jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/nragrkb8/3/
I'm trying to get a spectrogram drawn, works in chrome but draws nothing in all other browsers. I'm using getImageData and putImageData to move existing contents down by a pixel every time new data is pushed in. That new data is then drawn into an offscreen image and then putimagedata to apply it to the full canvas.
Spectrogram = (function() {
//constructor function
var Spectrogram = function(options) {
//compose options
this.canvas = options.canvas;
this.width = options.size; //the size of the FFT
this.height = options.length; //the number of FFT to keep
if (typeof options.min !== 'undefined' && typeof options.max !== 'undefined') {
this.rangeType = 'static';
this.min = options.min;
this.max = options.max;
} else {
this.rangeType = 'auto';
this.min = Infinity;
this.max = -Infinity;
//set the function used to determine a value's color
this.colorScaleFn = options.colorScaleFn || defaultColorScaling;
//precalculate the range used in color scaling
this.range = this.max - this.min;
//the 2d drawing context
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d', { alpha: false });
//single pixel image used to draw new data points
this.im = this.ctx.createImageData(this.width, 1);
this.canvas.width = this.width;
this.canvas.height = this.height;
//adds a new row of data to the edge of the spectrogram, shifting existing
//contents by 1px
this.addData = function (newData) {
if (newData.length != this.width) {
console.error('Unmatched dataset size. Expected ' + this.width + ', was + ' + newData.length);
if (this.rangeType == 'auto') {
var changed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < newData.length; ++i) {
if (newData[i] < this.min) {
this.min = newData[i];
changed = true;
} else if (newData[i] > this.max) {
this.max = newData[i];
changed = true;
if (changed) {
this.range = this.max - this.min;
//move the current contents by 1px
var im = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height - 1);
this.ctx.putImageData(im, 0, 1);
//draw the new data values into the temporary image
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < newData.length; ++i) {
var c = this.colorScaleFn(newData[i]);
this.im.data[j] = c[0];
this.im.data[j + 1] = c[1];
this.im.data[j + 2] = c[2];
j += 4;
//put the new data colors into the full canvas
this.ctx.putImageData(this.im, 0, 0);
function defaultColorScaling(value) {
var x = (value - this.min) / this.range;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
} else if (x > 1) {
x = 1;
var g = Math.pow(x, 2);
var b = 0.75 - 1.5 * Math.abs(x - 0.45);
var r = 0;
return [Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)];
return Spectrogram;
const size = 1024;
const length = 200;
const dataMax = 100;
const velMax = 1;
const canvas = document.getElementById('spec');
canvas.width = size;
canvas.height = length;
const spec = new Spectrogram({
canvas: canvas,
size: size,
length: length
const data = [];
const vel = [];
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
setInterval(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
data[i] += vel[i];
if (i > 0) data[i] += vel[i - 1];
if (i < size - 1) data[i] += vel[i + 1];
if (data[i] >= dataMax) {
data[i] = dataMax;
vel[i] = 0;
} else if (data[i] <= -dataMax) {
data[i] = -dataMax;
vel[i] = 0;
if (vel[i] == 0) {
vel[i] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
}, 100);
Your problem was induced by a misconception:
getContext('2d', {alpha: false}) should have no incidence on createImageData function, so you still have to set the alpha value of your ImageData to something else than 0.
There are also other things in your code that don't go well, even if unrealted with your current issue:
You should avoid at all costs an high frequency setInterval where you perform a task that can take more than the interval (and in your case it can), but rather use something like a requestAnimationFrame loop.
Don't use getImageData + putImageData to draw your context on itself, simply use ctx.drawImage(ctx.canvas, x, y).
There might be other things to fix in your code, but here is an update with these three major things:
Spectrogram = (function() {
//constructor function
var Spectrogram = function(options) {
//compose options
this.canvas = options.canvas;
this.width = options.size; //the size of the FFT
this.height = options.length; //the number of FFT to keep
if (typeof options.min !== 'undefined' && typeof options.max !== 'undefined') {
this.rangeType = 'static';
this.min = options.min;
this.max = options.max;
} else {
this.rangeType = 'auto';
this.min = Infinity;
this.max = -Infinity;
//set the function used to determine a value's color
this.colorScaleFn = options.colorScaleFn || defaultColorScaling;
//precalculate the range used in color scaling
this.range = this.max - this.min;
//the 2d drawing context
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d', {
alpha: false
//single pixel image used to draw new data points
this.im = this.ctx.createImageData(this.width, 1);
this.canvas.width = this.width;
this.canvas.height = this.height;
//adds a new row of data to the edge of the spectrogram, shifting existing
//contents by 1px
this.addData = function(newData) {
if (newData.length != this.width) {
console.error('Unmatched dataset size. Expected ' + this.width + ', was + ' + newData.length);
if (this.rangeType == 'auto') {
var changed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < newData.length; ++i) {
if (newData[i] < this.min) {
this.min = newData[i];
changed = true;
} else if (newData[i] > this.max) {
this.max = newData[i];
changed = true;
if (changed) {
this.range = this.max - this.min;
//move the current contents by 1px
this.ctx.drawImage(this.ctx.canvas, 0, 1)
//draw the new data values into the temporary image
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < newData.length; ++i) {
var c = this.colorScaleFn(newData[i]);
this.im.data[j] = c[0];
this.im.data[j + 1] = c[1];
this.im.data[j + 2] = c[2];
// don't forget the alpha channel, createImageData is always full of zeroes
this.im.data[j + 3] = 255;
j += 4;
this.ctx.putImageData(this.im, 0, 0);
function defaultColorScaling(value) {
var x = (value - this.min) / this.range;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
} else if (x > 1) {
x = 1;
var g = Math.pow(x, 2);
var b = 0.75 - 1.5 * Math.abs(x - 0.45);
var r = 0;
return [Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)];
return Spectrogram;
const size = 1024;
const length = 200;
const dataMax = 100;
const velMax = 1;
const canvas = document.getElementById('spec');
canvas.width = size;
canvas.height = length;
const spec = new Spectrogram({
canvas: canvas,
size: size,
length: length
const data = [];
const vel = [];
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
// our animation loop
function draw() {
for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
data[i] += vel[i];
if (i > 0) data[i] += vel[i - 1];
if (i < size - 1) data[i] += vel[i + 1];
if (data[i] >= dataMax) {
data[i] = dataMax;
vel[i] = 0;
} else if (data[i] <= -dataMax) {
data[i] = -dataMax;
vel[i] = 0;
if (vel[i] == 0) {
vel[i] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 100;
<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<canvas style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" id="spec"></canvas>
I've been trying to procedurally generate a planet for the game I'm making in Javascript. It generated a random noise grid and then iterates through it using cellular automata rules. This takes longer than 30 seconds for worlds larger than 1000x1000, so I was wondering if there was a way to generate it from a seed when it is loaded, like in Minecraft. Is there a way to generate the planet without having to do it all at once, or at least a faster way?
Here's the code, it generates the terrain and then displays it on the canvas.
scale = 0.25;
rngCount = 0;
function* RNG() {
let seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) / 10000;
let factor = 297;
while(true) {
seed = (seed * factor) - Math.floor(seed * factor);
yield Math.floor(seed * 10000) / 10000;
let generationRNG = RNG();
function clamp(min, max, value) {
if(value < min) {
return min;
} else if(value > max) {
return max;
} else {
return value;
let map = [];
let mapW = 4096;
let mapH = 4096;
function iterate(e, map) {
let height = map.length;
let width = map[0].length;
let updatedMap;
let mapRow;
let neighborCount;
let iy;
let ix;
for(i = 0; i < e; i++) {
updatedMap = [];
for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
mapRow = [];
for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
neighborCount = 0;
for(k = -1; k <= 1; k++) {
for(l = -1 ; l <= 1; l++) {
if(y + k < 0) {
iy = height - 1;
} else if(y + k >= height) {
iy = 0;
} else {
iy = y + k;
if(x + l < 0) {
ix = width - 1;
} else if(x + l >= width) {
ix = 0;
} else {
ix = x + l;
if(!(l == 0 && k == 0)) {
neighborCount += map[iy][ix];
if(neighborCount >= 5) {
} else if(neighborCount <= 3) {
} else {
map = updatedMap;
return map;
function terrainGeneration() {
let width = mapW / 16;
let height = mapH / 16;
let mapRow;
let factor = 4;
let fillPercent = 0.45
let updatedMap;
let map = [];
for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
mapRow = [];
for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if(generationRNG.next().value <= fillPercent) {
} else {
map = iterate(10, map);
for(a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
if(a == 0) {
fillPercent = 0.33;
} else if (a == 1) {
fillPercent = 0.2;
width *= factor;
height *= factor;
updatedMap = [];
for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
mapRow = [];
for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
mapRow.push(map[Math.floor(y / factor)][Math.floor(x / factor)]);
map = updatedMap;
updatedMap = [];
for(y = 0; y < height; y++) {
mapRow = [];
for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if(map[y][x] == 1) {
if(generationRNG.next().value <= fillPercent) {
} else {
} else {
if(generationRNG.next().value <= fillPercent) {
} else {
map = updatedMap;
map = iterate(5, map);
return map;
map = terrainGeneration();
for(i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < map[i].length; j++) {
c.fillStyle = "rgba(" + map[i][j] * 255 + ", " + map[i][j] * 255 + ", " + map[i][j] * 255 + ", 1)";
c.fillRect(j * scale, i * scale, scale, scale);
c.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)";
c.fillRect(0, 0, 40 * scale, 40 * scale);
is there a way to generate only a section of it from a seed and still have it coherently fit together? After I add biomes, the generation will take even longer, so I want to try to fix it now before I add more code. To test out the section generation I was going to have it generate the area around the cursor only.
here's an example of a 4096x4096 map that took 3 and a half minutes to generate.
I am working on a college project that requires me to build a 2D game in javascript. A problem that I'm having at the moment is that it cannot read the 'addEventListener'. This error has caused my game to not work completely.
document.getElementById('restart').addEventListener('click', startGame);
Here is the full code that I have used. The error is down the very bottom.
//Define variables
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var player, score, stop, ticker;
var ground = [], water = [], enemies = [], environment = [];
//Platform variables
var platformHeight, platformLength, gapLength;
var platformWidth = 32;
var platformBase = canvas.height - platformWidth;
var platformSpacer = 64;
//Randomly generates a number
function random(low, high)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low + 1) + low);
//Bounds a number
function bound(num, low, high)
return Math.max(Math.min(num, high), low);
//Loads all of the assets
var assetLoader = (function()
this.imgs = {
'bg' : 'Images/bg.png',
'sky' : 'Images/sky.png',
'backdrop' : 'Images/backdrop.png',
'backdrop2' : 'Images/backdrop_ground.png',
'grass' : 'Images/grass.png',
'avatar_normal' : 'Images/normal_walk.png',
'water' : 'imgs/water.png',
'grass1' : 'imgs/grassMid1.png',
'grass2' : 'imgs/grassMid2.png',
'bridge' : 'imgs/bridge.png',
'plant' : 'imgs/plant.png',
'bush1' : 'imgs/bush1.png',
'bush2' : 'imgs/bush2.png',
'cliff' : 'imgs/grassCliffRight.png',
'spikes' : 'imgs/spikes.png',
'box' : 'imgs/boxCoin.png',
'slime' : 'imgs/slime.png'
var assetsLoaded = 0; //How many assets have been loaded
var numImgs = Object.keys(this.imgs).length; //Total number of image assets
this.totalAssest = numImgs; //Total number of assets
function assetLoaded(dic, name)
if(this[dic][name].status !== 'loading')
this[dic][name].status = 'loaded';
if(assetsLoaded === this.totalAssest && typeof this.finished === 'function')
this.downloadAll = function()
var _this = this;
var src;
for (var img in this.imgs)
if (this.imgs.hasOwnProperty(img))
src = this.imgs[img];
(function(_this, img)
_this.imgs[img] = new Image();
_this.imgs[img].status = 'loading';
_this.imgs[img].name = img;
_this.imgs[img].onload = function() {assetLoaded.call(_this, 'imgs', img)};
_this.imgs[img].src = src;
})(_this, img);
imgs: this.imgs,
totalAssest: this.totalAssest,
downloadAll: this.downloadAll
assetLoader.finished = function()
function SpriteSheet(path, frameWidth, frameHeight)
this.image = new Image();
this.frameWidth = frameWidth;
this.frameHeight = frameHeight;
var self = this;
this.image.onload = function()
self.framesPerRow = Math.floor(self.image.width / self.frameWidth);
this.image.src = path;
function Animation(spritesheet, frameSpeed, startFrame, endFrame)
var animationSequence = [];
var currentFrame = 0;
var counter = 0;
for (var frameNumber = startFrame; frameNumber <= endFrame; frameNumber++)
this.update = function()
if (counter == (frameSpeed - 1))
currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % animationSequence.length;
counter = (counter + 1) % frameSpeed;
this.draw = function(x, y)
var row = Math.floor(animationSequence[currentFrame] / spritesheet.framesPerRow);
var col = Math.floor(animationSequence[currentFrame] % spritesheet.framesPerRow);
col * spritesheet.frameWidth, row * spritesheet.frameHeight,
spritesheet.frameWidth, spritesheet.frameHeight,
x, y,
spritesheet.frameWidth, spritesheet.frameHeight);
var background = (function()
var sky = {};
var backdrop = {};
var backdrop2 = {};
this.draw = function()
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.bg, 0, 0);
sky.x -= sky.speed;
backdrop.x -= backdrop.speed;
backdrop2.x -= backdrop2.speed;
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.sky, sky.x, sky.y);
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.sky, sky.x + canvas.width, sky.y);
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.backdrop, backdrop.x, backdrop.y);
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.backdrop, backdrop.x + canvas.width, backdrop.y);
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.backdrop2, backdrop2.x, backdrop2.y);
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs.backdrop2, backdrop2.x + canvas.width, backdrop2.y);
if (sky.x + assetLoader.imgs.sky.width <= 0)
sky.x = 0;
if (backdrop.x + assetLoader.imgs.backdrop.width <= 0)
backdrop.x = 0;
if (backdrop2.x + assetLoader.imgs.backdrop2.width <= 0)
backdrop2.x = 0;
this.reset = function()
sky.x = 0;
sky.y = 0;
sky.speed = 0.2;
backdrop.x = 0;
backdrop.y = 0;
backdrop.speed = 0.4;
backdrop2.x = 0;
backdrop2.y = 0;
backdrop2.speed = 0.6;
draw: this.draw,
reset: this.reset
//A vector for 2D space
function Vector(x, y, dx, dy)
// position
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
// direction
this.dx = dx || 0;
this.dy = dy || 0;
//Advances the vector's position
Vector.prototype.advance = function()
this.x += this.dx;
this.y += this.dy;
//Gets the minimum distance between two vectors
Vector.prototype.minDist = function(vec)
var minDist = Infinity;
var max = Math.max(Math.abs(this.dx), Math.abs(this.dy),Math.abs(vec.dx), Math.abs(vec.dy));
var slice = 1 / max;
var x, y, distSquared;
// get the middle of each vector
var vec1 = {}, vec2 = {};
vec1.x = this.x + this.width/2;
vec1.y = this.y + this.height/2;
vec2.x = vec.x + vec.width/2;
vec2.y = vec.y + vec.height/2;
for(var percent = 0; percent < 1; percent += slice)
x = (vec1.x + this.dx * percent) - (vec2.x + vec.dx * percent);
y = (vec1.y + this.dy * percent) - (vec2.y + vec.dy * percent);
distSquared = x * x + y * y;
minDist = Math.min(minDist, distSquared);
return Math.sqrt(minDist);
//The player object
var player = (function(player)
//Player properties
player.width = 60;
player.height = 96;
player.speed = 6;
player.gravity = 1;
player.dy = 0;
player.jumpDy = -10;
player.isFalling = false;
player.isJumping = false;
player.sheet = new SpriteSheet('Images/normal_walk.png', player.width, player.height);
player.walkAnim = new Animation(player.sheet, 4, 0, 15);
player.jumpAnim = new Animation(player.sheet, 4, 15, 15);
player.fallAnim = new Animation(player.sheet, 4, 11, 11);
player.anim = player.walkAnim;
Vector.call(player, 0, 0, 0, player.dy);
var jumpCounter = 0;
player.update = function()
//Jump if not currently jumping or falling
if(KEY_STATUS.space && player.dy === 0 && !player.isJumping)
player.isJumping = true;
player.dy = player.jumpDy;
jumpCounter = 12;
//Jump higher if the spacebar is continually pressed
if(KEY_STATUS.space && jumpCounter)
player.dy = player.jumpDy;
jumpCounter = Math.max(jumpCounter - 1, 0);
if(player.isFalling || player.isJumping)
player.dy += player.gravity;
//Falling Animation
if(player.dy > 0)
player.anim = player.fallAnim;
// change animation is jumping
else if(player.dy < 0)
player.anim = player.jumpAnim;
player.anim = player.walkAnim;
//Draw the player's current position
player.draw = function()
player.anim.draw(player.x, player.y);
//Resets the player's position
player.reset = function()
player.x = 64;
player.y = 250;
return player;
function Sprite(x, y, type)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = platformWidth;
this.height = platformWidth;
this.type = type;
Vector.call(this, x, y, 0, 0);
//Updating the sprites
this.update = function()
this.dx = -player.speed;
//Drawing the sprites
this.draw = function()
ctx.translate(0.5, 0.5);
ctx.drawImage(assetLoader.imgs[this.type], this.x, this.y);
Sprite.prototype = Object.create(Vector.prototype);
function getType()
var type;
case 0:
case 1:
type = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'grass1' : 'grass2';
case 2:
type = 'grass';
case 3:
type = 'bridge';
case 4:
type = 'box';
if (platformLength === 1 && platformHeight < 3 && rand(0, 3) === 0)
type = 'cliff';
return type;
//Update and draw all ground positions
function updateGround()
//Animate ground
player.isFalling = true;
for(var i = 0; i < ground.length; i++)
//Stop the player going through the platforms when landing
var angle;
if(player.minDist(ground[i]) <= player.height/2 + platformWidth/2 && (angle = Math.atan2(player.y - ground[i].y, player.x - ground[i].x) * 180/Math.PI) > -130 &&angle < -50)
player.isJumping = false;
player.isFalling = false;
player.y = ground[i].y - player.height + 5;
player.dy = 0;
//Remove the ground that has gone off screen
if(ground[0] && ground[0].x < -platformWidth)
ground.splice(0, 1);
//Update and draw all water positions
function updateWater()
//Animate water
for(var i = 0; i < water.length; i++)
//Remove water that has gone off screen
if (water[0] && water[0].x < -platformWidth)
var w = water.splice(0, 1)[0];
w.x = water[water.length-1].x + platformWidth;
//Update and draw all environment positions
function updateEnvironment()
//Animate environment
for(var i = 0; i < environment.length; i++)
//R emove environment that have gone off screen
if(environment[0] && environment[0].x < -platformWidth)
environment.splice(0, 1);
//Update and draw all enemies position. Also check for collision against the player.
function updateEnemies()
//Animate enemies
for(var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++)
//Player ran into enemy
if(player.minDist(enemies[i]) <= player.width - platformWidth/2)
//Remove enemies that have gone off screen
if(enemies[0] && enemies[0].x < -platformWidth)
enemies.splice(0, 1);
//Update and draw the players position
function updatePlayer()
//Game over
if(player.y + player.height >= canvas.height)
//Spawn new sprites off screen
function spawnSprites()
//Increase score
//First create a gap
if(gapLength > 0)
//Then create the ground
else if(platformLength > 0)
var type = getType();
ground.push(new Sprite(
canvas.width + platformWidth % player.speed,
platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer,
//Add random environment sprites
//Add random enemies
//Start over
//Increase gap length every speed increase of 4
gapLength = rand(player.speed - 2, player.speed);
// only allow a ground to increase by 1
platformHeight = bound(rand(0, platformHeight + rand(0, 2)), 0, 4);
platformLength = rand(Math.floor(player.speed/2), player.speed * 4);
//Spawn new environment sprites off screen
function spawnEnvironmentSprites()
if(score > 40 && rand(0, 20) === 0 && platformHeight < 3)
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
environment.push(new Sprite(canvas.width + platformWidth % player.speed, platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer - platformWidth, 'plant'));
else if(platformLength > 2)
environment.push(new Sprite(canvas.width + platformWidth % player.speed, platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer - platformWidth, 'bush1'));
environment.push(new Sprite(canvas.width + platformWidth % player.speed + platformWidth, platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer - platformWidth, 'bush2'));
//Spawn new enemy sprites off screen
function spawnEnemySprites()
if(score > 100 && Math.random() > 0.96 && enemies.length < 3 && platformLength > 5 && (enemies.length ? canvas.width - enemies[enemies.length-1].x >= platformWidth * 3 || canvas.width - enemies[enemies.length-1].x < platformWidth : true))
enemies.push(new Sprite(canvas.width + platformWidth % player.speed, platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer - platformWidth, Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'spikes' : 'slime'));
//Game Loop
function animate()
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
//Update entities
//Draw the score
ctx.fillText('Score: ' + score + 'm', canvas.width - 140, 30);
//Spawn a new Sprite
if(ticker % Math.floor(platformWidth / player.speed) === 0)
//Increase player's speed only when player is jumping
if(ticker > (Math.floor(platformWidth / player.speed) * player.speed * 20) && player.dy !== 0)
player.speed = bound(++player.speed, 0, 15);
player.walkAnim.frameSpeed = Math.floor(platformWidth / player.speed) - 1;
//Reset ticker
ticker = 0;
//Spawn a platform to fill in gap created by increasing player speed
if(gapLength === 0)
var type = getType();
ground.push(new Sprite(canvas.width + platformWidth % player.speed, platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer, type));
//Spacebar events
var KEY_CODES = {
32: 'space'
var KEY_STATUS = {};
for(var code in KEY_CODES)
KEY_STATUS[KEY_CODES[code]] = false;
document.onkeydown - function(e)
var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
KEY_STATUS[KEY_CODES[keyCode]] = true;
document.onkeydown - function(e)
var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.charCode;
KEY_STATUS[KEY_CODES[keyCode]] = false;
//Request Animation Polyfill
var requestAnimFrame = (function()
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback, element)
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
//Start the game and resets all variables and entities, spawn ground and water.
function startGame()
document.getElementById('game-over').style.display = 'none';
ground = [];
water = [];
environment = [];
enemies = [];
ticker = 0;
stop = false;
score = 0;
platformHeight = 2;
platformLength = 15;
gapLength = 0;
ctx.font = '16px arial, sans-serif';
for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
ground.push(new Sprite(i * (platformWidth-3), platformBase - platformHeight * platformSpacer, 'grass'));
for (i = 0; i < canvas.width / 32 + 2; i++)
water.push(new Sprite(i * platformWidth, platformBase, 'water'));
//End the game and restart
function gameOver()
stop = true;
document.getElementById('game-over').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('restart').addEventListener('click', startGame);
For a project I am attempting to make my own linear gradient code. And I have managed to come quite far, however, it is not perfect. Some places the gradient is not looking as it should.
See the following code where the colorStops are the stops in the gradient. It is supposed to show a gradient in between red, yellow and green as in a traffic light.
gradientSlider = {
colorStops: ["#b30000", "#ffff1a", "#00e600"],
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
init: function(canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
this.width = canvas.width;
this.height = canvas.height;
this.colors = this.calculateHexColorForStep();
draw: function() {
pixelWidth = this.width / this.maxValue;
for (i = 0; i < this.maxValue; i++) {
this.ctx.rect(i * pixelWidth, 0, pixelWidth, this.height);
this.ctx.fillStyle = this.colors[i];
calculateHexColorForStep: function() {
result = [];
stepsPerGradient = this.maxValue / (this.colorStops.length - 1);
for (i = 0; i < this.colorStops.length - 1; i++) {
percentIncrease = 100 / stepsPerGradient / 100;
firstColor = this.colorStops[i];
targetColor = this.colorStops[i + 1];
firstColorDecArray = this.tools.parseColor(firstColor);
targetColorDecArray = this.tools.parseColor(targetColor);
for (j = 0; j <= stepsPerGradient; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
} else if (j == stepsPerGradient) {
} else {
stepColorDecArray = [firstColorDecArray[0] + (percentIncrease * j) * (targetColorDecArray[0] - firstColorDecArray[0]),
firstColorDecArray[1] + (percentIncrease * j) * (targetColorDecArray[1] - firstColorDecArray[1]),
firstColorDecArray[2] + (percentIncrease * j) * (targetColorDecArray[2] - firstColorDecArray[2])
return result;
tools: {
parseColor: function(hexColorString) {
var m;
m = hexColorString.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/i)[1];
if (m) {
return [parseInt(m.substring(0, 2), 16), parseInt(m.substring(2, 4), 16), parseInt(m.substring(4, 6), 16)];
decimalToHex: function(decimalNumberArray) {
//TODO fikse tall under ti - alltid to plasser
var results = [];
results[1] = Math.round(decimalNumberArray[0]).toString(16);
results[2] = Math.round(decimalNumberArray[1]).toString(16);
results[3] = Math.round(decimalNumberArray[2]).toString(16);
for (var i = 1; i <= results.length; i++) {
if (!(isNaN(results[i]))) {
if (results[i] < 10) {
results[i] = "0" + results[i];
return "#" + results[1] + results[2] + results[3];
//get the canvas element
var canvasElm = document.querySelector("canvas");
//initialize the slider
<canvas id="gradient-slider" width="600" height="200" class="gradientslider"></canvas>
My solution is a fixed version of the function tools.decimalToHex. The error was that you treat the results array as an array of numbers, instead of an array of strings.
decimalToHex : function(decimalNumberArray){
var results = [];
// Maybe check if number is in range 0 - 255, before converting to string?
results[0] = Math.round(decimalNumberArray[0]).toString(16);
results[1] = Math.round(decimalNumberArray[1]).toString(16);
results[2] = Math.round(decimalNumberArray[2]).toString(16);
for (var i = 0; i<results.length; i++) {
if(results[i].length < 2) {
results[i] = "0" + results[i];
return "#" + results[0] + results[1] + results[2];
Corresponding jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/8xr4zujj/4/
I need some expert help. When I make canvas background transparent the line colors the whole canvas (shown in code below).
How do I stop/fix this? I want the line stay as a single line that doesn't color the canvas.
Math.clamp = function(x, min, max) {
return x < min ? min : (x > max ? max : x);
// canvas settings
var viewWidth = window.innerWidth,
viewHeight = window.innerHeight,
drawingCanvas = document.getElementById("drawing_canvas"),
timeStep = (10 / 100),
time = 0;
var lineTension = 0.067,
lineDamping = 0.068,
waveSpreadFactor = 0.1;
var previousMousePosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0
currentMousePosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0
actualMousePosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0
var line,
lineSegmentCount = 64,
lineMaxForce = 32,
var audioCtx,
nodeCount = 64,
oscillatorNodes = [],
gainNodes = [];
var segmentsPerNode = lineSegmentCount / nodeCount;
function initGui() {
function goBananas() {
lineTension = 0.2;
line.anchors[Math.floor(Math.random() * line.anchors.length)].
vel = lineMaxForce;
function resetLine() {
for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
oscillatorNodes[i].detune.value = 100;
gainNodes[i].gain.value = 0;
lineTension = 0.0025;
lineDamping = 0.05;
waveSpreadFactor = 0.1;
function initDrawingCanvas() {
drawingCanvas.width = viewWidth;
drawingCanvas.height = viewHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
setInterval(updateMousePosition, (1000 / 30));
ctx = drawingCanvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
line = new Line(0, viewHeight * 0.5, viewWidth, lineSegmentCount);
// line.anchors[0].vel = viewHeight * 0.25;
lineStrokeGradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, viewHeight);
lineStrokeGradient.addColorStop(0, '#0ff');
function initWebAudio() {
audioCtx = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
var oscillatorNode = audioCtx.createOscillator();
var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 0;
oscillatorNode.type = 'saw';
oscillatorNode.detune.value = 200;
oscillatorNode.frequency.value = 1200 * (i / 60);
oscillatorNodes[i] = oscillatorNode;
gainNodes[i] = gainNode;
function resizeHandler() {
drawingCanvas.width = viewWidth = window.innerWidth;
drawingCanvas.height = viewHeight = window.innerHeight;
if (ctx) {
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
line.resize(viewWidth, viewHeight * 0.5);
function mouseMoveHandler(event) {
actualMousePosition.x = Math.floor(event.clientX);
actualMousePosition.y = Math.floor(event.clientY);
function updateMousePosition() {
previousMousePosition.x = currentMousePosition.x;
previousMousePosition.y = currentMousePosition.y;
currentMousePosition.x = actualMousePosition.x;
currentMousePosition.y = actualMousePosition.y;
function update() {
var px = Math.min(previousMousePosition.x, currentMousePosition.x),
py = Math.min(previousMousePosition.y, currentMousePosition.y),
pw = Math.max(1, Math.abs(previousMousePosition.x - currentMousePosition.x)),
ph = Math.max(1, Math.abs(previousMousePosition.y - currentMousePosition.y)),
force = Math.clamp(currentMousePosition.y -
previousMousePosition.y, -lineMaxForce, lineMaxForce);
var pixels = ctx.getImageData(px, py, pw, ph),
data = pixels.data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3) {
var r = data[i + 0],
g = data[i + 1],
b = data[i + 2],
x = (i % ph) + px;
if (r + g + b > 0) {
line.ripple(x, force);
for (var j = 0; j < gainNodes.length; j++) {
var anchor = line.anchors[j * segmentsPerNode],
gain = Math.clamp(Math.abs(anchor.vel) / viewHeight * 0.5, 0, 3),
detune = Math.clamp(anchor.pos / viewHeight * 100, 0, 300);
gainNodes[j].gain.value = gain;
oscillatorNodes[j].detune.value = detune;
function draw() {
ctx.strokeStyle = lineStrokeGradient;
window.onload = function() {
function loop() {
time += timeStep;
Line = function(x, y, length, segments) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.length = length;
this.segments = segments;
this.segmentLength = this.length / this.segments;
this.anchors = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
this.anchors[i] = {
target: this.y,
pos: this.y,
vel: 0,
update: function() {
var dy = this.pos - this.target,
acc = -lineTension * dy - lineDamping * this.vel;
this.pos += this.vel;
this.vel += acc;
reset: function() {
this.pos = this.target;
this.vel = 0;
Line.prototype = {
resize: function(length, targetY) {
this.length = length;
this.segmentLength = this.length / this.segments;
for (var i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
this.anchors[i].target = targetY;
reset: function() {
for (var i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
ripple: function(origin, amplitude) {
var i = Math.floor((origin - this.x) / this.segmentLength);
if (i >= 0 && i <= this.segments) {
this.anchors[i].vel = amplitude;
update: function() {
var lDeltas = [],
rDeltas = [],
for (i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
for (i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
lDeltas[i] = waveSpreadFactor * (this.anchors[i].pos - this.anchors[i - 1].pos);
this.anchors[i - 1].vel += lDeltas[i];
if (i < this.segments) {
rDeltas[i] = waveSpreadFactor * (this.anchors[i].pos - this.anchors[i + 1].pos);
this.anchors[i + 1].vel += rDeltas[i];
for (i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
this.anchors[i - 1].pos += lDeltas[i];
if (i < this.segments) {
this.anchors[i + 1].pos += rDeltas[i];
draw: function() {
for (var i = 0; i <= this.segments; i++) {
this.x + this.segmentLength * i,
From the code you posted, the problem seems to be a missing
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight)
at the beginning of your "draw" function.
See a working example here
I have some strange scope issue in Coffeescript.
I can't access to _this from the function #qr.callback, the _this doesn't seem to pass well. I never change this.imgName so the only reason that It doesn't work could be that _this is'nt passed well.
decode:(#callback) ->
_this= this
console.log 'before',_this.imgName
#qr= new QrCode()
#qr.callback= () ->
console.log "after:", _this.imgName
I have tried using
console.log 'before',#imgName
#qr= new QrCode()
#qr.callback= () =>
console.log "after:", #imgName
But the output is the same
Edit2: QrCode code: This code comes from https://github.com/LazarSoft/jsqrcode. Howewer, as the source code of LazarSoft https://github.com/LazarSoft/jsqrcode/blob/master/src/qrcode.js did'nt contain a QrCode object that you could instantiate many times , I transformed the code to create many different instances of QrCode by creating a QrCode function instead of a global object qrcode.
QrCode= function ()
this.imagedata = null;
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.qrCodeSymbol = null;
this.debug = false;
this.sizeOfDataLengthInfo = [ [ 10, 9, 8, 8 ], [ 12, 11, 16, 10 ], [ 14, 13, 16, 12 ] ];
this.callback = null;
this.decode = function(src){
var canvas_qr = document.getElementById("qr-canvas");
var context = canvas_qr.getContext('2d');
this.width = canvas_qr.width;
this.height = canvas_qr.height;
this.imagedata = context.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
this.result = this.process(context);
return this.result;
var image = new Image();
//var canvas_qr = document.getElementById("qr-canvas");
var canvas_qr = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = canvas_qr.getContext('2d');
var canvas_out = document.getElementById("out-canvas");
var outctx = canvas_out.getContext('2d');
outctx.clearRect(0, 0, 320, 240);
outctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 320, 240);
canvas_qr.width = image.width;
canvas_qr.height = image.height;
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
_this.width = image.width;
_this.height = image.height;
_this.imagedata = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
_this.result = "Cross domain image reading not supported in your browser! Save it to your computer then drag and drop the file!";
_this.result = _this.process(context);
// console.log('error:'+e);
_this.result = "error decoding QR Code";
image.src = src;
this.decode_utf8 = function ( s )
return decodeURIComponent( escape( s ) );
this.process = function(ctx){
var start = new Date().getTime();
var image = this.grayScaleToBitmap(this.grayscale());
//var image = this.binarize(128);
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++)
var point = (x * 4) + (y * this.width * 4);
this.imagedata.data[point] = image[x+y*this.width]?0:0;
this.imagedata.data[point+1] = image[x+y*this.width]?0:0;
this.imagedata.data[point+2] = image[x+y*this.width]?255:0;
ctx.putImageData(this.imagedata, 0, 0);
//var finderPatternInfo = new FinderPatternFinder().findFinderPattern(image);
var detector = new Detector(image,this);
var qRCodeMatrix = detector.detect();
/*for (var y = 0; y < qRCodeMatrix.bits.Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < qRCodeMatrix.bits.Width; x++)
var point = (x * 4*2) + (y*2 * this.width * 4);
this.imagedata.data[point] = qRCodeMatrix.bits.get_Renamed(x,y)?0:0;
this.imagedata.data[point+1] = qRCodeMatrix.bits.get_Renamed(x,y)?0:0;
this.imagedata.data[point+2] = qRCodeMatrix.bits.get_Renamed(x,y)?255:0;
ctx.putImageData(this.imagedata, 0, 0);
var reader = Decoder.decode(qRCodeMatrix.bits,this);
var data = reader.DataByte;
var str="";
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)
for(var j=0;j<data[i].length;j++)
var end = new Date().getTime();
var time = end - start;
return this.decode_utf8(str);
//alert("Time:" + time + " Code: "+str);
this.getPixel = function(x,y){
if (this.width < x) {
throw "point error";
if (this.height < y) {
throw "point error";
point = (x * 4) + (y * this.width * 4);
p = (this.imagedata.data[point]*33 + this.imagedata.data[point + 1]*34 + this.imagedata.data[point + 2]*33)/100;
return p;
this.binarize = function(th){
var ret = new Array(this.width*this.height);
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++)
var gray = this.getPixel(x, y);
ret[x+y*this.width] = gray<=th?true:false;
return ret;
var numSqrtArea = 4;
//obtain middle brightness((min + max) / 2) per area
var areaWidth = Math.floor(this.width / numSqrtArea);
var areaHeight = Math.floor(this.height / numSqrtArea);
var minmax = new Array(numSqrtArea);
for (var i = 0; i < numSqrtArea; i++)
minmax[i] = new Array(numSqrtArea);
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < numSqrtArea; i2++)
minmax[i][i2] = new Array(0,0);
for (var ay = 0; ay < numSqrtArea; ay++)
for (var ax = 0; ax < numSqrtArea; ax++)
minmax[ax][ay][0] = 0xFF;
for (var dy = 0; dy < areaHeight; dy++)
for (var dx = 0; dx < areaWidth; dx++)
var target = image[areaWidth * ax + dx+(areaHeight * ay + dy)*this.width];
if (target < minmax[ax][ay][0])
minmax[ax][ay][0] = target;
if (target > minmax[ax][ay][1])
minmax[ax][ay][1] = target;
//minmax[ax][ay][0] = (minmax[ax][ay][0] + minmax[ax][ay][1]) / 2;
var middle = new Array(numSqrtArea);
for (var i3 = 0; i3 < numSqrtArea; i3++)
middle[i3] = new Array(numSqrtArea);
for (var ay = 0; ay < numSqrtArea; ay++)
for (var ax = 0; ax < numSqrtArea; ax++)
middle[ax][ay] = Math.floor((minmax[ax][ay][0] + minmax[ax][ay][1]) / 2);
//Console.out.print(middle[ax][ay] + ",");
return middle;
var middle = this.getMiddleBrightnessPerArea(grayScale);
var sqrtNumArea = middle.length;
var areaWidth = Math.floor(this.width / sqrtNumArea);
var areaHeight = Math.floor(this.height / sqrtNumArea);
var bitmap = new Array(this.height*this.width);
for (var ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++)
for (var ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++)
for (var dy = 0; dy < areaHeight; dy++)
for (var dx = 0; dx < areaWidth; dx++)
bitmap[areaWidth * ax + dx+ (areaHeight * ay + dy)*this.width] = (grayScale[areaWidth * ax + dx+ (areaHeight * ay + dy)*this.width] < middle[ax][ay])?true:false;
return bitmap;
this.grayscale = function(){
var ret = new Array(this.width*this.height);
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++)
var gray = this.getPixel(x, y);
ret[x+y*this.width] = gray;
return ret;
var image = new Image();
May lightning strike you, you're coding CoffeeScript too much! You forgot a var declaration here, so the ninth invocation of decode overwrites the global _this with its this instance - and when each decoding is finished, they all call the same callback.
Fix it by using
var _this = this;
var image = new Image,
_this = this;
or by using CoffeeScript everywhere :-)