Scale and then scale to top? - javascript

I'm trying to use transform to scale an image to fullsize.
This is how I try to calculate the top and position, it almost works, but the translation is based on the images original size, not the scaled size. Could I solve this by applying different css somehow or do I have to figure out another translation value?
transformCarousel () {
if (this.state.zoom) {
const heightBefore = this.state.carousel.height
const heightAfter = window.innerHeight * 0.792
const scale = heightAfter / heightBefore
const posBefore =
const posAfter = window.pageYOffset
const translate = posAfter - posBefore
return {
zIndex: 1070,
transform: 'scale(' + scale + ') translateY(' + translate + 'px)'

I am just guessing what it's your problem.
It seems that the px value of the translation should be in the final scale and not the beginning scale.
This code would do it:
transform: 'translateY(' + translate + 'px) scale(' + scale + ')'
The order in the transforms is right to left, so the scale will be applied and after this the translate will be


Zoom function for an entire page

I am making a website with a multipage google-doc-like user interface and want to allow the user to "zoom" or change the scale of everything on the page with "zoom in" and "zoom out" buttons. At first I tried to achieve this by styling everything using rem units and using this js:
$(document).ready(function() {
var fontSize = parseInt($("html").css("font-size"), 10);
$("#in").on("click", function() {
fontSize += 0.5;
$("html").css("font-size", fontSize + "px");
$("#out").on("click", function() {
fontSize -= 0.5;
$("html").css("font-size", fontSize + "px");
This works, but the problem is that there are many divs on the page (laid out in a single vertical column), so if you are scrolled in the middle of the page and then click the zoom function, causing them all to resize, it produces a scrolling effect as the divs get smaller or bigger and therefore get pushed further up or down on the page. This is disorienting if the content you were viewing before zooming is no longer on the page after the zoom. Here is a codepen demonstrating this.
Next, I tried zooming using the transform scale() css property and adjusting the transform-origin to be centered on the user's scroll position:
var zoom = 1;
$("#in").on("click", function () {
var x = window.innerWidth / 2;
var y = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 2;
zoom += 0.2;
transformOrigin: x + "px " + y + "px",
transform: "scale(" + zoom + ")",
$("#out").on("click", function () {
var x = window.innerWidth / 2;
var y = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 2;
zoom -= 0.2;
transformOrigin: x + "px " + y + "px",
transform: "scale(" + zoom + ")",
The problem with this is that portions of the pages get cut off when you zoom as the viewport doesn't expand to accommodate the scaled divs. Here is a codepen to demonstrate this approach.
I've searched extensively and can't seem to find a good solution to the problem. I have also considered using the "zoom" css function but from what I understand this is not supported and behaves differently in different browsers.
Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks

HTML Body CSS Transform Scaling Up causing content to be removed

I am working on a project where I am using CSS transform to scale up the whole body of a page. After scaling up a bit, content from corners start becoming un-viewable because they are outside visible ranges. Is there a way for the content to still be viewable by scrolling vertically or horizontally using transform scaling?
I am currently using Javascript to scale up the body like so = 'scale(1.5)';
However, this cuts off some content from pages. I need it to work as I continue scaling up from 1.0.
Try adjusting the transform-origin: = 'top left'; = 'scale(' + scaleFactor + ')';
You may also need to adjust the width and height of the body to match the scaling.
var scaleFactor = 1.5; = 'top left'; = 'scale(' + scaleFactor + ')'; = 100 * scaleFactor + "%"; = 100 * scaleFactor + "%";
A note concerning transforms. Transforms are imaginary and don't alter physical dimensions including x, y, width and height. So you'll have to manage these physical dimensions manually to match your "transform'd" dimensions in order to keep the scroll bars happy.

New value after applying css() in jQuery

I'm scaling a div in order to be visible without scrolling. So I have:
var sliderOffset = $('.field-slideshow-wrapper').offset().top,
windowHeight = $(window).height(),
sliderAllowed = (windowHeight - sliderOffset),
sliderImage = $('.field-slideshow-slide img').height(),
sliderOriginal = (sliderImage + 150),
scale = (sliderAllowed / sliderOriginal);
$('.field-slideshow-wrapper').css({ transform: 'scale(' + scale + ')'});
Now that div is not on the same position from top as before and I need to determine new offset from top, after css({ transform: 'scale(' + scale + ')' is applied, so I can calculate some margin to move this div at the top.
How to determine new offset().top of the element?
There are two ways you could do this and the choice is yours. The transform: scale() shrinks the element toward its center, so the top of the element moves down. The scaled element will still return the non-scaled element's offset().top, so that won't work.
One option is to just make sure the newly scaled element will stick to the top of the old element's space. Just do this:
transform: 'scale(' + scale + ') translateY(-50%)'
This makes the element move up by 50% of its new height, thus sticking it to the top of its old dimensions.
The other option is to do some simple calculation. Get the old element's height, then get the number of pixels the scale() method has moved it "down". You can find the number by some calculations (see below), and that's the number you can add to the old offset().top to get the new one:
var sliderOffset = $('.field-slideshow-wrapper').offset().top,
windowHeight = $(window).height(),
elHeight = $('.field-slideshow-wrapper').innerHeight(),
sliderAllowed = (windowHeight - sliderOffset),
sliderImage = $('.field-slideshow-slide img').height(),
sliderOriginal = (sliderImage + 150),
scale = (sliderAllowed / sliderOriginal);
var addProportion = 1-scale / 2;
var newOffset = sliderOffset + (addProportion * elHeight);
Whether you should use innerHeight() or outerHeight() depends on your layout.
well just get the new offset after you've applied the scaling
$('.field-slideshow-wrapper').css({ transform: 'scale(' + scale + ')'});
var newOffset = $('.field-slideshow-wrapper').offset().top;

javascript find same position in rotated element

I have a "base" reference rect (red)
Inside a rotated div (#map), I need a clone rect (yellow), it has to be same size and position of "base" rect, independent of its parent (#map) rotation.
This is where I am so far, any help would be welcoming.
var controls = { degrees: 0, rectX:125, rectY:55 };
var wBounds = document.getElementById("wrapper").getBoundingClientRect(),
mapBounds = document.getElementById("map").getBoundingClientRect(),
rectBounds = document.getElementById("rect").getBoundingClientRect();
var _x = ((mapBounds.width - wBounds.width) / 2) + $('#rect').position().left,
_y = ((mapBounds.height - wBounds.height) / 2) + $('#rect').position().top;
$('#rect').css({top: controls.rectY+'px', left:controls.rectX+'px'});
$('#mapRect').css({top: _y+'px',
'transform': 'rotate('+ Math.round(-controls.degrees) +'deg)'});
$('#map').css('transform', 'rotate('+ Math.round(controls.degrees) +'deg)');
Since you're rotating the #mapRect an equal amount in the opposite direction you're getting rotation/orientation right but not the origin. The transform-origin would be the center of the #mapBounds, but relative to the #rect;
Fork of your pen:
Since there is some rounding/subpixel positioning happening the yellow rect doesn't align pixel perfect.
function updateUI(){
var _x = ((mapBounds.width - wBounds.width) / 2) + $('#rect').position().left,
_y = ((mapBounds.height - wBounds.height) / 2) + $('#rect').position().top,
_ox = mapBounds.width/2 - _x, // origin x
_oy = mapBounds.height/2 - _y; // origin y
'transform-origin': _ox + 'px ' + _oy + 'px', // now it rotates by the bounds
top: _y + 'px',
left: _x + 'px',
'transform': 'rotate(' + Math.round(-controls.degrees) + 'deg)'
Edit: Updated the pen. You'll have to ditch using Rectangle and instead use Polygon. This way you can use a plugin like to perform the rotation along the map center.

jQuery Element Free Rotation. Correcting Transform Origin and Translate in IE

I'm developing a jQuery plugin to make a block-level element rotatable with mouse. Now it works as expected in non-IE browsers, but have a strange behavior while rotating in Internet Explorer.
Demo is hosted at here, rotation plugin script is
$.fn.roll = function(angle){
var $this = this,
ie = !;
if (ie) {
var cosAngle = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(angle.rad())).toFixed(8)),
sinAngle = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(angle.rad())).toFixed(8)),
tx = 0, ty = 0,
matrixFilter = '(M11=' + cosAngle + ', '
+ 'M12=' + -sinAngle + ', '
+ 'M21=' + sinAngle + ', '
+ 'M22=' + cosAngle + ','
+ 'sizingMethod=\'auto expand\')',
filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix' + matrixFilter,
css = {
'-ms-filter': filter,
'filter': filter
var matrix = $M([
[cosAngle, -sinAngle, tx],
[sinAngle, cosAngle, ty],
[0, 0, 1]
} else {
var css = {
'-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)',
'-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)',
'-o-transform': 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'
return this;
I googled and found these two pages related to this subject
Grady's guide and Zoltan's guide
As I get there are some accounting needed related to Linear Algebra, but it's hard for me so if anyone have more simple tutorial, or knows the direct solution, please let me know.
Any help would be appreciated,
IE's Transform Filter, unfortunately, doesn't have a concept of "transform-origin". the 'auto expand' sizingMethod will make the transformed object take the minimum amount of space possible, and you need to change it's positioning.
In cssSandpaper, I put another <div> tag around the transformed object and adjusted it's margin-left and margin-top. If you go to the cssSandpaper website and look through the code, you will see the exact formula (search for "setMatrixFilter" in cssSandpaper.js). You can hard code it into your library, or you can use cssSandpaper itself to do it (using the cssSandpaper.setTransform() method). Even though it may add a few KB to your code, I suggest this just in case I make improvements to the way I handle transforms in the future.
In any case, good luck!
Actually I've coded it according to my needs, here is the code, if anyone else is interested.
$.fn.ieRotate = function(alfa){
var self = this,
cosAlfa = Math.cos(alfa),
sinAlfa = Math.sin(alfa),
matrix = '(M11=' + cosAlfa + ', '
+ 'M12=' + -sinAlfa + ', '
+ 'M21=' + sinAlfa + ', '
+ 'M22=' + cosAlfa + ','
+ 'sizingMethod=\'auto expand\')',
// constructing the final filter string
filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix' + matrix;
var $this = $(el),
size = $'size'),
pos = $'pos');
'-ms-filter': filter,
'filter': filter,
// for IE9
'transform': 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'
// calculate the difference between element's expeced and the actual centers
var dLeft = ($this.width() - size.width) / 2,
dTop = ($this.height() - size.height) / 2;
top: -dTop,
left: pos.left - dLeft
return self;
// caching the image object to a variable
$image = $('img#my-image');
// saving images non-rotated position and size data
$'pos', {
top: $image.position().top,
left: $image.position().left
}).data('size', {
height: $image.height(),
width: $image.width()
// rotate image 1.2 radians
Thanks to #Zoltan Hawryluk, his code helped me during the development.
The position fix for IE can also be calculated analytically - see here
