Intercepting response in dojo to read cookies - javascript

I have a filter on server side which adds a cookie myCookie to every response.
I am intercepting the response in a dojo widget as below:
define("mySolution/ServerCookieWidget", [
], function (notify, cookie) {
notify("load", function(response) {
var cookieRead = cookie("myCookie");
console.log('Cookie read is: ', cookieRead);
I want to use the value read to do some calculation on client side.
How do I share the read cookie value with other widget?
I am new to dojo and thus not aware of the syntax and not able to find any example for my scenario.

Depending on the rest of your architecture, you might want to use Dojo's pubsub module dojo/topic:
So for example, changing your code to:
define("mySolution/ServerCookieWidget", [
], function (notify, cookie, topic) {
notify("load", function(response) {
var cookieRead = cookie("myCookie");
// console.log('Cookie read is: ', cookieRead);
topic.publish("*/cookie/value", cookieRead);
You can create widgets which subscribe to the topic:
define("mySolution/SomeOtherWidget", [
], function (declare, topic) {
var OtherWidget = declare(null, {
constructor: function (opt) {
this.topicHandle = topic.subscribe("*/cookie/value", this._handleCookieValue.bind(this));
_handleCookieValue: function (cookieVal) {
console.log("Cookie value is:", cookeVal);
return OtherWidget;


Cannot find name 'jQuery' error in controller.js

I am developing a UI5 app in VS Code.
I added a new count function to the *.controller.js file, and in order to display the count from the server, I am using jQuery like in the following code:
jQuery.each(this._mFilters, function (sFilterKey, oFilter) {"/portfolios/$count", {
filters: oFilter,
success: function (oData) {
var sPath = "/" + sFilterKey;
oViewModel.setProperty(sPath, oData);
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
Does anyone know why was the error triggered and how it can be fixed?
Any help or suggestion is much appreciated.
I assume this._mFilters is an object. In that case, try with:
Object.keys(this._mFilters).map(sFilterKey => {
const oFilter = this._mFilters[sFilterKey];"/portfolios/$count", {
filters: [ oFilter ],
success: function(sCount) {
const sPath = `/${sFilterKey}`;
oViewModel.setProperty(sPath, +sCount);
Also the parameter filters awaits an array instead of a single Filter instance.
If jQuery is still preferred, include "sap/ui/thirdparty/jquery" (formerly "") to the dependency list of the controller.
// ...,
], function(Controller,/*...,*/ jQuery) {
// jQuery is here available

Properly retrieve username and useful values (site title, copyright, etc.)

I have a simple web app based on this project ( ), running with NodeJS and AngularJS as the front-end.
I'm trying to set up a simple page that displays a list of all connected users on a map (using Google Maps, Geolocation and PubNub).
Here's how I'm actually doing it:
function($rootScope, $scope, NgMap, security, $geolocation, PubNub){
$rootScope.extusers = []; //remote users
$scope.initTravel = function() { //declare the init function
subscribe_key: $,
publish_key: $,
uuid: $,
ssl: true
channel: "travel",
state: {
position: {},
console.log("Loaded Travel");
timeout: 60000
}).then(function(position) { //when location is retreived
$scope.position = position;
channel: "travel",
state: {
position: {
lat: Math.floor($scope.position.coords.latitude*1000)/1000, //decrease accuracy
long: Math.floor($scope.position.coords.longitude*1000)/1000,
$rootScope.$on(PubNub.ngPrsEv("travel"), function(event, payload) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.extusers = PubNub.ngPresenceData("travel");
PubNub.ngHereNow({ channel: "travel" });
$scope.showInfo = function(evt, marker) { //show user window on map
$scope.extuser = marker;
if ($rootScope.hasLoaded()) { //if username and keys are already loaded, then init module
} else { //else, wait for username and keys to be loaded
$rootScope.$on('info-loaded', function(event, args) {
Although it works, it seems like it's very buggy and only loads sometimes. Occasionally, I get this:
Result screenshot
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, as I simply followed the tutorials on PubNub's AngularJS SDK.
I think this has to do with how I'm initialising the application.
angular.module('app').run(['$location', '$rootScope', 'security', function($location, $rootScope, security) {
// Get the current user when the application starts
// (in case they are still logged in from a previous session)
$rootScope.hasLoaded = function() {
return (security.keys && && security.currentUser); //check if everything is loaded correctly
$rootScope.checkLoading = function() {
if ($rootScope.hasLoaded()) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('info-loaded'); //broadcast event to "TravelCtrl" in order to init the module
security.requestKeys().then($rootScope.checkLoading); //request secret keys
security.requestSiteInfo().then($rootScope.checkLoading); //then templating info (site title, copyright, etc.)
security.requestCurrentUser().then($rootScope.checkLoading); //and finally, current user (name, id, etc.)
$ = security;
// add a listener to $routeChangeSuccess
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function (event, current, previous) {
$rootScope.title = current.$$route && current.$$route.title? current.$$route.title: 'Default title';
1- Request secret keys, site info and current user with JSON API.
2- Wait until everything's loaded then init the application with the appropriate keys (PubNub, Google Maps)
My question is:
How do you instantiate an AngularJS app after retrieving useful information via a RESTful API?
I'm pretty new to AngularJS, and I wouldn't be surprised if my approach is totally ridiculous, but I really need to get some advice on this.
Thanks in advance for your help,
You don't have to wait that the AJAX Query ended to initate the angular APPs.
you can use the $http promise ( details her )
In the controller :
// Simple GET request example:
method: 'GET',
url: '/someUrl'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
// data is now accessible in the html
$ = response ;
// you can call a function to add markers on your maps with the received data
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
You can also add a watch on some variable to wait modification on them :
// you should have $scope.yourVarName declared.
$scope.$watch('yourVarName', function(newValue, oldValue) {
Or watch a list/object
$scope.$watchCollection('[var1,var2]', function () {

Cannot get response content in mithril

I've been trying to make a request to a NodeJS API. For the client, I am using the Mithril framework. I used their first example to make the request and obtain data:
var Model = {
getAll: function() {
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://localhost:3000/store/all"});
var Component = {
controller: function() {
var stores = Model.getAll();
alert(stores); // The alert box shows exactly this: function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}
alert(stores()); // Alert box: undefined
view: function(controller) {
After running this I noticed through Chrome Developer Tools that the API is responding correctly with the following:
I can't find a way to obtain this data into the controller. They mentioned that using this method, the var may hold undefined until the request is completed, so I followed the next example by adding:
var stores = m.prop([]);
Before the model and changing the request to:
return m.request({method: "GET", url: "http://localhost:3000/store/all"}).then(stores);
I might be doing something wrong because I get the same result.
The objective is to get the data from the response and send it to the view to iterate.
m.request is a function, m.request.then() too, that is why "store" value is:
"function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}"
"stores()" is undefined, because you do an async ajax request, so you cannot get the result immediately, need to wait a bit. If you try to run "stores()" after some delay, your data will be there. That is why you basically need promises("then" feature). Function that is passed as a parameter of "then(param)" is executed when response is ready.
Working sample:
You can start playing with this sample, and implement what you need:
var Model = {
getAll: function() {
return m.request({method: "GET", url: ""});
var Component = {
controller: function() {
var records = Model.getAll();
return {
records: records
view: function(ctrl) {
return m("div", [
ctrl.records() {
return m("div", record.Name);
m.mount(document.body, Component);
If you have more questions, feel free to ask here.

Backbone - Populating multiple models from one fetch call in my controller

Say I have a collection (of search results, for example) which needs to be populated and a pagination model that needs to take values for current page, total number of pages, etc. In my controller, I make a GET call to an API which returns both search results and pagination information. How, then, can I fetch all this information and parse it into a collection and a separate model? Is this possible?
I am using AirBNB's Rendr, which allows you to use a uniform code base to run Backbone on both the server and the client. Rendr forces me to parse the API response as an array of models, keeping me from being able to access pagination information.
In Rendr, my controller would look like this:
module.exports = {
index: function (params, callback) {
var spec = {
pagination: { model: 'Pagination', params: params },
collection: { collection: 'SearchResults', params: params }
};, function (err, result) {
callback(err, result);
I apologize if this is not clear enough. Feel free to ask for more information!
This is super old so you've probably figured it out by now (or abandoned it). This is as much a backbone question as a Rendr one since the API response is non-standard.
Backbone suggests that if you have a non-standard API response then you need to override the parse method for your exact data format.
If you really want to break it up, the way you may want to code it is:
a Pagination Model
a Search Results Collection
a Search Result Model
and most importantly a Search Model with a custom parse function
index: function (params, callback) {
var spec = {
model: { model: 'Search', params: params }
};, function (err, result) {
callback(err, result);
Search Model
var Base = require('./base'),
_ = require('underscore');
module.exports = Base.extend({
url: '/api/search',
parse: function(data) {
if (_.isObject(data.paginationInfo)) {
data.paginationInfo ='PaginationInfo', data.paginationInfo, {
if (_.isArray(data.results)) {
data.results ='SearchResults', data.results, {
params: {
searchQuery: data.searchQuery // replace with real parameters for client-side caching.
return data;
}); = 'Search';

Node.js - Can't post nested/escaped JSON to body using Fermata REST client

The problem may be with the actual client, but he's not responding on github, so I'll give this a shot!
I'm trying to post, in the body, nested JSON:
When I remove the columnvalue's json string, the POST works. Maybe there's something I'm missing regarding escaping? I've tried a few built in escape utilities to no avail.
var jsonString='the json string above here';
var sys = require('sys'),
rest = require('fermata'), //
stack = require('long-stack-traces');
var token = ''; // Username
var accountId = ''; // Password
var api = rest.api({
url : 'http://url/v0.1/',
user : token,
password : accountId
var postParams = {
body: jsonString
(api(postParams)).post(function (error, result) {
if (error)
The API I'm posting to can't deserialize this.
Dual problems occuring at the same occurred led me to find an issue with the fermata library handling large JSON posts. The JSON above is just fine!
I think the real problem here is that you are trying to post data via a URL parameter instead of via the request body.
You are using Fermata like this:
path = fermata.api({url:"");
data = {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"};
What path(data) represents is still a URL, with data showing up in the query part. So your code is posting to "" with an empty body.
Since your data is large, I'm not surprised if your web server would look at such a long URL and send back a 400 instead. Assuming your API can also handle JSON data in the POST body, a better way to send a large amount of data would be to use Fermata like this instead:
path = fermata.api({url:"");
data = {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"};, callback);
This will post your data as a JSON string to "" and you would be a lot less likely to run into data size problems.
Hope this helps! The "magic" of Fermata is that unless you pass a callback function, you are getting local URL representations, instead of calling HTTP functions on them.
