I use jQuery ajax to read context on my page dynamicly. But part of DOM is load in javaScript function call by getScript in ajax .done. But just after I load new content I need to get elements by class and use it in next function. Unfortunatly I can't find elements, that I create in javaScript function, and script with that function I call using jQuery getScript.
ok, my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var subpage = $(this).attr('data-subpage');
var src = 'subpages/'+ subpage + '/' + subpage +'.php';
var script = 'subpages/'+ subpage + '/js/' + subpage +'.js';
url: src,
context: document.body,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(responseText){
$('#text').html(responseText); // responseText has only container <div id="insideText"></div> that I use in one function and load there by html() several divs. One of this div has class 'translate'. I need it in function Translator
$.getScript(script); // here I call script where I load several divs to #insideText
Translator($('.active').attr('data-lang')).getTranslation() // part of function have to find all div.translate, but can't find it if they're load in script call in getScript. And this is a problem.
I hope, I explaine my problem quite clear. If not, plaese ask, I'll try again.
There's some way to do that?
After this script, call by getScript I still have problem with second 'done':
const Presenter = function(){
var presented, show, fullDesc, cont;
presented = [
url: 'demo/colorsGame/',
name: 'Graj w kolorki!',
desc: 'Graj w kolorki! Wybierz taki sam kolor, w jakim napisana jest nazwa wylosowanego koloru. Spiesz się, czas ucieka coraz szybciej i szybciej. Uważaj, bo mózg może cię oszukać i uznać za ważniejsze to, co jest napisane, a nie to co widzisz. Zobacz ile punktów jesteś w stanie zdobyć zanim popełnisz trzy błędy. Ćwicz swoją koncentrację.'
url: 'demo/sampleUserProfile/',
name: 'Sample User Profil',
desc: 'Mała próbka możliwości reactJS. Wkonany z użyciem biblioteki reactJS, menadzera pakietów webpack oraz na środowisku nodeJS przykładowy profil użytkownika. Like-uj i obserwuj do woli, a jeśli chcesz, wypowiedz się pod profilem.'
show = function(url, desc, name) {
fullDesc =
"<a href ='" + url + "'>" +
"<h1 class='translate'>" + name + "</h1>" +
"</a>" +
"<div>" +
"<p class='translate'>" + desc + "</p>" +
cont =
"<div id='webmin' class='clearfix'>" +
"<div>" +
fullDesc +
"</div>" +
"<div>" +
"<iframe src='" + url + "' scrolling='no'>" +
"ups, twoja przeglądarka nie obsługuje ramek" +
"</iframe>" +
return cont;
return {
show: show,
presented: presented
display = function(){
var len, url, name, desc;
len = Presenter().presented.length;
for(let i = 0; i <= len; i++){
url = Presenter().presented[i].url;
name = Presenter().presented[i].name;
desc = Presenter().presented[i].desc;
$('#insidetext.apps').append(Presenter().show(url, desc, name));
Hmm, I'm wondering, if iframe is not a problem here? And don't let script to be done to end?
getScript is just another ajax call and returns an xhr object which exposes done and fail methods. Use those methods to ensure your dom is properly loaded before trying to access it.
$(document).ready(function() {
var subpage = $(this).attr('data-subpage');
var src = 'subpages/'+ subpage + '/' + subpage +'.php';
var script = 'subpages/'+ subpage + '/js/' + subpage +'.js';
url: src,
context: document.body,
dataType: 'html'
$.getScript(script).done(function() {
Translator($('.active').attr('data-lang')).getTranslation() ;
Also, you should implement the .fail methods, in case your ajax requests fail.
Edit:I have tried jquery versions 1.11.3 and 1.4.2
The following code throws the error "Unexpected call to method or property access" when emulating previous versions of ie(5 and 7). Using this emulation is not optional as it is set by a third party IT. It works fine in IE8 and there was a version that was essentially the same code (I copy and pasted it, and made a couple of changes) used to work in 5 and 7.
Using console.logs, I'm fairly certain that the issue is in $('#' + postFormId ).html( xml ) though I could be wrong.
if( punchOutCartPage != "SalesOrder" ) {
var itemsXML = parseShoppingCart();
var headerXML = "\t<header>\n\t\t{sellerId}\n\t\t{buyerID}\n\t\t{sessionId}\n\t</header>";
var shoppingCartXML = createNetSuiteShoppingCart( headerXML, itemsXML );
var form = $("#cart");
var form_action = form.attr("action");
context: document.body,
success: function(data){
var form_serialized = form.serialize();
$.post(form_action, form_serialized,
function (val) {
postToPunchOutUrl(punchOutUserCartUrl, shoppingCartXML);
return false;
function parseShoppingCart() {
function createNetSuiteShoppingCart( headerXML, itemsXML ) {
var parentCompany =localStorage.StrparentCompany;
var account =localStorage.Straccount;
var sessionId = localStorage.StrpunchOutSessionId;
headerXML = headerXML.replace("{sellerId}", "<sellerID>" + encodeXML(account) + "</sellerID>");
headerXML = headerXML.replace("{buyerID}", "<buyerID>" + encodeXML(parentCompany) + "</buyerID>");
headerXML = headerXML.replace("{sessionId}", "<PunchOutSessionID>" + encodeXML(sessionId) + "</PunchOutSessionID>");
itemsXML = "<NetSuiteSellerPunchOutShoppingCart>\n" + headerXML + "\n" + "<itemList>\n" + fezzik + "</itemList>\n" + "</NetSuiteSellerPunchOutShoppingCart>";
itemsXML = encodeXML(itemsXML);
var shoppingCartXML = '<input type="hidden" name="shoppingcart-urlencoded" value="{url-encoded-raw-xml}">';
return shoppingCartXML.replace("{url-encoded-raw-xml}", itemsXML);
function postToPunchOutUrl( url, xml ) {
var postFormId = "poomform";
$('#' + postFormId ).html( xml );
$('#' + postFormId ).attr( "action", url );
function encodeXML(string) {
return string.replace(/\&/g, '&' + 'amp;').replace(/</g, '&' + 'lt;').replace(/>/g, '&' + 'gt;').replace(/\'/g, '&' + 'apos;').replace(/\"/g, '&' + 'quot;');
This issue was caused by the document mode emulation itself. When internet explorer emulates document mode 5 or 7, it wraps a form tag around your forms in certain cases. So this <form method="POST" name="poomform" id="poomform" action="https://www.example.net"></form> became (I didnt copy it, but approximately)
<form><form method="POST" name="poomform" id="poomform" action="https://www.example.net"></form></form>
Which then throws the unexpected call to method error.
I worked around this by adding the form with javascript after the page had loaded, so I replaced the form in the html with <div id="poomformholder"></div>
and then added a line of jquery to my postToPunchOutUrl function to look like:
function postToPunchOutUrl( url, xml ) {
$('#' + "poomformholder" ).html("<form method=\"POST\" name=\"poomform\" id=\"poomform\" action=\"https://www.example.net\"></form>");
//The id name of our form.
var postFormId = "poomform";
$('#' + postFormId ).attr("action",url);
$('#' + postFormId ).html(xml);
And now everything works. Hopefully this helps someone in the future and thank you for your help!
Good evening.
I have this jquery code which allows me, once you press the Enter key, to post a comment.
Fattio that I run an append with the username and the content that the user wants to publish.
In addition to the username I would also like to "hang" the profile picture using their path. How do I post a photo?
Thanks for your help. Here's the code:
function commento_post(id_post)
$('.form-commento'+id_post).click(function ()
$('#ins_commento'+id_post).keydown(function (e)
var message = $("#commento"+id_post).val();
var username = $("#username").val();
var id_user = $("#id_user").val();
if(e.keyCode === 13)
type: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/post/ins_commento',
data: { commento: message, id_post: id_post },
success: function(data)
text : username, href : 'http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/utente/'+id_user
).append(' ').append(message).append($('<br/>'));
var el = $('#numero_commenti'+id_post);
var num = parseInt(el.text());
el.text(num + 1);
In your success function, you could simplify everything quite a bit in the following way while not using jQuery append so much, but just using a variable to store your code and then appending it in one go. This will allow you to append all sort of elements, it's easily parseable for the you and it reduces the amount of calls you have to make.
// Add whatever you want your final HTML to look like to this variable
var html = "<a href='http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/utente/" + id_user + "' style='font-weight: bold;'>" + username + "</a>";
html += message;
// add an image
html += "<img src='path/to/image.jpg' />"
html += "<br />";
// append to code you constructed above in one go
$('#commentscontainer' + id_post).append(html);
I amended an incorrect quote and changed + id_user + "to + id_user + "', which makes everything after it work.
I'm trying to get all facebook comments with profile pictures of commentators through fb.api() call. Currently all comments gets outputed i just can't get profile pictures to append to appropriate comment.
In for loop which loops through all comments is another FB.api call which gets the profile pic of user who commented on video and than append them into single comment block. With this code i get profile pictures of all users who commented in every single comment.
What am i doing wrong?? Thank you in advance!
var komentarji_length = response.comments.data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < komentarji_length; i++) {
var user_id = response.comments.data[i].from.id;
FB.api("/" + user_id + "/picture", {
access_token: access_token
}, function (response) {
var profile_pic_link = response.data.url;
$(".comments_profile_pic" + i).append("<img src=" + comments_profile_pic_link + ">");
var ime = response.comments.data[i].from.name;
var message = response.comments.data[i].message;
$(".fb_comments").append('<div class="single_comment"><div class="comments_profile_pic' + i + '"></div><div class="name">' + name + '  says:</div><div class="single_message">' + message + '</div></div>');
Issue 1: comments_profile_pic_link is not defined, the variable is: profile_pic_link.
But then also the problem will not be solved. When you call "/" + user_id + "/picture" it is redirected to the image url automatically. So you can directly use the image url as: https://graph.facebook.com/{user-id}/picture. No need to make the API call unnecessarily.
Still if you wish to get the proper image url (not required though), use redirect=0 with your call-
FB.api("/" + user_id + "/picture?redirect=0", {
access_token: access_token
}, function (response) {
var profile_pic_link = response.data.url;
$(".comments_profile_pic" + i).append("<img src=" + comments_profile_pic_link + ">");
I am attempting to access Google Books in order to an ISBN Code to get details of a book, I have a number of problem, which are:
A) I am trying to assemble a script request e.g. with the ISBN code concatenated into the URL. I have not managed to do this successfully - and I don't know why.
B) I then want to update a div in the DOM with this generated script dynamically, such that it will then execute.
C) I am finding it a bit of a puzzle as to the format of the returned data and the argument name of the function call contained in the Google response.
Has anyone else encountered the same problem and can offer guidance re A thru C above.
I enclose JavaScript code below.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#viewbook-button').live('click', function() {
isbnCode = this.text;
alert("ISBN is : " + isbnCode + " " + this.text + " as well");
alert("Getting JSONP Google Books data");
isbnCode = "0451526538";
JSONPstr = '<' + 'script ' + 'src="' + 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=ISBN' + isbnCode;
JSONPstr = JSONPstr + '&callback=handleJSONPResponse">' + '</script>';
alert("un-Escaped JSONP string" + JSONPstr);
escJSONPstr = escape( escJSONPstr );
alert("Escaped JSONP string");
//divstr = "";
//divstr = divstr + escape(<script src=");
//divstr = divstr + encodeURIComponent(https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=ISBN);
//divstr = divstr + escape(isbnCode);
//divstr = divstr + encodeURIComponent(&callback=handleJSONPResponse);
//divstr = divstr + escape("></);
//divstr = divstr + escape(script);
//divstr = divstr + escape(>);
// This will cause the handleJSONPResponse function to execute when the script is dynamically loadedinto div.
// The data wrapped in a function call will be returned from the Google Books server.
// This will cause the handleJSONPResponse function to execute below.
}); // end viewbook-button
}); // end document.ready
function handleJSONPResponse(response) {
var tmp = response;
<h2>Show Details of Books Ordered by a Customer</h2>
Get Customer Details
<div id="tablist">Tables will be Listed Here</div>
<div id="Google-call">The JSONP generated src= statement will go here and execute</div>
Problem solved - thanks everyone.
You're reinventing the wheel: jQuery has built-in JSONP support, so you don't need to faff about implementing it yourself. Use the $.ajax method:
url: 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=ISBN' + isbnCode,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(response) {
console.log(response); // log the response object to the console
That should be all you need to do.
I'm posting ckeditor content via Ajax to php. But getting 4-5 sentence of posted material in my db table. I wonder, Is there any size limitation for ajax post? is there any way to post big text contents via ajax?
My js looks like that
function postViaAjax(autosaveMode) {
var name = $("#name").val();
var title = $("#title").val();
var menu = $("#menu").val();
var parentcheck = $(".parentcheck:checked").val();
var id = $("#id").val();
if (parentcheck == 0) {
var parent = parentcheck;
} else {
var parent = $("#parent").val();
var content = CKEDITOR.instances['content'].getData();
var dataString = 'name=' + name + '&title=' + title + '&menu=' + menu + '&parentcheck=' + parentcheck + '&id=' + id + '&parent=' + parent + '&content=' + content;
type: "POST",
url: "processor/dbadd.php",
data: dataString,
dataType: "json",
success: function (result, status, xResponse) {
var message = result.msg;
var err = result.err;
var now = new Date();
if (message != null) {
if (autosaveMode) {
'value': 'Yadda saxlanıldı ' + now.getHours() + ':' + now.getMinutes() + ':' + now.getSeconds()
} else {
cls: "success",
html: message + ' ' + now.getHours() + ':' + now.getMinutes() + ':' + now.getSeconds()
if (err != null) {
cls: "error",
html: err
The HTTP specification doesn't impose a specific size limit for posts. They will usually be limited by either the web server or the programming technology used to process the form submission.
What kind of server do you use?
There isn't any size limitation for POSTs in HTTP.
Maybe you have an & in your content variable. Then everything after that would be stripped after that.
Other than that what type do you use for your data column in the database? Is it, by any chance, something like varchar(1000)? Then anything bigger would also get stripped.
Check what you actually receive on the server end, so you know if you've got a problem with the code or the database.
You have a limitation on the Apache server. Look for LimitRequestBody directive.
This may be helpful:
In theory the limits on AJAX requests are the same on all the other requests, so it depends on your web server/app setup. See also Max length of send() data param on XMLHttpRequest Post