Branching from a firebase quickstart template for a simple blogger (source:
I am writing data to the firebase DB successfully, and am able to pull and display all values in an HTML element, bar one value which has started returning undefined, despite having data in DB / .json.
Code sample for writing the data to the DB:
// [START write_fan_out]
function writeNewPost(uid, username, picture, title, body) {
var postedDate = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY');
// A post entry.
var postData = {
author: username,
uid: uid,
body: body,
title: title,
authorPic: picture,
posted: postedDate,
// Get a key for a new Post.
var newPostKey = firebase.database().ref().child('posts').push().key;
// Write the new post's data simultaneously in the posts list and the user's post list.
var updates = {};
updates['/posts/' + newPostKey] = postData;
//updates['/category/' + title + '/' + newPostKey] = postData;
//updates['/user-posts/' + uid + '/' + newPostKey] = postData;
return firebase.database().ref().update(updates);
// [END write_fan_out]
This works without issue. Example of the data written in .json format:
"-KTmYfts6vYEjyjo1rvk" : {
"author" : "Nathan",
"authorPic" : "",
"body" : "Time: 6:00pm\nDuration: 35 seconds\nRecovery: 60 seconds\n",
"posted" : "11/10/2016",
"title" : "Seizure",
"uid" : "rB4n3ELLnFUCWHztHLGA4mVeSHm1"
This is correct data as the date is shown under the "posted" tag.
The code for rendering on the page is:
function createPostElement(postId, title, text, author, authorId, authorPic, posted) {
var uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
var html =
'<div class="post mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col ' +
'mdl-cell--12-col-tablet mdl-cell--4-col-desktop mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing">' +
'<div class="mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp">' +
'<div class="mdl-card__title dark-purple mdl-color-text--white">' +
'<h4 class="mdl-card__title-text"></h4>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="header">' +
'<div>' +
'<div class="avatar"></div>' +
'<div class="username mdl-color-text--black"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="date"></div>' +
'<div class="text"></div>' +
'</div>' +
// Create the DOM element from the HTML.
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = html;
var postElement = div.firstChild;
// Set values.
postElement.getElementsByClassName('text')[0].innerText = text;
postElement.getElementsByClassName('mdl-card__title-text')[0].innerText = title;
postElement.getElementsByClassName('date')[0].innerText = posted;
postElement.getElementsByClassName('username')[0].innerText = author || 'Anonymous';
postElement.getElementsByClassName('avatar')[0].style.backgroundImage = `url("${authorPic || './silhouette.jpg'}")`;
This is working for every field but "posted" which returns 'undefined' despite having data in the DB.
Apologies for the blocks of code, each of the write, DB data and present all tie in to why this isn't working, I assume...
I have tested the "posted" data in another field and it displays correctly. I have also used another fields data in the 'date' div which also works correctly.
so somewhere in the pulling from the DB to writing on the page I have broken it.
Im trying to figure out which is the best method for sending data from a get request to a div. The issue that confuses me is to send it only to a div that is relative to the one calling the action. So when I click on the message_tab I want to send the data from the get request to the thread_load. however the thread_load is not a direct descendant of the message_tab yet a sibling to the message_flyout. How can i get this to send the data only to the sibling's thread_load? Here is what i have:
The message_tab and message_flyout are both a part of the appended message_block.
var el = $(
'<div class = "message_block">'+
'<div class = "message_tab" value = '+ user_id +' >'+ '</div>' +
'<div class = "message_flyout">' +
'<div class = "message_content">' +
'<div class = "message_header">'+ '</div>' +
'<div class = "conversation_scroll">' +
'<div class = "scroll_content">' +
'<ul class = "thread_load">'+ '</ul>'+
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class = "message_form">' +
"<form class = 'myForm' action='"+'http://localhost:8000/newMsg/'+user_id+"' method= 'POST' accept-charset= 'UTF-8'>" + "<input name='_token' type='hidden' value='lbaqsTEePfIMYguGnsMvEDt8ExHly3dLKHtAu18c'>" +
'<div class = "message_form">' +
"<input class='input-mini' placeholder='Type a message...' name='body' type='text'>" +
"</form>" +
$(document).on('click', '.message_tab', function(){
var user_id = $(this).attr('value');
var elem_data = $(this).siblings('.message_flyout');
var data_transfer = $(elem_data).children('.thread_load');
base_url = 'http://localhost:8000/thread';
$.get(base_url + '/' + user_id , function (data) {
$(this).parent('.message_block').css('width', '258px');
You should do:
$(document).on('click', '.message_tab', function () {
var user_id = $(this).attr('value');
var elem_data = $(this).siblings('.message_flyout').find('.thread_load');
base_url = 'http://localhost:8000/thread';
$.get(base_url + '/' + user_id, function (data) {
$(this).parent('.message_block').css('width', '258px');
.closest traverse upwards and return the first matching element. Whereas, .find traverse inside the node giving all the matching element.
And you should not use value as an attribute for a div, it is not valid thingy. Always use data-whatever and fetch it using either .data('whatever') or .attr('data-whatever').
Something like this perhaps?
$(document).on('click', '.message_tab', function(){
var user_id = $(this).attr('value');
var data_transfer = $(elem_data).children('.thread_load');
var base_url = 'http://localhost:8000/thread';
// Target thread load here
var $thread_load = $(this).next('.message_flyout').find('ul.thread_load');
$.get(base_url + '/' + user_id , function (data) {
$(this).parent('.message_block').css('width', '258px');
.message flyout comes directly after .message_tab, so if we move to that element then use .find which is the fastest way to retrieve thread load you should be good. I haven't tested this however.
Good evening.
I have this jquery code which allows me, once you press the Enter key, to post a comment.
Fattio that I run an append with the username and the content that the user wants to publish.
In addition to the username I would also like to "hang" the profile picture using their path. How do I post a photo?
Thanks for your help. Here's the code:
function commento_post(id_post)
$('.form-commento'+id_post).click(function ()
$('#ins_commento'+id_post).keydown(function (e)
var message = $("#commento"+id_post).val();
var username = $("#username").val();
var id_user = $("#id_user").val();
if(e.keyCode === 13)
type: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/post/ins_commento',
data: { commento: message, id_post: id_post },
success: function(data)
text : username, href : 'http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/utente/'+id_user
).append(' ').append(message).append($('<br/>'));
var el = $('#numero_commenti'+id_post);
var num = parseInt(el.text());
el.text(num + 1);
In your success function, you could simplify everything quite a bit in the following way while not using jQuery append so much, but just using a variable to store your code and then appending it in one go. This will allow you to append all sort of elements, it's easily parseable for the you and it reduces the amount of calls you have to make.
// Add whatever you want your final HTML to look like to this variable
var html = "<a href='http://localhost/laravel/public/index.php/utente/" + id_user + "' style='font-weight: bold;'>" + username + "</a>";
html += message;
// add an image
html += "<img src='path/to/image.jpg' />"
html += "<br />";
// append to code you constructed above in one go
$('#commentscontainer' + id_post).append(html);
I amended an incorrect quote and changed + id_user + "to + id_user + "', which makes everything after it work.
Using and JavaScript SDK.
- Section one shows a list of objects
- Section two lets the user select one of those objects and add to a modal box
- Section three saves the data to parse
What I'm unable to work out is how I can save the section 1 item.badgename and item.category to parse.
I've tried adding myBadge.set("category", badgename.toString()); to section 3, but I get a undefined error. i'm not sure how to define this before trying to save.
Really need some help and an example to follow.
3 -Saves the badge details to parse
var MyBadge = Parse.Object.extend("myBadges");
var FriendRequest = Parse.Object.extend("FriendRequest");
var friendRequest = new FriendRequest(); = window.selectedFriendRequestId;
var badgeselected = $('#badgeselect .go').attr("src");
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#send").click(function() {
var myBadge = new MyBadge();
var badgeselected = $('#badgeselect img').attr("src");
var BadgeSentTo = $('#selectFriend').val();
var categorySelected = $('#category').val();
var uploadercomment = $('#UploaderComment').val();
myBadge.set("BadgeName", badgeselected); //got this working using .set
myBadge.set("Comment", uploadercomment); //got this working using .set
myBadge.set("category", categorySelected);
myBadge.set("SentTo", new Parse.User({
id: BadgeSentTo
myBadge.set("uploadedBy", Parse.User.current());, {
success: function(results) {
error: function(contact, error) {
// The save failed.
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
return false;
** 1- Returns results to the page for user to select**
var GlobalBadges = Parse.Object.extend("Global_Badges");
var query = new Parse.Query(GlobalBadges);
success: function(results) {
var friends = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
imageURL: results[i].get('Global_Badges_img'),
//friendRequestId: results[i].id,
badgename: results[i].get('BadgeName'),
category: results[i].get('category')
// TW: replaced dynamic HTML generation with wrapper DIV that contains IMG and name DIV
_.each(friends, function(item) {
// using a wrapper so the user can click the pic or the name
var wrapper = $('<div></div>');
wrapper.append('<img class="images BadgeImgOutline responsive-image" src="' + item.imageURL + '" />'+ '<br>');
wrapper.append('<div id="name"class="tag badgelabel" >'+ item.badgename + '</div>'+ '<br>');
wrapper.append('<div id="category" class="tag categorylabel" >'+ item.category + '</div>'+ '<br>'+ '<br>' );
error: function(error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
2 -Upon the user selecting an object from above, this adds the data to a modalbox
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.go img').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$('.go').on('click', 'img', function(e) {
$('.go img').removeClass('BadgeImgOutline');
$('.go img').addClass('BadgeImgOutline');
closeonbackgroundclick: true,
dismissmodalclass: 'close'
return false;
This was addressed by making the following changes.
- Taking the data from #badgeSelect not #category
- From section 3, the line var categorySelected = $('#category').val(); was changed to categorySelected = $('#badgeselect .categorylabel').text();
By taking the data from #badgeSelect it meant that the only data being available was that shown shown in the text box, instead of '#category'that returned all results.
The it was simply targeting the text correctly with the change to the var categorySelected
I'm trying to get all facebook comments with profile pictures of commentators through fb.api() call. Currently all comments gets outputed i just can't get profile pictures to append to appropriate comment.
In for loop which loops through all comments is another FB.api call which gets the profile pic of user who commented on video and than append them into single comment block. With this code i get profile pictures of all users who commented in every single comment.
What am i doing wrong?? Thank you in advance!
var komentarji_length =;
for (var i = 0; i < komentarji_length; i++) {
var user_id =[i];
FB.api("/" + user_id + "/picture", {
access_token: access_token
}, function (response) {
var profile_pic_link =;
$(".comments_profile_pic" + i).append("<img src=" + comments_profile_pic_link + ">");
var ime =[i];
var message =[i].message;
$(".fb_comments").append('<div class="single_comment"><div class="comments_profile_pic' + i + '"></div><div class="name">' + name + '  says:</div><div class="single_message">' + message + '</div></div>');
Issue 1: comments_profile_pic_link is not defined, the variable is: profile_pic_link.
But then also the problem will not be solved. When you call "/" + user_id + "/picture" it is redirected to the image url automatically. So you can directly use the image url as:{user-id}/picture. No need to make the API call unnecessarily.
Still if you wish to get the proper image url (not required though), use redirect=0 with your call-
FB.api("/" + user_id + "/picture?redirect=0", {
access_token: access_token
}, function (response) {
var profile_pic_link =;
$(".comments_profile_pic" + i).append("<img src=" + comments_profile_pic_link + ">");
My below code working well but i need to import XML data from xml URL not from HTML file like this
if i need to retrieve image from XML how i can do that.
var xml = "<shows><show><date>9/8</date><place>Toads Place</place><location>New Haven, CT</location><time>9PM</time></show></shows>"
$('#table').append('<table id="show_table">');
var $show = $(this);
var date = $show.find('date').text();
var place = $show.find('place').text();
var location = $show.find('location').text();
var time = $show.find('time').text();
var html = '<tr><td class="bold">' + date + '</td><td class="hide">' + place + '</td><td>' + location + '</td><td class="bold">' + time + '</td></tr>';
all what i need is change this var xml = "9/8 ... " to let the JQuery code read from the ONLINE URL
If you need to load XML data from the URL, you need to execute AJAX request, it may be something like this:
$(function() {
type: "get",
url: "",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(data) {
/* handle data here */
error: function(xhr, status) {
/* handle error here */
Keep in mind, if you use AJAX you can place .xml file on the same domain name. In other case you need to set up cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
I modified your code, now it appends td element to your table. But xml is still inside html.
var xml = "<shows><show><date>9/8</date><place>Toads Place</place><location>New Haven, CT</location><time>9PM</time></show></shows>"
$(function() {
$(xml).find('show').each(function() {
var $show = $(this);
var date = $show.find('date').text();
var place = $show.find('place').text();
var location = $show.find('location').text();
var time = $show.find('time').text();
var html = '<tr><td class="bold">' + date + '</td><td class="hide">' + place + '</td><td>' + location + '</td><td class="bold">' + time + '</td></tr>';
But you need to modify your html file, check my solution here:
EDITED: full solution with loading xml from URL
I combined two parts described above, check here:
Use jquery-xpath, then you can easily do what you want like:
if you want know more about xpath just take a look on XML Path Language (XPath) document.
var xml = "<shows><show><date>9/8</date><place>Toads Place</place><location>New Haven, CT</location><time>9PM</time></show></shows>";
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#table').append('<table id="show_table">');
$(xml).xpath("//shows/show").each(function () {
var $show = $(this);
var date = $show.find('date').text();
var place = $show.find('place').text();
var location = $show.find('location').text();
var time = $show.find('time').text();
var html = '<tr><td class="bold">' + date + '</td><td class="hide">' + place + '</td><td>' + location + '</td><td class="bold">' + time + '</td></tr>';