Deleting nested property in javascript object - javascript

I have a JS object like this:
var tenants = {
'first': {
'name': 'first',
'expired': 1
'second': {
'name': 'second'
And I'd like to delete the 'expired' property of tenant 'first', should I just do this?
delete tenants['first']['expired'];
Note: this question is more specific than the question: How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?, in that my question focuses on the 'nested' part.

Yes. That would work.
delete tenants['first']['expired']; or delete tenants.first.expired;.
If you are deleting it only because you wanted to exclude it from JSON.stringify(), you can also just set it to undefined, like tenants['first']['expired'] = undefined;

If the property you want to delete is stored in a string, you can use this function
function deletePropertyPath (obj, path) {
if (!obj || !path) {
if (typeof path === 'string') {
path = path.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
obj = obj[path[i]];
if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {
delete obj[path.pop()];
Example Usage
var tenants = {
'first': {
'name': 'first',
'expired': 1
'second': {
'name': 'second'
var property = 'first.expired';
deletePropertyPath(tenants, property);

If your app is using lodash, then _.unset is a safe way for deleting nested properties. You can specify nested keys without worrying about their existence.
let games = { 'hitman': [{ 'agent': { 'id': 47 } }] };
_.unset(games, 'hitman[0]');
_.unset(games, 'hitman[0].muffin.cupcake'); // won't break
further reading:

I came up with this:
const deleteByPath = (object, path) => {
let currentObject = object
const parts = path.split(".")
const last = parts.pop()
for (const part of parts) {
currentObject = currentObject[part]
if (!currentObject) {
delete currentObject[last]
deleteByPath({ "a" : { "b" : true }},"a.b")

If you want to delete a property with a particular name in an arbitrarily deep object, I would recommend that you use a battle-tested library. You can use DeepDash, an extension to Lodash.
// Recursively remove any "expired" properties
_.eachDeep(e, (child, prop, parent, ctx):boolean => {
if (prop === 'expired') {
delete parent[prop];
return false; // per docs, this means do not recurse into this child
return true;
And if you would rather have a new copy (rather than mutating the existing object), DeepDash also has an omitDeep function you can use that will return the new object.

If you have the path of the key separated by ., say first.expired in your case, you can do deleteKey(tenants, 'first.expired'):
const deleteKey = (obj, path) => {
const _obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
const keys = path.split('.');
keys.reduce((acc, key, index) => {
if (index === keys.length - 1) {
delete acc[key];
return true;
return acc[key];
}, _obj);
return _obj;
let tenants = {
'first': {
'name': 'first',
'expired': 1
'second': {
'name': 'second'
const PATH_TO_DELETE = 'first.expired';
tenants = deleteKey(tenants, PATH_TO_DELETE);
console.log('DELETE SUCCESSFUL:', tenants);

With modern JS you can simple do it this way:
const tenants = {
first: {
name: 'first',
expired: 1
second: {
name: 'second'
delete tenants?.first?.expired;
delete tenants?.second?.expired;
delete tenants?.third?.expired;
By using optional chaining you're able to safely try to remove nested properties on objects that might not exist.
Check the mdn site to check browser compatibility
NOTE: Optional chaining does also works with braces


React: Calling filter on Object.keys

A React component is passed a state property, which is an object of objects:
things: {
1: {
name: 'fridge',
attributes: []
2: {
name: 'ashtray',
attributes: []
It is also passed (as a router parameter) a name. I want the component to find the matching object in the things object by comparing name values.
To do this I use the filter method:
Object.keys(this.props.things).filter((id) => {
if (this.props.things[id].name === console.log('found!');
return (this.props.things[id].name ===;
However this returns undefined. I know the condition works because of my test line (the console.log line), which logs found to the console. Why does the filter method return undefined?
Object.keys returns an array of keys (like maybe ["2"] in your case).
If you are interested in retrieving the matching object, then you really need Object.values. And if you are expecting one result, and not an array of them, then use find instead of filter:
Object.values(this.props.things).find((obj) => {
if ( === console.log('found!');
return ( ===;
Be sure to return that result if you use it within a function. Here is a snippet based on the fiddle you provided in comments:
var state = {
things: {
1: {
name: 'fridge',
attributes: []
2: {
name: 'ashtray',
attributes: []
var findThing = function(name) {
return Object.values(state.things).find((obj) => {
if ( === name) console.log('found!');
return === name;
var result = findThing('fridge');
You need to assign the result of filter to a object and you get the result as the [id]. You then need to get the object as this.props.things[id]
var data = {
things: {
1: {
name: 'fridge',
attributes: []
2: {
name: 'ashtray',
attributes: []
var name = 'fridge';
var newD = Object.keys(data.things).filter((id) => {
if (data.things[id].name === name) console.log('found!');
return (data.things[id].name === name);

Access to object property with dynamic name and dynamic nesting level

I read the property of an object I want to access from a string: OR OR ... The names and the nesting may vary. I store the objects in a separate module (workerFunctions).
I know that I can access the objects dynamically with the []notation, e.g.:
var level1="level1";
var property="property";
However, I don't know how to construct this "workerFunctions[level1][property]" dynamically from varying input strings, so to produce e.g.:
in consequence of the string:
Thank you in advance.
You could split the path and use the parts as properties for the given object.
function getValue(o, path) {
return path.split('.').reduce(function (o, k) {
return (o || {})[k];
}, o);
var o = { A : { B: { C: { value: 'Brenda' } } } };
console.log(getValue(o, 'A.B.C').value); // Brenda
console.log(getValue(o, 'Z.Y.X')); // undefined
For better use with dots in properties, you could use an array directly to avoid wrong splitting.
function getValue(o, path) {
return path.reduce(function (o, k) {
return (o || {})[k];
}, o);
var o = { A : { 'B.C': { value: 'Brenda' } } };
console.log(getValue(o, ['A', 'B.C', 'value'])); // Brenda
console.log(getValue(o, ['Z.Y.X'])); // undefined
This should do it :
const str = '';
let value = { //workerFunctions;
level1: {
level2: {
property: 'this is the value'
str.split(/\./).forEach((prop) => {
value = value[prop];

Remove value from object without mutation

What's a good and short way to remove a value from an object at a specific key without mutating the original object?
I'd like to do something like:
let o = {firstname: 'Jane', lastname: 'Doe'};
let o2 = doSomething(o, 'lastname');
console.log(o.lastname); // 'Doe'
console.log(o2.lastname); // undefined
I know there are a lot of immutability libraries for such tasks, but I'd like to get away without a library. But to do this, a requirement would be to have an easy and short way that can be used throughout the code, without abstracting the method away as a utility function.
E.g. for adding a value I do the following:
let o2 = {...o1, age: 31};
This is quite short, easy to remember and doesn't need a utility function.
Is there something like this for removing a value? ES6 is very welcome.
Thank you very much!
You could remove a property from an object with a tricky Destructuring assignment:
const doSomething = (obj, prop) => {
let {[prop]: omit, ...res} = obj
return res
Though, if property name you want to remove is static, then you could remove it with a simple one-liner:
let {lastname, ...o2} = o
The easiest way is simply to Or you could clone your object before mutating it:
const doSomething = (obj, prop) => {
let res = Object.assign({}, obj)
delete res[prop]
return res
Alternatively you could use omit function from lodash utility library:
let o2 = _.omit(o, 'lastname')
It's available as a part of lodash package, or as a standalone lodash.omit package.
With ES7 object destructuring:
const myObject = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
const { a, ...noA } = myObject;
console.log(noA); // => { b: 2, c: 3 }
one line solution
const removeKey = (key, {[key]: _,}) => rest;
This is a generic arrow function to remove a specific key. The first argument is the name of the key to remove, the second is the object from where you want to remove the key. Note that by restructuring it, we generate the curated result, then return it.
let example = {
third: "gfgfg"
console.log(removeKey('third', example))
Object {
first: "frefrze",
second: "gergerge"
To add some spice bringing in Performance. Check this thread bellow
The use of the delete operator has performance negative effects for
the V8 hidden classes pattern. In general it's recommended do not use
Alternatively, to remove object own enumerable properties, we could
create a new object copy without those properties (example using
_.omit(o, 'prop', 'prop2')
Or even define the property value to null or undefined (which is
implicitly ignored when serializing to JSON):
o.prop = undefined
You can use too the destructing way
const {remov1, remov2,} = old;
old = new;
And a more practical exmple:
this._volumes[this._minCandle] = undefined;
const {[this._minCandle]: remove,} = this._volumes;
this._volumes = rest;
As you can see you can use [somePropsVarForDynamicName]: scopeVarName syntax for dynamic names. And you can put all in brackets (new block) so the rest will be garbage collected after it.
Here a test:
Or we can go with some function like
function deleteProps(obj, props) {
if (!Array.isArray(props)) props = [props];
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, prop) => {
if (!props.includes(prop)) {
newObj[prop] = obj[prop];
return newObj;
}, {});
for typescript
function deleteProps(obj: Object, props: string[]) {
if (!Array.isArray(props)) props = [props];
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, prop) => {
if (!props.includes(prop)) {
newObj[prop] = obj[prop];
return newObj;
}, {});
let a = {propH: 'hi', propB: 'bye', propO: 'ok'};
a = deleteProps(a, 'propB');
// or
a = deleteProps(a, ['propB', 'propO']);
This way a new object is created. And the fast property of the object is kept. Which can be important or matter. If the mapping and the object will be accessed many many times.
Also associating undefined can be a good way to go with. When you can afford it. And for the keys you can too check the value. For instance to get all the active keys you do something like:
const allActiveKeys = Object.keys(myObj).filter(k => myObj[k] !== undefined);
const allActiveKeys = Object.keys(myObj).filter(k => myObj[k]); // if any false evaluated value is to be stripped.
Undefined is not suited though for big list. Or development over time with many props to come in. As the memory usage will keep growing and will never get cleaned. So it depend on the usage. And just creating a new object seem to be the good way.
Then the Premature optimization is the root of all evil will kick in. So you need to be aware of the trade off. And what is needed and what's not.
Note about _.omit() from lodash
It's removed from version 5. You can't find it in the repo. And here an issue that talk about it.
You can check this which is a good reading
As suggested in the comments above if you want to extend this to remove more than one item from your object I like to use filter. and reduce
const o = {
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"middlename": "Kate",
"age": 23,
"_id": "599ad9f8ebe5183011f70835",
"index": 0,
"guid": "1dbb6a4e-f82d-4e32-bb4c-15ed783c70ca",
"isActive": true,
"balance": "$1,510.89",
"picture": "",
"eyeColor": "green",
"registered": "2014-08-17T09:21:18 -10:00",
"tags": [
const removeItems = ['balance', 'picture', 'tags']
console.log(formatObj(o, removeItems))
function formatObj(obj, removeItems) {
return {
.filter(item => !isInArray(item, removeItems))
.reduce((newObj, item) => {
return {
...newObj, [item]: obj[item]
}, {})
function isInArray(value, array) {
return array.indexOf(value) > -1;
My issue with the accepted answer, from an ESLint rule standard, if you try to destructure:
const { notNeeded, alsoNotNeeded, } = { ...ogObject };
the 2 new variables, notNeeded and alsoNotNeeded may throw a warning or error depending on your setup since they are now unused. So why create new vars if unused?
I think you need to use the delete function truly.
export function deleteKeyFromObject(obj, key) {
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(el => el[0] !== key))
with lodash cloneDeep and delete
(note: lodash clone can be used instead for shallow objects)
const obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
const unwantedKey = 'a'
const _ = require('lodash')
const objCopy = _.cloneDeep(obj)
delete objCopy[unwantedKey]
// objCopy = {b: 2, c: 3}
For my code I wanted a short version for the return value of map() but the multiline/mutli operations solutions were "ugly". The key feature is the old void(0) which resolve to undefined.
let o2 = {...o, age: 31, lastname: void(0)};
The property stays in the object:
console.log(o2) // {firstname: "Jane", lastname: undefined, age: 31}
but the transmit framework kills it for me (b.c. stringify):
console.log(JSON.stringify(o2)) // {"firstname":"Jane","age":31}
I wrote big function about issue for me. The function clear all values of props (not itself, only value), arrays etc. as multidimensional.
NOTE: The function clear elements in arrays and arrays become an empty array. Maybe this case can be added to function as optional.
function clearAllValues(data, byTypeOf = false) {
let clearValuesTypeOf = {
boolean: false,
number: 0,
string: '',
// clears array if data is array
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
data = [];
} else if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) {
// loops object if data is object
Object.keys(data).forEach((key, index) => {
// clears array if property value is array
if (Array.isArray(data[key])) {
data[key] = [];
} else if (typeof data[key] === 'object' && data !== null) {
data[key] = this.clearAllValues(data[key], byTypeOf);
} else {
// clears value by typeof value if second parameter is true
if (byTypeOf) {
data[key] = clearValuesTypeOf[typeof data[key]];
} else {
// value changes as null if second parameter is false
data[key] = null;
} else {
if (byTypeOf) {
data = clearValuesTypeOf[typeof data];
} else {
data = null;
return data;
Here is an example that clear all values without delete props
let object = {
name: 'Semih',
lastname: 'Keskin',
brothers: [
name: 'Melih Kayra',
age: 9,
sisters: [],
hobbies: {
cycling: true,
listeningMusic: true,
running: false,
// output before changed: {"name":"Semih","lastname":"Keskin","brothers":[{"name":"Melih Kayra","age":9}],"sisters":[],"hobbies":{"cycling":true,"listeningMusic":true,"running":false}}
let clearObject = clearAllValues(object);
// output after changed: {"name":null,"lastname":null,"brothers":[],"sisters":[],"hobbies":{"cycling":null,"listeningMusic":null,"running":null}}
let clearObject2 = clearAllValues(object);
// output after changed by typeof: {"name":"","lastname":"","brothers":[],"sisters":[],"hobbies":{"cycling":false,"listeningMusic":false,"running":false}}

Convert javascript object camelCase keys to underscore_case

I want to be able to pass any javascript object containing camelCase keys through a method and return an object with underscore_case keys, mapped to the same values.
So, I have this:
var camelCased = {firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Smith'}
And I want a method to output this:
{first_name: 'Jon', last_name: 'Jon'}
What's the fastest way to write a method that takes any object with any number of key/value pairs and outputs the underscore_cased version of that object?
Here's your function to convert camelCase to underscored text (see the jsfiddle):
function camelToUnderscore(key) {
return key.replace( /([A-Z])/g, "_$1").toLowerCase();
Then you can just loop (see the other jsfiddle):
var original = {
whatsUp: 'you',
myName: 'is Bob'
newObject = {};
function camelToUnderscore(key) {
return key.replace( /([A-Z])/g, "_$1" ).toLowerCase();
for(var camel in original) {
newObject[camelToUnderscore(camel)] = original[camel];
If you have an object with children objects, you can use recursion and change all properties:
function camelCaseKeysToUnderscore(obj){
if (typeof(obj) != "object") return obj;
for(var oldName in obj){
// Camel to underscore
newName = oldName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1){return "_"+$1.toLowerCase();});
// Only process if names are different
if (newName != oldName) {
// Check for the old property name to avoid a ReferenceError in strict mode.
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(oldName)) {
obj[newName] = obj[oldName];
delete obj[oldName];
// Recursion
if (typeof(obj[newName]) == "object") {
obj[newName] = camelCaseKeysToUnderscore(obj[newName]);
return obj;
So, with an object like this:
var obj = {
userId: 20,
userName: "John",
subItem: {
paramOne: "test",
paramTwo: false
newobj = camelCaseKeysToUnderscore(obj);
You'll get:
user_id: 20,
user_name: "John",
sub_item: {
param_one: "test",
param_two: false
es6 node solution below. to use, require this file, then pass object you want converted into the function and it will return the camelcased / snakecased copy of the object.
const snakecase = require('lodash.snakecase');
const traverseObj = (obj) => {
const traverseArr = (arr) => {
arr.forEach((v) => {
if (v) {
if (v.constructor === Object) {
} else if (v.constructor === Array) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach((k) => {
if (obj[k]) {
if (obj[k].constructor === Object) {
} else if (obj[k].constructor === Array) {
const sck = snakecase(k);
if (sck !== k) {
obj[sck] = obj[k];
delete obj[k];
module.exports = (o) => {
if (!o || o.constructor !== Object) return o;
const obj = Object.assign({}, o);
return obj;
Came across this exact problem when working between JS & python/ruby objects. I noticed the accepted solution is using for in which will throw eslint error messages at you ref: which alludes to rule 11.1 re: use of pure functions rather than side effects ref:
To that end, figured i'd share the below which passed the said rules.
import { snakeCase } from 'lodash'; // or use the regex in the accepted answer
camelCase = obj => {
const camelCaseObj = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)){
if (, key)) {
camelCaseObj[snakeCase(key)] = obj[key];
return camelCaseObj;
Marcos Dimitrio posted above with his conversion function, which works but is not a pure function as it changes the original object passed in, which may be an undesireable side effect. Below returns a new object that doesn't modify the original.
export function camelCaseKeysToSnake(obj){
if (typeof(obj) != "object") return obj;
let newObj = {...obj}
for(var oldName in newObj){
// Camel to underscore
let newName = oldName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1){return "_"+$1.toLowerCase();});
// Only process if names are different
if (newName != oldName) {
// Check for the old property name to avoid a ReferenceError in strict mode.
if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(oldName)) {
newObj[newName] = newObj[oldName];
delete newObj[oldName];
// Recursion
if (typeof(newObj[newName]) == "object") {
newObj[newName] = camelCaseKeysToSnake(newObj[newName]);
return newObj;
this library does exactly that: case-converter
It converts snake_case to camelCase and vice versa
const caseConverter = require('case-converter')
const snakeCase = {
an_object: {
nested_string: 'nested content',
nested_array: [{ an_object: 'something' }]
an_array: [
{ zero_index: 0 },
{ one_index: 1 }
const camelCase = caseConverter.toCamelCase(snakeCase);
anObject: {
nestedString: 'nested content',
nestedArray: [{ anObject: 'something' }]
anArray: [
{ zeroIndex: 0 },
{ oneIndex: 1 }
following what's suggested above, case-converter library is deprectaed, use snakecase-keys instead -
supports also nested objects & exclusions.
Any of the above snakeCase functions can be used in a reduce function as well:
const snakeCase = [lodash / case-converter / homebrew]
const snakeCasedObject = Object.keys(obj).reduce((result, key) => ({
[snakeCase(key)]: obj[key],
}), {})
//This function will rename one property to another in place
Object.prototype.renameProperty = function (oldName, newName) {
// Do nothing if the names are the same
if (oldName == newName) {
return this;
// Check for the old property name to avoid a ReferenceError in strict mode.
if (this.hasOwnProperty(oldName)) {
this[newName] = this[oldName];
delete this[oldName];
return this;
//rename this to something like camelCase to snakeCase
function doStuff(object) {
for (var property in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
var r = property.replace(/([A-Z])/, function(v) { return '_' + v.toLowerCase(); });
object.renameProperty(property, r);
//example object
var camelCased = {firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Smith'};
Note: remember to remove any and all console.logs as they aren't needed for production code

find and modify deeply nested object in javascript array

I have an array of objects that can be of any length and any depth. I need to be able to find an object by its id and then modify that object within the array. Is there an efficient way to do this with either lodash or pure js?
I thought I could create an array of indexes that led to the object but constructing the expression to access the object with these indexes seems overly complex / unnecessary
edit1; thanks for all yours replies I will try and be more specific. i am currently finding the location of the object I am trying to modify like so. parents is an array of ids for each parent the target object has. ancestors might be a better name for this array. costCenters is the array of objects that contains the object I want to modify. this function recurses and returns an array of indexes that lead to the object I want to modify
var findAncestorsIdxs = function(parents, costCenters, startingIdx, parentsIdxs) {
var idx = startingIdx ? startingIdx : 0;
var pidx = parentsIdxs ? parentsIdxs : [];
_.each(costCenters, function(cc, ccIdx) {
if( === parents[idx]) {
idx = idx + 1;
pidx = findAncestorsIdx(parents, costCenters[ccIdx].children, idx, pidx);
return pidx;
Now with this array of indexes how do I target and modify the exact object I want? I have tried this where ancestors is the array of indexes, costCenters is the array with the object to be modified and parent is the new value to be assigned to the target object
var setParentThroughAncestors = function(ancestors, costCenters, parent) {
var ccs = costCenters;
var depth = ancestors.length;
var ancestor = costCenters[ancestors[0]];
for(i = 1; i < depth; i++) {
ancestor = ancestor.children[ancestors[i]];
ancestor = parent;
return ccs;
this is obviously just returning the unmodified costCenters array so the only other way I can see to target that object is to construct the expression like myObjects[idx1].children[2].grandchildren[3].ggranchildren[4].something = newValue. is that the only way? if so what is the best way to do that?
You can use JSON.stringify for this. It provides a callback for each visited key/value pair (at any depth), with the ability to skip or replace.
The function below returns a function which searches for objects with the specified ID and invokes the specified transform callback on them:
function scan(id, transform) {
return function(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && === id) {
return transform(value);
} else {
return value;
If as the problem is stated, you have an array of objects, and a parallel array of ids in each object whose containing objects are to be modified, and an array of transformation functions, then it's just a matter of wrapping the above as
for (i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
scan(ids[i], transforms[i])(objects[i]);
Due to restrictions on JSON.stringify, this approach will fail if there are circular references in the object, and omit functions, regexps, and symbol-keyed properties if you care.
See for more info.
As Felix Kling said, you can iterate recursively over all objects.
// Overly-complex array
var myArray = {
keyOne: {},
keyTwo: {
myId: {a: '3'}
var searchId = 'myId', // Your search key
foundValue, // Populated with the searched object
found = false; // Internal flag for iterate()
// Recursive function searching through array
function iterate(haystack) {
if (typeof haystack !== 'object' || haystack === null) return; // type-safety
if (typeof haystack[searchId] !== 'undefined') {
found = true;
foundValue = haystack[searchId];
} else {
for (var i in haystack) {
// avoid circular reference infinite loop & skip inherited properties
if (haystack===haystack[i] || !haystack.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (found === true) return;
console.log(foundValue); // {a: '3'}
foundValue.b = 4; // Updating foundValue also updates myArray
console.log(myArray.keyTwo.myId); // {a: '3', b: 4}
All JS object assignations are passed as reference in JS. See this for a complete tutorial on objects :)
Edit: Thanks #torazaburo for suggestions for a better code.
If each object has property with the same name that stores other nested objects, you can use:
findAndModifyFirst() method should solve your problem. The first parameter is a root object, not array, so you should create it at first:
var rootObj = {
name: 'rootObject',
children: [
'name': 'child1',
children: [ ... ]
'name': 'child2',
children: [ ... ]
Then use findAndModifyFirst() method:
findAndModifyFirst(rootObj, 'children', { id: 1 }, replacementObject)
replacementObject is whatever object that should replace the object that has id equal to 1.
You can try it using demo app:
Here's an example that extensively uses lodash. It enables you to transform a deeply nested value based on its key or its value.
const _ = require("lodash")
const flattenKeys = (obj, path = []) => (!_.isObject(obj) ? { [path.join('.')]: obj } : _.reduce(obj, (cum, next, key) => _.merge(cum, flattenKeys(next, [...path, key])), {}));
const registrations = [{
key: "123",
category: 'first',
function jsonTransform (json, conditionFn, modifyFn) {
// transform { responses: { category: 'first' } } to { 'responses.category': 'first' }
const flattenedKeys = Object.keys(flattenKeys(json));
// Easily iterate over the flat json
for(let i = 0; i < flattenedKeys.length; i++) {
const key = flattenedKeys[i];
const value = _.get(json, key)
// Did the condition match the one we passed?
if(conditionFn(key, value)) {
// Replace the value to the new one
_.set(json, key, modifyFn(key, value))
return json
// Let's transform all 'first' values to 'FIRST'
const modifiedCategory = jsonTransform(registrations, (key, value) => value === "first", (key, value) => value = value.toUpperCase())
console.log('modifiedCategory --', modifiedCategory)
// Outputs: modifiedCategory -- [ { key: '123', responses: { category: 'FIRST' } } ]
I needed to modify deeply nested objects too, and found no acceptable tool for that purpose. Then I've made this and pushed it to npm.
This small [TypeScript-friendly] lib can help with modifying nested objects in a lodash manner. E.g.,
var findAnd = require("find-and");
const data = {
name: 'One',
description: 'Description',
children: [
id: 1,
name: 'Two',
id: 2,
name: 'Three',
findAnd.changeProps(data, { id: 2 }, { name: 'Foo' });
name: 'One',
description: 'Description',
children: [
id: 1,
name: 'Two',
id: 2,
name: 'Foo',
Hope this could help someone else.
I wrote this code recently to do exactly this, as my backend is rails and wants keys like:
and my front end is react, so keys are like:
And these keys are almost always deeply nested:
user: {
firstName: "Bob",
lastName: "Smith",
email: ""
user: {
first_name: "Bob",
last_name: "Smith",
email: ""
Here is the code
function snakeCase(camelCase) {
return camelCase.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "_$1").toLowerCase()
export function snakeCasedObj(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce(
(acc, key) => ({
[snakeCase(key)]: typeof obj[key] === "object" ? snakeCasedObj(obj[key]) : obj[key],
}), {},
Feel free to change the transform to whatever makes sense for you!
