Using jquery in a Node.js project to make api request - javascript

i am trying to make an api request in a node project using jquery, which I've istalled via npm install jquery but I'm getting the error TypeError: $.post is not a function even after requiring jquery like so: const $ = require('jquery') how can I get Jquery to work? I've seen a lot of examples of people using jquery but the process was not clear to me since I'm new to Node.js
Here is my code
const $ = require('jquery')
$.post("", {
TransactionType: "getEvents"
}, function (data, status) {
var info = JSON.parse(data);
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
ticketSales[i] =[i].totalTicketsSalesAmount;
events[i] =[i].Events.events_name;

Here is step by step hard-to-go-wrong tutorial on how to obtain jQuery into your NodeJs project, then require it in your code and use in a manner similar to what you would do without NodeJs. If you haven't heard of modules and npm and are working with NodeJs, YESTERDAY was the time to have some working knowledge with them.
click here to see how to
On the other hand, WHY are you using jQ for this? You have entire world of modules to your disposal via npm, there are better modules, more fitted to do HTTP requests with like this one:
request module

You have to use a capital Q for jQuery
So it is const $ = require('jQuery') instead of require('jquery').


500 process is not defined ReferenceError: process is not defined

I am getting this problem every time I import a lib or when I use puppeteer and I don't know how to fix it. I am trying to get some data from LinkedIn using
the code is easy:
import LinkedinClient from 'linkedin-client';
async function getIt() {
const session = supabase.auth.session();
const tok = session?.provider_token;
const token = JSON.stringify(tok);
const client = new LinkedinClient(token);
const data = await client.fetch('');
at first it gives me this error:Module "util" has been externalized for browser compatibility. Cannot access "util.promisify" in client code
after I install npm i util then it displays the following error:
500 process is not defined ReferenceError: process is not defined
Can you please let me know how to fix it?(I'm using sveltekit)
The library requires to be run on the server. It has be in a server endpoint, it cannot be in a component or a load function.
If this is already the case, this might be an issue with Vite trying to remove server dependencies. There is e.g. a plugin #esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill which polyfills the process variable. It may also be necessary to list packages in resolve.alias in the Vite config, to point to the Node modules.

How do you call a node.js function from a HTML page?

I'm following a node.js and Azure service bus tutorial.
I'm able to run the below as a node app, however, I am struggling to call a node function from my HTML page:
Note that all the files have correctly loaded with the node http-server module, however, when I call the main function, I get the following error:
ReferenceError: ServiceBusClient is not defined
Node.js function:
const { ServiceBusClient } = require("#azure/service-bus");
// Define connection string and related Service Bus entity names here
const connectionString ="";
const queueName = "";
async function main() {
const sbClient = ServiceBusClient.createFromConnectionString(
const queueClient = sbClient.createQueueClient(queueName);
const sender = queueClient.createSender();
try {
for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
const message = {
body: "{}",
label: "Contact",
userProperties: {
myCustomPropertyName: "my custom property value",
console.log(`Sending message: ${message.body}`);
await sender.send(message);
await queueClient.close();
} finally {
await sbClient.close();
main().catch((err) => {
console.log("Error occurred: ", err);
Any help much appreciated.
Summarize the comments from Pogrindis for other communities reference:
Node is backend business logic, the HTML is the front end and so there is no direct communication to the methods in Node. We could implement some webserver like express to allow http calls to be made to the node server, and from there we could call the business logic. And for the error of service bus, we need to implement the ServiceBusClientOptions interface.
To use Azure SDK libraries on a website, you need to convert your code to work inside the browser. You can do this using bundler such as rollup, webpack, parcel, etc. Refer to this bundling docs to use the #azure/service-bus library in the browsers.
Moreover, the code in your sample looks like it is using version 1.
Version 7.0.0 has been recently published. Refer to the links below.
#azure/service-bus - 7.0.0
Samples for 7.0.0
Guide to migrate from #azure/service-bus v1 to v7

jQuery is not defined when trying to test legacy jQuery plugin using Chai & Mocha

I'm trying to write a unit test for old jQuery plugin. I am kind of new in modern Javascript environment. I have tried creating unit test for React that uses browserify for deploying in production.
The legacy jQuery plugin file is like below
(function($) {
$.fn.myLegacyPlugin = function() {
alert('Hello World!');
This file will be uploaded to S3 and accessed via CDN. The jQuery will be included in normal browser head tag.
The test file is like below.
let expect = require('chai').expect;
let path = require('path');
let $ = require('jquery');
describe('plugin', () => {
it('should return okay', () => {
expect(true); //TODO
The problem is that when I tried executing the test, the runner displays jQuery is not defined. Without modifying the legacy jQuery plugin, how do I test the plugin?
The code is here
After trying few possibilities, instead of using module import, I can just use read file and evaluate the script content.
Only change
to this
eval(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../src') + '/plugin.js', 'utf8'));
This way I don't have to modify the legacy file.
It might be that you are requiring jquery as "$" and passing it to plugin as "jQuery". Although jquery should be defined with both names, regardless.
Could you try requiring jquery like so:
let jQuery= require('jquery');
Answer 2:
actually, if your code (plugin) depends on jquery, your plugin.js should require jquery before loading..
so change plugin.js to
let $ = require('jquery');
// rest of plugin code...

Cheerio error handler node js

I start a new project using Node.js and I'm wondering if there is any way to manage what returns from cheerio.load() function.
I've tried to use callback and promises(then and catch) but it did't work.
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
//what if it's falied ???? how I can handle it?
I'm asking this because I tried to run script serval time but sometimes it's work and sometimes not.
I'm using cheerio module from npm site -> npm install cheerio.
thanks :-)
You can use a try/catch block since you do not know if the cheerio operation will succeed.
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
try {
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
} catch (e) {
console.log(e) // handle error
console.log('continue script')

Can I use jQuery with Node.js? Is it good pair? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use jQuery selectors/DOM manipulation on the server-side using Node.js?
Update (27-Jun-18): It looks like there was a major update to jsdom that causes the original answer to no longer work. I found this answer that explains how to use jsdom now. I've copied the relevant code below.
var jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const { window } = new JSDOM();
const { document } = (new JSDOM('')).window;
global.document = document;
var $ = jQuery = require('jquery')(window);
Note: The original answer fails to mention that it you will need to install jsdom as well using npm install jsdom
Update (late 2013): The official jQuery team finally took over the management of the jquery package on npm:
npm install jquery
require("jsdom").env("", function (err, window) {
if (err) {
var $ = require("jquery")(window);
Yes you can, using a library I created called nodeQuery
var Express = require('express')
, dnode = require('dnode')
, nQuery = require('nodeQuery')
, express = Express.createServer();
var app = function ($) {
$.on('ready', function () {
// do some stuff to the dom in real-time
$('body').append('Hello World');
$('body').append('<input type="text" />');
$('input').live('click', function () {
console.log('input clicked');
// ...
.use(Express.static(__dirname + '/public'))
At the time of writing there also is the maintained Cheerio.
Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed
specifically for the server.
A simple crawler using Cheerio
This is my formula to make a simple crawler in Node.js. It is the main reason for wanting to do DOM manipulation on the server side and probably it's the reason why you got here.
First, use request to download the page to be parsed. When the download is complete, handle it to cheerio and begin DOM manipulation just like using jQuery.
Working example:
request = require('request'),
cheerio = require('cheerio');
function parse(url) {
request(url, function (error, response, body) {
$ = cheerio.load(body);
$('.question-summary .question-hyperlink').each(function () {$(this).text());
This example will print to the console all top questions showing on SO home page. This is why I love Node.js and its community. It couldn't get easier than that :-)
Install dependencies:
npm install request cheerio
And run (assuming the script above is in file crawler.js):
node crawler.js
Some pages will have non-english content in a certain encoding and you will need to decode it to UTF-8. For instance, a page in brazilian portuguese (or any other language of latin origin) will likely be encoded in ISO-8859-1 (a.k.a. "latin1"). When decoding is needed, I tell request not to interpret the content in any way and instead use iconv-lite to do the job.
Working example:
request = require('request'),
iconv = require('iconv-lite'),
cheerio = require('cheerio');
PAGE_ENCODING = 'utf-8'; // change to match page encoding
function parse(url) {
url: url,
encoding: null // do not interpret content yet
}, function (error, response, body) {
$ = cheerio.load(iconv.decode(body, PAGE_ENCODING));
$('.question-summary .question-hyperlink').each(function () {$(this).text());
Before running, install dependencies:
npm install request iconv-lite cheerio
And then finally:
node crawler.js
Following links
The next step would be to follow links. Say you want to list all posters from each top question on SO. You have to first list all top questions (example above) and then enter each link, parsing each question's page to get the list of involved users.
When you start following links, a callback hell can begin. To avoid that, you should use some kind of promises, futures or whatever. I always keep async in my toolbelt. So, here is a full example of a crawler using async:
url = require('url'),
request = require('request'),
async = require('async'),
cheerio = require('cheerio');
baseUrl = '';
// Gets a page and returns a callback with a $ object
function getPage(url, parseFn) {
url: url
}, function (error, response, body) {
getPage(baseUrl, function ($) {
// Get list of questions
questions = $('.question-summary .question-hyperlink').map(function () {
return {
title: $(this).text(),
url: url.resolve(baseUrl, $(this).attr('href'))
}).get().slice(0, 5); // limit to the top 5 questions
// For each question, function (question, questionDone) {
getPage(question.url, function ($$) {
// Get list of users
question.users = $$('.post-signature .user-details a').map(function () {
return $$(this).text();
questionDone(null, question);
}, function (err, questionsWithPosters) {
// This function is called by async when all questions have been parsed
questionsWithPosters.forEach(function (question) {
// Prints each question along with its user list;
question.users.forEach(function (user) {'\t%s', user);
Before running:
npm install request async cheerio
Run a test:
node crawler.js
Sample output:
Is it possible to pause a Docker image build?
PHP Image Crop Issue
Houston Molinar
Add two object in rails
Asymmetric encryption discrepancy - Android vs Java
Cookie Monster
Wand Maker
Objective-C: Adding 10 seconds to timer in SpriteKit
Christian K Rider
And that's the basic you should know to start making your own crawlers :-)
Libraries used
in 2016 things are way easier. install jquery to node.js with your console:
npm install jquery
bind it to the variable $ (for example - i am used to it) in your node.js code:
var $ = require("jquery");
do stuff:
url: 'gimme_json.php',
dataType: 'json',
method: 'GET',
data: { "now" : true }
also works for gulp as it is based on node.js.
I believe the answer to this is now yes.
var navigator = { userAgent: "node-js" };
var jQuery = require("./node-jquery").jQueryInit(window, navigator);
npm install jquery --save #note ALL LOWERCASE
npm install jsdom --save
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(`<!DOCTYPE html>`);
var $ = require("jquery")(dom.window);
$.getJSON('',function(data) {
jQuery module can be installed using:
npm install jquery
var $ = require('jquery');
var http = require('http');
var options = {
host: '',
port: 80,
path: '/'
var html = '';
http.get(options, function(res) {
res.on('data', function(data) {
// collect the data chunks to the variable named "html"
html += data;
}).on('end', function() {
// the whole of webpage data has been collected. parsing time!
var title = $(html).find('title').text();
References of jQuery in Node.js** :
You have to get the window using the new JSDOM API.
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { window } = new jsdom.JSDOM(`...`);
var $ = require("jquery")(window);
First of all install it
npm install jquery -S
After installing it, you can use it as below
import $ from 'jquery';
window.jQuery = window.$ = $;
You can check out a full tutorial that I wrote here:
This solution, as mentioned by Golo Roden is not correct. It is just a quick fix to help people to have their actual jQuery code running using a Node app structure, but it's not Node philosophy because the jQuery is still running on the client side instead of on the server side. I'm sorry for giving a wrong answer.
You can also render Jade with node and put your jQuery code inside. Here is the code of the jade file:
!!! 5
title Holamundo!
script(type='text/javascript', src='')
h1#headTitle Hello, World
p#content This is an example of Jade.
$('#headTitle').click(function() {
$('#content').click(function() {
My working code is:
npm install jquery
and then:
global.jQuery = require('jquery');
global.$ = global.jQuery;
or if the window is present, then:
typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this;
window.jQuery = require('jquery');
window.$ = window.jQuery;
None of these solutions has helped me in my Electron App.
My solution (workaround):
npm install jquery
In your index.js file:
var jQuery = $ = require('jquery');
In your .js files write yours jQuery functions in this way:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
The module jsdom is a great tool. But if you want to evaluate entire pages and do some funky stuff on them server side I suggest running them in their own context:
So things like require / CommonJS on site will not blow your Node process itself.
You can find documentation here. Cheers!
As of jsdom v10, .env() function is deprecated. I did it like below after trying a lot of things to require jquery:
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const { window } = new JSDOM();
const { document } = (new JSDOM('')).window;
global.document = document;
var $ = jQuery = require('jquery')(window);
Hope this helps you or anyone who has been facing these types of issues.
Yes, jQuery can be used with Node.js.
Steps to include jQuery in node project:-
npm i jquery --save
Include jquery in codes
import jQuery from 'jquery';
const $ = jQuery;
I do use jquery in node.js projects all the time specifically in the chrome extension's project.
I did it manually easy way without any additional packages or code.
npm i jquery
then I copy the jquery.min.js file from node_modules/jquery/dist directory to public/js
<script type='text/javascript' src='/js/jquery.min.js'></script>
$(document).ready(function() { console.log( "ready!" ); });
And it will work. TEST IT
Note copy/pasting the file is not the ideal thing, you could enable the file as a static file by enabling it as a static so expressJS could read it. But it is easier for me to just copy it to the static public directory.
No. It's going to be quite a big effort to port a browser environment to node.
Another approach, that I'm currently investigating for unit testing, is to create "Mock" version of jQuery that provides callbacks whenever a selector is called.
This way you could unit test your jQuery plugins without actually having a DOM. You'll still have to test in real browsers to see if your code works in the wild, but if you discover browser specific issues, you can easily "mock" those in your unit tests as well.
I'll push something to once it's ready to show.
You can use Electron, it allows hybrid browserjs and nodejs.
Before, I tried to use canvas2d in nodejs, but finally I gave up. It's not supported by nodejs default, and too hard to install it (many many ... dependeces).
Until I use Electron, I can easily use all my previous browserjs code, even WebGL, and pass the result value(eg. result base64 image data) to nodejs code.
Not that I know of. The DOM is a client side thing (jQuery doesn't parse the HTML, but the DOM).
Here are some current Node.js projects: (
And SimonW's djangode is pretty damn cool...
An alternative is to use Underscore.js. It should provide what you might have wanted server-side from JQuery.
