How to edit a textbox within a group in fabricjs - javascript

My fabric application requires a feature that allows the user edit textboxes within groups. I almost have it working. As it stands, this is how my application works:
Click on a group
Checks to see if you are clicking on a textbox. If yes...
Ungroups the group
Sets the focus on the textbox so that the user can make edits.
On "editing:exited," re-groups the objects
Here is a fiddle with my code:
Do the following to replicate my issue:
Add 2 input boxes using the button at the top
Group the input boxes using the button at the top
Click once on one of the input boxes in the group you created
Click on the canvas outside of the group
Click back on the same input box
Click on the canvas outside of the group again
Repeat 5 & 6
You will notice that the group creates duplicates of itself off to the side of the page. What I have discovered on my own:
"object.on('editing:exited... is what keeps getting run over and over.
The "duplication counter" resets if you click on one input box vs another.
When the duplicates appear, if you click on some of them, they disappear.
I am still relatively new to programming, so i'm sure this is something obvious to the experienced coders here. Any help would be appreciated!
canvas.on('mouse:down', function(options) {
if ( {
var thisTarget =;
var mousePos = canvas.getPointer(options.e);
if (thisTarget.isType('group')) {
var groupPos = {
x: thisTarget.left,
var currentGroup = [];
var groupItems = []
groupItems = thisTarget._objects;
thisTarget.forEachObject(function(object,i) {
currentGroup[i] = object;
thisTarget.forEachObject(function(object,i) {
if(object.type == "textbox"){
console.log("Start for statement that finds the x and y for each
var matrix = thisTarget.calcTransformMatrix()
var newPoint = fabric.util.transformPoint({y:, x:
object.left}, matrix)
var objectPos = {
xStart: newPoint.x,
xEnd: newPoint.x + object.width,
yStart: newPoint.y,
yEnd: newPoint.y + object.height
if (mousePos.x >= objectPos.xStart && mousePos.x <=
(objectPos.xEnd)) {
if (mousePos.y >= objectPos.yStart && mousePos.y <=
objectPos.yEnd) {
function ungroup (group) {
groupItems = group._objects;
for (var i = 0; i < groupItems.length; i++) {
object.on('editing:exited', function (options) {
var items = [];
groupItems.forEach(function (obj) {
var grp = new fabric.Group(items, {});

Have been looking at the code and I think I found a solution. The group is added two times in the group groupItems. Once at the start and a second time when ungrouping the items.
Used the code below in your fiddle and that works...
canvas.on('mouse:down', function(options) {
var groupItems;
if ( {
var thisTarget =;
var mousePos = canvas.getPointer(options.e);
var editTextbox = false;
var editObject;
if (thisTarget.isType('group')) {
var groupPos = {
x: thisTarget.left,
thisTarget.forEachObject(function(object,i) {
if(object.type == "textbox"){
var matrix = thisTarget.calcTransformMatrix();
var newPoint = fabric.util.transformPoint({y:, x: object.left}, matrix);
var objectPos = {
xStart: newPoint.x - (object.width * object.scaleX) / 2,//When OriginX and OriginY are centered, otherwise xStart: newpoint.x - object.width * object.scaleX etc...
xEnd: newPoint.x + (object.width * object.scaleX) / 2,
yStart: newPoint.y - (object.height * object.scaleY) / 2,
yEnd: newPoint.y + (object.height * object.scaleY) / 2
if ((mousePos.x >= objectPos.xStart && mousePos.x <= objectPos.xEnd) && (mousePos.y >= objectPos.yStart && mousePos.y <= objectPos.yEnd)) {
function ungroup (group) {
groupItems = group._objects;
for (var i = 0; i < groupItems.length; i++) {
if(groupItems[i] != "textbox"){
groupItems[i].selectable = false;
editObject = object;
var exitEditing = true;
editObject.on('editing:exited', function (options) {
var items = [];
groupItems.forEach(function (obj) {
var grp
grp = new fabric.Group(items, {});
exitEditing = false;
Here is the fiddle:


Progressively add image (arrays)

So I am creating a game where a spaceship moves and it must avoid a fireball image in order to win. My issue is that I have only one fireball looping over and over. Instead, I would like to have many fireballs, which are multiplied as time passes. I think I should need to incorporate an array and use push() method but I tried and it didn't worked. If anyone could help me, it would be very appreciated. Thanks
//Fireball script
function fireballScript(offset) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - offset))
let fireballMovement = {
x: fireballScript(fireball.offsetWidth),
y: 0
const fireLoop = function () {
fireballMovement.y += 1 = fireballMovement.y + 'px'
if (fireballMovement.y > window.innerHeight) {
fireballMovement.x = fireballScript(fireball.offsetWidth) = fireballMovement.x + 'px'
fireballMovement.y = 0
fireball.setAttribute('hit', false)
} = fireballMovement.x + 'px'
let fireballSpeed = setInterval(fireLoop, 1000 / 250)
let fireball = document.querySelector("#fireball")
<img src = "Photo/fireball.png" id = "fireball" >
//Stop game on collision
function checkCollision() {
if (detectOverlap(spaceship, fireball) && fireball.getAttribute('hit') == 'false') {
fireball.setAttribute('hit', true)
setTimeout(checkCollision, 1)
var detectOverlap = (function () {
function getPositions(spaceship) {
var pos = spaceship.getBoundingClientRect()
return [[pos.left, pos.right], [, pos.bottom]]
function comparePositions(p1, p2) {
let r1 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p1 : p2
let r2 = p1[0] < p2[0] ? p2 : p1
return r1[1] > r2[0] || r1[0] === r2[0]
return function (a, b) {
var pos1 = getPositions(a),
pos2 = getPositions(b)
return comparePositions(pos1[0], pos2[0]) && comparePositions(pos1[1], pos2[1])
let spaceship = document.querySelector("#icon")
<img src = "Photo/Spaceship1.png" id="icon">
Ps: I asked this question a dozen of times but I could never get an answer which is incorporate into my code. It would be very helpful if someone could fix this... thanks again
You need to have an array of fireballs
var fireballs = [];
Make a constructor for fireballs instead of putting them directly in the html
function fireball(x, y) {
movementX = x;
movementY = y;
Then push new ones into the array with dynamic position values. To add them to the document, you need to append them to a parent element. If the <body> is that parent, you'd do this:
let f = new fireball(10, 20)
In your update, iterate through the fireballs and update their movement.
fireballs.forEach((fireball) => {
// update position for each fireball

How to check with d3.js if element is in viewpoint (in visible area)

I'm drawing large number of elements and in many situations majority of elements are outside of view point.
I'd like to avoid processing expensive rotation transformations on hidden elements.
Here's an example:
Many elements in this graph are hidden (try to zoom out to see). But currently I have to render each element on every tick and it's getting painfully slow.
Here's my code:
function transformLinks(svgLinks, nodeRadius, arrowSize) {
if (svgLinks) {
var link = svgLinks.selectAll('.link').filter(needRedraw);
//console.log("total:", svgLinks.selectAll('.link').size(), ',needRedraw:', link.size());
transformLinksOutlines(link, nodeRadius, arrowSize);
link.each(function (n) {
n.source.lx = n.source.x; = n.source.y; =; =;
function needRedraw(link) {
if (!link.source) {
link = link.parentNode;
return nodeMoved(link.source) || nodeMoved(;
var minDistToRedraw = 0.8;
function nodeMoved(n) {
return utils.isNumber(n.x) && utils.isNumber(n.y)
&& !(utils.isNumber(n.lx) && Math.abs(n.x - n.lx) <= minDistToRedraw && Math.abs(n.y - <= minDistToRedraw);
I'd like to extend needRedraw() function to check for visibility. For now the function just checks if either linked node moved significantly enough.
Since I didn't find any out of box solution I had to get into those coordinate conversion stuff.
First, I created function that translates external container coordinates into SVG internal clients coordianate system - containerToSVG()
Then applied it on .getBoundingClientRect(); to get visible area in SVG coordinate space.
Then in the filter checking if both nodes outsize of visible area - do not redraw link.
There are possible situations when both nodes are outsize the area, but link can still cross the area. But it's not a big concern as long as user don't see link detachments.
Here's the code:
function transformLinks(svgLinks, nodeRadius, arrowSize) {
if (svgLinks) {
var containerRect = container.node().getBoundingClientRect();
var p = containerToSVG(-nodeRadius, -nodeRadius);
var r = containerToSVG(containerRect.width + nodeRadius, containerRect.height + nodeRadius);
svgVisibleRect = {left: p.x, top: p.y, right: r.x, bottom: r.y};
minDistToRedraw = (svgVisibleRect.right - svgVisibleRect.left) / (containerRect.width + nodeRadius * 2);
var link = svgLinks.selectAll('.link').filter(needRedraw);
transformLinksOutlines(link, nodeRadius, arrowSize);
link.each(function (n) {
function needRedraw(link) {
if (!nodeMoved(link.source) && !nodeMoved( {
return false;
return isVisible(link.source) || isVisible(;
function nodeMoved(n) {
return utils.isNumber(n.x) && utils.isNumber(n.y) &&
!(utils.isNumber(n.lx) && Math.abs(n.x - n.lx) <= minDistToRedraw && Math.abs(n.y - <= minDistToRedraw);
function isVisible(n) {
var result = n.x > svgVisibleRect.left && n.x < svgVisibleRect.right &&
n.y > && n.y < svgVisibleRect.bottom;
return result;
function updateLastCoord(n) {
n.lx = n.x; = n.y;
function containerToSVG(containerX, containerY) {
var svgPount = svgNode.createSVGPoint();
svgPount.x = containerX;
svgPount.y = containerY;
return svgPount.matrixTransform(document.getElementById("links-svg").getScreenCTM().inverse());
function transformLinksLines(link) {
link.attr('transform', function (d) {
var angle = rotation(d.source,;
return 'translate(' + d.source.x + ', ' + d.source.y + ') rotate(' + angle + ')';

jQuery animation works with only one element

I need to make it working for all my elements under Which nothing should fade (images).
Currently works only for the div.logo tag
I guess at the moment the reason mine <h1> element is now allowing animations underneath is that when I am getting the .top(), .left() and so on, you are doing it for the last element in the list.
I need to get the borders of each element in the resulting list.
Any help would be much appreciated
function displayThese(selectorString) {
var $heading = $(selectorString);
var h1top = $heading.position().top;
var h1bottom = h1top + $heading.height();
var h1left = $heading.position().left;
var h1right = h1top + $heading.width();
var divs = $('li').filter(function () {
var $e = $(this);
var top = $e.position().top;
var bottom = top + $e.height();
var left = $e.position().left;
var right = left + $e.width();
return top > h1bottom || bottom < h1top || left > h1right || right < h1left;
return divs;
(function fadeInDiv() {
var divsToChange = displayThese('h1, div.logo');
var elem = divsToChange.eq(Math.floor(Math.random() * divsToChange.length));
if (!':visible')) {
opacity: 1
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), fadeInDiv);
} else {
opacity: (Math.random() * 1)
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), function () {
$(window).resize(function () {
// Get items that do not change
var divs = $('li').not(displayThese());
opacity: 0.3

Jquery slideshow starts with an image on the left of a row but I want it to start at the right end

I'm using this javascript and the slide show slides right to left with the images in this order and positon:
start postion > 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 etc etc
but I want to swap them so they run in this position
6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 < start position
Kind of like reading a book back to front, but keeping it in the right order
I've been told I need to modify the lines labelled below: //MODIFY ME
I hope someone can help! Thank you
Here's my code
(function($) {
$.fn.slideshow = function(method) {
if ( this[0][method] ) {
return this[0][ method ].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return this.each(function() {
var ANIMATION_DURATION = .6; // The duration to flick the content. In seconds.
var MOVE_THRESHOLD = 10; // Since touch points can move slightly when initiating a click this is the
// amount to move before allowing the element to dispatch a click event.
var itemWidth;
var horizontalGap;
var $this = $(this);
var collection;
var viewItems = [];
var touchStartTransformX; // The start transformX when the user taps.
var touchStartX; // The start x coord when the user taps.
var interval; // Interval used for measuring the drag speed.
var wasContentDragged; // Flag for whether or not the content was dragged. Takes into account MOVE_THRESHOLD.
var targetTransformX; // The target transform X when a user flicks the content.
var touchDragCoords = []; // Used to keep track of the touch coordinates when dragging to measure speed.
var touchstartTarget; // The element which triggered the touchstart.
var selectedIndex = 0; // The current visible page.
var viewPortWidth; // The width of the div that holds the horizontal content.
var isAnimating;
var pageChangedLeft;
// The x coord when the items are reset.
var resetX;
var delayTimeout;
function init(options) {
collection =;
renderer = options.renderer;
itemWidth = options.itemWidth;
horizontalGap = options.horizontalGap;
$this[0].addEventListener("touchstart", touchstartHandler);
$this[0].addEventListener("mousedown", touchstartHandler);
viewPortWidth = $this.width();
$this.on("webkitTransitionEnd", transitionEndHandler);
collection.on("add", addItem);
function initLayout() {
// Layout five items. The one in the middle is always the selected one.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var viewItem;
if (i > 1 && - 2)) // Start at the one in the middle. Subtract 2 so data index starts at 0.
viewItem = new renderer({model: - 2)});
viewItem = new renderer();
viewItem.$el.css("left", itemWidth * i + horizontalGap * i);
viewItem.setState(i != 2 ? "off" : "on");
// Center the first viewItem
resetX = itemWidth * 2 - ($this.width() - itemWidth - horizontalGap * 4) / 2;
function getCssLeft($el) {
var left = $el.css("left");
return Number(left.split("px")[0]);
function transitionEndHandler() {
if (pageChangedLeft != undefined) {
var viewItem;
if (pageChangedLeft) {
// Move the first item to the end.
viewItem = viewItems.shift();
viewItem.model = + 2);
viewItem.$el.css("left", getCssLeft(viewItems[3].$el) + itemWidth + horizontalGap);
} else {
// Move the last item to the beginning.
viewItem = viewItems.pop();
viewItems.splice(0, 0, viewItem);
viewItem.model = - 2);
viewItem.$el.css("left", getCssLeft(viewItems[1].$el) - itemWidth - horizontalGap);
// Reset the layout of the items.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var viewItem = viewItems[i];
viewItem.$el.css("left", itemWidth * i + horizontalGap * i);
viewItem.setState(i != 2 ? "off" : "on");
// Reset the transformX so we don't run into any rendering limits. Can't find a definitive answer for what the limits are.
$this.css("-webkit-transition", "none");
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
function touchstartHandler(e) {
wasContentDragged = false;
// Prevent the default so the window doesn't scroll and links don't open immediately.
// Get a reference to the element which triggered the touchstart.
touchstartTarget =;
// Check for device. If not then testing on desktop.
touchStartX = window.Touch ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
// Get the current transformX before the transition is removed.
touchStartTransformX = getTransformX();
// Set the transformX before the animation is stopped otherwise the animation will go to the end coord
// instead of stopping at its current location which is where the drag should begin from.
// Remove the transition so the content doesn't tween to the spot being dragged. This also moves the animation to the end.
$this.css("-webkit-transition", "none");
// Create an interval to monitor how fast the user is dragging.
interval = setInterval(measureDragSpeed, 20);
document.addEventListener("touchmove", touchmoveHandler);
document.addEventListener("touchend", touchendHandler);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", touchmoveHandler);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", touchendHandler);
function measureDragSpeed() {
function touchmoveHandler(e) {
var deltaX = (window.Touch ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX) - touchStartX;
if (wasContentDragged || Math.abs(deltaX) > MOVE_THRESHOLD) { // Keep track of whether or not the user dragged.
wasContentDragged = true;
setTransformX(touchStartTransformX + deltaX);
function touchendHandler(e) {
document.removeEventListener("touchmove", touchmoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener("touchend", touchendHandler);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", touchmoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", touchendHandler);
if (wasContentDragged) { // User dragged more than MOVE_THRESHOLD so transition the content.
var previousX = getTransformX();
var bSwitchPages;
// Compare the last 5 coordinates
for (var i = touchDragCoords.length - 1; i > Math.max(touchDragCoords.length - 5, 0); i--) {
if (touchDragCoords[i] != previousX) {
bSwitchPages = true;
// User dragged more than halfway across the screen.
if (!bSwitchPages && Math.abs(touchStartTransformX - getTransformX()) > (viewPortWidth / 2))
bSwitchPages = true;
if (bSwitchPages) {
if (previousX > touchStartTransformX) { // User dragged to the right. go to previous page.
if (selectedIndex > 0) { // Make sure user is not on the first page otherwise stay on the same page.
tweenTo(touchStartTransformX + itemWidth + horizontalGap);
pageChangedLeft = false;
} else {
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
} else { // User dragged to the left. go to next page.
if (selectedIndex + 1 < collection.length) {// Make sure user is not on the last page otherwise stay on the same page.
tweenTo(touchStartTransformX - itemWidth - horizontalGap);
pageChangedLeft = true;
} else {
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
} else {
pageChangedLeft = undefined;
} else { // User dragged less than MOVE_THRESHOLD trigger a click event.
var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initEvent("click", true, true);
// Returns the x of the transform matrix.
function getTransformX() {
var transformArray = $this.css("-webkit-transform").split(","); // matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
var transformElement = $.trim(transformArray[4]); // remove the leading whitespace.
return transformX = Number(transformElement); // Remove the ).
// Sets the x of the transform matrix.
function setTransformX(value) {
$this.css("-webkit-transform", "translateX("+ Math.round(value) + "px)");
function tweenTo(value) {
isAnimating = true;
targetTransformX = value;
// Set the style for the transition.
$this.css("-webkit-transition", "-webkit-transform " + ANIMATION_DURATION + "s");
// Need to set the timing function each time -webkit-transition is set.
// The transition is set to ease-out.
$this.css("-webkit-transition-timing-function", "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 1)");
function addItem(folio) {
// Create a timeout in case multiple items are added in the same frame.
// When the timeout completes all of the view items will have their model
// updated. The renderer should check to make sure the model is different
// before making any changes.
delayTimeout = setTimeout(function(folio) {
var index = collection.models.indexOf(folio);
var dataIndex = index;
var firstIndex = selectedIndex - 2;
var dataIndex = firstIndex;
var viewItem;
for (var i = 0; i < viewItems.length; i++) {
viewItem = viewItems[i];
if (dataIndex >= 0 && dataIndex < collection.length) {
viewItem.model =;
viewItem.setState(i != 2 ? "off" : "on");
dataIndex += 1;
}, 200);
// Called when the data source has changed. Resets the view with the new data source.
this.setData = function(data) {
viewItems = [];
collection = data;
selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on Slideshow' );
From what I can make out, you need to simply "flip" the loops that create the sides in the slideshow so that it makes the last slide where it was making the first. It seems to do this in two places.
Then, you will need to amend the code which adds a slide to make it add it before the other slides instead of after.
This sounds an awful lot like homework - it's always best to attempt an answer before asking on here. An example on a site like JSFiddle is also generally appreciated.

Trouble with onclick attribute for img when used in combination with setInterval

I am trying to make images that move around the screen that do something when they are clicked. I am using setInterval to call a function to move the images. Each image has the onclick attribute set. The problem is that the clicks are not registering.
If I take out the setInterval and just keep the images still, then the clicks do register.
My code is here (html, css, JavaScript):
The JavaScript is copied here:
var smiley_screen_params = {
smiley_size : 100, // needs to agree with width/height from css file
num_smilies: 20
var smiley = {
top_position : 0,
left_position : 0,
jump_speed : 2,
h_direction : 1,
v_direction : 1,
intvl_speed : 10, // advance smiley every x milliseconds
id : "smiley"
function randomise_direction(s) {
var hd = parseInt(Math.random()*2);
var vd = parseInt(Math.random()*2);
if (hd === 0)
s.h_direction = -1;
if (vd === 0)
s.v_direction = -1;
function plotSmiley(sp /* sp = smiley params */) {
var existing_smiley = document.getElementById(;
if (existing_smiley !== null)
// delete existing smiley so we can move it
var smiley_to_plot = document.createElement('img');
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('src', "");
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('onclick', "my_click_count()"); = 'absolute'; = sp.top_position + "px"; = sp.left_position + "px";
function random_direction_change() {
var r = parseInt(Math.random()*200);
if (r===0)
return true;
return false;
function moveFace(sp_array /* sp_array = smiley params array */) {
var i;
var sp;
for (i=0; i < sp_array.length; ++i) {
// move ith element
sp = sp_array[i];
if (
(sp.h_direction > 0 && sp.left_position >= smiley_screen_params.width - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size) ||
(sp.h_direction < 0 && sp.left_position <= 0) ||
) {
sp.h_direction = -sp.h_direction; // hit left/right, bounce off (or random direction change)
if (
(sp.v_direction > 0 && sp.top_position >= smiley_screen_params.height - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size) ||
(sp.v_direction < 0 && sp.top_position <= 0) ||
) {
sp.v_direction = -sp.v_direction; // hit top/bottom, bounce off (or random direction change)
sp.top_position += sp.v_direction * sp.jump_speed;
sp.left_position += sp.h_direction * sp.jump_speed;
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function(o) {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
function generateFaces() {
var smilies = new Array();
var s;
var i;
var css_smileybox=document.getElementById("smileybox");
var sb_style = getComputedStyle(css_smileybox, null);
// add info to the screen params
smiley_screen_params.width = parseInt(sb_style.width);
smiley_screen_params.height = parseInt(sb_style.height);
// create the smileys
for (i=0; i < smiley_screen_params.num_smilies; ++i) {
s = Object.create(smiley); = "smiley" + i;
s.top_position = parseInt(Math.random() * (smiley_screen_params.height - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size)),
s.left_position = parseInt(Math.random() * (smiley_screen_params.width - smiley_screen_params.smiley_size)),
setInterval( function(){ moveFace(smilies) }, smiley.intvl_speed );
var click_count=0;
function my_click_count() {
document.getElementById("mg").innerHTML = "Number of clicks: " + click_count;
The generateFaces() will generate parameters (for example, coordinates of where they are placed) for a bunch of smiley face images. The setInterval is within this function, and calls the moveFace function to make the smiley faces move at a fixed interval of time. moveFace computes the new coordinates of each smiley face image and then calls plotSmiley to plot each one on the screen in its new location (removing it from the old location). The plotSmiley sets the onclick attribute of each image to call a dummy function just to see if the clicks are registering.
Thanks in advance.
This is not a complete answer but it could give you some perspective to improve your code.
First of all, your idea of deleting the existing img so wrong. If it does exist, all you need is to just change its position so instead of this
if (existing_smiley !== null)
// delete existing smiley so we can move it
you should do something like this:
if (existing_smiley !== null)
var smiley_to_plot = existing_smiley;
else {
var smiley_to_plot = document.createElement('img');
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('src', "");
smiley_to_plot.setAttribute('id',; = 'absolute';
smiley_to_plot.addEventListener('click', my_click_count);
} = sp.top_position + "px"; = sp.left_position + "px";
As you can see new image is only being added if it's not already there. Also notice that adding events by using .setAttribute('onclick', "my_click_count()"); is not a good way to do. You should use .addEventListener('click', my_click_count); like I did.
Like I said this is not a complete answer but at least this way they response to the click events now.
Good luck!
