Capitalizing first letter after special character or letter - javascript

I am new to either Javascript or regex. I need to replace first word letter to the capital letter and my code does it, but it's also replacing the letter after special character or other letter (like ąčęėįš or etc.) and somehow I need to avoid it and change just only first letter. Could someone help me to solve this problem?
My code is here:
function capitalizeName(input) {
var name = input.val();
name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();

I prefer a non-regex answer to all such questions, for fun and mostly you don't need complex regexes
"java script is cool".split(" ").map(function(w){return w[0].toUpperCase()+w.substr(1)}).join(" ")
"Java Script Is Cool"

Then you need to remove word boundary with space or start anchor match.
name = name.toLowerCase().replace(/(^|\s)[a-z]/g, function(letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();

This should work for you:
or this
console.log("tihi is some rčęėįš random typing. Is it good? maby has some minor-bugs but at least works"
.replace(/\w.*?\W/g, x => x[0].toUpperCase() + x.substr(1)))
you have to add non world char at the end for this to work.
const data = "tihi is some rčęėįš random typing. Is it good? maby has some minor-bugs but at least works."
const capitalize = data => (data + ' ').replace(/\w.*?\W/g, x => x[0].toUpperCase() + x.substr(1)).substr(0, data.length)


is there a way for the content.replace to sort of split them into more words than these?

const filter = ["bad1", "bad2"];
client.on("message", message => {
var content = message.content;
var stringToCheck = content.replace(/\s+/g, '').toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) {
if (content.includes(filter[i])){
So my code above is a discord bot that deletes the words when someone writes ''bad1'' ''bad2''
(some more filtered bad words that i'm gonna add) and luckily no errors whatsoever.
But right now the bot only deletes these words when written in small letters without spaces in-between or special characters.
I think i have found a solution but i can't seem to put it into my code, i mean i tried different ways but it either deleted lowercase words or didn't react at all and instead i got errors like ''cannot read property of undefined'' etc.
var badWords = [
bot.on('message', message => {
var words = message.content.toLowerCase().trim().match(/\w+|\s+|[^\s\w]+/g);
var containsBadWord = words.some(word => {
return badWords.includes(word);
This is what i am looking at. the var words line. specifically (/\w+|\s+|[^\s\w]+/g);.
Anyway to implement that into my const filter code (top/above) or a different approach?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I'm not sure what you're trying to do with .match(/\w+|\s+|[^\s\w]+/g). That's some unnecessary regex just to get an array of words and spaces. And it won't even work if someone were to split their bad word into something like "t h i s".
If you want your filter to be case insensitive and account for spaces/special characters, a better solution would probably require more than one regex, and separate checks for the split letters and the normal bad word check. And you need to make sure your split letters check is accurate, otherwise something like "wash it" might be considered a bad word despite the space between the words.
A Solution
So here's a possible solution. Note that it is just a solution, and is far from the only solution. I'm just going to use hard-coded string examples instead of message.content, to allow this to be in a working snippet:
//Our array of bad words
var badWords = [
//A function that tests if a given string contains a bad word
function testProfanity(string) {
//Removes all non-letter, non-digit, and non-space chars
var normalString = string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "");
//Replaces all non-letter, non-digit chars with spaces
var spacerString = string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, " ");
//Checks if a condition is true for at least one element in badWords
return badWords.some(swear => {
//Removes any non-letter, non-digit chars from the bad word (for normal)
var filtered = swear.replace(/\W/g, "");
//Splits the bad word into a 's p a c e d' word (for spaced)
var spaced = filtered.split("").join(" ");
//Two different regexes for normal and spaced bad word checks
var checks = {
spaced: new RegExp(`\\b${spaced}\\b`, "gi"),
normal: new RegExp(`\\b${filtered}\\b`, "gi")
//If the normal or spaced checks are true in the string, return true
//so that '.some()' will return true for satisfying the condition
return spacerString.match(checks.spaced) || normalString.match(checks.normal);
var result;
//Includes one banned word; expected result: true
var test1 = "I am a bannedWord1";
result = testProfanity(test1);
//Includes one banned word; expected result: true
var test2 = "I am a b a N_N e d w o r d 2";
result = testProfanity(test2);
//Includes one banned word; expected result: true
var test3 = "A bann_eD%word4, I am";
result = testProfanity(test3);
//Includes no banned words; expected result: false
var test4 = "No banned words here";
result = testProfanity(test4);
//This is a tricky one. 'bannedWord2' is technically present in this string,
//but is 'bannedWord22' really the same? This prevents something like
//"wash it" from being labeled a bad word; expected result: false
var test5 = "Banned word 22 isn't technically on the list of bad words...";
result = testProfanity(test5);
I've commented each line thoroughly, such that you understand what I am doing in each line. And here it is again, without the comments or testing parts:
var badWords = [
function testProfanity(string) {
var normalString = string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "");
var spacerString = string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, " ");
return badWords.some(swear => {
var filtered = swear.replace(/\W/g, "");
var spaced = filtered.split("").join(" ");
var checks = {
spaced: new RegExp(`\\b${spaced}\\b`, "gi"),
normal: new RegExp(`\\b${filtered}\\b`, "gi")
return spacerString.match(checks.spaced) || normalString.match(checks.normal);
As you can see, this filter is able to deal with all sorts of punctuation, capitalization, and even single spaces/symbols in between the letters of a bad word. However, note that in order to avoid the "wash it" scenario I described (potentially resulting in the unintentional deletion of a clean message), I made it so that something like "bannedWord22" would not be treated the same as "bannedWord2". If you want it to do the opposite (therefore treating "bannedWord22" the same as "bannedWord2"), you must remove both of the \\b phrases in the normal check's regex.
I will also explain the regex, such that you fully understand what is going on here:
[^a-zA-Z0-9 ] means "select any character not in the ranges of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or space" (meaning all characters not in those specified ranges will be replaced with an empty string, essentially removing them from the string).
\W means "select any character that is not a word character", where "word character" refers to the characters in ranges a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore.
\b means "word boundary", essentially indicating when a word starts or stops. This includes spaces, the beginning of a line, and the end of a line. \b is escaped with an additional \ (to become \\b) in order to prevent javascript from confusing the regex token with strings' escape sequences.
The flags g and i used in both of the regex checks indicate "global" and "case-insensitive", respectively.
Of course, to get this working with your discord bot, all you have to do in your message handler is something like this (and be sure to replace badWords with your filter variable in testProfanity()):
if (testProfanity(message.content)) return message.delete();
If you want to learn more about regex, or if you want to mess around with it and/or test it out, this is a great resource for doing so.

How do I replace the last letter of a string element in an array with replace()

I've just started coding..I'm a super beginner and have no idea about regex yet so for now I'd rather not use it. This is an exercise I'm trying to solve. The problem is that when a word contains matching characters, the first character gets the lower case, but what I actually want is the last character of the word to become small.
I don't really require a solution for the problem. Instead I'd rather have some insight on what I'm doing wrong and maybe direct me to the right path :)
function alienLanguage(str) {
let bigWords = str.toUpperCase().split(" ");
let lastLetterSmall = [];
bigWords.forEach(words => {
.charAt(words.length -1), words.charAt(words.length -1).toLowerCase()));
console.log(lastLetterSmall.join(' '));
alienLanguage("My name is John");
alienLanguage("this is an example");
alienLanguage("Hello World");
alienLanguage("HELLO WORLD");
Since you only really want to work with indicies of the string - you don't need to replace anything dynamically other than the last index - replace won't work well, since if you pass it a string, it will only replace the first matching letter. For example:
'foo'.replace('o', 'x')
results in 'fxo', because the first o (and only the first o) gets replaced.
For your code, instead of replace, just concatenate the two parts of the string together: the part from index 0 to next-to-last index, and the character at the last index with toLowerCase() called on it:
function alienLanguage(str) {
const result = str
.split(" ")
.map(line => line.slice(0, line.length - 1) + line[line.length - 1].toLowerCase())
.join(' ');
alienLanguage("My name is John");
alienLanguage("this is an example");
alienLanguage("Hello World");
alienLanguage("HELLO WORLD");

Javascript convert PascalCase to underscore_case/snake_case

How can I convert PascalCase string into underscore_case/snake_case string? I need to convert dots into underscores as well.
eg. convert
You could try the below steps.
Capture all the uppercase letters and also match the preceding optional dot character.
Then convert the captured uppercase letters to lowercase and then return back to replace function with an _ as preceding character. This will be achieved by using anonymous function in the replacement part.
This would replace the starting uppercase letter to _ + lowercase_letter.
Finally removing the starting underscore will give you the desired output.
var s = 'TypeOfData.AlphaBeta';
console.log(s.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, function (x,y){return "_" + y.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/, ""));
var s = 'TypeOfData.AlphaBeta';
alert(s.replace(/\.?([A-Z])/g, function (x,y){return "_" + y.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/, ""));
any way to stop it for when a whole word is in uppercase. eg. MotorRPM into motor_rpm instead of motor_r_p_m? or BatteryAAA into battery_aaa instead of battery_a_a_a?
var s = 'MotorRMP';
alert(s.replace(/\.?([A-Z]+)/g, function (x,y){return "_" + y.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/, ""));
u're welcome
var s1 = 'someTextHere';
var s2 = 'SomeTextHere';
var s3 = 'TypeOfData.AlphaBeta';
var o1 = s1.split(/\.?(?=[A-Z])/).join('_').toLowerCase();
var o2 = s2.split(/\.?(?=[A-Z])/).join('_').toLowerCase();
var o3 = s3.split(/\.?(?=[A-Z])/).join('_').toLowerCase();
Alternatively using lodash:
// ➜ 'type_of_data_alpha_beta'
Lodash is a fine library to give shortcut to many everyday js tasks.There are many other similar string manipulation functions such as camelCase, kebabCase etc.
This solution solves the non-trailing acronym issue with the solutions above
I ported the code in 1175208 from Python to JavaScript.
Javascript Code
function camelToSnakeCase(text) {
return text.replace(/(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)/, '$1_$2').replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/, '$1_$2').toLowerCase()
Working Examples:
camelToSnakeCase('thisISDifficult') -> this_is_difficult
camelToSnakeCase('thisISNT') -> this_isnt
camelToSnakeCase('somethingEasyLikeThis') -> something_easy_like_this
"alphaBetaGama".replace(/([A-Z])/g, "_$1").toLowerCase() // alpha_beta_gamma
Problem - Need to convert a camel-case string ( such as a property name ) into underscore style to meet interface requirements or for meta-programming.
This line uses a feature of regular expressions where it can return a matched result ( first pair of () is $1, second is $2, etc ).
Each match in the string is converted to have an underscore ahead of it with _$1 string provided. At that point the string looks like alpha_Beta_Gamma.
To correct the capitalization, the entire string is converted toLowerCase().
Since toLowerCase is a fairly expensive operation, its best not to put it in the looping handler for each match-case, and run it once on the entire string.
After toLowerCase it the resulting string is alpha_beta_gamma ( in this example )
This will get you pretty far:
You will probably have to use regex replace to replace the "." with an underscore.
I found this but I edited it so suit your question.
const camelToSnakeCase = str => str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, letter => `_${letter.toLowerCase()}`).replace(/^_/,'')
Good examples for js:
Snake Case
Kebab Case
Camel Case
Pascal Case
have here
function toCamelCase(s) {
// remove all characters that should not be in a variable name
// as well underscores an numbers from the beginning of the string
s = s.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\- ])|^[_0-9]+/g, "").trim().toLowerCase();
// uppercase letters preceeded by a hyphen or a space
s = s.replace(/([ -]+)([a-zA-Z0-9])/g, function(a,b,c) {
return c.toUpperCase();
// uppercase letters following numbers
s = s.replace(/([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z])/g, function(a,b,c) {
return b + c.toUpperCase();
return s;
Try this function, hope it helps.
"TestString".replace(/[A-Z]/g, val => "_" + val.toLowerCase()).replace(/^_/,"")
replaces all uppercase with an underscore and lowercase, then removes the leading underscore.
A Non-Regex Answer that converts PascalCase to snake_case
Note: I understand there are tons of good answers which solve this question elegantly. I was recently working on something similar to this where I chose not to use regex. So I felt to answer a non-regex solution to this.
const toSnakeCase = (str) => {
return str.slice(0,1).toLowerCase() + str.split('').slice(1).map((char) => {
if (char == char.toUpperCase()) return '_' + char.toLowerCase();
else return char;
inputString = "ILoveJavascript" passed onto toSnakeCase()
would become "i_love_javascript"

JavaScript RegEx double name

I want to only allow one capital letter at start, and one more if(after hyphen) and that your able to write only one hyphen, so that u can write a double name, like Klas-Bertil and nothing else.
Shall allow:
Dont know if im making myself understood? :)
Thanks in advance!
try this:
if you'd like to force capital letter at the start:
Have the simplest RegEx for the name parts, like this
var regEx = /^[A-Z][a-z]*$/;
This will match any string which starts with zero or more white space characters, followed by a capital letter, followed by a string of small letters and ends with zero or more characters.
Now, split the input string with - and apply the regEx on all of them to see if all the parts match or not.
var regEx = /^[A-Z][a-z]*$/;
function isInitCapNames(name) {
return name.split("-").every(function(currentPart) {
return regEx.test(currentPart);
Test cases:
console.assert(isInitCapNames('Klas') === true);
console.assert(isInitCapNames('Klas-Bertil') === true);
console.assert(isInitCapNames('Fredrick-Patrick') === true);
console.assert(isInitCapNames('KlAs-') === false);
console.assert(isInitCapNames('KLaS-bErtIl') === false);
console.assert(isInitCapNames('Fre-Dr-IckP-aTrick') === false);
I hope this will work for you.
How about instead of restricting the users, just fix their input? would be much more convenient for both sides i believe:
var names = ["KlAs-","KLaS-bE$#rtIl-banana","Fre-Dr-IckP-aTrick","Klas","Klas-Bertil","Fredrick-Patrick"]
function FixName(name){
//remove all special characters from the name
name = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/g,'');
//check for hyphens and only get 1 of those, takes 2 name parts.
var name_parts = name.split('-',2);
//fix the first name part
var Fixed_Name=(name_parts[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name_parts[0].slice(1).toLowerCase()).trim();
//check if there is anything after the hyphen, and fix it too.
Fixed_Name+="-"+(name_parts[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name_parts[1].slice(1).toLowerCase()).trim();

Trouble capitalizing first word in input with javascript/jquery

I have looked through a lot of the other threads on here with this question. I am having issues capitalizing the first letter of an input.
I cannot seem to get the substr() function to work properly. It always returns the whole string with each word capitalized instead.
function crmForm_lastname_onblur(sourceField, sourceRowId) {
var x=document.getElementById("crmForm_lastname");
x.value=x.value.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) {
return letter.substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+letter.substr(1);
Any help would be appreciated. I am no means a Javascript expert but I can understand what the code is doing in certain areas. Thank you.
Are you trying to do this
function crmForm_lastname_onblur(sourceField, sourceRowId) {
var val = sourceField.value;
if (val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() != val.charAt(0))
sourceField.value = val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.slice(1)
Given that your Regex is only matching the first letter after a word boundary, your replacement function should be:
x.value = x.value.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function (letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
to capitalize the first letter of each word (demo).
If you only want the very first letter in the input captialized, change your Regex and keep the same replacement function above:
x.value = x.value.toLowerCase().replace(/^[^A-Za-z]*\b[a-z]/, function (letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
/^[^A-Za-z]*\b[a-z]/ captures the first letter of the input (demo).
