How to convert one emoji character to Unicode codepoint number in JavaScript? - javascript

how to convert this πŸ˜€ into this 1f600 in javascript
this will return unicode 55357 but how to get 1f600 from πŸ˜€

Two way
let hex = "πŸ˜€".codePointAt(0).toString(16)
let emo = String.fromCodePoint("0x"+hex);
console.log(hex, emo);

Added script to convert this on browser side
function emojiUnicode (emoji) {
var comp;
if (emoji.length === 1) {
comp = emoji.charCodeAt(0);
comp = (
(emoji.charCodeAt(0) - 0xD800) * 0x400
+ (emoji.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000
if (comp < 0) {
comp = emoji.charCodeAt(0);
return comp.toString("16");
emojiUnicode("πŸ˜€"); # result "1f600"
thanks to

This is what I use:
const toUni = function (str) {
if (str.length < 4)
return str.codePointAt(0).toString(16);
return str.codePointAt(0).toString(16) + '-' + str.codePointAt(2).toString(16);

Please Read This Link.
Here is the function :
function toUTF16(codePoint) {
var TEN_BITS = parseInt('1111111111', 2);
function u(codeUnit) {
return '\\u'+codeUnit.toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) {
return u(codePoint);
codePoint -= 0x10000;
// Shift right to get to most significant 10 bits
var leadSurrogate = 0xD800 + (codePoint >> 10);
// Mask to get least significant 10 bits
var tailSurrogate = 0xDC00 + (codePoint & TEN_BITS);
return u(leadSurrogate) + u(tailSurrogate);

Here is another way. Source

Emojis like πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ have two parts: πŸ‘© +βš•οΈ.
Here is how to get their code:
emoji = "πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ" // corresponds to 1f469-200d-2695-fe0f
code1 = emoji.codePointAt(0).toString(16) // gives only 1f469
code2 = [...emoji].map(e => e.codePointAt(0).toString(16)).join(`-`) // gives correctly 1f469-200d-2695-fe0f

getUnicodeHex = char => char.codePointAt(0).toString(16),
getEmoji = unicodeHex => String.fromCodePoint(unicodeHex)
getUnicodeHex('πŸ˜€'), // 1f600
getEmoji(0x1f600) // πŸ˜€

Best answer in my view is to use node-emoji package.
Here are steps.
do npm i node-emoji
var emoji = require('node-emoji');
var convertEmoji = function(data){
return emoji.unemojify(data);
return data;


Can anybody refactor this function that takes a number as an argument and reverses its digits?

Given a number, write a function to output its reverse digits. (e.g. given 123 the answer is 321)
Numbers should preserve their sign; i.e. a negative number should still be negative when reversed.
This was my solution:
function reverseNumber(n) {
var split = (""+n).split("");
var reverse = split.reverse();
var last = reverse.join('');
if(reverse[reverse.length - 1] == '-') {
var almost = reverse.pop();
var close = reverse.unshift(almost);
var last2 = reverse.join('');
var rev = Number(last2);
return rev;
} else {
var pos = Number(last);
return pos;
It's too long. I'm wondering if anybody can come up with a shorter solution.
You can use .reduceRight(), .join(), + operator
+((...props) => props.reduceRight((a, b) => a.concat(b), []))(1,2,3).join("")
var numRev2 = function(n) {
return n >= 0
? n.toString().split('').reverse().join('')
: '-' + n.toString().substring(1).split('').reverse().join('');
var numRev = n =>
n > 0 ? n.toString().split('').reverse().join('')
: '-' + n.toString().substring(1).split('').reverse().join('');
console.log ( numRev(743823) );
console.log ( numRev(-743823) );
console.log ( numRev2(743823) );
console.log ( numRev2(-743823) );
Some useful information is available at How do you reverse a string in place in JavaScript?
Since this has devolved to code golf, another answer won't hurt.
function revNum(n) {
return (n<0? -1 : 1) * ('' + Math.abs(n)).split('').reverse().join('');
[-12.3, 345.23, -0.765, 1.23e5].forEach(n=>console.log(n + ' : ' + revNum(n)));

which are alternative of tofixed() in javascript [duplicate]

Suppose I have a value of 15.7784514, I want to display it 15.77 with no rounding.
var num = parseFloat(15.7784514);
document.write(num.toFixed(1)+"<br />");
document.write(num.toFixed(2)+"<br />");
document.write(num.toFixed(3)+"<br />");
Results in -
How do I display 15.77?
Convert the number into a string, match the number up to the second decimal place:
function calc(theform) {
var num = theform.original.value, rounded = theform.rounded
var with2Decimals = num.toString().match(/^-?\d+(?:\.\d{0,2})?/)[0]
rounded.value = with2Decimals
<form onsubmit="return calc(this)">
Original number: <input name="original" type="text" onkeyup="calc(form)" onchange="calc(form)" />
<br />"Rounded" number: <input name="rounded" type="text" placeholder="readonly" readonly>
The toFixed method fails in some cases unlike toString, so be very careful with it.
Update 5 Nov 2016
New answer, always accurate
function toFixed(num, fixed) {
var re = new RegExp('^-?\\d+(?:\.\\d{0,' + (fixed || -1) + '})?');
return num.toString().match(re)[0];
As floating point math in javascript will always have edge cases, the previous solution will be accurate most of the time which is not good enough.
There are some solutions to this like num.toPrecision, BigDecimal.js, and accounting.js.
Yet, I believe that merely parsing the string will be the simplest and always accurate.
Basing the update on the well written regex from the accepted answer by #Gumbo, this new toFixed function will always work as expected.
Old answer, not always accurate.
Roll your own toFixed function:
function toFixed(num, fixed) {
fixed = fixed || 0;
fixed = Math.pow(10, fixed);
return Math.floor(num * fixed) / fixed;
Another single-line solution :
number = Math.trunc(number*100)/100
I used 100 because you want to truncate to the second digit, but a more flexible solution would be :
number = Math.trunc(number*Math.pow(10, digits))/Math.pow(10, digits)
where digits is the amount of decimal digits to keep.
See Math.trunc specs for details and browser compatibility.
I opted to write this instead to manually remove the remainder with strings so I don't have to deal with the math issues that come with numbers:
num = num.toString(); //If it's not already a String
num = num.slice(0, (num.indexOf("."))+3); //With 3 exposing the hundredths place
Number(num); //If you need it back as a Number
This will give you "15.77" with num = 15.7784514;
Update (Jan 2021)
Depending on its range, a number in javascript may be shown in scientific notation. For example, if you type 0.0000001 in the console, you may see it as 1e-7, whereas 0.000001 appears unchanged (0.000001).
If your application works on a range of numbers for which scientific notation is not involved, you can just ignore this update and use the original answer below.
This update is about adding a function that checks if the number is in scientific format and, if so, converts it into decimal format. Here I'm proposing this one, but you can use any other function that achieves the same goal, according to your application's needs:
function toFixed(x) {
if (Math.abs(x) < 1.0) {
let e = parseInt(x.toString().split('e-')[1]);
if (e) {
x *= Math.pow(10,e-1);
x = '0.' + (new Array(e)).join('0') + x.toString().substring(2);
} else {
let e = parseInt(x.toString().split('+')[1]);
if (e > 20) {
e -= 20;
x /= Math.pow(10,e);
x += (new Array(e+1)).join('0');
return x;
Now just apply that function to the parameter (that's the only change with respect to the original answer):
function toFixedTrunc(x, n) {
x = toFixed(x)
// From here on the code is the same than the original answer
const v = (typeof x === 'string' ? x : x.toString()).split('.');
if (n <= 0) return v[0];
let f = v[1] || '';
if (f.length > n) return `${v[0]}.${f.substr(0,n)}`;
while (f.length < n) f += '0';
return `${v[0]}.${f}`
This updated version addresses also a case mentioned in a comment:
toFixedTrunc(0.000000199, 2) => "0.00"
Again, choose what fits your application needs at best.
Original answer (October 2017)
General solution to truncate (no rounding) a number to the n-th decimal digit and convert it to a string with exactly n decimal digits, for any nβ‰₯0.
function toFixedTrunc(x, n) {
const v = (typeof x === 'string' ? x : x.toString()).split('.');
if (n <= 0) return v[0];
let f = v[1] || '';
if (f.length > n) return `${v[0]}.${f.substr(0,n)}`;
while (f.length < n) f += '0';
return `${v[0]}.${f}`
where x can be either a number (which gets converted into a string) or a string.
Here are some tests for n=2 (including the one requested by OP):
0 => 0.00
0.01 => 0.01
0.5839 => 0.58
0.999 => 0.99
1.01 => 1.01
2 => 2.00
2.551 => 2.55
2.99999 => 2.99
4.27 => 4.27
15.7784514 => 15.77
123.5999 => 123.59
And for some other values of n:
15.001097 => 15.0010 (n=4)
0.000003298 => 0.0000032 (n=7)
0.000003298257899 => 0.000003298257 (n=12)
parseInt is faster then Math.floor
function floorFigure(figure, decimals){
if (!decimals) decimals = 2;
var d = Math.pow(10,decimals);
return (parseInt(figure*d)/d).toFixed(decimals);
floorFigure(123.5999) => "123.59"
floorFigure(123.5999, 3) => "123.599"
num = 19.66752
f = num.toFixed(3).slice(0,-1)
This will return 19.66
Simple do this
number = parseInt(number * 100)/100;
Just truncate the digits:
function truncDigits(inputNumber, digits) {
const fact = 10 ** digits;
return Math.floor(inputNumber * fact) / fact;
This is not a safe alternative, as many others commented examples with numbers that turn into exponential notation, that scenery is not covered by this function
// typescript
// function formatLimitDecimals(value: number, decimals: number): number {
function formatLimitDecimals(value, decimals) {
const stringValue = value.toString();
if(stringValue.includes('e')) {
// TODO: remove exponential notation
throw 'invald number';
} else {
const [integerPart, decimalPart] = stringValue.split('.');
if(decimalPart) {
return +[integerPart, decimalPart.slice(0, decimals)].join('.')
} else {
return integerPart;
console.log(formatLimitDecimals(4.156, 2)); // 4.15
console.log(formatLimitDecimals(4.156, 8)); // 4.156
console.log(formatLimitDecimals(4.156, 0)); // 4
console.log(formatLimitDecimals(0, 4)); // 0
// not covered
console.log(formatLimitDecimals(0.000000199, 2)); // 0.00
These solutions do work, but to me seem unnecessarily complicated. I personally like to use the modulus operator to obtain the remainder of a division operation, and remove that. Assuming that num = 15.7784514:
This is equivalent to saying num = num - (num % .01).
I fixed using following simple way-
var num = 15.7784514;
Results will be 15.77
My version for positive numbers:
function toFixed_norounding(n,p)
var result = n.toFixed(p);
return result <= n ? result: (result - Math.pow(0.1,p)).toFixed(p);
Fast, pretty, obvious. (version for positive numbers)
The answers here didn't help me, it kept rounding up or giving me the wrong decimal.
my solution converts your decimal to a string, extracts the characters and then returns the whole thing as a number.
function Dec2(num) {
num = String(num);
if(num.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
var numarr = num.split(".");
if (numarr.length == 1) {
return Number(num);
else {
return Number(numarr[0]+"."+numarr[1].charAt(0)+numarr[1].charAt(1));
else {
return Number(num);
Dec2(99); // 99
Dec2(99.9999999); // 99.99
Dec2(99.35154); // 99.35
Dec2(99.8); // 99.8
Dec2(10265.985475); // 10265.98
The following code works very good for me:
This worked well for me. I hope it will fix your issues too.
function toFixedNumber(number) {
const spitedValues = String(number.toLocaleString()).split('.');
let decimalValue = spitedValues.length > 1 ? spitedValues[1] : '';
decimalValue = decimalValue.concat('00').substr(0,2);
return '$'+spitedValues[0] + '.' + decimalValue;
// 5.56789 ----> $5.56
// 0.342 ----> $0.34
// -10.3484534 ----> $-10.34
// 600 ----> $600.00
function convertNumber(){
var result = toFixedNumber(document.getElementById("valueText").value);
document.getElementById("resultText").value = result;
function toFixedNumber(number) {
const spitedValues = String(number.toLocaleString()).split('.');
let decimalValue = spitedValues.length > 1 ? spitedValues[1] : '';
decimalValue = decimalValue.concat('00').substr(0,2);
return '$'+spitedValues[0] + '.' + decimalValue;
<input type="text" id="valueText" placeholder="Input value here..">
<button onclick="convertNumber()" >Convert</button>
<input type="text" id="resultText" placeholder="result" readonly="true">
An Easy way to do it is the next but is necessary ensure that the amount parameter is given as a string.
function truncate(amountAsString, decimals = 2){
var dotIndex = amountAsString.indexOf('.');
var toTruncate = dotIndex !== -1 && ( amountAsString.length > dotIndex + decimals + 1);
var approach = Math.pow(10, decimals);
var amountToTruncate = toTruncate ? amountAsString.slice(0, dotIndex + decimals +1) : amountAsString;
return toTruncate
? Math.floor(parseFloat(amountToTruncate) * approach ) / approach
: parseFloat(amountAsString);
console.log(truncate("7.99999")); //OUTPUT ==> 7.99
console.log(truncate("7.99999", 3)); //OUTPUT ==> 7.999
console.log(truncate("12.799999999999999")); //OUTPUT ==> 7.99
Here you are. An answer that shows yet another way to solve the problem:
// For the sake of simplicity, here is a complete function:
function truncate(numToBeTruncated, numOfDecimals) {
var theNumber = numToBeTruncated.toString();
var pointIndex = theNumber.indexOf('.');
return +(theNumber.slice(0, pointIndex > -1 ? ++numOfDecimals + pointIndex : undefined));
Note the use of + before the final expression. That is to convert our truncated, sliced string back to number type.
Hope it helps!
truncate without zeroes
function toTrunc(value,n){
return Math.floor(value*Math.pow(10,n))/(Math.pow(10,n));
function toTrunc(value,n){
return parseFloat(x[0]+"."+x[1].substr(0,n));
toTrunc(17.4532,2) //17.45
toTrunc(177.4532,1) //177.4
toTrunc(1.4532,1) //1.4
toTrunc(.4,2) //0.4
truncate with zeroes
function toTruncFixed(value,n){
return toTrunc(value,n).toFixed(n);
toTrunc(17.4532,2) //17.45
toTrunc(177.4532,1) //177.4
toTrunc(1.4532,1) //1.4
toTrunc(.4,2) //0.40
If you exactly wanted to truncate to 2 digits of precision, you can go with a simple logic:
function myFunction(number) {
var roundedNumber = number.toFixed(2);
if (roundedNumber > number)
roundedNumber = roundedNumber - 0.01;
return roundedNumber;
I used (num-0.05).toFixed(1) to get the second decimal floored.
It's more reliable to get two floating points without rounding.
Reference Answer
var number = 10.5859;
var fixed2FloatPoints = parseInt(number * 100) / 100;
Thank You !
My solution in typescript (can easily be ported to JS):
* Returns the price with correct precision as a string
* #param price The price in decimal to be formatted.
* #param decimalPlaces The number of decimal places to use
* #return string The price in Decimal formatting.
type toDecimal = (price: number, decimalPlaces?: number) => string;
const toDecimalOdds: toDecimal = (
price: number,
decimalPlaces: number = 2,
): string => {
const priceString: string = price.toString();
const pointIndex: number = priceString.indexOf('.');
// Return the integer part if decimalPlaces is 0
if (decimalPlaces === 0) {
return priceString.substr(0, pointIndex);
// Return value with 0s appended after decimal if the price is an integer
if (pointIndex === -1) {
const padZeroString: string = '0'.repeat(decimalPlaces);
return `${priceString}.${padZeroString}`;
// If numbers after decimal are less than decimalPlaces, append with 0s
const padZeroLen: number = priceString.length - pointIndex - 1;
if (padZeroLen > 0 && padZeroLen < decimalPlaces) {
const padZeroString: string = '0'.repeat(padZeroLen);
return `${priceString}${padZeroString}`;
return priceString.substr(0, pointIndex + decimalPlaces + 1);
Test cases:
expect(filters.toDecimalOdds(3.14159, 2)).toBe('3.14');
expect(filters.toDecimalOdds(3.14159, 0)).toBe('3');
expect(filters.toDecimalOdds(3.14159, 10)).toBe('3.1415900000');
Any improvements?
Another solution, that truncates and round:
function round (number, decimals, truncate) {
if (truncate) {
number = number.toFixed(decimals + 1);
return parseFloat(number.slice(0, -1));
var n = Math.pow(10.0, decimals);
return Math.round(number * n) / n;
function limitDecimalsWithoutRounding(val, decimals){
let parts = val.toString().split(".");
return parseFloat(parts[0] + "." + parts[1].substring(0, decimals));
var num = parseFloat(15.7784514);
var new_num = limitDecimalsWithoutRounding(num, 2);
Roll your own toFixed function: for positive values Math.floor works fine.
function toFixed(num, fixed) {
fixed = fixed || 0;
fixed = Math.pow(10, fixed);
return Math.floor(num * fixed) / fixed;
For negative values Math.floor is round of the values. So you can use Math.ceil instead.
Math.ceil(-15.778665 * 10000) / 10000 = -15.7786
Math.floor(-15.778665 * 10000) / 10000 = -15.7787 // wrong.
Gumbo's second solution, with the regular expression, does work but is slow because of the regular expression. Gumbo's first solution fails in certain situations due to imprecision in floating points numbers. See the JSFiddle for a demonstration and a benchmark. The second solution takes about 1636 nanoseconds per call on my current system, Intel Core i5-2500 CPU at 3.30 GHz.
The solution I've written involves adding a small compensation to take care of floating point imprecision. It is basically instantaneous, i.e. on the order of nanoseconds. I clocked 2 nanoseconds per call but the JavaScript timers are not very precise or granular. Here is the JS Fiddle and the code.
function toFixedWithoutRounding (value, precision)
var factorError = Math.pow(10, 14);
var factorTruncate = Math.pow(10, 14 - precision);
var factorDecimal = Math.pow(10, precision);
return Math.floor(Math.floor(value * factorError + 1) / factorTruncate) / factorDecimal;
var values = [1.1299999999, 1.13, 1.139999999, 1.14, 1.14000000001, 1.13 * 100];
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
var value = values[i];
console.log(value + " --> " + toFixedWithoutRounding(value, 2));
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
var value = values[i];
console.log(value + " --> " + toFixedWithoutRounding(value, 4));
console.log("type of result is " + typeof toFixedWithoutRounding(1.13 * 100 / 100, 2));
// Benchmark
var value = 1.13 * 100;
var startTime = new Date();
var numRun = 1000000;
var nanosecondsPerMilliseconds = 1000000;
for (var run = 0; run < numRun; run++)
toFixedWithoutRounding(value, 2);
var endTime = new Date();
var timeDiffNs = nanosecondsPerMilliseconds * (endTime - startTime);
var timePerCallNs = timeDiffNs / numRun;
console.log("Time per call (nanoseconds): " + timePerCallNs);
Building on David D's answer:
function NumberFormat(num,n) {
var num = (arguments[0] != null) ? arguments[0] : 0;
var n = (arguments[1] != null) ? arguments[1] : 2;
if(num > 0){
num = String(num);
if(num.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
var numarr = num.split(".");
if (numarr.length > 1) {
if(n > 0){
var temp = numarr[0] + ".";
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(i < numarr[1].length){
temp += numarr[1].charAt(i);
num = Number(temp);
return Number(num);
// NumberFormat(123.85,2) 123.85
// NumberFormat(123.851,2) 123.85
// NumberFormat(0.85,2) 0.85
// NumberFormat(0.851,2) 0.85
// NumberFormat(0.85156,2) 0.85
// NumberFormat(0.85156,4) 0.8515
// NumberFormat(0.85156,8) 0.85156
// NumberFormat(".85156",2) 0.85
// NumberFormat("0.85156",2) 0.85
// NumberFormat("1005.85156",2) 1005.85
// NumberFormat("0",2) 0
// NumberFormat("",2) 0
// NumberFormat(85156,8) 85156
// NumberFormat("85156",2) 85156
// NumberFormat("85156.",2) 85156
Already there are some suitable answer with regular expression and arithmetic calculation, you can also try this
function myFunction() {
var str = 12.234556;
str = str.toString().split('.');
var res = str[1].slice(0, 2);
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = str[0]+'.'+res;
// output: 12.23
Here is what is did it with string
export function withoutRange(number) {
const str = String(number);
const dotPosition = str.indexOf('.');
if (dotPosition > 0) {
const length = str.substring().length;
const end = length > 3 ? 3 : length;
return str.substring(0, dotPosition + end);
return str;

truncate a string in the middle with javascript

anyone have a handy method to truncate a string in the middle? Something like:
truncate ('abcdefghi', 8);
would result in
to be a bit more complete
if the string is <= maxLength, return the string
otherwise, return a version of the string that is maxLength, with a chunk taken out of the middle, and replaced with "...".
count the three characters of "..." in the total, so if maxLength is 8, you'll only see 5 characters from the original string
Here's one way to do it chopping up the string with substr:
var truncate = function (fullStr, strLen, separator) {
if (fullStr.length <= strLen) return fullStr;
separator = separator || '...';
var sepLen = separator.length,
charsToShow = strLen - sepLen,
frontChars = Math.ceil(charsToShow/2),
backChars = Math.floor(charsToShow/2);
return fullStr.substr(0, frontChars) +
separator +
fullStr.substr(fullStr.length - backChars);
See example β†’
Something like this...
function truncate(text, startChars, endChars, maxLength) {
if (text.length > maxLength) {
var start = text.substring(0, startChars);
var end = text.substring(text.length - endChars, text.length);
while ((start.length + end.length) < maxLength)
start = start + '.';
return start + end;
return text;
Or to limit to true ellipsis:
function truncate(text, startChars, endChars, maxLength) {
if (text.length > maxLength) {
var start = text.substring(0, startChars);
var end = text.substring(text.length - endChars, text.length);
return start + '...' + end;
return text;
This may be a bit 'heavy' for what you're looking for but there's a jQuery plugin that does this sort of thing.
The "Three Dots" plugin
CoffeeScript version based on mVChr's answer:
truncate = (str, length, separator = '...') ->
return '' if str is null
return str if str.length <= length
pad = Math.round (length - separator.length) / 2
start = str.substr(0, pad)
end = str.substr(str.length - pad)
[start, separator, end].join('')
By relying on the #mvChr solution, I propose to use a #pipe with Typescript.
First, You need to create a #pipe helper where you will described the function of truncate.
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '#angular/core';
name: 'truncateString',
export class TreeHelperPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(fullStr: string, strLen: number, separator: string): any {
if (fullStr.length < strLen) {
return fullStr;
separator = separator || '...';
const sepLen = separator.length,
charsToShow = strLen - sepLen,
frontChars = Math.ceil(charsToShow / 2),
backChars = Math.floor(charsToShow / 2);
return (
fullStr.substr(0, frontChars) +
separator +
fullStr.substr(fullStr.length - backChars)
After that, you will be able to use your #pipe helper on your template like that :
[text]=" | truncateString: 60"
I only apply the #pipe to the text and not the title attribute (which displays the text in a flyover window).
Here is how I did it:
function truncate(
strLen = 8,
separator = "...",
frontChars = 3,
backChars = 4
) {
if (fullStr.length <= strLen) return fullStr;
return (
fullStr.substr(0, frontChars) +
separator +
fullStr.substr(fullStr.length - backChars)
If you are playing in PHP you can call this, works fine and could be adjusted to JS well I assume.
function middle_dots($crumb, $max=30){
if(strlen($crumb) > $max)
$crumb = substr_replace($crumb, '...', $max/2, round(-$max/2));
return $crumb;
echo middle_dots('Some long text here would if longer than 30 chars get some ...');

How to count string occurrence in string?

How can I count the number of times a particular string occurs in another string. For example, this is what I am trying to do in Javascript:
var temp = "This is a string.";
alert(temp.count("is")); //should output '2'
The g in the regular expression (short for global) says to search the whole string rather than just find the first occurrence. This matches is twice:
var temp = "This is a string.";
var count = (temp.match(/is/g) || []).length;
And, if there are no matches, it returns 0:
var temp = "Hello World!";
var count = (temp.match(/is/g) || []).length;
/** Function that count occurrences of a substring in a string;
* #param {String} string The string
* #param {String} subString The sub string to search for
* #param {Boolean} [allowOverlapping] Optional. (Default:false)
* #author
* #see Unit Test
* #see
function occurrences(string, subString, allowOverlapping) {
string += "";
subString += "";
if (subString.length <= 0) return (string.length + 1);
var n = 0,
pos = 0,
step = allowOverlapping ? 1 : subString.length;
while (true) {
pos = string.indexOf(subString, pos);
if (pos >= 0) {
pos += step;
} else break;
return n;
occurrences("foofoofoo", "bar"); //0
occurrences("foofoofoo", "foo"); //3
occurrences("foofoofoo", "foofoo"); //1
occurrences("foofoofoo", "foofoo", true); //2
1 `----Β΄
2 `----Β΄
Unit Test
I've made a benchmark test and my function is more then 10 times
faster then the regexp match function posted by gumbo. In my test
string is 25 chars length. with 2 occurences of the character 'o'. I
executed 1 000 000 times in Safari.
Safari 5.1
Benchmark> Total time execution: 5617 ms (regexp)
Benchmark> Total time execution: 881 ms (my function 6.4x faster)
Firefox 4
Benchmark> Total time execution: 8547 ms (Rexexp)
Benchmark> Total time execution: 634 ms (my function 13.5x faster)
Edit: changes I've made
cached substring length
added type-casting to string.
added optional 'allowOverlapping' parameter
fixed correct output for "" empty substring case.
function countInstances(string, word) {
return string.split(word).length - 1;
console.log(countInstances("This is a string", "is"))
You can try this:
var theString = "This is a string.";
console.log(theString.split("is").length - 1);
My solution:
var temp = "This is a string.";
function countOccurrences(str, value) {
var regExp = new RegExp(value, "gi");
return (str.match(regExp) || []).length;
console.log(countOccurrences(temp, 'is'));
You can use match to define such function:
String.prototype.count = function(search) {
var m = this.match(new RegExp(search.toString().replace(/(?=[.\\+*?[^\]$(){}\|])/g, "\\"), "g"));
return m ? m.length:0;
Just code-golfing Rebecca Chernoff's solution :-)
alert(("This is a string.".match(/is/g) || []).length);
The non-regex version:
var string = 'This is a string',
searchFor = 'is',
count = 0,
pos = string.indexOf(searchFor);
while (pos > -1) {
pos = string.indexOf(searchFor, ++pos);
console.log(count); // 2
String.prototype.Count = function (find) {
return this.split(find).length - 1;
console.log("This is a string.".Count("is"));
This will return 2.
Here is the fastest function!
Why is it faster?
Doesn't check char by char (with 1 exception)
Uses a while and increments 1 var (the char count var) vs. a for loop checking the length and incrementing 2 vars (usually var i and a var with the char count)
Uses WAY less vars
Doesn't use regex!
Uses an (hopefully) highly optimized function
All operations are as combined as they can be, avoiding slowdowns due to multiple operations
String.prototype.timesCharExist=function(c){var t=0,l=0,c=(c+'')[0];while(l=this.indexOf(c,l)+1)++t;return t};
Here is a slower and more readable version:
String.prototype.timesCharExist = function ( chr ) {
var total = 0, last_location = 0, single_char = ( chr + '' )[0];
while( last_location = this.indexOf( single_char, last_location ) + 1 )
total = total + 1;
return total;
This one is slower because of the counter, long var names and misuse of 1 var.
To use it, you simply do this:
'The char "a" only shows up twice'.timesCharExist('a');
Edit: (2013/12/16)
DON'T use with Opera 12.16 or older! it will take almost 2.5x more than the regex solution!
On chrome, this solution will take between 14ms and 20ms for 1,000,000 characters.
The regex solution takes 11-14ms for the same amount.
Using a function (outside String.prototype) will take about 10-13ms.
Here is the code used:
String.prototype.timesCharExist=function(c){var t=0,l=0,c=(c+'')[0];while(l=this.indexOf(c,l)+1)++t;return t};
var x=Array(100001).join('1234567890');
var timesCharExist=function(x,c){var t=0,l=0,c=(c+'')[0];while(l=x.indexOf(c,l)+1)++t;return t;};
The result of all the solutions should be 100,000!
Note: if you want this function to count more than 1 char, change where is c=(c+'')[0] into c=c+''
var temp = "This is a string.";
console.log((temp.match(new RegExp("is", "g")) || []).length);
A simple way would be to split the string on the required word, the word for which we want to calculate the number of occurences, and subtract 1 from the number of parts:
function checkOccurences(string, word) {
return string.split(word).length - 1;
const text="Let us see. see above, see below, see forward, see backward, see left, see right until we will be right";
const count=countOccurences(text,"see "); // 2
I think the purpose for regex is much different from indexOf.
indexOf simply find the occurance of a certain string while in regex you can use wildcards like [A-Z] which means it will find any capital character in the word without stating the actual character.
var index = "This is a string".indexOf("is");
var length = "This is a string".match(/[a-z]/g).length;
// where [a-z] is a regex wildcard expression thats why its slower
Super duper old, but I needed to do something like this today and only thought to check SO afterwards. Works pretty fast for me.
String.prototype.count = function(substr,start,overlap) {
overlap = overlap || false;
start = start || 0;
var count = 0,
offset = overlap ? 1 : substr.length;
while((start = this.indexOf(substr, start) + offset) !== (offset - 1))
return count;
var myString = "This is a string.";
var foundAtPosition = 0;
var Count = 0;
while (foundAtPosition != -1)
foundAtPosition = myString.indexOf("is",foundAtPosition);
if (foundAtPosition != -1)
document.write("There are " + Count + " occurrences of the word IS");
Refer :- count a substring appears in the string for step by step explanation.
Building upon answer above. I like the control his method gives me, making it easy to extend, but I needed to add case insensitivity and limit matches to whole words with support for punctuation. (e.g. "bath" is in "take a bath." but not "bathing")
The punctuation regex came from: (How can I strip all punctuation from a string in JavaScript using regex?)
function keywordOccurrences(string, subString, allowOverlapping, caseInsensitive, wholeWord)
string += "";
subString += "";
if (subString.length <= 0) return (string.length + 1); //deal with empty strings
string = string.toLowerCase();
subString = subString.toLowerCase();
var n = 0,
pos = 0,
step = allowOverlapping ? 1 : subString.length,
stringLength = string.length,
subStringLength = subString.length;
while (true)
pos = string.indexOf(subString, pos);
if (pos >= 0)
var matchPos = pos;
pos += step; //slide forward the position pointer no matter what
if(wholeWord) //only whole word matches are desired
if(matchPos > 0) //if the string is not at the very beginning we need to check if the previous character is whitespace
if(!/[\s\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&\(\)*+,\-.\/:;<=>?#\[\]^_`{|}~]/.test(string[matchPos - 1])) //ignore punctuation
continue; //then this is not a match
var matchEnd = matchPos + subStringLength;
if(matchEnd < stringLength - 1)
if (!/[\s\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&\(\)*+,\-.\/:;<=>?#\[\]^_`{|}~]/.test(string[matchEnd])) //ignore punctuation
continue; //then this is not a match
} else break;
return n;
Please feel free to modify and refactor this answer if you spot bugs or improvements.
For anyone that finds this thread in the future, note that the accepted answer will not always return the correct value if you generalize it, since it will choke on regex operators like $ and .. Here's a better version, that can handle any needle:
function occurrences (haystack, needle) {
var _needle = needle
.replace(/\[/g, '\\[')
.replace(/\]/g, '\\]')
return (
haystack.match(new RegExp('[' + _needle + ']', 'g')) || []
Try it
$str = "33,33,56,89,56,56";
echo substr_count($str, '56');
<script type="text/javascript">
var temp = "33,33,56,89,56,56";
var count = temp.match(/56/g);
Simple version without regex:
var temp = "This is a string.";
var count = (temp.split('is').length - 1);
No one will ever see this, but it's good to bring back recursion and arrow functions once in a while (pun gloriously intended)
String.prototype.occurrencesOf = function(s, i) {
return (n => (n === -1) ? 0 : 1 + this.occurrencesOf(s, n + 1))(this.indexOf(s, (i || 0)));
function substrCount( str, x ) {
let count = -1, pos = 0;
do {
pos = str.indexOf( x, pos ) + 1;
} while( pos > 0 );
return count;
ES2020 offers a new MatchAll which might be of use in this particular context.
Here we create a new RegExp, please ensure you pass 'g' into the function.
Convert the result using Array.from and count the length, which returns 2 as per the original requestor's desired output.
let strToCheck = RegExp('is', 'g')
let matchesReg = "This is a string.".matchAll(strToCheck)
console.log(Array.from(matchesReg).length) // 2
Now this is a very old thread i've come across but as many have pushed their answer's, here is mine in a hope to help someone with this simple code.
var search_value = "This is a dummy sentence!";
var letter = 'a'; /*Can take any letter, have put in a var if anyone wants to use this variable dynamically*/
letter = letter && "string" === typeof letter ? letter : "";
var count;
for (var i = count = 0; i < search_value.length; count += (search_value[i++] == letter));
I'm not sure if it is the fastest solution but i preferred it for simplicity and for not using regex (i just don't like using them!)
You could try this
let count = s.length - s.replace(/is/g, "").length;
We can use the js split function, and it's length minus 1 will be the number of occurrences.
var temp = "This is a string.";
Here is my solution. I hope it would help someone
const countOccurence = (string, char) => {
const chars = string.match(new RegExp(char, 'g')).length
return chars;
var countInstances = function(body, target) {
var globalcounter = 0;
var concatstring = '';
for(var i=0,j=target.length;i<body.length;i++){
concatstring = body.substring(i-1,j);
if(concatstring === target){
globalcounter += 1;
concatstring = '';
return globalcounter;
console.log( countInstances('abcabc', 'abc') ); // ==> 2
console.log( countInstances('ababa', 'aba') ); // ==> 2
console.log( countInstances('aaabbb', 'ab') ); // ==> 1
substr_count translated to Javascript from php
Locutus (Package that translates Php to JS)
substr_count (official page, code copied below)
function substr_count (haystack, needle, offset, length) {
// eslint-disable-line camelcase
// discuss at:
// original by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// bugfixed by: Onno Marsman (
// improved by: Brett Zamir (
// improved by: Thomas
// example 1: substr_count('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'e')
// returns 1: 3
// example 2: substr_count('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'K', 1)
// returns 2: 0
// example 3: substr_count('Kevin van Zonneveld', 'Z', 0, 10)
// returns 3: false
var cnt = 0
haystack += ''
needle += ''
if (isNaN(offset)) {
offset = 0
if (isNaN(length)) {
length = 0
if (needle.length === 0) {
return false
while ((offset = haystack.indexOf(needle, offset + 1)) !== -1) {
if (length > 0 && (offset + needle.length) > length) {
return false
return cnt
Check out Locutus's Translation Of Php's substr_count function
The parameters:
ustring: the superset string
countChar: the substring
A function to count substring occurrence in JavaScript:
function subStringCount(ustring, countChar){
var correspCount = 0;
var corresp = false;
var amount = 0;
var prevChar = null;
for(var i=0; i!=ustring.length; i++){
if(ustring.charAt(i) == countChar.charAt(0) && corresp == false){
corresp = true;
correspCount += 1;
if(correspCount == countChar.length){
corresp = false;
correspCount = 0;
prevChar = 1;
else if(ustring.charAt(i) == countChar.charAt(prevChar) && corresp == true){
correspCount += 1;
if(correspCount == countChar.length){
corresp = false;
correspCount = 0;
prevChar = null;
prevChar += 1 ;
corresp = false;
correspCount = 0;
return amount;
console.log(subStringCount('Hello World, Hello World', 'll'));
var str = 'stackoverflow';
var arr = Array.from(str);
for (let a = 0; a <= arr.length; a++) {
var temp = arr[a];
var c = 0;
for (let b = 0; b <= arr.length; b++) {
if (temp === arr[b]) {
console.log(`the ${arr[a]} is counted for ${c}`)

How to format a float in javascript?

In JavaScript, when converting from a float to a string, how can I get just 2 digits after the decimal point? For example, 0.34 instead of 0.3445434.
There are functions to round numbers. For example:
var x = 5.0364342423;
will print 5.04.
var result = Math.round(original*100)/100;
The specifics, in case the code isn't self-explanatory.
edit: ...or just use toFixed, as proposed by Tim BΓΌthe. Forgot that one, thanks (and an upvote) for reminder :)
Be careful when using toFixed():
First, rounding the number is done using the binary representation of the number, which might lead to unexpected behaviour. For example
(0.595).toFixed(2) === '0.59'
instead of '0.6'.
Second, there's an IE bug with toFixed(). In IE (at least up to version 7, didn't check IE8), the following holds true:
(0.9).toFixed(0) === '0'
It might be a good idea to follow kkyy's suggestion or to use a custom toFixed() function, eg
function toFixed(value, precision) {
var power = Math.pow(10, precision || 0);
return String(Math.round(value * power) / power);
One more problem to be aware of, is that toFixed() can produce unnecessary zeros at the end of the number.
For example:
var x=(23-7.37)
The idea is to clean up the output using a RegExp:
function humanize(x){
return x.toFixed(6).replace(/\.?0*$/,'');
The RegExp matches the trailing zeros (and optionally the decimal point) to make sure it looks good for integers as well.
var x = 0.3445434
x = Math.round (x*100) / 100 // this will make nice rounding
The key here I guess is to round up correctly first, then you can convert it to String.
function roundOf(n, p) {
const n1 = n * Math.pow(10, p + 1);
const n2 = Math.floor(n1 / 10);
if (n1 >= (n2 * 10 + 5)) {
return (n2 + 1) / Math.pow(10, p);
return n2 / Math.pow(10, p);
// All edge cases listed in this thread
roundOf(95.345, 2); // 95.35
roundOf(95.344, 2); // 95.34
roundOf(5.0364342423, 2); // 5.04
roundOf(0.595, 2); // 0.60
roundOf(0.335, 2); // 0.34
roundOf(0.345, 2); // 0.35
roundOf(551.175, 2); // 551.18
roundOf(0.3445434, 2); // 0.34
Now you can safely format this value with toFixed(p).
So with your specific case:
roundOf(0.3445434, 2).toFixed(2); // 0.34
There is a problem with all those solutions floating around using multipliers. Both kkyy and Christoph's solutions are wrong unfortunately.
Please test your code for number 551.175 with 2 decimal places - it will round to 551.17 while it should be 551.18 ! But if you test for ex. 451.175 it will be ok - 451.18. So it's difficult to spot this error at a first glance.
The problem is with multiplying: try 551.175 * 100 = 55117.49999999999 (ups!)
So my idea is to treat it with toFixed() before using Math.round();
function roundFix(number, precision)
var multi = Math.pow(10, precision);
return Math.round( (number * multi).toFixed(precision + 1) ) / multi;
If you want the string without round you can use this RegEx (maybe is not the most efficient way... but is really easy)
// '2.34'
function trimNumber(num, len) {
const modulu_one = 1;
const start_numbers_float=2;
var int_part = Math.trunc(num);
var float_part = String(num % modulu_one);
float_part = float_part.slice(start_numbers_float, start_numbers_float+len);
return int_part+'.'+float_part;
There is no way to avoid inconsistent rounding for prices with x.xx5 as actual value using either multiplication or division. If you need to calculate correct prices client-side you should keep all amounts in cents. This is due to the nature of the internal representation of numeric values in JavaScript. Notice that Excel suffers from the same problems so most people wouldn't notice the small errors caused by this phenomen. However errors may accumulate whenever you add up a lot of calculated values, there is a whole theory around this involving the order of calculations and other methods to minimize the error in the final result. To emphasize on the problems with decimal values, please note that 0.1 + 0.2 is not exactly equal to 0.3 in JavaScript, while 1 + 2 is equal to 3.
Maybe you'll also want decimal separator? Here is a function I just made:
function formatFloat(num,casasDec,sepDecimal,sepMilhar) {
if (num < 0)
num = -num;
sinal = -1;
} else
sinal = 1;
var resposta = "";
var part = "";
if (num != Math.floor(num)) // decimal values present
part = Math.round((num-Math.floor(num))*Math.pow(10,casasDec)).toString(); // transforms decimal part into integer (rounded)
while (part.length < casasDec)
part = '0'+part;
if (casasDec > 0)
resposta = sepDecimal+part;
num = Math.floor(num);
} else
num = Math.round(num);
} // end of decimal part
while (num > 0) // integer part
part = (num - Math.floor(num/1000)*1000).toString(); // part = three less significant digits
num = Math.floor(num/1000);
if (num > 0)
while (part.length < 3) // 123.023.123 if sepMilhar = '.'
part = '0'+part; // 023
resposta = part+resposta;
if (num > 0)
resposta = sepMilhar+resposta;
if (sinal < 0)
resposta = '-'+resposta;
return resposta;
/** don't spend 5 minutes, use my code **/
function prettyFloat(x,nbDec) {
if (!nbDec) nbDec = 100;
var a = Math.abs(x);
var e = Math.floor(a);
var d = Math.round((a-e)*nbDec); if (d == nbDec) { d=0; e++; }
var signStr = (x<0) ? "-" : " ";
var decStr = d.toString(); var tmp = 10; while(tmp<nbDec && d*tmp < nbDec) {decStr = "0"+decStr; tmp*=10;}
var eStr = e.toString();
return signStr+eStr+"."+decStr;
prettyFloat(0); // "0.00"
prettyFloat(-1); // "-1.00"
prettyFloat(-0.999); // "-1.00"
prettyFloat(0.5); // "0.50"
I use this code to format floats. It is based on toPrecision() but it strips unnecessary zeros. I would welcome suggestions for how to simplify the regex.
function round(x, n) {
var exp = Math.pow(10, n);
return Math.floor(x*exp + 0.5)/exp;
Usage example:
function test(x, n, d) {
var rounded = rnd(x, d);
var result = rounded.toPrecision(n);
result = result.replace(/\.?0*$/, '');
result = result.replace(/\.?0*e/, 'e');
result = result.replace('e+', 'e');
return result;
document.write(test(1.2000e45, 3, 2) + '=' + '1.2e45' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.2000e+45, 3, 2) + '=' + '1.2e45' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.2340e45, 3, 2) + '=' + '1.23e45' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.2350e45, 3, 2) + '=' + '1.24e45' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.0000, 3, 2) + '=' + '1' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.0100, 3, 2) + '=' + '1.01' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.2340, 4, 2) + '=' + '1.23' + '<br>');
document.write(test(1.2350, 4, 2) + '=' + '1.24' + '<br>');
countDecimals = value => {
if (Math.floor(value) === value) return 0;
let stringValue = value.toString().split(".")[1];
if (stringValue) {
return value.toString().split(".")[1].length
? value.toString().split(".")[1].length
: 0;
} else {
return 0;
let decimalPlaces = this.countDecimals(ans);
ans = 1 * ans;
if (decimalPlaces !== 0) {
let onePlusAns = ans + 1;
let decimalOnePlus = this.countDecimals(onePlusAns);
if (decimalOnePlus < decimalPlaces) {
ans = ans.toFixed(decimalPlaces - 1).replace(/\.?0*$/, "");
} else {
let tenMulAns = ans * 10;
let decimalTenMul = this.countDecimals(tenMulAns);
if (decimalTenMul + 1 < decimalPlaces) {
ans = ans.toFixed(decimalPlaces - 1).replace(/\.?0*$/, "");
I just add 1 to the value and count the decimal digits present in the original value and the added value. If I find the decimal digits after adding one less than the original decimal digits, I just call the toFixed() with (original decimals - 1). I also check by multiplying the original value by 10 and follow the same logic in case adding one doesn't reduce redundant decimal places.
A simple workaround to handle floating-point number rounding in JS. Works in most cases I tried.
