How to pass a django model to a javascript function - javascript

I have a javascript function that needs some variables (about 10) from my view. I don't need to call again the variables once the page is loaded. I could give them using a context dict, like below, but maybe is possible to do better.
class Mymodel(models.Model):
my_field1 = #
my_field2 = #
my_field10 = #
def myview(request):
context_dict['myfield1'] = Mymodel.objects.get(id=1).myfield1
context_dict['myfield2'] = Mymodel.objects.get(id=1).myfield2
context_dict['myfield10'] = Mymodel.objects.get(id=1).myfield10
My template.html:
window.onpageshow = function() {
my_function( '{{ myfield1 }}', '{{ myfield2 }}', ..., '{{ myfield10 }}' );
My javascript.js:
function my_function(myfield1, myfield2, ..., myfield10) {
These variables are the fields of a model, so i just need to pass the model istance. How can I do that? It's some time I work on it and I think I should use serialize but I don't understand how...
My template.html:
window.onpageshow = function() {
my_function( serializers.serialize("json", {{ mymodelistance }} ));
Thanks in advance

To access your model fields you can directly use angular js ($http.get) method and assign it to the script's variable as per your needs. But for this you would have to make use of Django Tastypie which will allow you to serialize the data which will be then accessible.
This answer is valid if and only if you don't want to do processing on the data in view.
Even if you would like to process the data before saving you can use tastypie hydration.

So here my solution:
def myview(request):
mymodelistance = Mymodel.objects.filter(id=1)
mymodelistance_json = serializers.serialize('json', mymodelistance)
context_dict['mymodelistance'] = mymodelistance_json
My template.html:
window.onpageshow = function() {
my_function( '{{ mymodelistance|safe }}' );
My javascript.js:
function my_function(mymodelistance) {
var mymodelistance_obj = JSON.parse(flag)
var myfield1 = mymodelistance_obj[0].fields.myfield1;
var myfield2 = mymodelistance_obj[0].fields.myfield2;


How i get variable to js file?
def somefunction(request):
var = True
return render(request, dasboard.html)
function myFunction() {
How I get var from into the myfirst.js function?
It isn't possible to give a 100% correct answer without knowing the templating engine you are using (DTL, Jinja2?). However, if var doesn't contain any sensitive/private data, the general solution is to pass var to your html template through the context parameter of the render function:
def somefunction(request):
var = True
context = { "var": var }
return render(request, dasboard.html, context)
Then, expose var as a data-* attribute on a html element in your template (the exact implementation will change based on the templating engine you are using):
<!-- dashboard.html -->
<div id="info" data-var="{{ var }}" >
Finally, in your javascript file, you simply retrieve the same html element and access var through the special dataset property:
// myfirst.js
function myFunction() {
var infoElement = document.getElementById("info");
var varValue = infoElement.dataset.var;

Pass Django list as argument to Javascript

I have a list passed through the context into the html page of a Django project which I want to read inside of a .js which contains chartjs code. The problem is that .js is reading as string and not as a list/array.
def index(request):
context = {
"data": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
return render(request, 'index.html', context)
Then, in the html page I have to pass the {{ data|safe }} to a javascript like so:
<script src='{% static "js/chart.js/linechart.js" %}'
var label = "fakelabel";
var index = {{ data|safe }};
Inside the .js I'm reading the 'index' input as:
How can I fix this? ('label' is read correctly as str indeed).
{{ data|safe }} is not a safe way to output a Python object as JavaScript.
Use json_script if you want to be safe
This is how to do it.
Write your object as json:
data = {'numbers':['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']}
def index(request):
context = {"data": data}
return render(request, 'index.html', context)
var index = {{ data|json_script:'mydata' }};
Then you can use the index variable into another scrip like this:
const data = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('mydata').textContent);
mydata = data['numbers'];
You could (and probably should) point to an external JavaScript file rather than using embedded JavaScript.
read here for more details
You can use ajax to fetch list or dict data from views and you need to add jQuery cdn in html file.
from django.http import JsonResponse
def indexAjax(request):
return JsonResponse(context,safe=False)
Inside your js file or script tag
function fun(){
url:"{% url'indexAjax" %},
//here you can write your chartjs
The correct way to fix the above problem is:
def index(request):
context ={"data": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
return render(request, 'index.html', context)
Then, in the html script you should add {{ data|json_script:"index" }} like you you do with the 'static' tag. Then, always in your .html script you do not need to pass the 'index' list. Therefore when you call the javascript inside your .html you just need to pass:
{{ data|json_script:"index" }}
<script src='{% static "js/chart.js/linechart.js" %}'
var label = "fakelabel";
Finally, inside you separate javascript (in this case "js/chart.js/linechart.js"), we can fetch the list with:

Refresh a div in Django using JQuery and AJAX - Django ForLoop Issues

I have a django project that I'm trying to add a custom "online" state to (boolean field in a model). I want to refresh a div periodically to show if a user is now online. The div which is refreshed, with the class button-refresh, is in an included HTML file.
The issue is that the include doesn't work with my for loop in the original HTML file, none of the "professionals" data is retrieved from the server. I'm pretty new to django, my assumption is that the refresh_professionals.html file is retrieved with the ajax request and is entirely separate from the all_professionals.html and then included, without ever being a part of the for loop meaning that the {{ }} syntax doesn't work.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue? If there is a better way to do this, let me know. Thanks.
{% for professional in professionals %}
{{ }}
{% include 'professionals/refresh_professionals.html' %}
{% endfor %}
{% block postloadjs %}
{{ block.super }}
<script>var global_url = "{% url 'refresh_professionals' %}";</script>
<script src="{% static 'professionals/js/professionals.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}
<div class="col button-refresh">
{% if is True %}
<p class="custom-button mb-1 w-25 mx-auto">Chat</p>
{% else %}
<p class="custom-button-disabled mb-1 w-25 mx-auto">Unavailable</p>
{% endif %}
<p>{{ professional.price_chat }}/min</p>
setInterval(function() {
url: global_url,
type: 'GET',
success: function(data) {
}, 5000)
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.view_all_professionals, name='view_all_professionals'),
path('refresh/', views.refresh_professionals, name='refresh_professionals'),
def view_all_professionals(request):
"""A view to return the professionals page"""
professionals = Professional.objects.all()
languages = Languages.objects.all()
context = {
'professionals': professionals,
'languages': languages,
return render(request, 'professionals/all_professionals.html', context)
def refresh_professionals(request):
"""A view to refresh the online button section"""
professionals = Professional.objects.all()
context = {
'professionals': professionals,
return render(request, 'professionals/refresh_professionals.html', context)
I've followed Daniel's advice and am now returning a JSON object. This is the updated code
setInterval(function() {
url: global_url,
type: 'GET',
success: update_professionals,
}, 5000)
function update_professionals(response){
// unpack the response (context) from our view function:
var professionals = response.professionals;
// update html:
var i;
for (i = 0; i < professionals.length; i++) {
$('#professional-name' + i).text('' + i);
def refresh_professionals(request):
"""A view to refresh the professionals section page"""
professionals = Professional.objects.all()
professionals = serializers.serialize("json", professionals)
context = json.dumps({
'professionals': professionals,
return HttpResponse(context)
The issue I'm facing now is referencing the professionals data. It's returning uncaught errors. The forloop is necessary because in my HTML I've got a series of IDs with a number attached to the end using a django forloop.counter. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Okay, lets assume we have a view function like so:
from django.http import HttpResponse
import json
def refresh_professionals(request):
"""A view to refresh the online button section"""
professionals = Professional.objects.all()
# convert to json friendly format:
professionals = ...
context = json.dumps({
'professionals': professionals,
return HttpResponse(context)
This assumes professionals now looks something like (the actual structure will obviously be different):
professionals = {"id":1, "name":"Jason"}
Now, in our js file we should have an ajax request like so (wrapped in a setInterval method, etc.):
url: global_url,
type: 'GET',
success: update_professionals, // reference to an ajax-success function
And our success function like so:
update_professionals(response) {
// unpack the response (context) from our view function:
// use JSON.parse() to convert a string to json
var professionals = JSON.parse(response.professionals);
// update html:
This assumes we have an HTML element like so:
<div id="professionals-name"> Sue </div>
The difference is we are using js to update the HTML on the fly instead of trying to re-render an HTML template likely will require a page refresh.

Get Django Item ID In Ajax URL

I have a select box in an item edit page, which i would like to be populated via an Ajax call with the saved values.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#editPrefabLineclassBox').on('change', function() {
var selected = this.value;
url: '/edit-prefab/,
type: 'POST',
data: {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}',
lineclassSelected: selected
success: function(data) {
var name, select, option;
select = document.getElementById('editPrefabNameBox');
select.options.length = 0;
for (name in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
select.options.add(new Option(data[name], name));
The url i am using in the call is /edit-prefab/. The problem i am having is, the url of the page in Django is actually /edit-prefab/{{ }}, only i am not sure how to pass this id to javascript to use in the Ajax call. With just the /edit-prefab/, the page is not found.
After populating the select with the list of items, i would like to have preselected the saved values of the item being edited. I am sure i could populate everything as needed. Its just the setting up of the url that has me a little confused
I have tried passing the id of the item through the view to the template with JSON.dumps, and then parse the variable in JS to use in the url, but i keep getting an unexpected column error when parsing, as from what i know only a dict can be parsed correctly with JSON.
Is there anyone who could please help with this?
def editprefabitem(request, materialitem_id):
context = dict()
mat_item = MaterialItem.objects.get(id=materialitem_id)
context['itemid'] = json.dumps(
context['lineclass'] = json.dumps(mat_item.lineclass)
context['itemname'] = json.dumps(
context['diameter'] = json.dumps(mat_item.diameter)
context['quantity'] = json.dumps(mat_item.quantity)
if request.method == 'POST':
if 'lineclassSelected' in request.POST:
lclass = Lineclass.objects.filter(lineclassname=request.POST['lineclassSelected'])\
.values_list('itemname', flat=True).distinct()
request.session['lineclassselected'] = request.POST['lineclassSelected']
lineclass = valuesquerysettodict(lclass)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(lineclass), content_type='application/json')
if 'itemSelected' in request.POST:
item = Lineclass.objects.filter(itemname=request.POST['itemSelected'])[0]
diams = Lineclass.objects.filter(itemname=item.itemname).values_list('dn1', flat=True).distinct()
request.session['itemselected'] = request.POST['itemSelected']
diameters = valuesquerysettodict(diams)
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(diameters), content_type='application/json')
if 'diamSelected' in request.POST:
request.session['diameterselected'] = request.POST['diamSelected']
if 'editPrefabQuantityBox' in request.POST:
code = Lineclass.objects.filter(lineclassname=request.session['lineclassselected'])\
.code = request.session['itemselected'],
mat_item.type = 'Prefabrication',
mat_item.lineclass = request.session['lineclassselected'],
mat_item.diameter = request.session['diameterselected'],
mat_item.quantity = request.POST['editPrefabQuantityBox'],
mat_item.workpack = Workpack.objects.get(id=request.session['workpackselected']),
mat_item.code = code,
mat_item.datecreated =,
mat_item.createdby = request.user.username
return HttpResponseRedirect('/prefabs/')
return render_to_response('editprefab.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
The context['itemid'], context['lineclass'] etc, is where i am grabbing the current values of the item and trying to send them through to the template to be parsed by javascript to set the default values for editing in the select boxes, and provide the items id in the url.
The valuesquerysettodict() function, is a small snippet i found, to convert a Models, values_list into a JSON serializable dict to populate the select based on the parameter that was sent through from Ajax. The reason i am using it, is if i return Lineclass.objects.all(), there are a lot of items in the queryset, with the same name, but different itemcode, so i am using a values_list to try and get unique item names to use with the select.
I am sure i am going wrong somewhere i am just not sure where.
thank you for any help you could give.
So I assume you're making your AJAX call at the click of a submit button. Either way, you can supply the Django variable in the value attribute of any tag and retrieve it like this.
In the value attribute of your submit button, pass the Django ID as such:
<button type="submit" value="{{ }}" id="submit-button"></button>
Now, in your AJAX request, you can retrieve the ID and send it with your AJAX request like this:
$(document).on('click', '#submit-button' , function(event){
var pk = $(this).attr('value');
'id': pk,

What's the correct Javascript scope to work with my Django template?

I have a template in Django with a foor loop that looks roughly like this:
{% if items %}
<form method="post" name="managerform" id="managerform" action="">{% csrf_token %}
{{ managerform }}
{% for item in items %}
<script type='text/javascript'>
var yes = function yes() { manager(function(response) {
if(response && response.status == 'user') {
var object = '{{ item }}'
document.managerform.item.value = object;
document.managerform.preferences.value = "Yes";
authUser(); } });}
<button onclick=yes()>Yes</button>
{% endfor %}
Which submits the form, the problem is it always submits the last item from items. I've tried making yes take an argument, aitem, which didn't help because using <button onclick=yes("{{item}}")> failed entirely and doing:
aitem="{{ item }}"
<button onclick=yes(aitem)>
just uses the last item from items again.
Is there an obvious solution to this to anyone?
Change your button's HTML to be:
<button onclick='yes("{{item}}");'>Text</button>
And take out the <script> code completely outside of your django conditionals and loops so that it is always available, but change it to be:
var yes = function (item) {
manager(function (response) {
if (response && response.status == 'user') {
var object = item;
document.managerform.item.value = object; // You could combine this and the previous line
document.managerform.preferences.value = "Yes";
} else {
This way, the only thing inside of your django for loop is the button, and each one ends up having a different argument for the yes function. The yes function now accepts a parameter and uses it like you wanted. You'll probably have to modify this to fit your needs though, because your code snippet seems like an example and is not exactly what you have.
