Here is my situation:
I am trying to unit-test a React component (TodoList) that does nothing more on the Render method than map the items and show them.
It gets the items (TodoItem) from the Redux store by using MapStateToProps.
This is the javascript code for the TodoList component:
class TodoList extends React.Component {
onRemoveClick = (id) => {
render() {
const todos = this.props.todos;
return null;
return ( => (
<TodoItem key={} todo={todo} onRemove={this.onRemoveClick} />
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
todos: state.todos
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoList);
What I want to test now, is that whenever the button inside TodoItem (child object) gets called, the onRemoveClick delegate method gets called.
I tried using the function mocking that Jest provides, in conjunction with Enzyme. However, because TodoList gets his data from Redux, I have to surround my Enzyme mount() call with a Provider component and mock the store.
Here is my test code:
import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import TodoList from '../../../../react/components/todo/TodoList';
describe('TodoList component', () => {
//global arrange
const storeState = {
todos: [
id: 'testId1',
title: 'testTitle1',
description: 'testDescription1'
id: 'testId2',
title: 'testTitle2',
description: 'testDescription2'
const mockStore = configureStore();
let store;
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore(storeState)
it('Removes a todo from the list if the remove button the todo was pressed', () => {
//let mockFn = jest.fn();
//TodoList.prototype.onRemoveClick = mockFn; => tried, doesn't work...
const component = mount(
<Provider store={store}>
<TodoList />
//component.instance() => tried working with this, but couldn't find it
//component.instance().children() => is not the TodoList
const items = component.find('.todoItem');
const button = items.first().find('button');
//Todo: check function spy here
I commented out some things I tried. But I can't seem to be able to access the TodoList component in my test code, because of the Provider wrapper...
Any clues?
Got it fixed through a lot of trial and error.
I was able to access TodoList through the enzyme find functionality, which apparently also works on ComponentNames (and not just plain HTML selectors).
The second trick was to call forceUpdate() on the TodoList component AND update() on the parent wrapper.
it('Removes a todo from the list if the remove button on the todo was pressed', () => {
const component = mount(
<Provider store={store}>
<TodoList />
const list = component.find('TodoList').instance();
let mockFn = jest.fn();
list.onRemoveClick = mockFn;
const items = component.find('.todoItem');
const button = items.first().find('button');
I'm trying to test the screen that has useEffect hook with the following:
export const SomeScreen: React.FC<Props> = ({}) => {
const [isSensorAvailable, setIsSensorAvailable] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
const isSensorAvailableCheck = async () => {
try {
await FingerprintScanner.isSensorAvailable();
} catch (error) {
}, []);
Here goes code that renders View if the sensor is available
And I'm trying the following test:
import {default as FingerprintScannerMock} from 'react-native-fingerprint-scanner';
(FingerprintScannerMock.isSensorAvailable as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(true);
const createTestProps = (props: Object) => ({
navigation: {
navigate: jest.fn(),
describe('Testing some screen', () => {
test('testing some functionalities', async () => {
let props: any;
props = createTestProps({});
const component = render(
<Provider store={store}>
<RegisterPasswordScreen {...props} />
const {getByText, getByTestId, getAllByTestId} = component;
const container = getByTestId('containerId');
But this container is never found because setIsSensorIsAvailable never sets the value to true because of the following error:
An update to SomeScreen inside a test was not wrapped in act(...).
I tried everything even like this:
const component = await waitFor(() =>
render(<Provider store={store}>
<RegisterPasswordScreen {...props} />
But when I run this test it never ends. Tried also to wrap it with act(...) but that does not work either, then the error is following:
Can't access .root on unmounted test renderer.
Any help appreciated, thanks!
Had a similar issue
Wrapping the component using act( solved my issue
Using create to wrap your component for react native instead of using a typical render method wrapped in act
import { act, create } from 'react-test-renderer';
it('test', () => {
await act(async () => {
create(<ComponentWithAsyncUseEffect />);
I ended up using findByTestId rather than getByTestId and now it works well.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Card } from 'components/Card';
import { dateFilter } from 'helpers';
import Chart from 'chart.js';
import 'chartjs-chart-matrix';
import chroma from 'chroma-js';
import moment from 'moment';
const WeeklyTrafficCard = (props) => {
const { start, end, data, store } = props;
const capacity = store && store.capacity;
var numberOfweeks = 0; //representing how many weeks back
const dateArray = [];
var today = moment();
while (numberOfweeks < 10) {
var from_date = today.startOf('week').format('MM/DD/YY');
var to_date = today.endOf('week').format('MM/DD/YY');
var range = from_date.concat(' ','-',' ',to_date);
today = today.subtract(7, 'days');
const [each_daterange, setDateRange] = useState();
I have this Component called WeeklyTrafficCard and I want to use the variable, each_daterange, in another component, which imported WeeklyTrafficCard as below to send the get request, clearly I cannot use each_daterange directly right here, how I can work around it?
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { WeeklyTrafficCard } from './WeeklyTrafficCard';
import { AppContext } from 'contexts/App';
import { API_URL } from 'constants/index.js';
import { todayOpen, todayClose } from 'helpers';
import moment from 'moment';
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
const { API } = useContext(AppContext);
const { store = {} } = props;
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const open = todayOpen(store.hours, store.timezone);
const close = todayClose(store.hours, store.timezone);
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
const result = await API.get(`${API_URL}/api/aggregates`, {
params: {
every: '1h',
hourStart: 13,
hourStop: 4
You should use a useEffect(prop drilling) to pass your variable in your parent:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import "./style.css";
const App = () => {
const [myVar, setMyVar] = React.useState('');
return (
<Child setMyVar={setMyVar} />
const Child = ({setMyVar}) => {
const myChildVar = "Hello world !"
React.useEffect( () => setMyVar(myChildVar),[]);
return <div> This is the child</div>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Here is the repro on stackblitz
Understanding of the Problem
You want to pass data up to the parent from the child.
Manage each_daterange in the parent:
Instead of creating your useState variable each_daterange in the child you can declare it in the parent and pass down it's setter function. For instance:
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
const [eachDateRange, setEachDateRange] = useState();
return (
{/* your return */}
<WeeklyTrafficCard setEachDateRange={setEachDateRange} />
If you need to display eachDateRange in the traffic card, or the traffic card needs to completely own that variable, you can create another state variable in the parent and pass a callback to the child (essentially what is above but now you have two different state variables).
The parent becomes
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
const [requestDateRange, setRequestDateRange] = useState();
const updateRequestDateRange = (dateRange) => {
return (
{/* your return */}
<WeeklyTrafficCard updateDateRange={updateRequestDateRange} />
Then in your WeeklyTrafficCard call props.updateDateRange and pass it the date range whenever each_daterange changes.
Ciao, of course you need a global state manager. My preferred is react-redux. In few word, react-redux allows you to have a state that is shared in all your components. Sharing each_daterange between WeeklyTrafficCardContainer and WeeklyTrafficCard will be very easy if you decide to use it.
This is the more appropriate guide to quick start with react-redux. have a nice coding :)
Keep the value outside of the component, where both can access it. There are other ways to do this, but just as a simple example you could create a simple "store" to hold it and reference that store from each component that needs it:
class Store {
setDateRange (newDateRange) {
this._dateRange = newDateRange;
get dateRange () {
return this._dateRange;
export default new Store(); // singleton; everyone gets the same instance
import store from './Store';
const WeeklyTrafficCard = (props) => {
// use current dateRange value
const dateRange = store.dateRange;
// set new dateRange
store.setDateRange( newDateRange );
// do other stuff
import store from './Store';
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = (props) => {
// use current dateRange value
const dateRange = store.dateRange;
// set new dateRange
store.setDateRange( newDateRange );
// do other stuff
If you want store updates to trigger component re-renders you'd need to add some higher order component plumbing, like redux's connect, or some other mechanism for triggering updates:
// pseudocode; make store an event emitter and return
// a component that re-renders on store events
store.connect = Component => {
return props => {
React.useEffect(() => {
store.addEventListener( ... )
return () => store.removeEventListener( ... )
Or if the components share a common parent, you could lift the state to the parent and pass the information to each component as props. If either component updates the value, the parent state change will trigger a re-render of both components with the new value:
const Parent = () => {
const [dateRange, setDateRange] = React.useState();
return (
onDateRangeChange={newRange => setDateRange(newRange)}
onDateRangeChange={newRange => setDateRange(newRange)}
Let's rephrase the objective here.
Objective: access each_daterange from WeeklyTrafficCard component in WeeklyTrafficCardContainer component.
Note: simply put, choose the following case based on your problem.
choose using prop if the variable is to be accessed by only one component
choose using context if the variable is to be accessed by more than one components
Solution Cases:
Case A: using prop.
Case A.1. WeeklyTrafficCard is the parent of WeeklyTrafficCardContainer
each_datarange being passed from WeeklyTrafficCard component as prop to WeeklyTrafficCardContainer component
working example for reference: codesandbox - variable passed as prop
// WeeklyTrafficCard.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCard = () => {
const [each_daterange, setDateRange] = useState();
return (
<WeeklyTrafficCardContainer eachDateRange={each_daterange} />
// WeeklyTrafficCardContainer.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = props => {
const eachDateRange = props.eachDateRange;
return (
Case A.2. WeeklyTrafficCard & WeeklyTrafficCardContainer are children of a parent, say WeeklyTraffic component
each_datarange will be present in WeeklyTraffic component which is shared among WeeklyTrafficCard component & WeeklyTrafficCardContainer component
// WeeklyTraffic.jsx file
const WeeklyTraffic = () => {
const [each_daterange, setDateRange] = useState();
return (
<WeeklyTrafficCard eachDateRange={each_daterange} />
<WeeklyTrafficCardContainer eachDateRange={each_daterange} />
// WeeklyTrafficCard.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCard = props => {
const eachDateRange = props.eachDateRange;
return (
// WeeklyTrafficCardContainer.jsx file
const WeeklyTrafficCardContainer = props => {
const eachDateRange = props.eachDateRange;
return (
Case B: using context.
follow blog example found: blog - react context
this is preferred way to implement if the variable/variables is/are shared or need to be accessed by more than 1 components
Essentially, I'm trying to test if my modal opens when my button is clicked & I'm a noob with Jest & Enzyme.
I am hitting an issue accessing the props on the button & I'm not sure if it's because it's nested inside of a third party package or if I'm not importing it correctly into my test. Please see my condensed(ish) code below as I wasn't about to recreate the code on CodePen..
const UploadDownloadComponent = ({ handleOpen }) => (
onClick={handleOpen} //this is what I need to access
Bulk Add Members
<SecondaryButton id="email-csv-button">
//beginning of data table component
export const Table = () => {
const [bulkUpload, setBulkUpload] = useState(false);
//upload modal
const openUpload = () => {
const closeUpload = () => {
//query container
const subHeaderComponentMemo = useMemo(() => {
{*/ other code /*}
return (
}, []);
return (
{*/ bunch of other things unrelated /*}
<UploadModal closeModal={closeUpload} open={bulkUpload} />
import React from "react";
import { configure, mount, shallow } from "enzyme";
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
import { Table } from "../components/MemberView/DataTable";
import { UploadModal } from "../components/MemberView/UploadModal";
import Modal from "react-modal";
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
describe("<Table />", () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Table />);
//using .upDate() is the only way I can get this test to pass
it("should have upload button", () => {
const uploadButton = wrapper.find("#bulk-add-button").update();
//this passes
it("renders Upload Modal", () => {
const upModal = shallow(<UploadModal />);
it("opens Upload Modal when state is changed", () => {
const modal = mount(<UploadModal />);
const uploadButton = wrapper.find("#bulk-add-button").update();
//this is where my test fails as it cannot simulate click on uploadButton
//if I change it to:
//my error message says it expected 1 Node. ) found instead.
//I don't make it this far
I am also using Hooks if that makes any difference...
Any and all help/advice welcome!
When accessing props the following approach works for me.
Hope this works!
I've created a validation function that I can call externally like so:
const isValid = validateChildren(this.props.children)
And I have a component I'd like to validate.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
isValid() {
// Validation will check against the render method in this component.
return true;
render() {
return false;
Within that function I'm using the component props to check for a validation function using React.Children. This looks something like this:, (child) => {
// Validation here.
What I'd like to do in addition to checking for props, is to check for a internal class method of isValid and then fire it. That way in the case of MyComponent I could do the following:
if (child.current.isValid) child.current.isValid()
Is something like this possible in React? I'm trying to solve a performance issue with cloning the child elements that I'd like to avoid with this approach.
You can do this using forwardRef and the useImperativeHandle hook, as described here.
If you change the name in the App function, you'll see the validity change.
import React, { useState, useImperativeHandle, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const validateNameProp = nameProp => {
return nameProp === "Colin";
let Child = ({ name, childRef }) => {
const [nameIsValid, setNameIsValid] = useState(false);
// We want to expose the isValid function so it can be called by parent.
useImperativeHandle(childRef, () => ({
const isValid = () => {
return (
<div ref={childRef}>
Name is {name} and this name is: {nameIsValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}
const App = () => {
const childRef = useRef();
const name = "Colin";
// Wait until component mounts so ref is not null.
useEffect(() => {
if (validateNameProp(name)) {
}, []);
return <Child childRef={childRef} name={name} />;
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
I am trying to get a simple example to work. Here is the code below.
In this example, in:
mapStateToProps = (state) => {}
where is state coming from? I am little confused as to what exactly I am passing into?
I understand that connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoApp) "binds" the state returned in mapStateToProps to TodoApp and can then be accessed via this.props.
What do I need to do to this code so I can print out the current state inside TodoApp
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
const stateObject = [
'id': 1,
'name': 'eric'
'id': 2,
'name': 'john'
const todo = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_TODO':
return {
text: action.text
return state
const todos = (state = stateObject, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_TODO':
return [
todo(undefined, action)
return state
const store = createStore(todos)
//confused by what is happening here
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
?: ?
const TodoApp = () => {
//How do I get this to print out the current props?
return (
Some Text
<Provider store={store} >
<TodoApp />
Ok updated:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
names: state
const TodoApp = () => {
return (
Some Text1
const ConnectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoApp);
<Provider store={store} >
<ConnectedComponent />
However I'm still getting undefined for console.log(this.props).
What am I doing wrong?
There's no this with a functional component. To access the props you can change it to this:
const TodoApp = (props) => {
return (
Some Text1
mapStateToProps maps the some parts of your Redux state to props of your React Component.
State comes from your store. In fact, you can take a look at your current state at any point by calling store.getState(). When you do createStore(todos), this creates the state based on the todos reducer. As you can see in your todos reducer, your initial state comes from stateObject, which is defined up top.
So, back to mapStateToProps. All you need to do in that functions is to return the object, where keys will be the props and values will be the values obtained from the Redux state. Here's an example of mapStateToProps:
const mapStateToProps = function (state) {
return {
propName: state
Now when you do the console.log(this.props) inside render(), you can see the whole state being stored inside this.props.propName. That is achieved by mapStateToProps.
A little bit of theory on this: each time an action is dispatched, every mapStateToProps you have in your app is called, props are applied to every component you created, and if any props have changed, that component will re-render. This kind of behaviour is provided for you via connect function. So you don't have to implement this behaviour for every component: all you need to do is to apply it like so: const ConnectedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(SomeComponent) and use ConnectedComponent instead of SomeComponent.