jQuery animation works with only one element - javascript

I need to make it working for all my elements under Which nothing should fade (images).
Currently works only for the div.logo tag
I guess at the moment the reason mine <h1> element is now allowing animations underneath is that when I am getting the .top(), .left() and so on, you are doing it for the last element in the list.
I need to get the borders of each element in the resulting list.
Any help would be much appreciated
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/z9b8S/
function displayThese(selectorString) {
var $heading = $(selectorString);
var h1top = $heading.position().top;
var h1bottom = h1top + $heading.height();
var h1left = $heading.position().left;
var h1right = h1top + $heading.width();
var divs = $('li').filter(function () {
var $e = $(this);
var top = $e.position().top;
var bottom = top + $e.height();
var left = $e.position().left;
var right = left + $e.width();
return top > h1bottom || bottom < h1top || left > h1right || right < h1left;
return divs;
(function fadeInDiv() {
var divsToChange = displayThese('h1, div.logo');
var elem = divsToChange.eq(Math.floor(Math.random() * divsToChange.length));
if (!elem.is(':visible')) {
opacity: 1
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), fadeInDiv);
} else {
opacity: (Math.random() * 1)
}, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000), function () {
$(window).resize(function () {
// Get items that do not change
var divs = $('li').not(displayThese());
opacity: 0.3


How to edit a textbox within a group in fabricjs

My fabric application requires a feature that allows the user edit textboxes within groups. I almost have it working. As it stands, this is how my application works:
Click on a group
Checks to see if you are clicking on a textbox. If yes...
Ungroups the group
Sets the focus on the textbox so that the user can make edits.
On "editing:exited," re-groups the objects
Here is a fiddle with my code:
Do the following to replicate my issue:
Add 2 input boxes using the button at the top
Group the input boxes using the button at the top
Click once on one of the input boxes in the group you created
Click on the canvas outside of the group
Click back on the same input box
Click on the canvas outside of the group again
Repeat 5 & 6
You will notice that the group creates duplicates of itself off to the side of the page. What I have discovered on my own:
"object.on('editing:exited... is what keeps getting run over and over.
The "duplication counter" resets if you click on one input box vs another.
When the duplicates appear, if you click on some of them, they disappear.
I am still relatively new to programming, so i'm sure this is something obvious to the experienced coders here. Any help would be appreciated!
canvas.on('mouse:down', function(options) {
if (options.target) {
var thisTarget = options.target;
var mousePos = canvas.getPointer(options.e);
if (thisTarget.isType('group')) {
var groupPos = {
x: thisTarget.left,
y: thisTarget.top
var currentGroup = [];
var groupItems = []
groupItems = thisTarget._objects;
thisTarget.forEachObject(function(object,i) {
currentGroup[i] = object;
thisTarget.forEachObject(function(object,i) {
if(object.type == "textbox"){
console.log("Start for statement that finds the x and y for each
var matrix = thisTarget.calcTransformMatrix()
var newPoint = fabric.util.transformPoint({y: object.top, x:
object.left}, matrix)
var objectPos = {
xStart: newPoint.x,
xEnd: newPoint.x + object.width,
yStart: newPoint.y,
yEnd: newPoint.y + object.height
if (mousePos.x >= objectPos.xStart && mousePos.x <=
(objectPos.xEnd)) {
if (mousePos.y >= objectPos.yStart && mousePos.y <=
objectPos.yEnd) {
function ungroup (group) {
groupItems = group._objects;
for (var i = 0; i < groupItems.length; i++) {
object.on('editing:exited', function (options) {
var items = [];
groupItems.forEach(function (obj) {
var grp = new fabric.Group(items, {});
Have been looking at the code and I think I found a solution. The group is added two times in the group groupItems. Once at the start and a second time when ungrouping the items.
Used the code below in your fiddle and that works...
canvas.on('mouse:down', function(options) {
var groupItems;
if (options.target) {
var thisTarget = options.target;
var mousePos = canvas.getPointer(options.e);
var editTextbox = false;
var editObject;
if (thisTarget.isType('group')) {
var groupPos = {
x: thisTarget.left,
y: thisTarget.top
thisTarget.forEachObject(function(object,i) {
if(object.type == "textbox"){
var matrix = thisTarget.calcTransformMatrix();
var newPoint = fabric.util.transformPoint({y: object.top, x: object.left}, matrix);
var objectPos = {
xStart: newPoint.x - (object.width * object.scaleX) / 2,//When OriginX and OriginY are centered, otherwise xStart: newpoint.x - object.width * object.scaleX etc...
xEnd: newPoint.x + (object.width * object.scaleX) / 2,
yStart: newPoint.y - (object.height * object.scaleY) / 2,
yEnd: newPoint.y + (object.height * object.scaleY) / 2
if ((mousePos.x >= objectPos.xStart && mousePos.x <= objectPos.xEnd) && (mousePos.y >= objectPos.yStart && mousePos.y <= objectPos.yEnd)) {
function ungroup (group) {
groupItems = group._objects;
for (var i = 0; i < groupItems.length; i++) {
if(groupItems[i] != "textbox"){
groupItems[i].selectable = false;
editObject = object;
var exitEditing = true;
editObject.on('editing:exited', function (options) {
var items = [];
groupItems.forEach(function (obj) {
var grp
grp = new fabric.Group(items, {});
exitEditing = false;
Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/u3Lfnja2/1/

jQuery slider doesn't rotate

I have a slider rotator on my site but it doesn't rotate items automatically in the boxes - navigation works and rotate but I want it to rotate automatically, right after I enter the site.
This is my js:
$(document).ready(function() {
var nbr = 0;
$('.slider').each(function() {
var slider = $(this);
//get width and height of the wrapper and give it to the UL
var wrapperwidth = $(slider).width() * $(slider).find('ul > li').size();
$(slider).find('ul').css('width', wrapperwidth);
var wrapperheight = $(slider).height();
$(slider).find('ul').css('height', wrapperheight);
//set my li width
var width = $(slider).width();
$(slider).find('ul li').css('width', width);
//set my counter vars
var counter = $(slider).find('ul > li').size();
var decount = 1;
var autocount = 1;
if (counter > 1) {
//create my number navigation
var createNum = 1;
$(slider).after('<ul class="numbers"><li></li></ul>');
var numbers = $(slider).parent().find('.numbers');
$(numbers).find('li:first-child').html(createNum+'_'+nbr).addClass('activenum').attr('id', 'id1_'+nbr);
while ( createNum != counter) {
$(numbers).append("<li id='id"+createNum+"_"+nbr+"'>"+createNum+"_"+nbr+"</li>");
//get my number-width (number navigation should always be centered)
var numwidth = $(slider).find('.numbers li:first-child').width() * $(slider).find('.numbers li').size();
$(slider).find('.numbers').css('width', numwidth);
//make the number clickable
$(".numbers li").click(function() {
var slider = $(this).closest('.sliderWrapper');
var slider0 = $(slider).find('.slider');
var clickednum = $(this).html().split('_')[0] * - $(slider0).width() + $(slider0).width();
$(slider0).find('ul').animate({ left: clickednum }, 400, 'swing', function() { });
decount = $(this).html();
rotateSwitch = function(sliderW, speed) {
var sliderWrap = sliderW;
play = setInterval(function() {
var nextNum = parseInt($($(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li.activenum")).html().split('_')[0])+1;
if (nextNum > $(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length) {
nextNum = 1;
//console.log("nextnum: "+nextNum+", numbers length: "+$(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length);
$(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").each(function() {
if( parseInt($(this).html().split('_')[0]) == nextNum )
}, speed);
makeAutoSlide = function(sliderWrap, speed) {
if ($(sliderWrap).length > 0 && $(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length > 1) {
rotateSwitch(sliderWrap, speed);
$(sliderWrap).find(".slider li").hover(function() {
if ($(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length > 1) {
clearInterval(play); //Stop the rotation
}, function() {
if ($(sliderWrap).find(".numbers li").length > 1) {
rotateSwitch(sliderWrap, speed); //Resume rotation timer
I'm not really sure if this is a problem with setInterval and clearInterval or I wrote something wrong.
I put code in jsFiddle, so you know how the structure looks like.
I appreciate for help.

Floating JQuery menu issues on slower connection

I'm trying to create a floating menu (#quickmenu in left hand sidebar of bottom link) that stops at #weather whilst also re-calculating the bottom = $(\'#weather\').offset().top; every 0.5 seconds...
Page to test: Bristol International Jazz & Blues Festival 2014 | Festival Archive
The recalculation is key as I use expandable content in the main body and because without recaculating on slower connections it doestn't work. I need only #weather.offset.top to be recalculated every 5 seconds, not the whole script otherwise it refreshes and flickers...
I've tried to do code it myself and it's not working, it's 99% not coded correctly but can't figure out what's going wrong? The logic seems to be correct though... if (y >= top && z <= bottom) { ....
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
top = $('#quickmenu').offset().top;
var didScroll = false;
$(window).scroll(function() {
didScroll = true;
setInterval(function() {
if ( didScroll ) {
didScroll = false;
bottom = $('#weather').offset().top;
y = $(this).scrollTop();
z = y + $('#quickmenu').height();
if (y >= top && z <= bottom) {
// if so, add the fixed class
} else if(z > bottom) {
// otherwise remove it
} else {
// otherwise remove it
}, 500);
Thanks for the input, and apologies for lack of clarity within the question. I have fixed my issue by taking another approach. I hope that this is less resource heavy?
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var s = document.querySelector(\'#event-info\').style;
s.overflow = \'inherit\';
s.height = \'auto\';
window.updateQuickMenuPos = function () {
var menu = document.querySelector(\'#quickmenuwrapper\');
var scroll_pos = document.body.scrollTop;
var menu_pos = menu.offsetTop + 10;
var weather = document.querySelector(\'#weather\');
var pos = (scroll_pos - menu_pos);
// min height
if (pos < 0) {
pos = 0;
// max height
if (menu_pos + menu.offsetHeight + pos > weather.offsetTop) {
pos = weather.offsetTop - menu.offsetHeight - menu_pos;
var s = menu.style;
s[\'webkitTransform\'] = s[\'mozTransform\'] = s[\'transform\'] = \'translateY(\' + pos + \'px)\';

.next() not working as intended

works fine, it adds the class "active" to this previous div of the same kind.
However, adds the class to the next div (as i intend for it to do) for about 0.5 of a second BUT then removes it.
Here's ALL of the jQuery (as per your comments below) - Please do not comment on my horrible code organization
$(window).load(function () {
// Initial variables
var numberSlides = 0;
var currentSlide = 1;
var ready = true;
var pageWidthR = $(document).width() - 352;
var pageWidthL = $(document).width() - 352;
// Update number of slides by number of .slide elements
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
// Go through each slide and move it to the left of the screen
var i = 0;
$($('#features-slider .slide').get().reverse()).each(function () {
if (i == 0) {
} else {
var newWidth = i * 115;
$(this).css('left', '-' + newWidth + '%');
// Animate the first slide in
$('#features-slider .slide:last-child').addClass('active').animate({
left: 0
}, 1500);
// Remove the loading message
$('#loading').fadeOut(1000, function () {
// Now that we're done - we can show it
/***** Left and Right buttons *****/
/* Right */
$('#rightbutton').click(function () {
var numberSlides = 0;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
var index = $('.slide.active').index() + 1;
if (!$('.slide').is(':animated') && index != 1) {
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) + 115;
} else {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) + 115;
left: newLeft + '%'
}, 1500);
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
/* Left */
$('#leftbutton').click(function () {
var numberSlides = 0;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
var index = $('.slide.active').index() + 1;
if (!$('.slide').is(':animated') && index != numberSlides) {
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) - 115;
} else {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft) - 115;
left: newLeft + '%'
}, 1500);
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// Hide the slider and show a loading message while we do stuff and the images / DOM loads - Also disable overflow on the body so no horizontal scrollbar is shown
$('body').css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
$('#loading').html('<center> <img id="loader" src="/wp-content/themes/responsive/library/images/ajax-loader.gif" /> Loading</center>');
New left button function :
var numberSlides = 0;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function(){
var index = $('.slide.active').index()+1;
if( !$('.slide').is(':animated') && index != numberSlides ){
var done = false;
$('#features-slider .slide').each(function(){
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft)-115;
} else {
var currentLeft = $(this).css('left');
var newLeft = parseInt(currentLeft)-115;
$(this).animate({left: newLeft+'%'}, 1500);
if($(this).hasClass('active') && done == false){
done = true;
If you're iterating forward through the elements, then it should be clear what's going on - you add the "active" class to the next element, and then the next iteration takes it away.
This is just a guess however as you did not post enough code for me (or anybody else) to be sure.
edit — ok now that you've updated the question, it's clear that the guess was correct. The .each() function will iterate forward through the elements. When an element has the "active" class, and the code removes it and adds it to the next element, then on the next iteration the work is undone.
Since you are referencing this and by the behavior you're describing, you are likely iterating a loop for a list of elements. As a result, you are completing the action you want but the next iteration is removing the previous changes due to your usage of removing a class and then adding the class back.
As it stands now, your code does not illustrate how this occurence can be happening.
As suspected, you seem to be looping as signified by: each(function(){. While iterating through your objects the class is being pushed forward and is not acting as desired. You are stating add the class to the next element, but remove it from the current element, and this behavior continues through your iteration.
On a side note, update your code to call removeClass() on the current object first, before adding it to the next object:
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {

How to dynamically add elements via jQuery

The script below creates a slider widget the takes a definition list and turns it into a slide deck. Each dt element is rotated via css to become the "spine", which is used to reveal that dt's sibling dd element.
What I'm trying to do is to enhance it so that I can have the option to remove the spines from the layout and just use forward and back buttons on either side of the slide deck. To do that, I set the dt's to display:none via CSS and use the code under the "Remove spine layout" comment to test for visible.
This works fine to remove the spines, now I need to dynamically create 2 absolutely positioned divs to hold the left and right arrow images, as well as attach a click handler to them.
My first problem is that my attempt to create the divs is not working.
Any help much appreciated.
(function(jQuery) {
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') return;
jQuery.fn.easyAccordion = function(options) {
var defaults = {
slideNum: true,
autoStart: false,
pauseOnHover: true,
slideInterval: 5000
this.each(function() {
var settings = jQuery.extend(defaults, options);
// -------- Set the variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
jQuery.fn.setVariables = function() {
dlWidth = jQuery(this).width()-1;
dlHeight = jQuery(this).height();
if (!jQuery(this).find('dt').is(':visible')){
dtWidth = 0;
dtHeight = 0;
slideTotal = 0;
// Add an element to rewind to previous slide
var slidePrev = document.createElement('div');
slidePrev.className = 'slideAdv prev';
// Add an element to advance to the next slide
var slideNext = document.createElement('div');
slideNext.className = 'slideAdv next';
dtWidth = jQuery(this).find('dt').outerHeight();
if (jQuery.browser.msie){ dtWidth = jQuery(this).find('dt').outerWidth();}
dtHeight = dlHeight - (jQuery(this).find('dt').outerWidth()-jQuery(this).find('dt').width());
slideTotal = jQuery(this).find('dt').size();
ddWidth = dlWidth - (dtWidth*slideTotal) - (jQuery(this).find('dd').outerWidth(true)-jQuery(this).find('dd').width());
ddHeight = dlHeight - (jQuery(this).find('dd').outerHeight(true)-jQuery(this).find('dd').height());
// -------- Fix some weird cross-browser issues due to the CSS rotation -------------------------------------
if (jQuery.browser.safari){ var dtTop = (dlHeight-dtWidth)/2; var dtOffset = -dtTop; /* Safari and Chrome */ }
if (jQuery.browser.mozilla){ var dtTop = dlHeight - 20; var dtOffset = - 20; /* FF */ }
if (jQuery.browser.msie){ var dtTop = 0; var dtOffset = 0; /* IE */ }
if (jQuery.browser.opera){ var dtTop = (dlHeight-dtWidth)/2; var dtOffset = -dtTop; } /* Opera */
// -------- Getting things ready ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var f = 1;
var paused = false;
// add unique id to each tab
jQuery(this).addClass('spine_' + f);
// add active corner
var corner = document.createElement('div');
corner.className = 'activeCorner spine_' + f;
if(settings.slideNum == true){
jQuery('<span class="slide-number">'+f+'</span>').appendTo(this);
var slideNumLeft = parseInt(jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css('left'));
if(jQuery.browser.version == 6.0 || jQuery.browser.version == 7.0){
slideNumLeft = slideNumLeft - 14;
jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css({'left': slideNumLeft})
if(jQuery.browser.version == 8.0 || jQuery.browser.version == 9.0){
var slideNumTop = jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css('bottom');
var slideNumTopVal = parseInt(slideNumTop) + parseInt(jQuery(this).css('padding-top')) - 20;
jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css({'bottom': slideNumTopVal});
slideNumLeft = slideNumLeft - 10;
jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css({'left': slideNumLeft})
jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css({'marginTop': 10});
} else {
var slideNumTop = jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css('bottom');
var slideNumTopVal = parseInt(slideNumTop) + parseInt(jQuery(this).css('padding-top'));
jQuery(this).find('.slide-number').css({'bottom': slideNumTopVal});
f = f + 1;
if(jQuery(this).find('.active').size()) {
} else {
// -------- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
jQuery.fn.findActiveSlide = function() {
var i = 1;
activeID = i; // Active slide
} else if (jQuery(this).hasClass('no-more-active')){
noMoreActiveID = i; // No more active slide
i = i + 1;
jQuery.fn.calculateSlidePos = function() {
var u = 2;
var activeDtPos = dtWidth*activeID;
if(u <= activeID){
var leftDtPos = dtWidth*(u-1);
jQuery(this).animate({'left': leftDtPos});
if(u < activeID){ // If the item sits to the left of the active element
} else{ // If the item is the active one
} else {
var rightDtPos = dlWidth-(dtWidth*(slideTotal-u+1));
jQuery(this).animate({'left': rightDtPos});
var rightDdPos = rightDtPos+dtWidth;
u = u+ 1;
setTimeout( function() {
}, 400);
jQuery.fn.activateSlide = function() {
if(activeID < noMoreActiveID){
jQuery.fn.rotateSlides = function(slideInterval, timerInstance) {
var accordianInstance = jQuery(this);
timerInstance.value = setTimeout(function(){accordianInstance.rotateSlides(slideInterval, timerInstance);}, slideInterval);
if (paused == false){
var totalSlides = jQuery(this).find('dt').size();
var activeSlide = activeID;
var newSlide = activeSlide + 1;
if (newSlide > totalSlides) {newSlide = 1; paused = true;}
jQuery(this).find('dt:eq(' + (newSlide-1) + ')').activateSlide(); // activate the new slide
// -------- Let's do it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function trackerObject() {this.value = null}
var timerInstance = new trackerObject();
if (settings.autoStart == true){
var accordianInstance = jQuery(this);
var interval = parseInt(settings.slideInterval);
timerInstance.value = setTimeout(function(){
accordianInstance.rotateSlides(interval, timerInstance);
}, interval);
var accordianInstance = jQuery(this); //JSB to fix bug with IE < 9
timerInstance.value = setTimeout(function(){
accordianInstance.rotateSlides(interval, timerInstance);
}, interval);
if (!(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version == 6.0)){
}, function(){
if (settings.pauseOnHover == true){
paused = true;
}, function(){
paused = false;
Creating elements in jQuery is easy:
$newDiv = $('<div />');
'position': 'absolute',
'top': '10px',
'left': '10px'
$newDiv.on('click', function() {
alert('You have clicked me');
