How to create a new folder on desktop by using JavaScript after a button is clicked?
My Scenario :
I want to create a button that user can click.
When user click on the button, a folder will be created on the user's desktop.
Here is the code (that I have found after a several research) that I use to try to do the scenario above.
function create() {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
fso = null;
Create Folder: "c:\newfolder"
<form name="myForm">
<input type="Button" value="Click to Create New Folder" onClick="create()">
with javascript alone this move will create a security problem and I don't think it's possible to do. But on server side with some tool like Node.js you can by doing something like:
var fs = require("fs");
fs.mkdir("<your path>",callback);
manipulating client file with your js code often create security issues
No you can't do this using native Javascript.Native Javascript won't allow you to do any I/O in browser. But if its your necessary requirement then I would suggest you to use any server side tool like node.js. How to do in node.js?,You can get reference from #Moussa answer.
I used the library and it worked!
var file = new"E:\\YourNewFolder");
var path = file.mkdir();
Try This Code
function createFolder(folder){
I have been trying to use FileReader to read out "/proc/cpuinfo" and print it on the webpage, but it gives nothing. I have tried both "readAsText()" and "readAsDataURL()" methods, which can read the files under a normal file system like ext3.
Can anyone share some insight on why it is like this? security reasons?
If I really want to read files under /proc in JavaScript, what should I do?
The following is my current code.
function readFile() {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(){
var show = document.getElementById('out');
show.innerText = reader.result;;
<input type='file' id="fileInput" onchange='readFile();'><br>
<div id='out'>
EDIT: being asked to show code, well, it's really nothing but a simple file read. The problem here is how to read files in those pseudo FS like /proc and /sys in JavaScript. Try it yourself. You will see the problem.
I got a a script wherein I want to convert the extension to another one then open it using a specific application.
For instance, I got .mht file located in my Desktop. An html file with internal javascript on it.
What I want to happen is when I open the HTML file on internet explorer and click on the hyperlink, it should convert .mht file into .docx and open it using Microsoft Word. Unfortunately, my below code does not work, if i click the hyperlink, it does opens up Microsoft Word but giving me an error message saying that the file cannot be found. Can someone assist me with this please? Thanks in advance, will much appreciated.
<script type="text/javascript">
function openDocument(file)
var Word = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application")
var file;
file = file.split(".");
file = file[0]+".docx";
Word.Visible = true
window.location.href = file
// -->
<TITLE>Launch Word - Local</Title>
For security purpose, Javascript can't write on the filesystem, so it is impossible to change the extension of a file.
You should be able to do something with the new FileSystem API (check that tutorial :, but it is available only on Chrome (
With an ActiveX, using GetFile may work:
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var file = fso.GetFile("c:\\myfile.mht"); = "newName.newExt";
is there a way to get a file object using the directory full path of the file itself? this piece of code wont work:
var file1 = new File("D:\\path\\to\\file\\file.txt");
I need to get the file object since I have a function that has a file object as its parameter.
That would be very tragic if browsers could suddenly start accessing users' file systems without their permission.
I would suggest using <input type="file">. This way the user chooses which file they will allow the browser to access.
I would suggest you to use: <input type="file" id="fileUpload"> and get the file name using
$('input[type=file]').change(function () {
I have a local text file which is kept changing by other programs. I want to write a html and javascript based web page to show the content of file dynamically. I have searched in google and found that most solutions require to get this text file via html element. I wonder if there is a way to get the file via a fixed path(lets say it is a string of the file directory) in javascript. I am using Javascript fileReader. Any help will be appreciated.
This is not possible using javascript running inside the browser. You will not be able to do anything outside the browser.
You could run a Node.js server though that runs on localhost and does your file operations you desire. You could build a API so your html page that you load in the browser calls your serverscript to do your file operations.
Do you understand what I mean?
How much information does the text file hold, Depending on your scenario it might be worth looking into javascript localstorage W3SCHOOLS local storage. Would that help your situation ?
What you can do is allow the user to choose the file of interest, using a file-input. Once done, the browser wil have access to the file, even though the JS wont have access to the file's full-path.
Once the user has chosen the file, you can reload it and refresh the view pretty-much as often as you please.
Here's a short demo, using a file input (<input type='file'/>) and an iframe. You can pick pretty much anything the browser will normally display, though there are limits on the size of the file that will work - due to the limit of the length of a URL - the file's data is turned into a data-url and that url is set as the source of the iframe.
As a demo, pick a file and then load it. Now, open the file in another program and change it. Finally, press the load button once again - the new content now fills the iframe. You can trigger the loading of the file by a timer or any other event in the page. As far as I'm aware, you cannot re-load it when it changes, since there's no notification from the OS - you have to use a button, timer, element event or whatever. Basically, you have to poll for changes.
<!DOCTYPE html>
function byId(e){return document.getElementById(e);}
window.addEventListener('load', onDocLoaded, false);
function onDocLoaded()
// uncomment this line for on-demand loading.
byId('loadBtn').addEventListener('click', onLoadBtnClick, false);
// fileVar is an object as returned by <input type='file'>
// tgtElem is an <iframe> or <img> element - can be on/off screen (doesn't need to be added to the DOM)
function loadFromFile(fileVar, tgtElem)
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = onFileLoaded;
function onFileLoaded(fileLoadedEvent)
var result,data;
data =;
result = "data:";
result += fileVar.type;
result += ";base64,";
result += btoa(data);
tgtElem.src = result;
function onLoadBtnClick(evt)
var fileInput = byId('mFileInput');
if (fileInput.files.length != 0)
var tgtElem = byId('tgt');
var curFile = fileInput.files[0];
loadFromFile(curFile, tgtElem);
<button id='loadBtn'>Load</button><input id='mFileInput' type='file'/><br>
<iframe id='tgt'></iframe>
you can use nodejs to watch for a filechange using watchfile module, if you just want to watch the filechange and its content. you can run following code using node, but it only consoles the file changed in your terminal.
var fs=require('fs');
fs.watchFile('message.text', function (curr, prev) { //listens to file change
fs.readFile('message.text', function(err,data){ //reads the file
console.log(data.toString()); //consoles the file content
Heres the scenario:
User comes to my website and opens a webpage with some javascript functionality.
User edits the data through javascript
User clicks on a save button to save the data, thing is, it seems like they shouldn't need to download this data because its already in javascript on the local machine.
Is it possible to save data from javascript (executing from a foreign webpage) without downloading a file from the server?
Any help would be much appreciated!
For saving data on the client-side, without any server interaction, the best I've seen is Downloadify, is a small JavaScript + Flash library allows you to generate and save files on the fly, directly in the browser...
Check this demo.
I came across this scenario when I wanted to initiate a download without using a server. I wrote this jQuery plugin that wraps up the content of a textarea/div in a Blob, then initiates a download of the Blob. Allows you to specify both file name and type..
jQuery.fn.downld = function (ops) {
this.each(function () {
var _ops = ops || {},
file_name = || "downld_file",
file_type = _ops.type || "txt",
file_content = $(this).val() || $(this).html();
var _file = new Blob([file_content],{type:'application/octet-stream'});
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(_file); = file_name+"."+file_type;
document.body.appendChild(a);; $('a').last().remove();
Default Use : $("#element").downld();
Options : $("#element").downld({ name:"some_file_name", type:"html" });
Codepen example
JavaScript is run in a sandboxed environment, meaning it only has access to specific browser resources. Specifically, it doesn't have access to the filesystem, or dynamic resources from other domains (web pages, javascript etc). Well, there are other things (I/O, devices), but you get the point.
You will need to post the data to the server which can invoke a file download, or use another technology such as flash, java applets, or silverlight. (i'm not sure about the support for this in the last 2, and I also wouldn't recommend using them, depends what it's for...)
The solution to download local/client-side contents via javascript is not straight forward. I have implemented one solution using smartclient-html-jsp.
Here is the solution:
I am in the project build on SmartClient. We need to download/export data of a grid
(table like structure).
We were using RESTish web services to serve the data from Server side. So I could not hit the url two times; one for grid and second time for export/transform the data to download.
What I did is made two JSPs namely: blank.jsp and export.jsp.
blank.jsp is literally blank, now I need to export the grid data
that I already have on client side.
Now when ever user asks to export the grid data, I do below:
a. Open a new window with url blank.jsp
b. using document.write I create a form in it with one field name text in it and set data to export inside it.
c. Now POST that form to export.jsp of same heirarchy.
d. Contents of export.jsp I am pasting below are self explanatory.
// code start
<%# page import="java.util.*,*,java.util.Enumeration"%>
response.setContentType ("text/csv");
//set the header and also the Name by which user will be prompted to save
response.setHeader ("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"data.csv\"");
String contents = request.getParameter ("text");
if (!(contents!= null && contents!=""))
contents = "No data";
contents = contents.replaceAll ("NEW_LINE", "\n");
//Open an input stream to the file and post the file contents thru the
//servlet output stream to the client m/c
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes ());
ServletOutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream();
int bit = 256;
int i = 0;
try {
while ((bit) >= 0) {
bit =;
//System.out.println("" +bit);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
<script type="text/javascript">
try {window.close ();} catch (e) {alert (e);}
// code end
This code is tested and deployed/working in production environment, also this is cross-browser functionality.
You can save a small amount of data in cookies.