parse server add current user to relation in users class (javascript SDK) - javascript

i want to do something like who visit your profile function in my ionic application, simply this function take the current user parse object and insert it in a relation column present in users class called who visited
so what i would like to do first is to query the relation to see if the current user already there and if not insert it in the relation
tried the following code:
var currentUser = Parse.User.current(); //current user object
var user = this.navParams.get('user'); // parse user object passed through navparams
var relation = user.relation("whoVisited");
but it gives me POST error 400 Bad Request

After searching for 6 hours i found the following
User class is protected and no user can modify other user data thats why i was getting the error
I managed to do the same function using cloud code and the power of master key


storing user data in firebase with unique identifiers

I have a publicly accessible app. No sign in is required but I need a way to store user data in the database as an object associated with a unique key.
From what I understand, tokens would be a way to get a unique identifier from firebase(??)
I tried creating an anonymous user and getting a token like this:
let user = firebase.auth().signInAnonymously();
I expected getIdToken to return a string but I get an object.
1) Are tokens what I want to do this?
2) If so how can I get a new token as a string?
Use the following code as a global listener on ur page to check if the sign-in is successful:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
var isAnonymous = user.isAnonymous;
var unique_id = user.uid;
} else {
// User is signed out.
// ...
This snippet has been taken from the Firebase Anonymous Auth link: Click Here to open link.
For some reason I was trying to set up a binding to sync my app with Firebase, which I just realized I don't need at all! (I just need to push the data at the end of the poll).
Of course as soon as removed that requirement it was as simple as:
When using the push() method, Firebase automatically generates a unique key which is all I need...

Best approach/design to web application?

I have been taking a Node.js course on Udemy and would like to apply some of the knowledge I have gained to create a simple web application. I would like to have a user register, which leads him to an admin panel, this part I already have.
This user (requester) can then refer users (invitees) to this website using a unique link. For example he would click a button to generate a unique hyperlink (my idea for this link was to be the http://websiteurl/userid of the requester who is sending the link).
The requester can then send this link through email to their friends to invite them to the website, once they click the link they are taken to a sign up form and when they fill in the form they are linked (added to an array under the original user).
How would I go about setting up this "session", as in make sure that the form that the invitees fill out is linked to the original requester? How can those forms be generated dynamically on the requester's hyperlink?
I'm not looking for the exact code to do this, but rather validation if my idea for the url is a good approach or if there are other approaches I should consider.
Thanks in advance!
Well, this would require you changing the schema for your database. A user will need to have a property like:
referred: []
The referred array should contain ids or some sort of reference to a user's referred users.
On the "/:userid" route, the form should submit to the route where a new user is created and have a parameter with the user ID. In this case, I am using query parameters.
So if a person were to visit /foo, they would get a form that would post to a URL like /new?userid=foo.
In that route, you can do something like this (assuming Express):"/new", (req, res) => {
const userID = req.query.userid;
const newUser = // create user normally
if(userID) {
// `userID` referred this user
const referrer = getUser(userID);
The getUser function should returning the current user, and you should modify the referred property with the new user. This code was merely an outline and you should update the user in your database.
In a nutshell, a form should post to /new?userid=foo, and when creating a new user, if this parameter is present, you can update the database entry for the user id in the parameter with the id of the new user.

Unable to remove editor via User object returned from .getEditors()

I am developing a web app for work that adds an editor to a spreadsheet and then removes that editor when his/her step is complete.
I am running into an issue where I can't remove the editor via the User object. The User object returned by .getActiveUser() isn't found in the User[] array returned by .getEditors().
var editors = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getEditors() //returns User[]
var user = Session.getActiveUser(); //returns User
return editors.indexOf(user) // returns -1
This happens even though the active user is an editor of the spreadsheet in question.
I can get around this issue by removing the user via email address (i.e. removeEditor(email)), but this seems like an extra step.
Does anyone know why these two User objects wouldn't be the same? Is this a bug?

Express-session: first user session overwritten by second user session

This is a get request where the user is passed to the view
app.get('/blog/:id', function(req, res) {
// Define which page
res.render('blog', {
user: req.user,
This is a textarea where all of the users on this page should have their names stored.
<textarea readonly id="usersInRoom" placeholder="<%= user.username %>"></textarea>
This successfully sets the correct username as the placeholder. If a second user renders the same view and visits this page at the same time as the first user, the second user's username will be the only placeholder. How would one store the first username so that when the second user opens the page, the placeholder can be a concatenation of the first username + the second username? The data stored in any embedded javascript arrays etc. by the first user are not available to the second user.
If you are using SignalR, then you could broadcast the current list of users to each connection and update the view like in the sample chat application.
If you are using regular ajax server polling, set a client method on an interval that gets a list of current page users from a database store. Because of http's lack of state, you would have to 'retire' users from the list if they haven't posted in awhile.
Client code:
function checkServer(){
//some ajax call to the server here
//that returns your user list
Server code (assuming you are saving all your current page users in a table
with a field called LastModified):
CurrentPageUser class (store this in your DbContext as the CurrentPageUsers table):
public class CurrentPageUser{
public int Id {get;set;}
public DateTime LastModified {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
Controller method:
public string GetCurrentUsers(int selfid){
using (var db=new DbContext()){
var now=DateTime.Now;
//update your requesting user so other users can see him/her
DateTime timelimit = now.AddMinutes-5);
return string.Join(", ",
Note that the SignalR implementation has much better performance and is less clumsy to implement on the server side with no need for a database table to store the current page users. It was made for this type of scenario.
I found a solution. I did in fact have express-sessions persisting my login sessions. The first session was overwritten by a second user who logged in while the first user was online, which replaced the first user's credentials with the second users, and now I had user 2 online in two different browsers.
Although I tried this on different browsers, from different devices, the problem was that the node app was hosted locally at localhost. When I uploaded the app to heroku and accessed it from there, the user session was not overwritten.

Parse: code 111 - can't add a non-pointer to a relation

I have a bunch of entries in a list view that are created by users. I want users to be able to flag them for review so I set up a 'flaggedBy' relationship like so:
var relation = entry.relation('flaggedBy');
alert('Entry flagged for review');
However, when I try to save, I get the error:
code 111 - can't add a non-pointer to a relation
All the other answers for this problem say I'm trying to add a relationship to an object that hasn't been saved yet but I do have a user account. Any ideas?
Turns out Parse.User.current() was null because I was working locally and I was using Facebook as my login mechanism (I haven't set up a local way to do this).
