JQUERY DataTables - Keep Table stying on print - javascript

I am trying different ways to keep the table styling when I print a data table. I am well aware that data tables currently strips all table styling except the main table class. I have began trying a few different things and modifying the buttons.print.js file in order to achieve this.
var a = c.buttons.exportData(d.exportOptions),
k = function (b, a) {
for (var c = '<tr class="' + (this).className + '">', d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) c += "<" + a + ">" + b[d] + "</" + a + ">";
return c + "</tr>"
This returns as undefined for the classes...has anyone had any luck out there...or have any tips or examples of what I am trying to achieve?
Also here is the link for the complete buttons.print.js file that I am working with: LINK

Myself and my colleague figured this out for anyone that would like to retain classes/styling for the tables when they are trying to print...
var a = c.buttons.exportData(d.exportOptions),
counter = [];
k = function (b, a) {
if(a != 'th') {
for (var c = "<tr class=" + $('tr:nth-child(' + counter.length + ')').attr('class') + ">", d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; d++) c += "<" + a + ">" + b[d] + "</" + a + ">";
return c + "</tr>"
One thing to note is that this will only work correctly if one data table is on the screen...still working out a way to support multiple tables correctly...


Looping with condition javascript dont work

i'm trying to make some looping with condition inside of it using javascript, this example code
for (var i in GexfJS.graph.edgeList) {
var _e = GexfJS.graph.edgeList[i]
if ( _e.source == _nodeIndex ) {
var _n = GexfJS.graph.nodeList[_e.target];
_str += '<li><div class="smallpill" style="background: ' + _n.color.base +'"></div>' + _n.label + '' + ( GexfJS.params.showEdgeWeight && _e.weight ? ' [' + _e.weight + ']' : '') + '</li>';
and it show only nodes that connect with _nodeIndex, but i want to show another nodes that related from connected nodes that connect with _nodeIndex , and the code like this
for (var i in GexfJS.graph.edgeList) {
var _e = GexfJS.graph.edgeList[i]
if ( _e.source == _nodeIndex ) {
var _n = GexfJS.graph.nodeList[_e.target];
_str += '<li><div class="smallpill" style="background: ' + _n.color.base +'"></div>' + _n.label + '' + ( GexfJS.params.showEdgeWeight && _e.weight ? ' [' + _e.weight + ']' : '') + '</li>';
_nodeIndex = GexfJS.graph.nodeList[_e.target];
var _curr = _nodeIndex;
for (var j in GexfJS.graph.edgeList) {
var _ed = GexfJS.graph.edgeList[j]
if ( _ed.source == _curr ) {
var _no = GexfJS.graph.nodeList[_ed.target];
_str += '<li><div class="smallpill" style="background: ' + _no.color.base +'"></div>' + _no.label + '' + ( GexfJS.params.showEdgeWeight && _ed.weight ? ' [' + _ed.weight + ']' : '') + '</li>';
but the code above is not work properly, it show nodes which only connect that related to the _nodeIndex.
my question is, which alghoritm that im wrong if i want to show the nodes which related connected from the nodes that related from the _nodeIndex,
example :
A related to B , C
B related to D , F
C related to G , K
F related to M , N
M related to Y , Z
so if i click node A it will be related to B and C ,
but the goal is if i click node A it will be related to B, C, D, F, G and K

Calling multiple functions to generate textboxes on same page

I am calling two separate functions to generate dynamic textboxes one of the function works fine whereas other doesn't work though the code for generating textboxes is same except the variables names and label names. Could anyone please let me know what I am doing wrong and how can i figure out this ?
this is the function which is not working.
var C = 3;
var matrixArray = ["question", "mrank"];
$("#addMatrix").click(function () {
for(var j = 0; j < matrixArray.length; j++){
function createMatrixInput(l){
var tb_Div = $('#TextBoxes');
var mstr = '<div class="control-group">';
mstr += '<label class="control-label">' + l + " " + C + '</label>';
mstr += '<div class="controls">';
mstr += '<input type="text" id="' + l + '_' + C + '" name="'+ l +'_' + C + '" />';
mstr += '</div>';
mstr += '</div>';
this is my jsfiddle with complete code.
There are 2 problems. The button id is addmatrix and the array is matrixArray, not MatrixArray. The method should look like:
$("#addmatrix").click(function () {
for(var j = 0; j < matrixArray.length; j++){
I've spotted a error in your JSFiddle see the id of your button "matrix button" it is addmatrix and you are binding the onClick event to addMatrix and javascript event binding via ID is case sensitive, so the event will not be bind.
Maybe this will solve your whole problem, because it was preventing to execute the click event.

Creating an array object within an array object

I have an array object that needs another array object added to it. So i have details of the object that need the rows in a table to be added to that object as an array. I have tried a few suggestions on stackoverflow , but none seems to be working, and i am not sure this has something to do with the fact that the table is created by js.
// Adding Cosignment number
// Add main tables which will display the added packages
'<table border="1">' +
'<thead><tr><th>Packages</th><th>Weight</th> <th>Vol Weight</th><th>Charge Weight</th> <th>Price</th></tr></thead><tbody id="parcels-added-overview"></tbody> ' +
for (var i = 0; i < packageNum; i++) {
var ii = (i + 1).toString();
// Working out volemetric weight
wei = $('#added-parcels #weighting-' + ii + ' input').val();
len = $('#added-parcels #lengthing-' + ii + ' input').val();
wid = $('#added-parcels #widthing-' + ii + ' input').val();
hei = $('#added-parcels #heighting-' + ii + ' input').val();
//Calculating Volumetric weight
tot = ((len * wid * hei) / 5000).toFixed(1);
pri = (tot * 23).toFixed(2);
chr = (tot * 12).toFixed(2);
'<tr>' +
'<td class="par-id">' + (i + 1).toString() + '</td>' +
'<td class="par-weight">' + wei.toString() + ' kg\'s</td>' +
'<td class="par-vol-weight">' + tot.toString() + ' kg\'s</td>' +
'<td class="par-charge-weight">R ' + chr.toString() + '</td>' +
'<td class="par-price">R ' + pri.toString() + ' </td>' +
I then want to add the values of that table that have been added dynamically to an object array that is then added to the primary object array.
var parcelObj = new Object();
$.each($('#parcels-added-overview tr'),function (index) {
parcelObj.parcelId = $(this).children('.par-id').text();
parcelObj.totalWeight = $(this).children('.par-weight').text();
parcelObj.volWeight = $(this).children('.par-vol-weight').text();
parcelObj.chargeWeight = $(this).children('.par-charge-weight').text();
parcelObj.overallPrice = $(this).children('.par-price').text();
consignmentObj.parcels = parcelsArr;
I might be a n00b , but this code (although i think its fairly verbose ) should work.
Does the $(this).children not identify directly on each() row that it is iterating over?
When i add console.log(consignmentsArr); i get the array within the object as it should be but the values for the parcel object are just repeating the last row of the table.
1: Object
deliName: ""
deliStreet: ""
docType: "Document"
insurance: "None"
parcels: Array[2]
0: Object
totalWeight:"65 kg's"
volWeight:"63 kg's"
1: Object
totalWeight:"65 kg's"
volWeight:"63 kg's"
Why can I not get the first row values to be added to parcels[0]?
Try to declare parcelObj object inside the function.
$.each($('#parcels-added-overview tr'),function (index) {
var parcelObj = new Object();
parcelObj.parcelId = $(this).children('.par-id').text();
parcelObj.totalWeight = $(this).children('.par-weight').text();
parcelObj.volWeight = $(this).children('.par-vol-weight').text();
parcelObj.chargeWeight = $(this).children('.par-charge-weight').text();
parcelObj.overallPrice = $(this).children('.par-price').text();
consignmentObj.parcels = parcelsArr;

mustache - render entire data structure

Is there some way to render all the literal objects and the literal objects within them using mustache? Being a neophyte at this I wondered if the following would work...
var data2 = {};
data2["collector"]={"sname":"Collector", "lname":"Collector", "V":[11,12,13,14,15]};
data2["storage"] ={"sname":"Storage", "lname":"Storage", "V":[21,22,23,24,25]};
data2["aux1"] ={"sname":"Aux1", "lname":"Loop High", "V":[31,32,33,34,35]};
data2["aux2"] ={"sname":"Aux2", "lname":"Loop Low", "V":[41,42,43,44,45]};
data2["aux3"] ={"sname":"Aux3", "lname":"Aux3", "V":[51,52,53,54,55]};
data2["aux4"] ={"sname":"Aux4", "lname":"Aux4", "V":[61,62,63,64,65]};
var T2 = "<table border='1'>" +
"{{#.}}<tr>" +
"{{#.}}" +
"<td>{{.}}</td>" +
"{{/.}}" +
"</tr>" +
"{{/.}}" +
html = Mustache.to_html(T2, data2);
but of course it doesn't. I get
Since the goal was to use mustache, here's the final deal using mustache to expand the array.
I don't know if Jesse meant to put embedded literal objects in tables within table or not but that was not my goal. I deleted wrap and all from the function in this version as I either didn't need them or understand why they were there. I remain indebted to Jesse for this hint; I doubt I would have come up with anything so clever.
var getMustache = function(data, depth)
var r = "";
if (depth == 0)
for(var d in data)
if(typeof data[d] =="object")
if (data[d].length) // is it an array?
var T = "{{#" + d + "}}<td>{{.}}</td>{{/" + d + "}}";
r += Mustache.to_html(T, data);
r += getMustache(data[d], depth+1);
r += "<td>" + data[d] + "</td>";
if (depth == 0)
return r;
var T2 = "<table border='1'>" + getMustache(data2,0) + "</table>";
html = Mustache.to_html(T2, data2);
Seems like you could just make a recursive function for this - mustache is pretty static, but recursion is perfect for looking up all the nodes in a deep object.
Untested hypothetical code:
var data2 = {};
data2["collector"]={"sname":"Collector", "lname":"Collector", "V":[11,12,13,14,15]};
data2["storage"] ={"sname":"Storage", "lname":"Storage", "V":[21,22,23,24,25]};
data2["aux1"] ={"sname":"Aux1", "lname":"Loop High", "V":[31,32,33,34,35]};
data2["aux2"] ={"sname":"Aux2", "lname":"Loop Low", "V":[41,42,43,44,45]};
data2["aux3"] ={"sname":"Aux3", "lname":"Aux3", "V":[51,52,53,54,55]};
data2["aux4"] ={"sname":"Aux4", "lname":"Aux4", "V":[61,62,63,64,65]};
var getMustache = function(data, wrap, all, depth){
var r = "";
var depth = depth || 0;
for(var d in data){
r += "<" + wrap[depth] || all + ">";
r += "{{#" + d + "}}";
r += getMustache(data[d], wrap, all, depth ++);
r += "{{/" + d + "}}";
} else {
r += "{{" + data[d] + "}}";
r += "</" + wrap[depth] || all + ">";
return r;
var T2 = "<table border='1'>" + getMustache(data2,['tr','td'],'span');
html = Mustache.to_html(T2, data2);
The following works. It doesn't use mustache facilities at all. I plan to change it so that it uses mustache's iteration on the array.
var getMustache = function(data, wrap, all, depth)
var r = "";
if (depth == 0)
for(var d in data)
if(typeof data[d] =="object")
r += getMustache(data[d], wrap, all, depth+1);
r += "<td>" + data[d] + "</td>";
if (depth == 0)
//alert("r=" + r);
return r;

Javascript not writing to HTML definition list

Can anyone help me with why this JavaScript is not writing to the definition list in the body? When I debug, the object is there and the lines are all executed. Also, if I use document.write the information will overwrite the page. I'm just having trouble with adding this HTML to the predefined definition list. There are no errors in the console. Any help is appreciated.
Javascript in head
function writeGph(obj, chartNum) {
var data = obj;
for (i = 0; i < obj.tab1.length; i++) { //Loop to create each column of the graph
document.getElementById(chartNum).innerhtml += '<dt>' + data.tab1[i].name + '</dt>'
document.getElementById(chartNum).innerhtml += '<dd class="p100"><span><b>' + data.tab1[i].top + '</b></span></dd>'
document.getElementById(chartNum).innerhtml += '<dd class="sub p' + data.tab1[i].bot + '"><span><b>' + data.tab1[i].bot + '</b></span></dd>';
function writeAxis(obj, axisNum) {
for (i = 0; i < obj.tab1.length; i++) { //Loop to create each x-axis label
document.getElementById(axisNum).innerhtml += '<li>' + obj.tab1[i].name + '</li>';
function writeTable(obj, tableNum) {
document.getElementById(tableNum).innerhtml += '<tr><th>Business</th><th>Number</th><th>Percent</th></tr>';
for (i = 0; i < obj.tab1.length; i++) { //Loop to fill in table information
obj.tab1[i].botl = Math.round(10000 * (obj.tab1[i].num / obj.tab1[i].all)) / 100;
document.getElementById(tableNum).innerhtml += '<tr><td>' + obj.tab1[i].name + '</td><td>' + obj.tab1[i].num + '</td><td>' + obj.tab1[i].botl + '%</td></tr>';
HTML in body
<dl class="chart" id="chart1"></dl>
<ul class="xAxis" id="xAxis1"></ul>
<table id="table1"></table>
It's not .innerhtml, it's .innerHTML
