested(args);
//equal code
Actually, you can't call a function declare inside another function that way. A solution would be to declare functionToBeTested outside mainFunction, then call it :
const functionToBeTested = () => {
// some code
const mainFunction = () => {
module.exports = { mainFunction, functionToBeTested }
const chai = require("chai");
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const { mainFunction, functionToBeTested } = require("./main");
describe ("test", () => {
it("tests mainFunction", () => {
let main = mainfunction(args);
it("tests functionToBeTested"), () => {
let tested = functionToBeTested(args);
It is because only mainFunction() is exported and not the functionToBeTested(), outside this module JS doesn't knows about the existence of the functionToBeTested().
I will recommend you to move functionToBeTested separated and export that as well or have a helper method for calling it.
