I have a program where a camera is set up to constantly take pictures (about every 10 seconds or so) and the picture is sent to a folder on my server and then another program refreshes that folder constantly so that I always just have the most recent picture in that particular folder.
An HTML document exists that also constantly refreshes, and references that picture location to get and display the newest image.
What I'm trying to do is extract the EXIF data (that I've verified exists when I save the image from the active webpage and look at it's properties). I want to display the DateCreated (I believe this is DateTime) and the Latitude and Longitude (I believe is GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude).
I came across this library, exif-js, which seems like the go-to for most people trying to do this same thing in JavaScript. My code looks the same as the code at the bottom of the README.md file, except I changed out my img id="...." and variable names, (see below). It seems like it should work, but it's not producing any data. My empty span element just stays empty.
Is there an issue with the short time span that the page has before refreshing?
Thanks for any help!
Here's what my code currently looks like (just trying to get the DateTime info). I have also tried the GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude tags.
<!-- Library to extract EXIF data -->
<script src="vendors/exif-js/exif-js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getExif()
var img1 = document.getElementById("img1");
EXIF.getData(img1, function() {
var time = EXIF.getTag(this, "DateTime");
var img1Time = document.getElementById("img1Time");
img1Time.innerHTML = `${time}`;
var img2 = document.getElementById("img2");
EXIF.getData(img2, function() {
var allMetaData = EXIF.getALLTags(this);
var allMetaDataSpan = document.getElementById("Img2Time");
allMetaDataSpan.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(allMetaData, null, "\t");
go into ur exif.js file and then go to line 930 and then change it to
EXIF.getData = function(img, callback) {
if ((self.Image && img instanceof self.Image
|| self.HTMLImageElement && img instanceof self.HTMLImageElement)
&& !img.complete)
return false;
I know this may be already solved but I'd like to offer an alternative solution, for the people stumbling upon this question.
I'm a developer of a new library exifr you might want to try. It's maintained, actively developed library with focus on performance and works in both nodejs and browser.
async function getExif() {
let output = await exifr.parse(imgBuffer)
console.log('latitude', output.latitude) // converted by the library
console.log('longitude', output.longitude) // converted by the library
console.log('GPSLatitude', output.GPSLatitude) // raw value
console.log('GPSLongitude', output.GPSLongitude) // raw value
console.log('GPSDateStamp', output.GPSDateStamp)
console.log('DateTimeOriginal', output.DateTimeOriginal)
console.log('DateTimeDigitized', output.DateTimeDigitized)
console.log('ModifyDate', output.ModifyDate)
You can also try out the library's playground and experiment with images and their output, or check out the repository and docs.
I am confused about the best way to discover the image dimensions, or the naturalWidth of images, given the url to the image, most often found in the src attribute of an <img> tag.
My goal is take as input a url to a news article and use machine learning to find the top 5 biggest pictures (.jpg, .png, etc) files in the document. The problem with using the front-end to do this, is that I don't know of a way to use AJAX to http GET html from some random page of some random server, because of CORS related issues.
However, using Node.js, or some server technology, I can make requests to get the HTML from other servers (as one would expect) but I don't know a way of getting the image sizes without downloading the images first. The problem is that, I want the downloaded images on the front-end, not the back-end, and therefore downloading images with Node.js is wasted effort, if it's just to check the image dimensions.
Has anyone experienced this exact problem before? Not sure how to proceed. As I said, my goals are to download images on the front-end, and keep the ones that are bigger than say 300px in width.
Both ways are ok, depends greatly on exactly what you need to achieve in terms of performance:
To me seems that, the simplest way for you would be on client side, then you only need a few lines of JavaScript to do it:
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
console.log(this.width + 'x' + this.height);
img.src = 'http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif';
On server side is also possible but you will need to install GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick. I'd go with GraphicsMagick as it is faster.
Once you have installed both the program and it's module (npm install gm) you would do something like this to get the width and height.
gm = require('gm');
// obtain the size of an image
.size(function (err, size) {
if (!err) {
console.log(size.width + 'x' + size.height);
Also, this other module looks good, I haven't used it but it looks promsing https://github.com/netroy/image-size
To get the img urls from the html string
You can load your html string using a simple http request, then you need to use a regexp capture group to extract the urls, and if you're wanting to match globally g, i.e. more than once, when using capture groups, you need to use exec in a loop (match ignores capture groups when matching globally).
This way you'll have all the sources in an array.
For example:
var m;
var urls = [];
var rex = /<img[^>]+src="?([^"\s]+)"?\s*\/>/g;
// this is you html string
var str = '<img src="http://example.com/one.jpg />\n <img src="http://example.com/two.jpg />';
while ( m = rex.exec( str ) ) {
urls.push( m[1] );
console.log( urls );
// [ "http://example.com/one.jpg", "http://example.com/two.jpg" ]
Hope it helps.
I want to be able to create base64 files (images, sounds, video) without any previous models. For example, if I want to create a base64 64px*64px red image, how can I do this without creating first a canvas?
I would also like to create a sound (note) with no model.
I've searched on Google for some documentation on base64 encoding but I did not seem to find specific things for my need.
I am going to use Javascript, but I guess this should be the same for every language.
function createFile(_data) {
var _data = ["<!doctype html>",
"<img style=width:64px;height:64px;"
+ "background-color:red;display:block; />"];
var data = window.btoa(_data.join("").toString());
var file = "data:text/html;base64," + data;
return file
jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/guest271314/6GPju/
see also http://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/ , https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window.btoa
I'm trying to render a JBIG2 image in a browser. This script, which is part of pdf.js appears to do this:
Only it does not have instructions on its usage as it is usually executed as a dependency of pdf.js (for complete PDF rendering, which I don't want or need.)
Can anyone figure out how I would use this script to render a JBIG2 image on a web page?
As nobody has helped you out with this, let me at least share my progress on this problem:
<script src="arithmetic_decoder.js"></script>
<script src="util.js"></script>
<script src="jbig2.js"></script>
var jbig2 = new Jbig2Image();
httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
if (httpRequest.status === 200) {
var data = jbig2.parseChunks([{
data:new Uint8Array(httpRequest.response),
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
data[i] ^= 0xFF;
} else {
alert('There was a problem with the request.');
httpRequest.open('GET', "sample.jbig2");
So, this makes all the relevant dependencies clear, it contains the way I believe the parseChunks function should be called (I am sure about the Uint8Array part in combination with the arraybuffer from the XMLHttpRequest, not sure whether I shouldn't first slice it up or anything like that). The array returned to data looks like some sort of pixel array, but lacking any information about width or height I am not sure how to continue. Additionally the sample .jbig2 file you provided gives a corruption error in STDU viewer (the only free app I could find to view .jbig2 files), so I couldn't check whether the image is mostly white (as the resulting data seems to suggest) nor drawing the result by hand seemed like a good idea as I didn't have any width or height. If you wish to draw it the way to go is of course a canvas element (ideally you should construct a pixeldataarray and then use putImageData).
Now, let me outline a way for you to 'figure' out the rest of the solution. What would work best probably is forking pdf.js, adding logging, generating a pdf with just a single jbig2 image and then observing how exactly the above array gets drawn to a canvas (and how/where the dimensions are determined).
JBIG2 used in PDF spec are a subset of full JBIG2 specification (so called embedded profile). For example, in pdf you can have a jbig2 stream that can reference only a single shared symbol dictionary. The full spec does not have this restriction and it also defines a format to bring all pieces together (all of which is missing in pdfjs).
In summary, what you are looking for is technically possible (with some effort), but it is not simple.
Could you process it server side?
There's a good post on stackoverflow on using Java or tools
Print PDF that contains JBIG2 images
Sorry about the vague title but I'm a bit lost so it's hard to be specific. I've started playing around with Firefox extensions using the add-on SDK. What I'm trying to to is to watch a page for changes, a Twitch.tv chat window in this case, and save those changes to a file.
I've gotten this to work, every time something changes on the page it gets saved. But, "unusual" characters like for example something in Korean doesn't get saved properly. I think this has to do with encoding of the file/string? I tried saving the same characters by copy-pasting them into notepad, it asked me to save in Unicode and when I did everything worked fine. So I figured, ok, I'll change the encoding of the log file to unicode as well before writing to it. Didn't exactly work... Now all the characters were in some kind of foreign language.
The code I'm using to write to the file is this:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
var {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
var file = FileUtils.getFile("Desk", ["mylogfile.txt"]);
var stream = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_APPEND);
stream.write(data, data.length);
I looked at the description of FileUtils.jsm over at MDN and as far as I can tell there's no way to tell it which encoding I want to use?
If you don't know a fix could you give me some good search terms because I seem to be coming up short on that front. Since I know basically nothing on the subject I'm flailing around in the dark a bit at the moment.
This is what I ended up with (for now) to get this thing working:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
var {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
var file = Cc['#mozilla.org/file/local;1']
file.create(file.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
var charset = 'UTF-8';
var fileStream = Cc['#mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1']
fileStream.init(file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_CREATE | FileUtils.MODE_APPEND, 0x200, false);
var converterStream = Cc['#mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1']
converterStream.init(fileStream, charset, data.length,
Dumping just the raw bytes (well, raw jschars actually) won't work. You need to first convert the data into some sensible encoding.
See e.g. the File I/O Snippets. Here are the crucial bits of creating a converter output stream wrapper:
var converter = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1"].
converter.init(foStream, "UTF-8", 0, 0);
converter.close(); // this closes foStream
Another way is to use OS.File + TextConverter:
let encoder = new TextEncoder(); // This encoder can be reused for several writes
let array = encoder.encode("This is some text"); // Convert the text to an array
let promise = OS.File.writeAtomic("file.txt", array, // Write the array atomically to "file.txt", using as temporary
{tmpPath: "file.txt.tmp"}); // buffer "file.txt.tmp".
It might be even possible to mix both. OS.File has the benefit that it will write data and access files off the main thread (so it won't block the UI while the file is being written).
I have asked this question also on the appcelerator forum, but as I find I often get better answers from you lovely people here on stackoverflow I am also asking it here just incase anyone can spread some light.
I have created a downloadQueue of urls and am using it to download files with the httpclient. Each file in the downloadQueue is is sent the the httpclient one at a time, with the next download being initiated only after the previous has been completed.
When I start the download, it seems to be working correctly and manages to download several files before it it simply freezes and I get an "out of memory" error in the DDMS error log.
I tried implementing suggestions found in other posts a sample of which are:
I tried all of the following:
- moving larger file downloads directly form the nativepath rather then simply saving to file in order to insure that tmp files are not kept longer then necessary.
using the undocument setFile method of the httpclient. (This stopped my code dead without any error message, and as it is undocumented I have no idea if it was ever implemented on android anyway)
-using a settimeout in httplient.onload after the file has been download to pause for 1 second before requesting the next file (I have no idea how this would help, but I am clutching a straws now)
Below is the relevant parts of my code (which is complete except for the GetFileUrls functions which I excluded for simplicity sake as all this function does is return an array of URLs).
Can anyone spot anything that might be causing my memory issue. Does anyone have any ideas as I have tried everthing I can think of? (HELP!)
var count = 0;
var downloadQueue = [];
var rootDir = Ti.Filesystem.getExternalStorageDirectory();
downloadQueue = GetFileUrls(); /* this function is not included in order to keep my post as short as possible, bu it returns an array of urls */
var downloader = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({timeout:10000});
downloader.onerror = function(){
downloader.onload = function(){
SaveFile(this.folderName, this.fileName, this.responseData);
count += 1;
setTimeout( function(){ DownloadFile(); }, 1000);
function DownloadFile(){
if (count < downloadQueue.length){
var fileUrl = downloadQueue[count];
var fileName = fileUrl.substring(fileUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
downloader.fileName = fileName;
downloader.folderName = rootDir;
downloader.open('GET', fileUrl);
function SaveFile(foldername, filename, response){
if (response.type == 1){
var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(response.nativePath);
var dest = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(foldername, filename);
if (dest.exists()){
var dest = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(foldername, filename);
try to use events instead of the nested recursion that you are using. Android does not seem to like that too much