ChartJS disappears after animating on when loaded through Animate CC HTML5 project - javascript

I am trying to integrate ChartJS into an Adobe Animate CC HTML5 project. Code works initially, but chart disappears once it finishes animating on. How do I get it to stay put?
See it in action here:
files are located here:
I am a novice at best trying to hack my way through this coding project. Used to use Actionscript, now trying to use Javascript in Animate CC (aka New Flash). Any help is most appreciated! Thanks!


How to animate SVG image without any library?

I have been learning web development for quite a while now and every time I want to animate my SVG image, I use GSAP from greensock. Do not get me wrong, I think GSAP is a great tool but I am not interested in animating using GSAP. Instead, I want to create my own library to achieve the SVG animation. The reason why I want to create my own library is to understand how the technology such as GSAP was created. For me, I am only interested in the technology and the technicality that go on behind the scene of any displayable contents. For this reason, I often create game engines and not a game simply because I am not interested.
So can anyone suggest to me on how to get started in creating my own SVG animation library? I actually been searching for hours on Google and all the information that I received is just more pre-built libraries for animating SVG which is not what I want.
Beside from creating my own SVG animation library, I am particularly interested in understanding more about the mathematics and the code behind the morph animation. In the past, I have used MorphSVG plugin but now I want to create the back end technology that drives the morph animation. Hence, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could explain to me how I can go about writing such animation from scratch.

HTML Animation using javascript

I came across a site where they have done nice animation. I am not able to make out if they have used any tools for this or most of this is custom coding. from HTML source it seems they are using Angular JS etc..
I had few question regarding this site
Is it custom animation or they have used some third part tool to generate this animation
How are they animation Globe is it a 3d image or pure HTML based animation of globe.
It's using THREE.js.
It's a rendered 3D object.
It's WebGL rendering done with the THREE.js library, and audio via howler.js.
As Nick says, it's not just an animation, it's a 3D scene being rendered in the browser. It's 2016, most browsers can do that now.

framework to create tooltip (createjs and kineticjs)

I'm searching for a JS framework that is compatible with CreateJS and KineticJS to create tooltips on a canvas.
I'm making an app that uses both CreateJSs and KineticJS and I want to draw tooltips on both of them (without using two libraries).
Thank you.
There are dozens (if not hundreds) of tooltip scripts out there—just ask google!
I assume that since you want to support both createJS and kineticJS that you must have already coded the trigger that requests a tooltip.
With that in mind, here is one tooltip library:
It’s open-source so you can use/modify it freely.
It’s controlled by javascript so you have createJS/kineticJS independence while still working in JS.
It uses html canvas to display the tip so customizations should be familiar to you.
The tip-canvas is temporary and it floats so it should not interfere with your main canvas.
It allows you to offset the tooltip, so your code can exactly position the tip as you need.

Text animation options - animated GIF or Javascript or..?

For my recent project I need to add a specific text animation - to achieve the effect of a pen writing some text on canvas.
I would like to hear your thoughts what would be the best way how to do that based on your experience?
Could you point me in the right direction and include some references where I could learn how to do that?
I am currently using Twitter Bootstrap Framework for Frontend.
This is just the tool you need
There are a lot of libraries helping you to animate your content without using canvas (not cross browser...)!/TweenJS

How to superpose two GwtCanvas?

I'm trying to superpose two GwtCanvas (which use an Html5 canvas). I am able to get this effect by using an absolute panel. But by doing this, I can't get my object to fill my panel. I would like to this so I can do a whiteboard in GWT. So far, I'm pretty advance but I would like to have multiple canvas overlay to support undo or preview. For example, if we draw a rectangle, it would be good to preview it as we move the mouse. I have found a javascript tutorial to do this :
There is a javascript example, but I'm not sure how to do the bridge between GWT and JavaScript. Any ideas ?
I think you should go for GWT JSNI - This way you would be able to access your JS from GWT code. You can find more information about JSNI at the following location:
