how to include external javascript in react - javascript

In an html page you can include a javascript file by <script src="path"></script>
How do you get variables from an external path like this in react, if the path is, for example:
<script src=""></script>
Thanks for all your help

Scripts loaded in that fashion normally install themselves as global variables and/or properties of some other global library.
According to the docs, flux-sdk-helpers installs itself as a global variable FluxHelpers when you install it this way.
This means your React code can access it as either FluxHelpers or window.FluxHelpers.

you can link it in your index.html file just be careful about what you call things when you are doing it as to not re use names in different places

if you are using react, then you probably should also learn about webpack.
if you will use webpack, then you can import { method} from "package" most scripts you got from NPM (node package manager) very easily.


How to use a capacitor plugin meant to be imported in a vanilla js app

I'm currently pulling hairs trying to figure out how to go about this.
So, I'm working in a vanilla JS environment with no webpack setup served with capacitor and want to use this capacitor-plugin:
However, to use this plugin I have to import the package into my client code.
Here's what I've tried:
Unpkg type="module": however browser support in mobile isn't that great. And this app will be served to a ton of users
Using browserify + esmify to bundle the plugins code into something I could import with a <script> tag into my index.html. Didn't work
My last thought is to setup webpack to bundle everything for me, similar to the browserify approach and import that. However before I go through with all of that I wanted to reach out here to see if you guys had any other ideas.
Is there a way to access this plugin from window maybe?
so I figured out the way to go about this by following this article:
Basically you have a www/js directory (vanilla js), and a src directory (ES6/import code goes). You then configure webpack to output in your www/js/ directory.
Note: Any variable you want accessible to your vanilla js code must be explicitly stored in the window object.
import Module from "your-module"
window.doSomething = () => Module.doSomething()
const useModuleCode = () => {
// use code from webpacked ES6 JavaScript here
return window.doSomething();

How to import simple JS scripts "globally", using ES6 import or require?

I need to assimilate some code into a React app. Problem is, that the code i want to use comes from some example i found on the web, which uses "normal" tags to import various other scripts, via an HTML file.
The main script file that i want to use calls countless various functions from external scripts.(The script "assumes" those functions are available). This of course works in the browser, but not in a build system like Babel/Webpack.
To make things short: what would be the node/es6 equivalent of:
<script src="/dev/getHTMLMediaElement.js"></script>
And how do i make those functions available anywhere in the React app?
My React app is a fairly standard one, booted with react-create-app.
You can require or import this file directly after adding externals option in webpack config

Package for Redux/React project package

I'm trying to add: to my react/redux project but I'm not sure what to put for importing.
Is there another, es6 friendly install that I could use?
You can use:
import isUrl from 'is-url';
Or even
import anotherNameForIsUrl from 'is-url'
The reason for this, is that the module of the library is exported as default as seen per the source file: which means you are free to give it your own variable name.
Another thing is to think about moving the source code to your project, so you dont need another very small third-party dependency.

How to use simple-peer module in Node.js?

I am new in Node.js platform and want to use module in my application. But can not figure out how to implement that in my application. I can't figure out their documentation. Is there any resource that can show the procedure of using that module with Node.js or Node+Express?
Might be late but :
If you do not want to, it's not compulsory to use browserify or webpack for this very module to work, but is a good practice though, atleast for now.
In simple-peer package it is mentioned :
Note: If you're NOT using browserify, then use the included standalone file simplepeer.min.js. This exports a SimplePeer constructor on window.
This means you can get SimplePeer() on the window object by adding a script tag in your html file like :
<script src="<path to your node_modules>/simple-peer/simplepeer.min.js"></script>
For me this works :
<script src="<path to your node_modules>/simple-peer/simplepeer.min.js"></script>
<script src="/index.js"></script> <!-- Keep this script tag below simplepeer.min.js-->
Now use SimplePeer() inside index.html as :
const peer = new SimplePeer({
// Code ...
Hope this helps :)
As explained in the documentation,
This module works in the browser with browserify.
Basically you need to write nodeJS (i.e. commonJS) code - as shown in the examples - then using browserify, generate a bundle file which can be used browser side.
Most likely, webpack can be used as an alternative to browserify

How to import static url using webpack

How can I import a static url using webpack:
import ''
It's really unclear what you're trying to do, but in general you have a few options.
Pre-download the script or install it via NPM. This probably is the preferred way to deal with external dependencies. Once it is local you can easily import or require it like any other module.
If it absolutely must be loaded dynamically you will need a 3rd party module such as which can easily download 3rd party modules at runtime and block the execution of the rest of the script until it has been parsed.
Use a <script> tag and include it on your page. This only works if it's a general dependency that can be loaded before everything else (maybe for a polyfill or a library you depend on everywhere like jquery.)
I hope that helps!
This webpack issue says you can use this comment to allow the import to just work. Though this is only dynamic import not static.
import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ "");
First seen here
import is es6. With es5 and webpack, use require, or better wrap your JS files with AMD/UMD.
