I have a javascript function that opens a login.htm window in the mode I would like after I click a button on my index.htm page ....
function openApp() {
var options = "channelmode=" + 1 +
",resizable=" + 1 +
",menubar=" + 0 +
",toolbar=" + 0 +
",location=" + 0 +
",titlebar=" + 1 +
",status=" + 1 +
",scrollbars=" + 1;
var name = "reporting";
var appURL = "login.htm"
var newWindow = window.open(appURL,name,options);
It works fine but now I would like to move the functionality of opening the window into the login.htm window on load function.
For example if someone goes to login.htm itself, i want the window to open up in that mode.
I've tried a few things but can't figure this out. Can someone please help me.
I am using jquery so I could do it using jquery.
If you've got a DOM element with a click event that opens the login.htm and you want to open a new window as well with the same window properties if another DOM element is clicked just set the click event to that that DOM element, as in <span onclick="openApp()">Login</span>.
You could navigate to the log in page and set a setTimeout.
Just place this code in the log in page that the user navigates to, and it will open a new window on its own after the log in page DOM is loaded.
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function () {
var openApp = function () {
var options = "channelmode=" + 1 +
",resizable=" + 1 +
",menubar=" + 0 +
",toolbar=" + 0 +
",location=" + 0 +
",titlebar=" + 1 +
",status=" + 1 +
",scrollbars=" + 1;
var name = "reporting",
appURL = "login.htm",
newWindow = window.open(appURL, name, options);
}, 100);
You would take the section that var options is being set and put it outside of the openApp() function, like so:
var options = "channelmode=" + 1 +
",resizable=" + 1 +
",menubar=" + 0 +
",toolbar=" + 0 +
",location=" + 0 +
",titlebar=" + 1 +
",status=" + 1 +
",scrollbars=" + 1;
function openApp() {
var name = "reporting";
var appURL = "login.htm"
var newWindow = window.open(appURL,name,options);
Then you can call openApp() however you'd like.
If you want to run openApp() to execute when the whole page is fully loaded (i.e. all images are loaded) then you'd do the following:
If you want to execute openApp() when the document is in its "ready" state (when he DOM is available to manipulate), then do the following:
I have a setTimout loop being called repeatedly but the loop seems to catch up with itself and causes sticking on my page ect. I added a alert to see what was happening and i had the timer set to call every 10seconds, but the alert was being displayed oppressively faster until it was continuous
can anybody see why this is by my code below.
Many thanks
var running = setTimeout(function (){
var varLISTID = document.getElementById('datacatch').getAttribute("data-variable-LISTID");
var varUSERACCOUNTNAME = document.getElementById('datacatch').getAttribute("data-variable-USERACCOUNTNAME");
var varITEMACCOUNTNAME = document.getElementById('datacatch').getAttribute("data-variable-ITEMACCOUNTNAME");
var varSELECTEDUSER= document.getElementById('datacatchuser').getAttribute("data-variable-SELECTEDUSER");
var mylink = "loadmessages.php?listID=" + varLISTID + "&useraccountname=" + varUSERACCOUNTNAME + "&itemaccountname=" + varITEMACCOUNTNAME + "&selecteduser=" + varSELECTEDUSER;
var myotherlink = "contactselect.php?listID=" + varLISTID + "&useraccountname=" + varUSERACCOUNTNAME + "&itemaccountname=" + varITEMACCOUNTNAME + "&selecteduser=" + varSELECTEDUSER;
$(document).keypress(function() {
I've got a JQuery click event that doesn't seems to be firing at all. If I am missing something I'm almost certain it's something trivial. I've tried debugging the code via Chrome but the button click on the Filter button is not even hitting the breakpoint.
$('#filter').click(function () {
var dataurl;
var visit = $('#visitFilter').val;
var dns = $('#dnsFilter').val;
var visitdate = $('#visitDateFilter').val;
var entrypage = $('#entryPageFilter').val;
var timeOnSite = $('#timeOnSiteFilter').val;
var timeonsiteselector = $('#timeOnSiteSelector').val;
var pages = $('#pagesFilter').val;
var cost = $('#costFilter').val;
var city = $('#cityFilter').val;
var country = $('#countryFilter').val;
var keywords = $('#keywordsFilter').val;
var referrer = $('#referrerFilter').val;
dataurl = "http://localhost:56971/VisitListFilter/28/" + visit + "/" + dns + "/" + visitdate + "/" + entrypage + "/" + timeOnSite + "/" + timeonsiteselector + "/" + pages + "/" + cost + "/" + city + "/" + country + "/" + keywords + "/" + referrer + "/" + "?format=json";
$('#VisitListTable').bootstrapTable('refresh', {url: dataurl});
I've also created a fiddle here with the full code: https://jsfiddle.net/W3R3W0LF666/epu54yc4/1/
Remember .val() is a function.
You need to use () when invoking a function. Currently you are just passing the function reference.
var visit = $('#visitFilter').val(); //Note ()
It is getting fired.
Replace all .val with .val() as .val() is a jquery function for getting values.as :
var dns = $('#dnsFilter').val;
This is similar to my last question but the problem is different. I use a separate javascript file for all of my javascript functions. That file is called by my main window, and is also called in a separate instance by my child windows. My code works with every browser except IE 9 and 10. I have not tested earlier versions of IE.
IE says the offending line is window.opener.savetoparent($targetval); My previous code was opener.savetoparent($targetval); and before that I simply made the changes to the parent from the child directly. I have also gone into IE and enabled protected mode as suggested in another article with no change in behavior. Savetoparent() is available to both the child and the parent so I must call it with opener for it to run in the parent.
The error I am getting is : Unable to get property 'savetoparent' of undefined or null reference. Here is the code:
function saveandclose($wintype, $propid) {
switch($wintype) {
case 'ccdetail':
var $targetval = $('#cc-total').val();
var $fieldname = 'closingcoststotal';
The safe to parent function is:
function savetoparent($targetval) {
$('#' + $parentloc).val($targetval);
var $name = $('#' + $parentloc).attr("name");
var $rawtargetval = jsstrtonum($targetval);
processrvsave($propertyid, $name, $rawtargetval);
Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
window is launched like this
if(window.showModalDialog) {
window.showModalDialog($childname + '.php?ploc=' + $parentloc + '&propid=' + $propid, '', 'dialogWidth: ' + $winwidth + 'px; dialogHeight: ' + $winheight + 'px;')
else {
window.open($childname + '.php?ploc=' + $parentloc + '&propid=' + $propid, '', 'width=' + $winwidth + ', height=' + $winheight + ', modal=yes');
There is no opener in showModalDialog. Use the returnValue
Also there has not been a modal parameter on window.open in many years..
Here is how to use returnValue
if(window.showModalDialog) {
$targetval = window.showModalDialog($childname + '.php?ploc=' + $parentloc + '&propid=' + $propid,
'dialogWidth: ' + $winwidth + 'px; dialogHeight: ' + $winheight + 'px;'))
if(targetval) savetoparent($targetval);
else {
window.open($childname + '.php?ploc=' + $parentloc + '&propid=' + $propid, '', 'width=' + $winwidth + ', height=' + $winheight + ', modal=yes');
function saveandclose($wintype, $propid) {
var $targetval ="";
switch($wintype) {
case 'ccdetail':
$targetval = $('#cc-total').val();
// var $fieldname = 'closingcoststotal'; I do not see this used anywhere
if (window.opener) window.opener.savetoparent($targetval);
else returnValue = $targetval;
I am using the following code which does 2 out of the 3 things I want it to do, shares dynamic content with a custom twitter button:
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var twtTitle = document.title;
var twtUrl = location.href;
var maxLength = 140 - (twtUrl.length + 1);
if (twtTitle.length > maxLength) {
twtTitle = twtTitle.substr(0, (maxLength - 3)) + '...';
var twtLink = 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' + encodeURIComponent(twtTitle + ' ' + twtUrl);
document.write('<a href="' + twtLink + '" target="_blank"' + '><img src="images/twitter.png" border="0" alt="Tweet This!" /' + '><' + '/a>');
// ]]>
What I would like it to do is also popup in a window rather than a full page view. My knowledge of script is limited so I don't know where to insert the appropriate popup code.
Any help?
instead of document.write you need window.open. Make sure the event is done in a click action, otherwise popup blockers would stop your script
<script type="text/javascript">
function fbs_click() {
var twtTitle = document.title;
var twtUrl = location.href;
var maxLength = 140 - (twtUrl.length + 1);
if (twtTitle.length > maxLength) {
twtTitle = twtTitle.substr(0, (maxLength - 3)) + '...';
var twtLink = 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' + encodeURIComponent(twtTitle + ' ' + twtUrl);
And in your HTML add your image tag like this:
Hope this helps
You can place an ID="twitPop" on the anchor and use this as well.
$('#twitPop').click(function(event) {
var width = 575,
height = 400,
left = ($(window).width() - width) / 2,
top = ($(window).height() - height) / 2,
url = this.href,
opts = 'status=1' +
',width=' + width +
',height=' + height +
',top=' + top +
',left=' + left;
window.open(url, 'twitter', opts);
return false;
I have a few cascading dropdowns on the bottom of my php page. Each time a user selects an option from the dropdown the following function is called to add the value of that option to my url variables. Currently the page refreshes to the top each time which is a huge problem. Normally I would use something like onCLick="window.location='page.htm#bottom';" to refresh to the bottom of the page but the below function stops working when I add the #bottom. Can someone help me adjust this function or give me other ideas that will refresh to the bottom of the page when the function is done.
function reload5(form){
if(document.getElementById('fda1').checked) {
var fda = '1';
}else if(document.getElementById('fda0').checked) {
var fda = '0';
var val=form.category.options[form.category.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val2=form.subcat.options[form.subcat.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val3=form.subcat1.options[form.subcat1.options.selectedIndex].value;
var val4=form.subcat2.options[form.subcat2.options.selectedIndex].value;
var comp1=form.mname.options[form.mname.options.selectedIndex].text;
var itemnum=document.getElementById('item').value;
var desc=document.getElementById('desc').value;
var quan=document.getElementById('quan').value;
var list=document.getElementById('list').value;
var uom=form.uom.options[form.uom.options.selectedIndex].text;
self.location='add_products.php#bottom?fda=' + fda + '&desc=' + desc + '&quan=' + quan + '&list=' + list + '&uom=' + uom + '&item=' + itemnum + '&cat=' + val + '&cat2=' + val2 + '&cat3=' + val3 + '&cat4=' + val4 + '&comp=' + comp1 ;
So this doesn't work: self.location='add_products.php#bottom?fda=' + fda
But this does : self.location='add_products.php?fda=' + fda
Any idea where to put the #bottom?
The issue is that the hash must come after the query string at the end. See this article. Try this... (I also cleaned up the code)
function reload5(form){
var val=form.category.options[form.category.options.selectedIndex].value,
if(document.getElementById('fda1').checked) {
fda = 1;
} else if(document.getElementById('fda0').checked) {
fda = 0;
} else {
fda = -1;
window.self.location.href = 'add_products.php?fda=' + fda + '&desc=' + desc + '&quan=' + quan + '&list=' + list + '&uom=' + uom + '&item=' + itemnum + '&cat=' + val + '&cat2=' + val2 + '&cat3=' + val3 + '&cat4=' + val4 + '&comp=' + comp1 + "#bottom";
What I don't understand is why you are not doing something with Ajax that would not cause the page to refresh at all.