Updating candlestick data point using restyle in Plotly.js - javascript

I am using a WebSocket connection to update a candlestick chart with live data.
Creating the initial candlestick chart is relatively easy:
var candleDiv = document.getElementById('candle-chart');
var data = {
x: x, //Each of these is a single dimension array of the same length
open: open,
close: close,
high: high,
low: low,
type: 'candlestick',
var layout = {
datarevision: candleCount,
dragmode: 'zoom',
showlegend: false,
xaxis: {
type: 'date',
range: [x[x.length - 26], x[x.length - 1]], //Only show the last 25 entries so it's not zoomed out too far.
rangeslider: {
visible: false
yaxis: {
autorange: true,
data.xaxis = 'x';
data.yaxis = 'y';
data = [data];
Plotly.plot(candleDiv, data, layout);
However, the documentation for the restyle method doesn't talk much to the update of data. More about how the data is displayed. After much tinkering, I found a reasonable workaround of updating the data variable directly:
candleDiv.data[0].open[candleDiv.data[0].open.length - 1] = updatedOpenValue;
candleDiv.data[0].close[candleDiv.data[0].close.length - 1] = updatedCloseValue;
candleDiv.data[0].high[candleDiv.data[0].high.length - 1] = updatedHighValue;
candleDiv.data[0].low[candleDiv.data[0].low.length - 1] = updatedLowValue;
Plotly.restyle(candleDiv, 'data[0]', candleDiv.data[0], [0]);
This works, except that it appears to draw the new candle on the old candle. This becomes particularly distracting when the stick changes from a green (increasing) stick to a red (decreasing) stick.
Is there a correct syntax to achieve what I am attempting to do such that I don't get display issues?
I checked out this link from this post but I couldn't get the method used to work in the context of a candlestick chart.

You may want to look at the Plotly.react method instead of Plotly.restyle: https://plot.ly/javascript/plotlyjs-function-reference/#plotlyreact


How to make a mirrored bar chart with amCharts5 XY column series stacked series

I need a bar chart that comparatively displays two sets of data side by side along a horizontal axis.
So I have a stacked (but not clustered) column series XY chart (amCharts 5) which looks like this:
The plotted data is coming from an array of objects:
current: 61,
previous: 29,
current: 60,
previous: 29,
Now, how can I achieve this:
Do I need to find the average between current and previous then set that as a base, or do I really need negative values (say for previous) to achieve that? Either way, I was unable to make it look like above.
Found an example with amCharts4 but I don't understand how should I modify my chart to achieve the same mirror bar chart look.
I've put the chart together in a Codesandbox playground, I would appreciate some help. Data is hardcoded and there's an object with previous negative values aswell.
To do that, you need two vertical axes with opposite directions. They could be configured like so:
let yAxisCurrent = chart.yAxes.push(
am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {}),
calculateTotals: true,
visible: true,
min: 0
let yAxisPrevious = chart.yAxes.push(
am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {
inversed: true // <--- DO NOT FORGET THIS
calculateTotals: true,
visible: true,
min: 0
Then add this line of code:
chart.leftAxesContainer.set("layout", root.verticalLayout);
Here is the result: https://codesandbox.io/s/sleepy-hooks-vwucth

Pass parameter to c3js tooltop after .generate() and before .load()

I'm trying to graph out metrics that don't have any relation to one another, so instead of plotting out the actual values, I've calculated an alternate set of values that are scaled between 0-1 like a percentage.
For example: [1, 2, 5] => [0.2, 0.4, 1]
So now I have 2 sets of data - the original and scaled versions. I have the scaled version plotting on to my graph just fine, but I want the tooltip to show the original value to the user. See what I mean?
I checked out http://c3js.org/samples/tooltip_format.html, which shows you can set tooltip as a function when you initially generate the C3 object. But I want to change the tooltip later on after I recalculate my original/scaled values and re-load() the graph.
All attempts I've made to explicitly change myGraph.tooltip.format.value = function (...) {...} after initially setting myGraph = C3.generate({...}) have been unsuccessful.
Any ideas how I can accomplish this without having to regenerate the graph from scratch every time?
You need to override internal.getTooltipContent
var data = ['data1', 30000, 20000, 10000, 40000, 15000, 250000];
// simple fake data
var fakeData = data.map(function (d, i) {
return i ? (d / 100) : d;
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['data2', 100, 200, 100, 40, 150, 250]
// do code to take over mars and plant potatoes
// save the original
var originalGetTooltipContent = chart.internal.getTooltipContent;
chart.internal.getTooltipContent = function (data, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
// we modified the first series, so let's change that alone back
var originalValue = {
id: data[0].id,
index: data[0].index,
name: data[0].name,
// unfaked
value: data[0].value * 100,
x: data[0].x
var originalValues = data.map(function (d, i) {
return i ? d : originalValue;
return originalGetTooltipContent.call(this, originalValues, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color)
I assume you are already doing something about the scaled y axis label?
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/puf248en/
Thanks potatopeelings,
I did turn out solving this one by simply loading the form data in all at once, and then programmatically show/hide certain metrics. So that allowed me to use all the generate() options as intended.
Did try out your solution, and it seemed to do the trick till I found the simpler option. Thanks!

I can't get my line graph to plot correctly using jqplot

I want to plot a graph with the following as the xaxis:
var xaxis = [31.1,31.2,31.3,31.4,31.5, 32.1,32.2,32.3,32.4,32.5];
notice how there is a skip between 31.5 and 32.1. However, when I plot my line graph, there is a large space between these two points. Here's my code:
var cust1 = [[31.1,10],[31.2,15],[31.3,25],[31.4, 60],[31.5,95]];
var cust2 = [[31.1,0],[31.2,15],[31.3,30],[31.4, 50],[31.5,85]];
var data = [];
var xaxis = [31.1,31.2,31.3,31.4,31.5, 32.1,32.2,32.3,32.4,32.5];
var plot3 = $.jqplot('line-chart', data,
title:'Design Progress',
axes: {
xaxis: {
//renderer: $.jqplot.LineRenderer,
label: 'Work Weeks',
ticks: xaxis
yaxis: {
label: "Percent Complete",
max: 100,
min: 0
I think it's because I'm not specifying a renderer option in my xaxis options. However, I've tried to use $.jqplot.LineRenderer and $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer without any luck (I even set my xaxis values as strings but that didn't work). Anybody know what's going on?
Here's a pic to further clarify:
Reason why it happens : jQuery flot library is building the graph with values that determined by your data.
When you provide such data, the plugin will set the axis values to be as same as the text and with the borders of the numbers you gave.
what you can do, is set the text to be different than the axis value.
You can easily do it by options.xaxis.ticks.push([value, "the text"]).
Pay attention that you are the one who is going to set which label will have which axis value, and this calls for setting the options parameter before calling the $plot

Flot Re-scale Yaxis min/max on X-axis scale

I have one long unixtime, value Array which is used to initiate a flot chart, and some buttons to change the scale, what I can't seem to be able to do is get Y-axis to scale with the change in X-scale.
Here is an example chart:
var datarows = //Data Array Here
var options = { series: { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } },
grid: { hoverable: true,clickable: false, },
xaxis: { mode: "time", min: ((new Date().getTime()) - 30*24*60*60*1000), max: new Date().getTime(), }
function castPlot() {
window.PLOT = $.plot("#placeholder", [{ data: dataRows }], options
In the official example scaling is automatic and unspecified on the Y-axis:
The only alternative I can think of is looping through the dataset and calculating new Y min/max on each button press. Unless I am breaking some very obvious default function.
When calculating y-scale, flot does not look at only the "viewable" data but the whole dataset. Since the data points are still present, the y min/max respects them. So your options are:
Subset the series data down to the desired range and let flot scale both x and y.
As you suggested, calculate your own min/max on the y axis.
If you plot get any more complicated than it is now (especially if you start setting up click/hover events on it), I would also recommend you switch to redrawing instead of reiniting your plot.
var opts = somePlot.getOptions();
opts.xaxes[0].min = newXMin;
opts.xaxes[0].max = newXMax;
opts.yaxes[0].min = newYMin;
opts.yaxes[0].max = newYMax;
Here's one possible solution.

Kendo ui Bar Chart width/maxWidth of Bars

I got an Kendo ui Bar Chart which is filled with an dynamic array.
One time its filled with 12 items and one time its filled with only 1 item.
Now the Bars automatically resizes, when only one item is in the array, the Bar is super big. I know, that there is no "max-width" or "width" property in the configuration.
Is there a workaround for my problem? I.E. dynamic calculation of the gap/space or whatever property? Or even with css or so?
Here is an simple fiddle
var dataset = [1,2,3,3,5,6,8];
var dataOnlyOne = [10]
// gap: function(){
return width/12*... // works not
Its been a while, and you probably moved on, but I was searching for something similar...
Your problem could be resolved using the below code, where the gap is calculated from the number of items in the data array:
$(function() {
var data = [1,2,3,3,5,6,8,2,3,3,5,6,8];
// var data = [10];
var gap = 8/data.length
seriesDefaults: {
type: 'column',
stack: true,
series: [
name: 'dataset',
data: data, // dataOnlyOne
color: 'blue',
