How to change store state after API update? - javascript

Let's say I have a POST request that updates the status of a property in an object to true / false.
In my reducer, I have this dispatched as an action after that post request is successful.
if (action.res.errorCode == 0) {
console.log("NO ERROR!");
Currently, the status can be changed in the backend but unless I refresh the page, then the 'true' status isn't reflected in the DOM (am doing a GET request on componentDidMount() to get the latest data when the page refreshes).
My question is how do I change the state in the store immediately after the post request (POST request is triggered by a click of a button)?
Do I do this?
if (action.res.errorCode == 0) {
console.log("NO ERROR!");
const objChanged = newState.list.find(function (obj) { return ===; });
objChanged.is_favorite = true;
Considering that I have this as my state in the store:
const currentState = [
list: []
I'm very new to redux / react, so am not sure if I'm doing it properly.

You shouldn't mutate the state value directly. Also while dispatching the actions after a successful API request, you can just pass the id as the payload for the request
Now in the store, you can process like
const objIndex = state.list.findIndex(function (obj) { return ===; });
if(objIndex > -1) {
// return the updated state if the id was found
return {
list: [
...state.list.slice(0, index),
{...state.list[objIndex], is_favorite: true},
...state.list.slice(index + 1)
// otherwise return the state as it is
return state

you can store state as
in case you are using ajax or axios, you have to bind the function first like
this.apicallfunction = this.apicallfunction.bind(this);

By passing the id in action, you can update it using 'react-addons-update':
import update from 'react-addons-update'
if( > -1){
return update(state, {
list: {
[]: {
is_favorite: { $set: true }
return state


Vuex Getters duplicating array values

I have a simple lesson creator where I allow teachers to make selections for various categories, those selections ids are collected and grouped together and I want to return them all at the end as a lesson plan.
However, I am having a strange problem that I can't figure out. My Vuex store shows the selections correctly, however my getter duplicates all of my arrays.
After selections are made, my Vuex store shows something like this through the Vue.js dev-tools plugin:
store.js state and getter:
const state = {
lesson: {
selected_event: '',
selected_exploration: [],
selected_extensions: [],
selected_goals: [],
selected_lexis: [],
getSelections(state) {
console.log('GETTER SELECTIONS', state.lesson);
return state.lesson
My call to getSelections from lesson.vue file:
<template><button #click="saveLesson">Save</button></template>
methods: {
saveLesson () {
console.log('GET RETURN OF SELECTIONS',this.$store.getters["getSelections"]);
Now my console output is:
The thing is, none of my other getters behave this way. This getter is super basic.
When I check out store and getSelections getter in the Vue.js dev-tools the values are correct and there are no duplicates.
Any advice or direction you can provide would be much appreciated.
Actions and Mutations for Lesson_Store
// create mutations
const mutations = {
setSelectedEvent(state, payload) {
// state.lesson.selected_event = payload
if (state.lesson.selected_event === payload) {
state.lesson.selected_event = '';
} else {
state.lesson.selected_event = payload
setSelectedReading(state, payload) {
if (state.lesson.selected_reading === payload) {
state.lesson.selected_reading = '';
} else {
state.lesson.selected_reading = payload
setSelectedLexis(state, payload) {
// if event is already in array, then remove it with filter
// otherwise push it to the array
if (state.lesson.selected_lexis.includes(payload)) {
state.lesson.selected_lexis = state.lesson.selected_lexis.filter(function (item) {
return item !== payload;
} else {
// state.lesson.selected_lexis = payload
setSelectedExplorations(state, payload) {
// if event is already in array, then remove it with filter
// otherwise push it to the array
if (state.lesson.selected_exploration.includes(payload)) {
state.lesson.selected_exploration = state.lesson.selected_exploration.filter(function (item) {
return item !== payload;
} else {
// state.lesson.selected_lexis = payload
setSelectedQuestions(state, payload) {
// if event is already in array, then remove it with filter
// otherwise push it to the array
if (state.lesson.selected_questions.includes(payload)) {
state.lesson.selected_questions = state.lesson.selected_questions.filter(function (item) {
return item !== payload;
} else {
// state.lesson.selected_lexis = payload
setSelectedPerformances(state, payload) {
// if event is already in array, then remove it with filter
// otherwise push it to the array
if (state.lesson.selected_performances.includes(payload)) {
state.lesson.selected_performances = state.lesson.selected_performances.filter(function (item) {
return item !== payload;
} else {
setSelectedExtensions(state, payload) {
// if event is already in array, then remove it with filter
// otherwise push it to the array
if (state.lesson.selected_extensions.includes(payload)) {
state.lesson.selected_extensions = state.lesson.selected_extensions.filter(function (item) {
return item !== payload;
} else {
setSelectedGoals(state, payload) {
// if event is already in array, then remove it with filter
// otherwise push it to the array
if (state.lesson.selected_goals.includes(payload)) {
state.lesson.selected_goals = state.lesson.selected_goals.filter(function (item) {
return item !== payload;
} else {
// create actions
const actions = {
setSelectedEvent({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedEvent', payload);
setSelectedReading({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedReading', payload);
setSelectedLexis({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedLexis', payload);
setSelectedExplorations({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedExplorations', payload);
setSelectedQuestions({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedQuestions', payload);
setSelectedPerformances({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedPerformances', payload);
setSelectedExtensions({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedExtensions', payload);
setSelectedGoals({commit}, payload) {
commit('setSelectedGoals', payload);
All of these appear to be working correctly because my vuejs dev tools display all of the selection id's properly.
To anyone having similar issues where your dev tools store does not match your actual store values output, it is probably due to your code not updating the store values formally through the actions and mutations approach.
if this store value is ever updated directly without actions and mutations the value in the store will change, however, those updated values will not be detected by vuejs dev tools and your actual store data and dev tools data values will not match.

How to update values in table with this.state?

I make a component, which show information from database in table. But this information with filters.
Filtering can be by event type and by participant (id: integer type).
When I click the button, I call handleShowClick(). In this function I check: if value of type event isn't null, I get from database events with this type. if value of type event is null, I get all events.
After this I check a participant value. If value isn't null, I call function, which search which events are include this participant. Data from this.state.event show in table in another component.
I haven't problems with event type. But I have problem with participant. When I choose one of participant, table shows correct data for a split second. After this return to prev state (without filter by participants).
How can I fix this issue? I set state to event only in this component
class TestPage extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
event: [],
searchByType: null,
searchByParticipant: null,
participantToEvent: []
this.handleShowClick = this.handleShowClick.bind(this);
this.onHandleEventByTypeFetch = this.onHandleEventByTypeFetch.bind(this);
this.handleParticipantSearch = this.handleParticipantSearch.bind(this);
this.onHandleEventFetch = this.onHandleEventFetch.bind(this);
handleShowClick() { // onClick
if (this.state.searchByType !== null) {
this.onHandleEventByTypeFetch(); // select * from ... where type=...
} else {
this.onHandleEventFetch(); // select * from ...
if (this.state.searchByParticipant !== null) {
handleParticipantSearch() {
const list = []; => { // participantToEvent is binding table
if (itemP.parid === this.state.searchByParticipant) { => {
if ( === itemP.eventid) {
console.log(list); // here I see array with correct result
this.setState({ event: list });
onHandleEventFetch() {
fetch( ... , {
method: 'GET'
.then((response) => {
if (response.status >= 400) {
throw new Error('Bad response from server');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
if (data.length === 0) {
} else {
event: data
onHandleEventByTypeFetch() {
fetch( ... , {
method: 'GET'
.then((response) => {
if (response.status >= 400) {
throw new Error('Bad response from server');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
if (data.length === 0) {
} else {
event: data
Structure of this.state.event:
[{id: 1, name: 'New event', participant: 5, type: 10}, ...]
Structure of this.state.participantToEvent:
[{id: 1, idparticipant: 5, idevent: 1}, ...]
this.setState(...this.state,{ event: list });
I think this would solve your problem. Because you clear every item except for {event:list} by not copying the previous state.
You should put
to onHandleEventByeTypeFetch and onHandleEventFetch. Without them when you click handleShowClick one of those two functions always work and clears searchByParticipant data from the state by not copying the previous state.
The reason for you see the correct data for a short time is all about async nature of the state.

Angular service returning data only on page refresh

Why is this.menulist empty even after?
ngOnInit() {
this.menulist = localStorage.getItem('menulist');
if (this.menulist) {
} else {
this.SetMenuList(); // Else call the service and sort the menu then
this.menulist = localStorage.getItem('menulist'); // null even after calling SetMenulist
this.jsonmenulist = JSON.parse(this.menulist);
SetMenuList() {
.map((lst) => {
if (lst && lst.length > 0) {
localStorage.setItem('menulist', JSON.stringify(lst));
this.menulist = localStorage.getItem('menulist'); this.jsonmenulist = JSON.parse(this.menulist);
}, (error) => {
Service method:
getRMA(Id:any): Observable<Imstmenu[]> {
return this._http.get(""+Id+"")
.map((response: Response) => {<Imstmenu[]>response.json();
I suggest creating an Observable that gets the last value from local if available, else the server value after updating localstorage :
updateMenuListOnce$ is an Observable that will call the server, updates localstorage and return the new value :
const updateMenuListOnce$ =
tap(menuList => localStorage.setItem('menulist', JSON.stringify(menuList)));
The menuList$ Observable will return the value in localstorage if available, or subscribe to the previous declared Observable :
this.menuList$ = of(localStorage.getItem('menulist'))
.pipe(exhaustMap(menuList =>
menuList ? of(<Imstmenu[]>menuList) : updateMenuListOnce$));
Now you just need to subscribe to the menuList$ to get the menu list from localstorage if available or from the server.

Redux updateElementSaga has been cancelled. Why?

I just implemented a drag and drop feature with react-dnd and when the user drops the SkyElement item in my app, I update top and left on the server which in turn updates the redux store
However, the update call works occasionally, not every time. And in my console, I see a warning; updateElementSaga has been cancelled
In my SlotView.js, in a function, I have:
this.props.dispatch(requestUpdateElement({ id, top, left }));
In my elements/actions.js:
export function requestUpdateElement(element) {
return { type: 'requestUpdateElement', element };
In my elements/sagas.js:
export function *updateElementSaga(action) {
const response = yield call(api.updateElement, action.element);
if (response.element) {
// debugger; // this hits, saga was cancelled will have appeared in the console at this point
yield put(actions.receiveElement(response.element));
} else if (response.error) {
console.log('error receiving element');
export default [
takeLatest('requestUpdateElement', updateElementSaga),
In api.js:
export function updateElement(element) {
const userId = JSON.parse(localStorage.cookies).userId;
element.userId = userId;
if (userId) {
return apiHelper.put(
{headers: apiHelper.getHeaders()}
).catch((error) => {
return {error};
} else {
console.log('user ID could not be found for request');
And my elements/reducer.js:
const defaultState = {
elementsMap: {},
visibleElements: [],
unplacedElements: [],
export default function(state = defaultState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'receiveElement':
let element = null;
let unplacedElement = null;
if (action.element.sectorId === undefined) {
unplacedElement = `${}`;
} else {
element = `${}`;
// don't add, duplicate
const newState = {...state}; // copy old state
delete newState[`${}`]; // delete the item from the object
const newVisibleElements = newState.visibleElements.filter(e => e !== `${}`); // remove item from visible elements
const newUnplacedElements = newState.unplacedElements.filter(e => e !== `${}`);
return {
elementsMap: {
[element]: action.element,
visibleElements: [...newVisibleElements, element],
unplacedElements: [...newUnplacedElements],
return {
elementsMap: {
[]: action.element,
visibleElements: [...state.visibleElements, element],
unplacedElements: [...state.unplacedElements, unplacedElement],
return state;
Like I mentioned before, sometimes the update works, but not every time. I've narrowed the problem down to the client. Server seems to be acting fine. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!
If you are using takeLatest the redux saga documentation does mention:
Unlike takeEvery, takeLatest allows only one fetchData task to run at
any moment. And it will be the latest started task. If a previous
task is still running when another fetchData task is started, the
previous task will be automatically cancelled.
Where fetchData is the generator function that is being served using takeLatest or takeEvery
And when your UI keeps invoking the same action, before it gets completed, it will keep cancelling
the last invoked action, and hence you would keep getting the message intermittently:
updateElementSaga has been cancelled
Which by nature takeLatest is doing the right thing. Which is:
Always take the latest invoked action
In case you want every action to be caught and processed, do use takeEvery, as:
export default [
takeEvery('requestUpdateElement', updateElementSaga),

Meteor React renders twice after subscription are ready

I'm using Meteor with react and FlowRouter to handle subscriptions. I find that when my component renders it will render twice after a few seconds, but only when I have the meteor mixin subscribed to a subscription.
For example:
PeoplePage = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
getMeteorData() {
const subHandles = [
const subsReady = _.all(subHandles, function (handle) {
return handle.ready();
return {
subsReady: subsReady,
people: People.find({}).fetch(),
if( == false){
return (<Loading/>);
} else {
The same information is shown twice. Is this due to fast render that FlowRouter uses, or is it something that I am doing incorrectly?
Hmm, I guess the problem is that you are triggering the subscription every time, when the component re-renders.. I haven't tried it, but you could check if this will solve the problem
getMeteorData() {
const subsReady = _.all(this.subs || [{}], function (handle) {
if (typeof handle.ready == 'function')
return handle.ready();
return false;
if (!subsReady) // you can extend it, to provide params to subscriptions
this.subs = [
return {
subsReady: subsReady,
people: People.find({}).fetch(),
It should not trigger the subs if they are already ready.
Be aware, that mustn't pass an empty array to _.all, because of this:
_.all([], function(a) {return a.b()}) // true
this is why I added an empty object to the array, so this way you can check for the ready member..
I would suggest doing to subscription within the componentWillMount() function. This way, you make sure that you only subscribe once before the initial render().
getMeteorData() {
var ready = _.all(this.subHandles, function (handle) {
return handle.ready();
return {
subsReady: ready,
people: People.find({}).fetch()
componentWillMount() {
this.subHandles = [];
componentWillUnmount() { {
If it still renders twice, I would suggest trying to turn of fast render for the route and check if this problem still occurs.
