How do I chain multiple conditional promises? - javascript

In my code I have conditional tasks, which all return a promise. I need the tasks to run in sequence.
My current implementation looks something like this:
var chain = [];
if (/* some condition for task A */) {
if (/* some condition for task B */) {
if (/* some condition for task C */) {
var processChain = function () {
if (chain.length) {
} else {
console.log("all tasks done");
This works fine, but initially I was looking for a way to create the chain using only Promises and chaining all functions using .then, but I wasn't able to get a working solution.
If there's a cleaner way using only Promises and chains of then calls, then I'd love to see an example.

One possible approach:
var promiseChain = Promise.resolve();
if (shouldAddA) promiseChain = promiseChain.then(taskA);
if (shouldAddB) promiseChain = promiseChain.then(taskB);
if (shouldAddC) promiseChain = promiseChain.then(taskC);
return promiseChain;
Another one:
return Promise.resolve()
.then(shouldAddA && taskA)
.then(shouldAddB && taskB)
.then(shouldAddC && taskC);

You can use the new async/await syntax
async function foo () {
let a = await taskA()
if (a > 5) return a // some condition, value
let b = await taskB()
if (b === 0) return [a,b] // some condition, value
let c = await taskC()
if (c < 0) return "c is negative" // some condition, value
return "otherwise this"
foo().then(result => console.log(result))
What's nice about this is – aside from the code being very flat and readable (imo) – values a, b, and c are all available in the same scope. This means your conditions and return values can depend on any combination of your tasks' promised values.


Conditionally chaining promises inside and outside of a loop in javascript

In the following code, when the condition within the loop is satisfied we can't really be sure in which order are both asyncFunction called.
siblings.forEach(function(sibling, index) {
// This condition may only be satisfied once (only one sibling may have data-selected true)
if (sibling.getAttribute('data-selected') == 'true') {
Since I know asyncFunction() returns a promise I could chain those to ensure the order:
But how to do this taking the condition into account ?
I considered wrapping the loop in a promise that resolves when the condition is satisfied or after the loop ends, but it seems a tad convoluted.
// Untested
function checkSiblings(siblings) {
let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
siblings.forEach(function(sibling, index) {
if (sibling.getAttribute('data-selected') == 'true') {
I am sure this has been addressed before, but I can't find the right search keyboards.
Thank you
If only one of the siblings can meet the criteria, using find will simplify your code:
const selected = [...siblings].find( elem => elem.getAttribute('data-selected') == 'true' );
Mark checkSiblings as async so it always returns a Promise, and have it return the asyncFunction Promise when appropriate:
return selected ? asyncFunction(selected) : null;
Then you can chain them as before:
checkSiblings(siblings).then(() => asyncFunction(element));
All together you’d have something like this:
async function checkSiblings (siblings) {
const selected = [...siblings].find( elem => elem.getAttribute('data-selected') == 'true' );
return selected ? asyncFunction(selected) : null
checkSiblings(siblings).then(() => asyncFunction(element));
There are several ways. One of them is using Array.reduce to resolve promises sequentially:
async (prev, sibling)) => {
// Await initial/previous promise (discard results)
await prev;
// This condition may only be satisfied once
// (only one sibling may have data-selected true)
if (sibling.getAttribute('data-selected') == 'true') {
// Return the async function promise
return asyncFunction(sibling);
// async functions always returns a promise.
// No need to return anything
// Initial promise autoresolved
}, Promise.resolve())
// Once all have been executed
.then( () => asyncFunction(element));

Converting await in infinite for loop into raw promise.then

As far as I know, async/await is just syntactic sugar over promise.then. Consider this code snippet:
function sleep(n){
return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, n));
function* range(n){
var i = 0;
while(i < n) yield i++;
async function doStuff(){
for(let n of range(10)){
console.log(n); // print the number
await sleep(1000); // wait for 1 second
async/await makes the code very linear, efficient and easy to understand. One thing to keep in mind is that range does not have to have an actual end for this to work.
The problem now is how this can be rewritten using pre-ES7 era's promise.then. Here's a possible implementation of the same loop:
function doStuff(){
return Array.from(range(10)).reduce((acc, ele) => {
return acc
.then(() => console.log(ele))
.then(() => sleep(1000))
}, Promise.resolve());
Ignoring the fact that the code isn't quite elegant, the use of Array.from(range(10))
creates an extra array that isn't needed, and
assumes range(10) will end some point in the future.
Doesn't look like a good conversion.
We can also completely reinvent the wheel by using yield as await, but that would make the syntax non ES5-compliant. The goal here is to:
Rewrite using ES5-compliant syntax
Use the promise-returning sleep function
Dynamically chain the sleep promise while allowing the iterator to not have an end
doStuff can be chained:
doStuff().finally(cleanUp); // clean up if something failed
(Optional) Code should not be overly complex
Any idea?
I think the following may do the trick, your example doesn't show what to do with resolve value and how it relates to the iterator values so I made a change to how sleep is called.
Some promise polyfils may run out of stack space with high promise chains so you should check your polyfil (if its implementation returns and continues with a setTimeout the stack should clear but some polyfils may not implement it this way).
function sleep(n){
return new Promise(res => setTimeout(_=>res(n/100), n));
function* range(n){
var i = 0;
while(i < n) yield i++;
function doStuff(){
const processValue =
resolve => {
console.log("resolved with:",resolve);
// if(resolve===3){throw "nope";}
return sleep(resolve*100);
rec = (p,iter) => {
const result =;
if (result.done){
return p;
p = p.then(_=>processValue(result.value))
return p.then(
return rec(p,iter)
iter = range(10),
firstResult =;
return processValue(firstResult.value);
return rec(processValue(firstResult.value),iter);
I've always said that if you need an asynchronous design pattern first look at the async library. In this case, since you're using promises, take a look at the promisified async-q library. The translation is straight forward:
var n = 0;
async.whilst(() => n < 10, () => {
return sleep(1000);

How to use if expression in Promise.all()?

I want to use Promise.all() to handle two promise object, but the second is inner a if expression. How to handle this situation?
It looks like this:
if(true) {
functionA() and functionB() both return a promise object. In normal case, I could use
]).then(resule => {
console.log(result[0]); // result of functionA
console.log(result[1]); // result of functionB
But how to handle with the if expression? Should I wrap the if(true){functionB()} in a new Promise()?
Well, you can use ifs if you use promises as proxies for values, or you can nest the promise one level - personally - I prefer using them as the proxies they are. Allow me to explain:
var p1 = functionA();
var p2 = condition ? functionB() : Promise.resolve(); // or empty promise
Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(results => {
// access results here, p2 is undefined if the condition did not hold
Or similarly:
var p1 = functionA();
var p2 = condition ? Promise.all([p1, functionB()]) : p1;
p2.then(results => {
// either array with both results or just p1's result.
Wrapping the conditional in a new Promise is explicit construction and should be avoided.
Promise.all([ cond==true ? p1 : '', p2])
In my case i had multiple conditions
if(condition1) {
}else if (condition2) {
so i did the following
const promises = [];
if (condition1) promises.push(functionX());
else if (condition2) promises.push(functionY());
Promise.all(promises).then((results) => console.log('results', results) );

While loop using bluebird promises

I am trying to implement a while loop using promises.
The method outlined here seems to work.
it uses a function like this
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var promiseWhile = function(condition, action) {
var resolver = Promise.defer();
var loop = function() {
if (!condition()) return resolver.resolve();
return Promise.cast(action())
return resolver.promise;
This seems to use anti-patterns and deprecated methods like cast and defer.
Does anyone know a better or more modern way to accomplish this?
cast can be translated to resolve. defer should indeed not be used.
You'd create your loop only by chaining and nesting then invocations onto an initial Promise.resolve(undefined).
function promiseWhile(predicate, action, value) {
return Promise.resolve(value).then(predicate).then(function(condition) {
if (condition)
return promiseWhile(predicate, action, action());
Here, both predicate and action may return promises. For similar implementations also have a look at Correct way to write loops for promise. Closer to your original function would be
function promiseWhile(predicate, action) {
function loop() {
if (!predicate()) return;
return Promise.resolve(action()).then(loop);
return Promise.resolve().then(loop);
I prefer this implementation as its easier to simulate break and continue with it:
var Continue = {}; // empty object serves as unique value
var again = _ => Continue;
var repeat = fn => Promise.try(fn, again)
.then(val => val === Continue && repeat(fn) || val);
Example 1: stops when either the source or the destination indicate an error
repeat(again =>
.then(data => destination.write(data))
Example 2: stop randomly if the coin flip given 90% probability results with a 0
var blah = repeat(again =>
.then(_ => console.log("Hello"))
.then(_ => flipCoin(0.9) && again() || "blah"));
Example 3: Loop with condition that returns the sum:
repeat(again => {
if (sum < 100)
return fetchValue()
.then(val => sum += val)
else return sum;

How can I chain together groups of promises?

I am using the Q javascript promises library and am running in a browser, and I want to figure out how to chain together groups of promises so that each group gets executed sequentially. For example, if I have items A, B, C, and D, I want to group A and B together and then C and D together, so that both A and B must fulfill before C and D get executed. I created this simple jsfiddle to show my current attempt.
var work_items = [ 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I' ];
var n = 2; // group size
var wait = 1000;
var getWorkPromiseFn = function (item) {
log("Getting promise function for " + item);
return function () {
log("Starting " + item);
var deferred = Q.defer();
setTimeout(function () {
var status = "Finished " + item;
}, wait);
return deferred.promise;
var queue = Q();
//log('Getting sequentially'); // One-by-one in sequence works fine
//work_items.forEach(function (item) {
// queue = queue.then(getWorkPromiseFn(item));
log('Getting ' + n + ' at a time'); // This section does not
while (work_items.length > 0) {
var unit = [];
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
var item = work_items.shift();
if (item) {
var inspect = queue.inspect(); // already fulfilled, though no work is done
It looks like I am probably passing the wrong array to Q.all here, since I'm passing in an array of functions which return promises rather than an array of the promises themselves. When I tried to use promises directly there (with unit.push(Q().then(getWorkPromiseFn(item)); for example), the work for each was begun immediately and there was no sequential processing. I guess I'm basically unclear on a good way to represent the group in a way that appropriately defers execution of the group.
So, how can I defer execution of a group of promises like this?
This can be done by first pre-processing the array of items into groups, then applying the two patterns (not the anti-patterns) provided here under the heading "The Collection Kerfuffle".
The main routine can be coded as a single chain of array methods.
var work_items = [ 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I' ];
var wait = 3000;
//Async worker function
function getWorkPromise(item) {
console.log("Starting " + item);
var deferred = Q.defer();
setTimeout(function () {
var status = "Finished " + item;
}, wait);
return deferred.promise;
function doAsyncStuffInGroups(arr, n) {
* Process original array into groups, then
* process the groups in series,
* progressing to the next group
* only after performing something asynchronous
* on all group members in parallel.
return, i) {
return (i % n === 0) ? arr.slice(i, i+n) : null;
}).filter(function(item) {
return item;
}).reduce(function(promise, group) {
return promise.then(function() {
return Q.all( {
return getWorkPromise(item);
}, Q());
doAsyncStuffInGroups(work_items, 2).then(function() {
console.log("All done");
See fiddle. Delay of 3s gives you time to appreciate what's going on. I found 1s too quick.
Solutions like this are elegant and concise but pretty well unreadable. In production code I would provide more comments to help whoever came after me.
For the record:
The opening processes arr (non destructively) into an array of arrays, each inner array representing a group of length n (plus terminal remainders).
The chained .reduce(...) is an async "serializer" pattern.
The nested Q.all( is an async "parallelizer" pattern.
The .then function of a promise does not mutate the promise, so when you do:
// stuff
You do not change the promise p at all, instead, you need to assign it to something:
p = p.then(....)
This is why your queue promise was always resolved, it never changed beyond Q().
In your case, something like changing:
queue = queue.then(function(){ return Q.all(unit); });
Or in ES6 promises and libraries that use their syntax like Bluebird the other answer mentioned:
queue = queue.then(function(){ return Promise.all(unit); });
The thing that confused me most is that the async function being chained needs to return a function that returns a promise. Here's an example:
function setTimeoutPromise(ms) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function foo(item, ms) {
return function() {
return setTimeoutPromise(ms).then(function () {
var items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
function bar() {
var chain = Promise.resolve();
for (var i in items) {
chain = chain.then(foo(items[i], (items.length - i)*1000));
return chain.then();
bar().then(function () {
Notice that foo returns a function that returns a promise. foo() does not return a promise directly.
See this Live Demo
i would suggest you use bluebird, its the best performance promise out there,
the example to chain should also be here
