I have created a websocket (wss) client to listen to messages from a socket server. Messages are sent continuously from the server which is logged in console client side. I would like to measure the time between these messages (I know they happen once every 5 seconds but I need to calculate the time because the 5 seconds is not guaranteed).
I've thought about storing the previous message's time via Date.now() and then finding the time of the most recent messages to calculate the time difference but I'm unsure about how to do that.
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
if (event.data.substr(4, 9) === 'heartbeat') {
console.log(event.data.substr(2)) // logs msg to console
timeHeartbeats(event.data.substr(2), Date.now())
// I'm not actually keeping track of the time for 2 messages which is the issue
const timeHeartbeats = (json, mostRecent) => {
console.log(Date.now() - mostRecent) // 0 b/c Date.now() is the same as mostRecent (should be ~5000ms if time calc is correct)
Time since last Heartbeat:
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
if (event.data.substr(4, 9) === 'heartbeat') {
console.log(event.data.substr(2)) // logs msg to console
// I'm not actually keeping track of the time for 2 messages which is the issue
const timeHeartbeats = (mostRecent) => (json) => {
const now = Date.now();
console.log((now - mostRecent) + ' since last heartbeat');
mostRecent = now;
const timeFromNow = timeHeartbeats(Date.now());
I've been trying to take advantage of the Binance Websocket to trigger buys and sells based on the live price with my own logic. I know the WebSocket is sending back live data and there might be even 5-6 or more responses at the same time, but how do I make sure I get only 1 when I close the Websockets?
I am trying to make sure it will trigger only 1 buy or 1 sell when that happens.
I am using: (works great)
The Websocket starts from here:
binance.websockets.bookTickers('BNBBUSD', (mainTicker) => {
var priceNow = mainTicker.bestBid;
liveStrategy(priceNow).then(isSold => {
// console.log('THIS IS WHEN IS CHECKED ->>>>>>');
if (isSold == true) {
console.log('JUST SOLD -> Setting the count to 10');
sleep(3000).then(() => {
console.log("Countdown finished: ", count);
count = 10;
if (isSold == false) {
console.log('THIS WAS A BUY ->');
count = 10;
}).catch((isSoldErr) => {
console.warn('Error:', isSoldErr.message);
The price is being sent back into the function, this function runs continuously until a buy or a sell happens. Before triggering a buy or a sell I close the WebSocket with:
let endpoints = binance.websockets.subscriptions();
for ( let endpoint in endpoints ) {
console.log("..terminating websocket: "+endpoint);
let ws = endpoints[endpoint];
This code stops the WebSocket, but it does take about 3 seconds so I trigger the buy/sell after this like:
if (priceNow > buyPrice) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
sleep(5000).then(sleep => {
When it returns it basically sends back to my liveStrategy(priceNow) to trigger the profit calculations. The profitCalculations(mainCurrency); might get triggered 3-4 times or even the buy or sell. Is it something that I can do for that not to happen? So the profit or the buy & sell will trigger only once? How do I make sure that happens with my setup?
Any thoughts are most welcome!
The main problem was that the WebSocket was real-time and when 2 or more trades were getting executed at the same time reaching the target set in the algorithm, it would trigger multi-buy or multi-sell. Writing the data within a public variable and reading with a simple timer that executed the function every second was the best solution.
I am using DiscordJS and their API has a character limit and will reject message if limit is exceeded.
Through fetchData()I am successfully building assignedPrint, which is an array of messages that I would like to send over the API.
So I already have the array ready to go but I am also using an auto update feature (courtesy of WOK) where every set amount of time, array would be flushed refilled with fresh data and sent over again for editing the original message through the message.edit() method.
It works just fine but I am forseeing that my array might get bigger over time and sending a single message may break things because of the API max character limit.
const getText = () => {
return assignedPrint
+ greengo + 'Updating in ' + counter + 's...' + greenstop;
const updateCounter = async (message) => {
counter -= seconds;
if (counter <= 0) {
counter = startingCounter;
// emptying the array before fetching again for the message edit
assignedPrint = [];
await fetchData();
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * seconds);
module.exports = async (bot) => {
await fetchData();
const message = await bot.channels.cache.get(tgt).send(getText());
As you can see, the hurdle is that getText()includes everything.
I tried sending one element as a time using for (cont e of assignedPrint) and it worked but how can I edit every message upon refreshing data, knowing that new data may be added or some already sent data could be removed...
The easiest of course is to do it in one single message but again, it may hit the quota and cause a crash.
I tested my javascript on local emulator. There are 2 actions, if Timestamp is over 7 days delete the document (this is working like a charm <3) but the else is he should check the "img" its a normal url if this return 404 then delete like on the first action, this is ONLY working on local emulator, when i deploy it to Cloud function its not working anymore and just says e.g "Function execution took 7957 ms, finished with status: 'ok'" BUT on local it works as expected.
exports.removeExpiredDocuments = functions.region('europe-west1').runWith({ memory: "256MB" }).pubsub.schedule("every 1 hours").onRun(async (context) => {
const db = admin.firestore();
const now = firestore.Timestamp.now();
const ts = firestore.Timestamp.fromMillis(now.toMillis() - 604800000); // 168 hours in milliseconds = 604800000
const snaps = await db.collection("products").get();
let promises = [];
snaps.forEach((snap) => {
// functions.logger.info("forEachSnap");
if (snap.data().created_time < ts) {
functions.logger.info('[Time] older than 7 Days ' + snap.data().name, { structuredData: true });
} else {
requesth(snap.data().img, function (error, response) {
functions.logger.info('[img] error: ' + error, { structuredData: true });
if (response.statusCode == 404) {
functions.logger.info('[img] not found ' + snap.data().name, { structuredData: true });
return Promise.all(promises);
Working on local emulator (with same url as in firebase) and i expect that its working on cloud aswell
firestore.Timestamp.now() does not return a value that can be correctly compared to other Timestamps with < and > comparisons. That means this line of code doesn't do what you think:
if (snap.data().created_time < ts)
If you want to compare two Timestamp objects with each other, you must take another approach. One way is to convert them both to milliseconds with toMillis() and compare those integers with each other. Or convert them to Date and compare them with the appropriate object method.
I have an app where one user hosts a game, and then other users can vote on questions from the host. From the moment the host posts the question, the players have 20 seconds to vote.
How can I show a countdown timer on all player's screens and keep them synchronized with the host?
Many developers get stuck on this problem because they try to synchronize the countdown itself across all users. This is hard to keep in sync, and error prone. There is a much simpler approach however, and I've used this in many projects.
All each client needs to show its countdown timer are three fairly static pieces of information:
The time that the question was posted, which is when the timer starts.
The amount of time they need to count from that moment.
The relative offset of the client to the central timer.
We're going to use the server time of the database for the first value, the second value is just coming from the host's code, and the relative offset is a value that Firebase provides for us.
The code samples below are written in JavaScript for the web, but the same approach (and quite similar code) and be applied in iOS, Android and most other Firebase SDKs that implement realtime listeners.
Let's first write the starting time, and interval to the database. Ignoring security rules and validation, this can be as simple as:
const database = firebase.database();
const ref = database.ref("countdown");
startAt: ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
seconds: 20
When we execute the above code, it writes the current time to the database, and that this is a 20 second countdown. Since we're writing the time with ServerValue.TIMESTAMP, the database will write the time on the server, so there's no chance if it being affected by the local time (or offset) of the host.
Now let's see how the other user's read this data. As usual with Firebase, we'll use an on() listener, which means our code is actively listening for when the data gets written:
ref.on("value", (snapshot) => {
When this ref.on(... code executes, it immediately reads the current value from the database and runs the callback. But it then also keeps listening for changes to the database, and runs the code again when another write happens.
So let's assume we're getting called with a new data snapshot for a countdown that has just started. How can we show an accurate countdown timer on all screens?
We'll first get the values from the database with:
ref.on("value", (snapshot) => {
const seconds = snapshot.val().seconds;
const startAt = snapshot.val().startAt;
We also need to estimate how much time there is between our local client, and the time on the server. The Firebase SDK estimates this time when it first connects to the server, and we can read it from .info/serverTimeOffset in the client:
const serverTimeOffset = 0;
database.ref(".info/serverTimeOffset").on("value", (snapshot) => { serverTimeOffset = snapshot.val() });
ref.on("value", (snapshot) => {
const seconds = snapshot.val().seconds;
const startAt = snapshot.val().startAt;
In a well running system, the serverTimeOffset is a positive value indicating our latency to the server (in milliseconds). But it may also be a negative value, if our local clock has an offset. Either way, we can use this value to show a more accurate countdown timer.
Next up we'll start an interval timer, which gets calls every 100ms or so:
const serverTimeOffset = 0;
database.ref(".info/serverTimeOffset").on("value", (snapshot) => { serverTimeOffset = snapshot.val() });
ref.on("value", (snapshot) => {
const seconds = snapshot.val().seconds;
const startAt = snapshot.val().startAt;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 100)
Then every timer our interval expires, we're going to calculate the time that is left:
const serverTimeOffset = 0;
database.ref(".info/serverTimeOffset").on("value", (snapshot) => { serverTimeOffset = snapshot.val() });
ref.on("value", (snapshot) => {
const seconds = snapshot.val().seconds;
const startAt = snapshot.val().startAt;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const timeLeft = (seconds * 1000) - (Date.now() - startAt - serverTimeOffset);
}, 100)
And then finally we log the remaining time, in a reasonable format and stop the timer if it has expired:
const serverTimeOffset = 0;
database.ref(".info/serverTimeOffset").on("value", (snapshot) => { serverTimeOffset = snapshot.val() });
ref.on("value", (snapshot) => {
const seconds = snapshot.val().seconds;
const startAt = snapshot.val().startAt;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const timeLeft = (seconds * 1000) - (Date.now() - startAt - serverTimeOffset);
if (timeLeft < 0) {
console.log("0.0 left)";
else {
console.log(`${Math.floor(timeLeft/1000)}.${timeLeft % 1000}`);
}, 100)
There's definitely some cleanup left to do in the above code, for example when a new countdown starts while one is still in progress, but the overall approach works well and scales easily to thousands of users.
I have problem on server side (node.js) with setInterval.
I want to check something every day at specific time and I set interval like this:
let maintainTime = backFunc.getNextMaintainTime(new Date());
let maintain = setInterval(() => {
let currentTime = new Date();
if (currentTime.getTime() > maintainTime.getTime()) {
maintainTime = backFunc.getNextMaintainTime(maintainTime);
//do the maintain
}, 360000);
//360000 to check on every hour
and here is my getNextMaintainTime function:
getNextMaintainTime: (maintainTime) => {
maintainTime.setDate(maintainTime.getDate() + 1);
return maintainTime;
When I test it out it works perfectly but when I start server on production every time it calls this function 2 times instead of 1 time at 4am, what could cause the problem?