auto refrsh api data - javascript

i need to refresh particular data line in every interval when the value change
function() {
setInterval(function() {
var randomnumber = Math.floor();
gettxt()+ randomnumber);
}, 1000);
function gettxt(){
<script src=""></script>
<div id="output" style="margin:5px 0;">
<script type="text/javascript"
Here i get all refreshed in every seconds. i need to refresh only a particular line

Hi Here I done as per your req, Just one line I have done, for other line do by your self, I just makes your string obj into obj and added table style.
js fiddle
table {
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
td, th {
border: 1px solid #dddddd;
text-align: left;
padding: 8px;
tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #dddddd;
<div id="output" style="margin:5px 0;">
<th style="margin-left:20px">exchange</th>
<th> volume24h</th>
<td id="volume24h">BTC</td>
<td id="volume24hTo">USD</td>
java script
function() {
setInterval(function() {
var randomnumber = Math.floor();
gettxt()) + randomnumber;
}, 1000);
function gettxt(){
var dataTemp = JSON.parse(data);


Store draggable DIV's position in HTML Table to MySQL database

I'd like to know if/how i will be able to store the position of where I move a draggable div to on the table, so when the page is reloaded, it will return to were it was left (from MySQL database).
i read some articles about that but it was all about using jquery (event, ui) with AJAX.
here's my code :
var p = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
var choice = document.getElementsByClassName('choice');
var dragItem = null;
for(var i of p){
i.addEventListener('dragstart', dragStart);
i.addEventListener('dragend', dragEnd);
function dragStart(){
dragItem = this;
setTimeout(()=> = "none", 0);
function dragEnd(){
setTimeout(()=> = "block", 0);
dragItem = null;
for(j of choice){
j.addEventListener('dragover', dragOver);
j.addEventListener('dragenter', dragEnter);
j.addEventListener('dragleave', dragLeave);
j.addEventListener('drop', Drop);
function Drop(){
function dragOver(e){
e.preventDefault(); = "2px dotted cyan";
function dragEnter(e){
function dragLeave(e){ = "none";
width: 1000px;
height: 360px;
margin: 100px auto;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
text-align: center;
width: 200px;
height: 90%;
padding: 20px;
margin: 10px;
background: #fafafa;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-weight: bold;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 5px;
color: white;
background: red;
table, th, td {
border:1px solid black;
width: 100px;
height: 15px;
padding: 15px;
margin: 10px;
background: gray;
box-sizing: border-box;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>test drag & drop </title>
<h1> it's just a test for js </h1>
<table style="width:100%">
<td>8:00 - 9:00</td>
<td><div class="choice"></div> S1-1</td>
<td><div class="choice"></div>S1-2</td>
<td>9:00 - 10:00</td>
<td><div class="choice"></div>S2-1</td>
<td><div class="choice"></div>S2-2</td>
<div class="choice">
<p draggable="true">MODULE 1</p>
<p draggable="true">MODULE 2</p>
<p draggable="true">MODULE 3</p>
<p draggable="true">MODULE 4</p>
<p draggable="true">MODULE 5</p>
This may be an overcomplicated answer. But I feel the best way to go about this is to store an array of module objects inside your javascript. Each module would have a position attribute that would need to be updated every time a module is moved. You could also use the data html attribute to store the position of the element on the element itself( Here is my code:
var dragItem = null;
let modules = loadDataFromServer();
//Initial UI
function dragStart() {
dragItem = this;
setTimeout(() => = "none", 0);
function dragEnd() {
setTimeout(() => = "block", 0);
dragItem = null;
function Drop() {
moveModuleTo(modules.length - 1, modules[dragItem.dataset.position])
function dragOver(e) {
e.preventDefault(); = "2px dotted cyan";
function dragEnter(e) {
function dragLeave(e) { = "none";
//Added Code
function loadDataFromServer() {
//return an array of modules
return [
title: "Module 1",
position: 0
title: "Module 2",
position: 1
title: "Module 3",
position: 2
title: "Module 4",
position: 3
title: "Module 5",
position: 4
function moveModuleTo(position, module) {
if (module.position < position) {
//Module is moving down the list
for (let i = module.position; i < position; i++) {
modules[i] = modules[i + 1];
modules[i].position = i
} else {
//Module is moving up the list
for (let i = module.position - 1; i > position; i--) {
modules[i] = modules[i - 1]
modules[i].position = i + 1;
modules[position] = module
modules[position].position = position
//Update UI and database
function updateUI(modules) {
let choice = document.getElementsByClassName('choice');
//Remove old Modules
const draggableContainer = document.getElementById("draggableContainer")
while (draggableContainer.firstChild) {
//Add updated Modules
modules.forEach(item => {
let newDraggableItem = document.createElement('p')
newDraggableItem.innerHTML = `${item.title}`
newDraggableItem.draggable = true
newDraggableItem.dataset.position = item.position
//ReAdd Event listeners
var p = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
for (var i of p) {
i.addEventListener('dragstart', dragStart);
i.addEventListener('dragend', dragEnd);
for (j of choice) {
j.addEventListener('dragover', dragOver);
j.addEventListener('dragenter', dragEnter);
j.addEventListener('dragleave', dragLeave);
j.addEventListener('drop', Drop);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<title>test drag & drop </title>
<h1> it's just a test for js </h1>
<table style="width:100%">
<td>8:00 - 9:00</td>
<div class="choice"></div> S1-1
<div class="choice"></div>S1-2
<td>9:00 - 10:00</td>
<div class="choice"></div>S2-1
<div class="choice"></div>S2-2
<div class="choice" id="draggableContainer"></div>
<script src="app.js"></script>
For updating a database you could make a write database call every time you move a module. Then every time the page is loaded just sort the array based on the position value. Hope this helps!

JavaScript updating only after 2-3 seconds?

I have a HTML table where I wanted to introduce sorting and search options and therefore I used Jquery which has JS & CSS file
The table is giving the correct output but whenever the page is loaded, first the table is updating without above js and css and only after 2-3 seconds, the above Jquery is updated. How can I make it fast so that it does not awkward for the user ?
Here is the HTML Code
{% load function %}
<!-- <link rel='stylesheet' href='media/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css'> -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script>$(document).ready(function () {
<table id='example' class='table'>
<tbody id="people">
{% for x,y in info.items %}
<td scope="row">{{x|split}}</td>
<td id= 'open{{x}}'>{{y|access_dictionary:'ohlc'|access_dictionary:'open'}}</td>
<td id='high{{x}}'>{{y|access_dictionary:'ohlc'|access_dictionary:'high'}}</td>
<td id='low{{x}}'>{{y|access_dictionary:'ohlc'|access_dictionary:'low'}}</td>
<td id='close{{x}}'>{{y|access_dictionary:'ohlc'|access_dictionary:'close'}}</td>
<td id='buyquantity{{x}}'>{{y|access_dictionary:'buy_quantity'}}</td>
<td id='sellquantity{{x}}'>{{y|access_dictionary:'sell_quantity'}}</td>
<td id='Close_open{{x}}'></td>
<td id='Close_high{{x}}'></td>
<td id='high_open{{x}}'></td>
<td id='high_low{{x}}'></td>
// console.log(document.getElementById('high{{x}}').innerHTML)
// console.log(document.getElementById('low{{x}}').innerHTML)
// console.log(document.getElementById('open{{x}}').innerHTML)
d = document.getElementById('close{{x}}').innerHTML - document.getElementById('open{{x}}').innerHTML
e = document.getElementById('close{{x}}').innerHTML - document.getElementById('high{{x}}').innerHTML
f = document.getElementById('high{{x}}').innerHTML - document.getElementById('open{{x}}').innerHTML
g = document.getElementById('high{{x}}').innerHTML - document.getElementById('low{{x}}').innerHTML
document.getElementById('Close_open{{x}}').innerHTML = Math.round(d * 100)/100;
document.getElementById('Close_high{{x}}').innerHTML = Math.round(e * 100)/100;
document.getElementById('high_open{{x}}').innerHTML = Math.round(f * 100)/100;
document.getElementById('high_low{{x}}').innerHTML = Math.round(g * 100)/100;
{% endfor %}
<!-- <script>
</script> -->
<style type="text/css">
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: none;
width: 20%;
td {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 2px 8px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
text-align: left;
th {
background-color: #C8C8C8;
cursor: pointer;
Here {% for x,y in info.items %} info is the dictionary where all stock related information is stored. Therefore I have run a loop to display it on a webpage. Please reply
Try updating the file if (linked):
<script id="update" src="yourfile.js"></script>
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var e = '';
if (i == 1) {
e = '?random=1234';
} else {
e = '?random=123456';
window.update.src += e;
Or if the file is an absolute url,like "" and your url is different, try putting the file in your directory. Try setting cache if it is disabled on your page because then it can get the file easier.

How to hide the table when i click button using js?

First of all the view page shows only two buttons leave and attendance.
when i click the leave button i shows the table(tb2).and again i click the that button it hide the table
When i click the attendance i display the another table(tb3).it is same as previous
Now for me i want when i click the leave button the opened attendance table should be closed and it same for the attendance button.
My code:
var click = document.getElementById('clickme');
click.addEventListener('click', myfunction);
function myfunction() {
var tablewrap = document.getElementById('tb2');
var click = document.getElementById('click');
click.addEventListener('click', myfunction);
function myfunction() {
var tablewrap = document.getElementById('tb3');
var click = document.getElementById('clickme');
click.addEventListener('click', myfunction);
function myfunction() {
var tablewrap = document.getElementById('tb2');
var click = document.getElementById('click');
click.addEventListener('click', myfunction);
function myfunction() {
var tablewrap = document.getElementById('tb3');
Remove the classes explicitly
Use JQuery it will make things easy.
} else {
} else {
<script src=""></script>
<button id="btnLeave">Leave</button>
<button id="btnAttendance">Attendance</button>
<table id="tblLeave" style="border: 1px solid; width: 100%; display: none">
<table id="tblAttendance" style="border: 1px solid; width: 100%; display: none">
Or Alternating the show and hide of two tables
<script src=""></script>
<button id="btnLeave">Leave</button>
<button id="btnAttendance">Attendance</button>
<div id="divLeave">
<table id="tblLeave" style="border: 1px solid; width: 100%;">
<div id="divAttendance" style="display: none; position: absolute; top: 47px; width: 100%">
<table id="tblAttendance" style="border: 1px solid; width: 100%">

How to add data to table on click of button using Javascript

<style type="text/css">
table, th, td {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid black;
width: 40%;
top: 5%;
<script type="text/javascript">
function lab()
var x= document.getElementById('lab').value;
var rows="";
rows+= "<tr><td>"+x+"</td></tr>";
function inp()
var y= document.getElementById('inp1').value;
<button id="lab" onclick="lab()" value="label">Label</button>
<button id="inp1" onclick="inp()" value="Input">Input</button>
<button id="res" onclick="reset()">reset</button>
<table id="me1">
I am trying to add the text in the column of the table on the click of the button.
so please help me to add the text written on the button in the column of the table
thank you
I don't understand your requirement completely, but you can use innerHTML to wipe out earlier contents and insert new. Or use appendChild and createElement to make and insert new elements on the go. The example demonstrates both with each button.
function lab() {
var x = document.getElementById('lab').value;
var rows = "";
rows += "<tbody><tr><td>" + x + "</td></tr></tbody>";
document.getElementById('me1').innerHTML = rows;
function inp() {
var table = document.getElementById('me1');
var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
var y = document.getElementById('inp1').value;
var text = document.createTextNode(y);
var col = document.createElement('td');
var row = document.createElement('tr');
td {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid black;
width: 40%;
height: 40px;
top: 5%;
<button id="lab" onclick="lab()" value="label">Label</button>
<button id="inp1" onclick="inp()" value="Input">Input</button>
<button id="res" onclick="reset()">reset</button>
<table id="me1">
I have been also trying out how to input values into HTML table with the click of a button, and I found out this simple way by just using innerHTML and the id of the td tag. I have reformatted your code, hope this would be useful.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
table, th, td {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid black;
width: 40%;
top: 5%;
<script type="text/javascript">
function lab()
var x= document.getElementById('lab').value;
function inp()
var y= document.getElementById('inp1').value;
<button id="lab" onclick="lab()" value="label">Label</button>
<button id="inp1" onclick="inp()" value="Input">Input</button>
<button id="res" onclick="reset()">reset</button>
<table id="me1">
<td id='00'></td>
<td id='01'></td>

Table column re-sizing using jQuery

I am trying to write a piece of code that enables column re-sizing functionality to my data table.But its not working properly.. I explored on internet for couple of days but I could find nothing except some plug-ins. But I don't want to use any plug-in, since my data table is very complicated and if I use them the other functionalities of the table may be destroyed.Thus I tried to write my own. Can you please check and refine my code or suggest any other code that fulfills my spec....
Note: User can re-size the column towards right upto table width but towrds left, its upto td's left position only..
Eidt: Maxwell has given a great alternative..It works fine but in one case.If I try to resize towards left side, its not allowing since td width is fixed to it's content width...But I want to re-size it to left side upto it's its offset().left value by putting td's style to overflow:hidden or some other way....
Here is my piece of code....
<title> New Document </title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
table td{
border:1px solid red;
border:1px solid blue;
<td>S.No <div class="vUiDtColResize"></div></td>
<td>Name <div class="vUiDtColResize"></div></td>
<td>Qualif <div class="vUiDtColResize"></div></td>
<tr> <td>1</td><td>Rama Rao</td><td>M.C.A</td></tr>
<tr> <td>2</td><td>Dushyanth</td><td>B.Tech</td></tr>
<tr> <td>3</td><td>AnandKumar</td><td>M.C.A</td></tr>
<tr> <td>4</td><td>Veera Reddy</td><td>B.Tech</td></tr>
<div id="helper"></div>
var _rsTd = $(this).parent('td');
var _rsTr = _rsTd.parent('tr');
var _rsTdRight,_thisLeft,_rsTdWidth;
_rsTdRight = _rsTd.offset().left + _rsTd.outerWidth();
var _sizeDiff = $(this).offset().left - _rsTdRight;
_rsTdRight = $(this).offset().left;
_rsTdWidth = _rsTd.outerWidth() + _sizeDiff;
I merged your code with some techniques that I found —
IMHO, there are still some problems. First of all I suppose it's would be better (also easier) if table headers can be re-sized by pressing each TH, no only small border.
Hope this helps.
After had been exploring in internet for couple of days, I got a good code,which was modified by me to make it satisfies my requirement as well( Of course, my change is bit little.It might be useful to somebody else,so I am posting here...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="E:\Examples\BSP\BSPExtensions\jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.css"/>
table {
table-layout: fixed;
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px solid black;
tr.last td {
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
td {
border-right: 1px solid black;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
padding: 2px 5px;
text-align: left;
td.last {
border-right: none;
thead td div:first-child{
tbody td div:first-child{
.scrollContainer {
border:1px solid red;
#-moz-document url-prefix() {
.resizeHelper,.ui-resizable-e {
position: relative;
float: right;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
* Enables resizable data table columns.
(function($) {
$.widget("ih.resizableColumns", {
_create: function() {
_initResizable: function() {
var colElement, colWidth, originalSize;
var table = this.element;
this.element.find("thead td").resizable({
handles: {"e": ".resizeHelper"},
minWidth: 2, // default min width in case there is no label
// set correct COL element and original size
start:function(event, ui) {
var colIndex = ui.helper.index() + 1;
colElement = table.find("thead > tr > td.ui-resizable:nth-child(" + colIndex + ")");
colWidth = parseInt(colElement.get(0).style.width, 10); // faster than width
originalSize = ui.size.width;
// set COL width
resize: function(event, ui) {
var resizeDelta = ui.size.width - originalSize;
var newColWidth = colWidth + resizeDelta;
// height must be set in order to prevent IE9 to set wrong height
$(this).css("height", "auto");
// init resizable
Your html is to be like:*
<div class="scrollContainer">
<table class="resizable" id="MyTable" width="100%">
<td class="ui-resizable" style="width:100px;">
<span >Column 1</span>
<div class="resizeHelper ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
<td class="ui-resizable" style="width:200px;">
<span >Column 2</span>
<div class="resizeHelper ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
<td class="ui-resizable" style="width:300px;">
<span >Column 3</span>
<div class="resizeHelper ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
<td class="ui-resizable" style="width:150px;">
<span >Column 4</span>
<div class="resizeHelper ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
<td class="ui-resizable" style="width:200px;">
<span >Column 5</span>
<div class="resizeHelper ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
<td class="ui-resizable last" style="width:100px;">
<span >Column 6</span>
<div class="resizeHelper ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-e"></div>
<tr><td><div>Column 1</div></td><td><div>Column 2</div></td>
<td><div>Column 3</div></td><td><div>Column 4</div></td>
<td><div>Column 5</div></td><td><div>Column 6</div></td>
<tr class="last">
<td><div>Column 1</div></td><td><div>Column 2</div></td>
<td><div>Column 3</div></td><td><div>Column 4</div></td>
<td><div>Column 5</div></td><td><div>Column 6</div></td>
