So I have this GSAP timeline, which should first animate the fade-in text, and onComplete it should trigger the Vivus.js constructor which it does. However, the SVG element is visible before the animation occurs which is not a desired effect. I have tried to manipulate it somehow but the issue is still here - what could I be missing..?
The desired effect would be to fade in while drawing itself..
Here's a pen:
function initialAnimation() {
var introText = $(".text-intro"),
tlIntro = new TimelineLite({ onComplete: introFadeIn });
tlIntro.from(introText, 1, { autoAlpha: 0 });
// Fade in and draw elements
function introFadeIn() {
var graphic1 = $(".graphic1");
tlIntrofadeIn = new TimelineLite({ onComplete: gr1Animate });
.from(graphic1Elem, 1, { autoAlpha: 0 });
function gr1Animate() {
new Vivus(
type: "delayed",
onReady: function(myVivus) { = "inherit";
function(obj) { = "visible";
I'm not familiar with Vivus, but GSAP has a tool (DrawSVGPlugin) that does the same thing (and much more) as a Club GreenSock benefit and it integrates seamlessly, so your 30-ish lines of code could be condensed to 3:
var introTL = new TimelineLite({delay:0.5});
introTL.from(".text-intro, #gr1 circle, #gr1 text", 1, {autoAlpha:0})
.from("#gr1 path", 2, {drawSVG:"0%", autoAlpha:0});
If you have any other questions, I'd encourage you to check out the GSAP forums at It's a fantastic community (not that Stack Overflow isn't - it's just that the GreenSock forums are totally dedicated to GSAP-related questions). Happy animating!
I'm new to ScrollMagic so not sure if there's something obvious that I'm overlooking.
I've set up a codepen which illustrates what I'm trying to achieve, and an alternative version that almost does what I want, except there's a huge gap that I can't seem to get rid of.
Essentially looking to have 3 slides that are stacked on top of each other. When the user scrolls, the slides one-by-one transition up to reveal the one underneath.
When scrolling past the final slide, the remaining content on the page should scroll up as if it's attached to the bottom of the final slide, and should from then on function like a normal page.
Currently, the container with all the slides in it transparently overlaps the rest of the body content until the final slide has disappeared off the top of the viewport, and it's ScrollMagic that is doing this.
The pink bar in the codepen is intended to show where the bottom of the slide container finishes.
Here's the relevant code:
function initController() {
controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller({
globalSceneOptions: {
triggerHook: "onLeave"
controller.scrollTo(function(pos) {, 1, {
scrollTo: {
y: pos,
autoKill: true
function initAnimation() {
wipeAnimation = new TimelineMax();
$.each(ui.slides, function(i, slide) {
.add(, 2000, {y: '0'}))
.add(TweenMax.fromTo(slide, 5000, {y: '0'}, {
y: '-100%',
onComplete: function() {
if (i < ui.slideCount - 1) { // don't run on last slide
updateActiveSlide(ui.slides[i + 1]); // activate next slide
onReverseComplete: function() {
function initScene() {
scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: ui.el,
duration: '100%'
.setPin(ui.el, {
pushFollowers: false
This is designed by default to stop the pinned elements overlapping the following elements in the document.
You need set the 'pushFollowers' property to false:
function initScene() {
scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: ui.el,
duration: '100%'
.setPin(ui.el, {
pushFollowers: false
See documentation:
// pin element and push all following elements down by the amount of the pin duration.
// pin element and keeping all following elements in their place. The pinned element will move past them.
scene.setPin("#pin", {pushFollowers: false});
Working example: (forked from your codepen)
I’m quite new with the GreenSock and I got myself in trouble...
I would like to modify GreenSock TimelineLite timing offset for reverse so that some delays get deleted (I think that they are called staggers).
Here is an example:
var red = $('.red');
var green = $('.green');
var blue = $('.blue');
var black = $('.black');
var tl = new TimelineLite({onReverseComplete:reverseCompleted});
$('#start').click(function(){, 0.3, {ease: Power1.easeInOut, 'margin-left':'100px'});, 0.3, {ease: Power1.easeInOut, 'margin-left':'100px'});, 0.3, {ease: Power1.easeInOut, 'margin-left':'100px'});, 0.3, {ease: Power1.easeInOut, 'margin-left':'100px', onComplete:lastCompleted, onCompleteParams:[black]}, "+=4");
function lastCompleted(target) {
function reverseCompleted(){
On play there is a four second delay with the last box, but on the reverse I’d like to animations to play right after each other with no delays. There is function lastCompleted() which is triggered after the last tween gets run. How can I use that function to remove the delay between the black and blue box animations?
Take a look at this fiddle.
var red = $('.red');
var green = $('.green');
var blue = $('.blue');
var black = $('.black');
var tl = new TimelineLite({
paused: true,
callbackScope: this,
onReverseComplete: onTlReverseComplete
tl.staggerTo([red, green, blue], 0.3, { marginLeft: 100, ease: Power1.easeInOut }, 0.3);
tl.addLabel('MyLabel');, 0.3, { marginLeft: 100, ease: Power1.easeInOut, onReverseComplete: onBlackBoxReverseComplete, callbackScope: this }, '+=4');
$('#start').click(function () {;
$('#reverse').click(function () {
function onBlackBoxReverseComplete() {
function onTlReverseComplete() {
Quite a few things have changed from your code. Here is the list:
The tweens are added into the tl instance outside the scope of click handler of #start button. The click handler only .play()s the timeline forward.
.staggerTo() method is used instead of adding adding the 3 tweens one by one before the one for .black element.
Also, margin-left has been replaced by its JS equivalent marginLeft and since it accepts numbers and defaults to pixels, no need to pass the values as strings.
The tween for .black element has now a onReverseComplete callback.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
I am currently using Joelambert's Flux Slider.
Basically there are many effects such as Bar, Slide, Swipe. Each of these effects is implemented in its respective function. For instance, the codes for the effect for dissolve (fading) is shown below.
I wish to create the Ken Burns effect using this API, is it possible?
An example of the Ken Burns effect is seen in the link provided ( It is a type of zooming and panning effect of an image in a frame.
What I have tried: adding in '-webkit-transform':'rotate(7deg)' under the setup() or execute() function, but the rotation only appears when it transits into the next image.
Would like the images displayed to animate, basically having zooming, rotation and panning. Any guidance is deeply appreciated.
Thank you, Radiance.
(function($) {
flux.transitions.dissolve = function(fluxslider, opts) {
return new flux.transition(fluxslider, $.extend({
setup: function() {
var img = $('<div class="image"></div>').css({
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
'-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden',
'background-image': this.slider.image1.css('background-image')
'transition-duration': '600ms',
'transition-timing-function': 'ease-in',
'transition-property': 'opacity'
execute: function() {
var _this = this,
img = this.slider.image1.find('div.image');
// Get notified when the last transition has completed
'opacity': '0.0'
}, 50);
}, opts));
})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
I'm playing around with pure JavaScript, so I created a small fade in/out object, to adjust images opacity onmouseover and onmouseout. Fading works fine when the mouseover and mouseout actions are precise:
Start moving the cursor from the white background
Hover over an image
Hover back over the white background
The problem is, as soon as I start to move the mouse "naturally" from one image to another, the fading (or rather the script itself) freezes.
I'm not sure whether it's a animation-speed problem, or there's something I'm missing in the implementation.
If someone has the time to take a look, I would appreciate a peer check, so I can crack the issue and learn new stuff.
Here's a fiddle:
As I see it, you have one INTERVAL for you FADER, you need one for each IMG.
My jsfiddle fixes this. I added an ALT-attribute to each IMG with "dome" content, so as to circumvent the jsfiddle working on non-cat-images .. ignore that part - commented out below.
There are some fundamental things wrong with the design - keeping track of objects & references is key. Usage of "this" & "that" aren't helping in the current implementation (see comments to OP). Also, on another note, the usage of "toFixed(2)" is not really required IMHO and you can shorten "o = o + 0.1" to "o += 0.1".
var fader = {
target: document.getElementsByTagName('img'),
interval: [],
speed: 25,
default_opacity: 1,
init: function() {
// Get element's opacity and increase it up to 1
fadeIn: function(element) {
var element_opacity = this.getOpacity(element),
that = this,
idx = element.getAttribute('data-idx');
console.log("fI: "+idx+" "+element_opacity);
this.default_opacity = element_opacity.toFixed(2);
this.interval[idx] = setInterval(function() {
if (element_opacity.toFixed(2) < 1) {
element_opacity = element_opacity + 0.1; = element_opacity.toFixed(2);
} else {
}, that.speed);
// Get current opacity and decrease it back to the default one
fadeOut: function(element) {
var element_opacity = this.getOpacity(element),
that = this,
idx = element.getAttribute('data-idx');
console.log("fO: "+idx+" "+element_opacity);
this.interval[idx] = setInterval(function() {
if (element_opacity.toFixed(2) > that.default_opacity) {
element_opacity = element_opacity - 0.1; = element_opacity.toFixed(2);
} else {
}, that.speed);
// Get opacity of an element using computed styles
getOpacity: function(element) {
var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element),
opacity = parseFloat(styles.getPropertyValue('opacity'));
return opacity;
bindEvents: function() {
var that = this, count = 0;
for (var i in {
// the whole "dome" is just a fsfiddle hack - otherwise it sees 7 images instead of 4!
//if([i].alt == "dome" ){
console.log("COUNT: "+count);[i].setAttribute('data-idx',count);[i].onmouseover = function() {
}[i].onmouseout = function() {
I'm developing some page when I use Raphael liblary to draw some items.
my App
So my problem is in that when I'm moving to some rect it growing up but when my mouse is on text which is positioning on my rect, it loss his hover. You can see it on my app example.
var paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById('holder'), 500, object.length * 100);
drawLine(paper, aType.length, bType.length, cType.length, cellSize, padding);
process = function(i,label)
txt = paper.text(390,((i+1)* cellSize) - 10,label.devRepo)
.attr({ stroke: "none", opacity: 0, "font-size": 20});
var a = paper.rect(200, ((i+1)* cellSize) - 25, rectWidth, rectHeight)
this.animate({ transform : "s2"}, 1000, "elastic");
this.prev.animate({opacity: 1}, 500, "elastic");{"font-size" : 30});
this.animate({ transform : "s1" }, 1000, "elastic");
this.prev.animate({opacity: 0}, 500);{"font-size" : 15});
I have tried e.preventDefault(); on hover of and some other solutions but it's doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.
Most people will suggest you place a transparent rectangle over the box and the labels and attach the hover functions to that instead. (If memory serves, you have to make the opacity 0.01 instead of 0 to prevent the object from losing its attached events.) This works fine, but I don't love this solution; it feels hacky and clutters the page with unnecessary objects.
Instead, I recommend this: Remove the second function from the hover, making it functionally a mouseover function only. Before you draw any of the rectangles and labels, make a rectangular "mat" the size of the paper. Then, attach the function that minimizes the label as a mouseover on the mat. In other words, you're changing the trigger from mousing out of the box to mousing over the area outside of it.
I left a tiny bit of opacity and color on the mat to be sure it's working. You can just change the color to your background color.
var mat = paper.rect(0, 0, paper.width, paper.height).attr({fill: "#F00", opacity: 0.1});
Now, you want to make a container for all the rectangles so you can loop through them to see which need to be minimized. I made an object called "rectangles" that contains the objects we're concerned with. Then:
mat.mouseover(function () {
for (var c = 0; c < rectangles.length; c += 1) {
//some measure to tell if rectangle is presently expanded
if (rectangles[c].next.attr("font-size")) {
transform : "s1"
}, 1000, "elastic");
rectangles[c].prev.animate({opacity: 0}, 500);
rectangles[c].next.attr({"font-size" : 15});
Then I just removed the mouseout function from the individual rectangles.
To be clear, this will have some downsides: If people run the mouse around really fast, they can expand several rectangles at the same time. This is remedied as soon as the mouse touches the mat. I think the functionality looks pretty nice. But the invisible mats is always an option.
I wrote a small extension to Raphael - called hoverInBounds - that resolves this limitation.
Raphael.el.hoverInBounds = function(inFunc, outFunc) {
var inBounds = false;
// Mouseover function. Only execute if `inBounds` is false.
this.mouseover(function() {
if (!inBounds) {
inBounds = true;;
// Mouseout function
this.mouseout(function(e) {
var x = e.offsetX || e.clientX,
y = e.offsetY || e.clientY;
// Return `false` if we're still inside the element's bounds
if (this.isPointInside(x, y)) return false;
inBounds = false;;
return this;