How to add a new Language(similar with javascript) in VSCode? - javascript

I want to develop a vscode extension to support a new language(like script.code) in vscode. Actually this language is very similar with Javascript, I just add some new intellisence and snipets, also my own debugger.
My problem is for the intellisence how to show the ECMAScript intellisence in my language file. For example, if I input Object, the intellisence list did't show the es6's option. I want to this file behave like Javascript file, also with my own intellisence and snippet. Any suggestions and comments are welcome, thanks!

Developing extension or giving support to new language or creating new code snippets in visual code can be done in many ways.
Best way and simple way is as below:
If not install node from
Once this is done check for
node -v and npm -v, You should get version of node and NPM
Then install yeoman and yeoman VS Code Generator from git bash
type in below command
npm install -g yo generator-code
yo code
Select option : New Language Support
Then edit the auto generator files and give the extension name in package.json
Debug the extension, once done publish it.


ESlint for VSCode without using node or alternative?

We are teaching fundamental JavaScript to beginners and have recently switched from the Atom editor to VSCode. The problem with this is that VSCode requires us to install node and then npm install eslint, whereas in Atom, we can use the atom package manager to download a linter-eslint package that we can then point directly at a gloabl .eslint file. While it's not a huge deal to install and use node, we are trying to reserve all things node related for a later more advanced class so we can focus on fundamentals.
Is there a way to use ESlint in VSCode without downloading and installing it through node, or is there another alternative extension that we can use that would give us similar functionality?
There is an eslint extension for VS Code that MS supports:
FWIW, I found that by googling "ESLint vscode". ;)
Given that the MS supported version still wants you to install eslint via npm, this is probably the only way to go.
FWIW, Atom itself is written in Node, so I'm guessing that it's doing the same thing, just hidden behind some UI snazziness.

How to get intellisense for AngularJS in VSCode?

So can anyone help me get the AngularJS intellisense working in Visual Studio Code?
Is it possible to configure this globally or can it only per project? I'm preferably looking for a solution on how to do this globally, as in whenever I open VSCode AngularJS intellisense just works.
I'm currently using AngularJS 1.5.x. I do not know if it possible to configure according to the version of AngularJS being used. Additionally, I'm using VSCode 1.10.2 and VSCode - Insiders on Windows 10.
I've already searched in several places, but the solutions I've found did not work for me. Maybe it's because they are old.
There are many extensions available for intellisense in Angular (2+), but not for AngularJS. However, this article by Mike Barlow explains how to do it and it's fairly recent since you've asked your question (June 2016).
Here's the summary of what you need to do per the article:
Have the following tools installed: node.js 6.2+, npm 3.9+, and VSCode 1.2+.
Install the typings package globally: npm install -g typings. Make sure this is a 1.X version.
Install AngularJS types: typings install dt~angular --save --global
This should create a a folder typings\globals\angular\ with a file called "typings.json"
Create a file within this directory as a sibling to "typings.json" called "jsconfig.json". This file can remain empty unless you need to transpile code (ie, using typescript, coffeescript, etc.)
Restart VSCode

Developing TypeScript without an installed IDE or editor

I work in a place that restricts me from downloading and installing any applications, regardless of job roles. I have several web apps that I want to migrate to Angular 2 with TypeScript. I'm a C# developer in my own time and TypeScript is very appealing as it's statically typed and just compiles down to JavaScript.
How can I develop with TypeScript without having access to an installed IDE or code editor? Are there any online environments that allow the use of TypeScript definition files that provide code help/intellisense?
How can I develop with TypeScript without having access to an installed IDE or code editor
I am hoping you can do npm install typescript. If you can just run npm install typescript -g and then run typescript as tsc -w -p tsconfig.json in your code directory. This will allow you to run the compiler in the background leaving you free to use even notepad if you have to.
Alternatively you can just download the zip file from : and if you have node you can run node ./bin/tsc etc from the extracted directory.
Use Codenvy:
It needs some manual tweaks but somebody figured them out already:!topic/codenvy/R4myXA9MygA
You can try the playground:
Although it doesn't allow references to other files.

How can I use TypeScript compiler through nodejs?

I have a sample code and saved it to a file such as hello.ts
After installing nodejs on windows use below command for installing typescript
npm install -g typescript
How can I compile hello.ts with node.js directly?
When I install "TypeScript 1.6 in VS2015" and use tsc.exe don't have any problem but I want to use node.js instead of VS 2015 extension
Please guide me generate .js and .ds through Node.js
Run tsc in the command line, you'll have the help page. Compiling a script is easy, just tsc hello.ts in the folder containing your script, you'll get a hello.js file.
Please guide me generate .js and .ds through Node.js
You have two options:
Run tsc.js as a node script
Use typescript as an npm module
Run node tsc.js
This is the approach taken by some tools e.g grunt-ts. You basically just call spawn on the current process process.execPath passing in the other commands as args (-d).
One sample
Run TypeScript as a node module
If you are playing with the typescript compiler API highly recommend NTypeScript See the Readme for reasons.
The TypeScript compiler provides a simple function called transpile that you can use to get the expected output and then write it out to disk yourself.
PS: I have some docs on the TypeScript compiler internals here :
My preferred way to get going is to use typescript-require.
this library basically adds nodejs support for typescript.
your index file should be a javascript file and it will look like this
and main.ts is a typescript file.
Here's a programatically way from TS/Node to run the equivalent of tsc from within a code itself (Note: this uses the TypeScript Compiler API):

JS correcting syntax in Sublime Text 3

Im new to to Sublime Text 3. I used to use Netbeans which had a great syntax correcting system for JavaScript and PHP. So far, Sublime has great features. Its fast and beautiful, but it does not have syntax correcting errors when I create JS files. Is it a possibility to get this working? I read a bit on "SublimeLinter" but when I installed it, it seems to not work correctly. Can anyone help?
Have you try to install SublimeLinter for Sublime Text 3?
(I don't think this package is directly available in the Package control plugin, so you have to dowload the .zip and extract it in your Sublime Text 3/Packages folder)
[Edit:]Check: "If you plan to edit files that use a JavaScript-based linter (JavaScript, CSS), your system must have a JavaScript engine installed. Mac OS X comes with a preinstalled JavaScript engine called JavaScriptCore, which is used if Node.js is not installed. On Windows, you must install the JavaScript engine Node.js, which can be downloaded from the Node.js site."
Sublime Linter 3 is the way I've found useful so far.
To use it, first you must install node.js on your system.
Then, using package manager find and install Sublime Linter and Sublime Linter-jshint, quit from Sublime Text.
Type npm install -g jshint onto your terminal, open Sublime Text.
Very Easy...well kind of ! here are the steps :
hint: before you do this remove a semicolon or something from you .js file to make sure you have an error for a file to test this with:
Follow this steps on the clip below:
Right click on the file and then run jshint
If you still don't see the yellow line editor then:
cd '/path/to/Sublime Text 3/Packages'
git clone SublimeLinter
you should see this errors/yellow dot on the line with error auto-magically :
