Rendering something on server side by taking input from frontend - javascript

I have been asked to perform following task
Take a code input from frontend, i.e user would give his code on frontend (design for a web/landing page)
On backend we have many fields inside an api route
route.get("/", (req, res) => {
const fullName: "Varun Bindal"
const contactNo = 9293939933
const message = "Message I want to display"
//Many more
Tell user a way where when we serve his code such that, he could dynamically access/assign the fields we have in the backend into his code
I did some googling and found the express officially recommends ejs for server side compilation of webpage
Can someone please help me figure out how we can achieve this?

Yes you can!
Firstly you must include ejs in your project, configure it in your server.js file for example, then you can call res.render() in your callback parameter on route.get().
In your html or javascript you can create a placeholder which gets populated.
Example (server):
route.engine('html', ejs.renderFile);
route.engine('js', ejs.renderFile);
route.get('/', (req, res) => res.render(path.resolve(__dirname, '
../ui/index.html'), {
'myVal': 42,
Example (client html, js, etc...):
<%= myVal %>


Is this a secure enough method to recover data?

I'd love to know if this method I'm using is secure enough to use on a public project, since I can't really find any other way to retrieve my id from my currently logged in user, but it's a fairly straightforward method , I find. If this method is not secure would it be possible to have a way to proceed? Thanks in advance.
I have a button for example when I use the send of the html that there is inside my div userid on the server to then use this information to make SQL queries from my app.js server.
I use hbs express node js jwt mysql
From my pages.js file generated with the express library where the main roads of my website are located, I send my user ID.
router.get('/accueil', authController.isLoggedIn, (req, res) => {
if(req.user) {
res.render('./accueil', {
} else {
With Handlebars I display this data in my index.hbs (display: none;).
<div id="iduser">{{data}}</div>
Then I get my iduser div on my client.js
let userid = document.getElementById('iduser').innerHTML;
// (My method to display this div)
socket.on('uid', (data) => {
pargent.innerHTML = JSON.stringify([0].argent);
So I want to use this userid variable to make SQL queries from my app.js.
(let userid = document.getElementById('iduser').innerHTML;)
I am using for communication between client and server to send my userid data
Example :
db.query('UPDATE users SET money = money + ? WHERE id = ?', [100, theUserId]);
Never trust user supplied data.
It depends on your authController.isLoggedIn logic,
But I would like to suggest an alternative solution simple as that;
Read their docs, it's matches your use case and easy to use; here is equivalent of the snippet you provided with iron session:
//initiate session middleware yourself
// later here
router.get('/accueil', (req, res) => {
if(req.session.user) {
res.render('./accueil', {
} else {

How to use in HTML frontend?

The intention of this route is to render profile.html where a user can see all his previous orders:
router.get('/profile', orderController.getOrders)
I am able to get the orders from Mongo successfully and console.log them but I have no clue as to how to use it to render html elements on profile.html to display them.
res.send(orders) outputs to the screen and prevents res.render from working.
module.exports.getOrders = asyncHandler(async(req, res) => {
const token = req.cookies.jwt
const decodedToken = jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET)
const user =
const orders = await Order.find( {user: user} )
How can I send these orders to the front?
We're missing some information on what framework you're using and how you're compiling your HTML, but typically, you'd skip the res.send(orders) and end with res.render('profile.html', {orders: orders}); Usually there's a second parameter of items to send to the HTML file, and then the HTML file is compiled with your orders information. The syntax of that depends on what what HTML compiler you're using. A lot of times you'll find compilers will want input data referenced with double braces, like {{orders}}.
I'd recommend looking in your framework documentation to see what parameters render is expecting, and if you need to compile your template before rendering. Hope this, as generic as it is, helps you out!
You should use a view engine to pass the data to front end .
I recommend using ejs

Get variable from client-side JavaScript file in Express

I am trying to send a variable from my client-side JavaScript file to my server-side app.js file. I know that you can get a value from something like a form input field using methods such as the one below (using Express):
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var path = require('path');
let cityResponse;'/city', function(req,res) {
cityResponse = {
user_name: req.body.userName
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/client/city/index.html'));
But I would like to get a value not directly from the HTML, but from the JavaScript file that the HTML is attached to.
As well as this, I am currently using to send the data from the server to the client, and vice versa, using a window.onload to let the server know when the page is ready:
window.onload = function() {
console.log("city page ready");
socket.on('cityPageInfo', function(cityResponse) {
console.log('city page info received');
userName = cityResponse.user_name;
document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = userName;
var city = io.of('/city').on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('A user has connected!');
socket.on('cityPageReady', function() {
socket.emit('cityPageInfo', cityResponse);
console.log('city page ready recieved');
This works, but many people have said that this is overkill, or as one person put it, "using a hammer to kill a bee". Ideally, I'd like to use the optimal method. I do know that template engines can achieve this, but I do not want to have to rewrite all my HTML just to be able to send a single variable to the server.
To reiterate, my questions are:
How would I get a variable from the client-side JavaScript file (not the HTML)?
What is the best way to send these variables back over to client-side?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Error NodeJS : Cannot get

I'll try to be as clear as I can be. So I'm trying to make a little plateform. I would like that someone connect to the page (in localhost) and then, have the possibility to click on a button, and this button will redirect him to another html page.
So I have a project folder with my "initial" html, my app.js file, and the other html file, which should show itself when clicking on the button.
The server works like this :
var application = require('express')(),
server = require('http').createServer(application),
io = require('').listen(server),
ent = require('ent'),
fs = require('fs');
application.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html');
and then, I have the button :
<input type="button" value="blah">
When launching "node app.js" on the terminal, I go on the page, click on the the button and then I got the error "Cannot GET /pfc.html".
Sorry if I'm quite not understandable, I hope someone will understand me.
Thanks and have a nice day!!
You wrote some code to tell your server what to do if the browser asks for /
application.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html');
Then you wrote a link:
<a href="pfc.html"
which makes the browser ask for /pfx.html.
You haven't written anything in the server side code to tell it how to respond to a request for that. You've only told it how to respond to a request for /.
You could write something similar (application.get('/pfx.html',...) or find some existing middleware for handling static files.
If you have multiple HTML files like pfc.html, you can use
and keep all your html files (including pfc.html) in a folder named public and all those html files that you serve like:
you can look for them at public/pfc.html and such. If the file exists, then the application won't return stuff like Cannot GET /pfc.html and you won't need to write explicit routes for all of them.

Node JS sending data via URL

Recently i started programming with Node JS and found it an amazing replacement for php . In php i used to send get requests with Data in the url .
Something like :
How to perform something like this in Node JS or is there a better way to send data to node unlike using the url in the above case .
Also , I have noticed that in some cases like stackoverflow , queries are different and dont include the file name
like /public?= instead of /public.php?=
How is this achieved , i always thought this was something related to REST . Also , if you have the answer you might as well guide me if it could be done with Node and a few sources to learn could be of help too .
the most regular way to use REST api
// GET /search?q=foo+bar
// => "foo bar"
// GET /phone?order=desc&phone[color]=black&shoe[type]=apple
// => "desc"
// => "black"
// GET /user/william
// => "william"
req.body(for form data)
// POST /login
// => "william"
// => "xxxxxx"
You'll probably be much better off using a pre-existing module as your web server. You can set one up manually, but you have to know about a lot of potential edge cases and really understand web servers. Most people in node use express. In node, as in any server-side language, you can pass data around in a few ways. The query string is one. You can also put some parameters directly in the url (like "/users/12" where 12 is a user id). Depending on the type of request, you can put data in the body of the request. You can also pass cookies. These are not node-specific. Explaining how express works in a post like this would be crazy, so I'll just give you a short example of a what a route handler matching your example route might look like:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/public', function(req, res, next) {
// Get the value from the query string. Express makes the query
// available as an object on the request parameter.
var x = req.query.x;
// Execute your main logic
// Send a response
res.status(200).json({ foo: 'bar' });
