Stub a function of a function with jest - javascript

I'm trying to stub a function of a function (well I need to stub both really)
Here is an example
and here is what my test mocking looks like
let res = {
foo: ()=> jest.fn( {bar:()=> jest.fn()})
However when running my tests I get the error 'TypeError: is not a function'

You're close.
Just three changes needed:
jest.fn() returns a function so it doesn't need to be wrapped in a function
jest.fn() takes an optional implementation parameter which should be a function
If you want to spy on bar then return the same spy in the mock implementation of foo, otherwise a new bar spy gets created each time foo is called.
So your mock should look like this:
const barSpy = jest.fn();
let res = { foo: jest.fn(() => ({ bar: barSpy })) };
Here is a working demo:
const func = (res, aVar) => {
test('stub chained functions', () => {
const barSpy = jest.fn(() => 'the result');
const res = { foo: jest.fn(() => ({ bar: barSpy })) };
const result = func(res, 'a var');
expect(; // SUCCESS
expect(barSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a var'); // SUCCESS
expect(result).toBe('the result'); // SUCCESS


Using Jest with NodeJS, Function in imported module not being mocked without using 'this' in main

In the setup below, if I run the test as is, myFunc is not mocked when I debug into handler.
However, if instead I add this. in front of the myFunc call in handler, then the function is mocked and everything works as expected.
Can someone please explain why this is? I'm new to mocking and can't see it.
I know what this does, but why won't jest mock without it since I told it to mock that function in the module?
const aws = require('aws-sdk')
exports.handler = async function (event, context) {
let s;
switch (event.func) {
case "myFunc":
console.log('Executing myFunc');
//making the call: s = await this.myFunc.apply(null, [event.params]) will make the mock work.
s = await myFunc.apply(null, [event.params])
return s;
// default behaviour
async myFunc({p1, p2}){
/* do something */
return x
exports.myFunc = myFunc
jest.mock('./index.js', () => {
const allAutoMocked = jest.createMockFromModule('./index.js')
const actual = jest.requireActual('./index.js')
return {
__esModules: true,
myFunc : jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ mockedValue: 'test' })),
handler: actual.handler
let index = require("./index.js")
describe('Test myFunc', () => {
test('If myFunc function was called', async () => {
var event = { func: 'myFunc', params: { p1: xx, p2: false } };
const context = {};
const logMock = jest.fn((...args) => console.log(...args));
const data = await handler(event, context);

Jest mocking a module with module pattern and having unique functionality on each test

I'm having trouble having a unique implementation of search from this module pattern setup I have (MyConnection.js) - here's similar to what I have:
// MyConnection.js
const MyConnection = () => {
const search = async (q) => {
//...some functionality
return {
const MyConnection = require('../MyConnection')
// this works - but it sets the search implementation
// for the whole test file I believe
jest.mock('../MyConnection', () => {
return jest.fn(()=>{
search: ()=> ['mocked', 'fn', 'results']
//the jest tests - I want different
// implementations of search in each test
describe('connection tests', ()=>{
it('test one', ()=>{
//Not sure if its something like this to set 'search' for each test? This doesn't work as is>{`You searched ${q}`})
it('test two', ()=>{{q.length>32? 'a': 'b' }})
How can I get unique Jest mock implementations of that search function for each test?
You should make sure that mock MyConnection always returns the same connection object in your test file and the module you want to test.
const MyConnection = () => {
const search = async (q) => {};
return {
module.exports = MyConnection;
const MyConnection = require('./MyConnection');
async function main(q) {
const conn = MyConnection();
module.exports = main;
const MyConnection = require('./MyConnection');
const main = require('./main');
jest.mock('./MyConnection', () => {
console.log('MyConnection module gets mocked');
const conn = { search: jest.fn() };
return jest.fn(() => conn);
const mConn = MyConnection();
describe('connection tests', () => {
it('test one', async () => { => {
return `You searched ${q}`;
const actual = await main('teresa teng');
expect(actual).toBe('You searched teresa teng');
it('test two', async () => { => {
return q.length > 32 ? 'a' : 'b';
const actual = await main('_');
test result:
PASS examples/70132655/main.test.js (10.454 s)
connection tests
✓ test one (2 ms)
✓ test two (1 ms)
MyConnection module gets mocked
at examples/70132655/main.test.js:5:11
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 10.903 s
You can't mock it like this:
jest.mock('./MyConnection', () => {
console.log('MyConnection module gets mocked');
return jest.fn(() => { search: jest.fn() });
Why? Because every time you call the MyConnection() function in the test file or the file you want to test. It will return a new mock object({ search: jest.fn() }), the mock objects in file under test and test case are not same.

How to mock functions called within the test function

I have module that contains several functions (foo, bar, etc).
// moduleA.js
const someModule = require('someModule')
const moduleA = () => {
const bar = (param1, param2) => {
// some implementation
const foo = (params) => {
// some implementation
bar(1, 2)
return Object.assign({}, someModule, {
module.exports = moduleA
What I want to do is to mock other module functions (bar) being called within my current test (foo) function.
// jest test file
describe('Testing foo, mocking bar', () => {
const checker = moduleA()
it.only('When this, then that', async () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(checker, "bar").mockReturnValue("XXXX")
const response = await{ 1, 2, 3})
What is the correct way to spy or stub the bar function so that I can mock the results and only focus testing the foo functionality?

Jest mock not allowing inner function to be resolved in individual test

I'm testing a cloud function named myCloudFn in my functions/send.js module. My tests are in functions/test/send.test.js:
// send.js
const { getCompareDate } = require('../utils.js');
async function myCloudFn(myTestDate) {
const compareDate = await getCompareDate(argToTest);
const isOlder = myTestDate < compareDate;
return isOlder ? 'older' : 'newer';
module.exports = { myCloudFn };
// send.test.js
const send = require('../send.js');
jest.mock('../utils', () => ({
getCompareDate: jest.fn(() => new Date('2020-01-31')) // default
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02')),
describe('send.js', () => {
it('returns date comparison from myCloudFn()', async () => {
const myTestDate = '2020-03-03';
const returnValues = ['older', 'newer'];
const responsePromises = => send.myCloudFn(myTestDate));
const responses = await Promise.all(responsePromises);
The test functions correctly and passes as expected when I mock getCompareDate in this way, but for flexibility, I would rather provide custom input values for getCompareDate inside my tests and not 'globally'. Here's what I've tried:
const mockGetCompareDate = jest.fn();
jest.mock('../utils', () => ({
getCompareDate: mockGetCompareDate,
it('returns date comparison from myCloudFn()', async () => {
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02'));
const myTestDate = '2020-03-03';
const returnValues = ['older', 'newer'];
const responsePromises = => send.myCloudFn(myTestDate));
const responses = await Promise.all(responsePromises);
This method, however, is not working and throws an error:
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'mockGetCompareDate' before initialization
I've used this method with other tests as noted in the solution in this question, but I am not seeing similar results here. What am I missing?
Jest is hoisting the mocked function to the top of the module, and hence throws this error. The mock should instead be used right before you run the test. Further reading.
Try this:
const { getCompareDate } = require('../utils.js');
const mockGetCompareDate = jest.fn(() => new Date('2020-01-31'));
jest.mock('../utils.js', () => ({
__esModule: true,
getCompareDate: jest.fn(),
default: jest.fn()
beforeAll(() => {
To provide custom values do as you did before, when initialising the mock function. Source
Like this:
const mockGetCompareDate = jest.fn()
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02'));
Or do as you did before inside the test. Source
Like this:
it('returns date comparison from myCloudFn()', async () => {
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-04-04'))
.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Date('2020-02-02'));

Mock class using JEST in node

So, this is actually something that happened to my several times and I never knew how to solve it.
I have a class like this
const { get } = require('../models/myModel');
class MyClass {
constructor(id) { = id;
async getByID() {
return get(;
and a controller that is
module.exports = MyClass;
const MyClass = require('./MyClass.js');
module.exports = {
getController: (req, res, next) => {
try {
const MyObject = new MyClass(1);
const info = await MyObject.getByID();
catch (e) {
When I want to do an E2E test, i need to mock that getByID to see what happen when it resolves and rejects.
So, how do I mock a constructor? I did something like this
// myclass.spec.js
const MyClass = require('./MyClass.js');
jest.mock('./MyClass', () => jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
getByID: Promise.resolve({id: 1, name: 'John'}),
describe('Testing MyClass', () => {
it('Should return info', () => {
const res = httpMocks.createResponse();
const mReq = httpMocks.createRequest();
const mNext = jest.fn();
const mRes = mockResponse();
await pipelineController(mReq, mRes, mNext);
I know this test currently works, but now I cant change that getByID mock value to see what happen when it rejects the promise.
If I try to include it inside the test (it) .... it won't mock anything...
I want something like
const MyClass = require('./MyClass.js');
const {pipelineController} = require('./controllers.js')
jest.mock('./MyClass', () => jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
getInfo: jest.fn(),
describe('Testing MyClass', () => {
it('Should return info', () => {
ProcessService.getInfo.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('the value i want'))
const res = httpMocks.createResponse();
const mReq = httpMocks.createRequest();
const mNext = jest.fn();
const mRes = mockResponse();
await pipelineController(mReq, mRes, mNext);
it('Should return info', () => {
ProcessService.getInfo.mockImplementation(() => Promise.reject('the reason i want'))
const res = httpMocks.createResponse();
const mReq = httpMocks.createRequest();
const mNext = jest.fn();
const mRes = mockResponse();
await pipelineController(mReq, mRes, mNext);
Since getByID is called right after instantiation, a spy should be available outside mocked class in order to change the implementation.
This can be done with class auto-mock that works in obscure and unspecified ways but may be suitable for this specific case:
const MyClass = require('./MyClass.js');
MyClass.prototype.getByID.mockResolvedValue({id: 1, name: 'John'});
// instantiate MyClass and call getByID
And this can be done by exposing a spy outside the class:
const mockGetByID = jest.fn();
jest.mock('../../../services/ProcessService', () => jest.fn(() => (
{ getByID: mockGetByID }
const MyClass = require('./MyClass.js');
mockGetByID.mockResolvedValue({id: 1, name: 'John'});
// instantiate MyClass and call getByID
