Tornado- how to call a handler in another function - javascript

I am currently trying to use Tornado's web-socket handlers to update a dashboard every time a certain function is called. here is the handler:
class WebSocketHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
clients = []
def open(self):"WEBSOCKET OPEN")
def on_message(self, message):"message from websocket recieved")
self.write_message("WebSocket connected")
def on_close(self):"WEBSOCKET closed")
and here is the client-side script which connects the WebSocket on load:
function WebSocketTest()
{ var ws = 0;
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8008/WEB");
ws.onopen = function()
ws.send("initial connect")
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
ws.onclose = function()
console.log("closed ");
The websockets connect sucessfully.
i need to call write_message from WebSocketHandler but i'm very confused what the instance of it is? the error i keep running into is that self isn't defined but im not sure what self is exactly? i know that WebSocketHandler gets run whenever the client tries to load ^/WEB$
EDIT: here is my file, i need to call write_message right after the spawn callback call in itercheckers
class Server():
def run(cls):
# Start web
template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
jinja2loader = Jinja2Loader(template_path)
kwargs = dict(
static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static'),
app = web.Application(handlers, **kwargs).listen(
# Reset events
def reset(parent=None):
if parent is None:
parent = configuration
# Reset event happyness
yield events.reset_happy(parent)
# Read last status
data = yield events.get(parent)
# Read and set happy from the last status
happy = (data or {}).get('status', events.STATUS_OK) \
in events.HAPPY
yield events.set_happy(parent, happy)
# Iterate sub-events
for event in parent['events']:
yield reset(event)
# Start checkers
def itercheckers(parent):
index = 0
for event in parent.get('events', []):
if 'checker' in event:
checker = event['checker']
p, m = checker['class'].rsplit('.', 1)
getattr(importlib.import_module(p), m)(
frequency=checker.get('frequency', 1),
index += 1
# Start alerts
for alert in configuration['alerts']:
p, m = alert['class'].rsplit('.', 1)
getattr(importlib.import_module(p), m)(
# Start loop

First thing first, self keyword is pointed to current websocket client that is handled in the moment. To use tornado websockets you must initialize tornado app
app = web.Application([
(r'/ws', WSHandler), #tells it to redirect ws:// to websocket handler
#Choose different names from defaults because of clarity
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.listen(5000) #listen on what port
Then you must have WSHandler class you're pointing websockets trafic to
class WSHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
#crossdomain connections allowed
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
#when websocket connection is opened
def open(self):
print("Client connected ")
def on_close(self):
print("Client disconnected")
def on_message(self,message):
self.write_message(message) #echo back whatever client sent you
So complete app would look like
from tornado import websocket, web, ioloop
clients = []
#whenever you want to broadcast to all connected call this function
def broadcast_message(msg):
global clients
for client in clients:
class WSHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
#crossdomain connections allowed
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
#when websocket connection is opened
def open(self):
#here you can add clients to your client list if you want
print("Client connected ")
def on_close(self):
print("Client disconnected")
def on_message(self,message):
self.write_message(message) #echo back whatever client sent you
app = web.Application([
(r'/ws', WSHandler), #tells it to redirect ws:// to websocket handler
#Choose different names from defaults because of clarity
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.listen(5000) #listen on what port
And now to connect to it with js
function WebSocketTest()
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5000/ws");
ws.onopen = function()
ws.send("initial connect")
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
ws.onclose = function()
console.log("closed ");
I haven't tested it but should work


websocket only sends one message?

I have a small server in Python that I'm trying to get to terminate based on a message it gets from a client. This is the server:
async def receiver(websocket, path):
received_data = await websocket.recv()
print("< {}".format(received_data))
if received_data == "Order66":
websocket.keep_running = False
print("< {}".format(received_data))
def start_the_server():
start_server = websockets.serve(receiver, 'localhost', 8765)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
The "client" is a larger app which also has a Javascript API and I am trying to this:
// send the info and disconnect
const socket2 = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8765');
socket2.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
However, it only ever sends "stats" (in this case it's a string), and the second send(...) never seems to get sent.

Flask SocketIO Emit with broadcast=true does not send message to sender

First time poster here. I am trying to put together a chatroom app using Flask-SocketIO and am having a hard time getting one tiny, but crucial, piece to work. When I call the emit method in the server and set the broadcast=True flag, the expected behavior is that it triggers the respective socket.on events on the client side for all users, including the sender. However, my code apparently only does so for all clients other than the sender. This is contrary to the documentation at, where it states:
When a message is sent with the broadcast option enabled, all clients connected to the namespace receive it, including the sender. When namespaces are not used, the clients connected to the global namespace receive the message.
I need for this to send the message and trigger the socket.on event for the sender as well as all other clients. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here? Because it seems like such a basic feature that I must be missing something really obvious.
Server code:
import os
import requests
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room, leave_room
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')
socketio = SocketIO(app)
channels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'testing', 'abc', '123']
ch_msgs = {'a': ['testing', '1234', 'high five'], 'b': ['hello']}
msg_limit = 100
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
#socketio.on('add channel')
def add(data):
new_channel = data
ch_msgs[new_channel] = list()
emit('announce channel', new_channel, broadcast=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='')
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
var socket = io.connect(location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + ':' + location.port);
socket.on('connect', () => {
document.querySelector('#add_channel').onclick = () => {
const new_channel = document.querySelector('#new_channel').value;
socket.emit('add channel', new_channel);
socket.on('announce channel', data => {
const li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = '#' + `${data}`;
HTML/CSS snippet:
<h3>Chat Channels</h3>
<ul id='channel_list' style='list-style-type:none;'>
<form class='channel'>
<input type='text' id='new_channel' placeholder='add new channel'><input type='submit' id='add_channel' value='Add'>
All clients in fact are receiving the message sent, including the sender, but the issue here is that the sender's page is refreshed as soon as the form is submitted, (which is the default behavior of forms) thus resulting in loss of all local data.
In order to prevent this, you need to use event.preventDefault() method. In your case, you may change the event handler for connect event like this:
socket.on('connect', () => {
document.querySelector('#add_channel').onclick = event => {
const textinput = document.querySelector('#new_channel')
const new_channel = textinput.value;
textinput.value = ""; // Clear input after value is saved
socket.emit('add channel', new_channel);

Refresh webpage on change in folder

I want to refresh my web page every time a file is uploaded to the folder.
I have a web service written in flask having the following handler
def getlatest():
import os
import glob
newset = max(glob.iglob('static/*'),key=os.path.getctime)
Return newest;
This gives me the name of the latest file in the folder.
I have an Ajax call in my JS (client side) to constantly get data from above function.
function GetLatest()
url: "http://localhost:5000/getlatest",
success: function(result)
if(previousName != result){
previousName = result;
function calling server every second.
(function myLoop (i) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (--i) myLoop(i);
}, 1000)
This Works fine [well almost].
My Question is: Is there any better way to do it[ there must be ]?
i'm open to technology choices what every they may be [node, angualr etc.]
yea you can use websockets(flask-socketio).That will let you to have an open connection between you and server and every time in the folder is a new photo will be displayed on a selected div
So here is how i did it.
first of all thanks to
for explaining it perfectly.
What i have learnt reading a couple of blogs.
All communication initiated using http protocol is client server communication, and client is always the initiator. So in this case we have to use a different protocol: Web-sockets which allow you to create a full-duplex (two way) connection.
Here is the server code;
socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode=async_mode)
thread = None
prevFileName = ""
def background_thread():
prevFileName = ""
while True:
if(isNewImageFileAdded(prevFileName) == "true"):
prevFileName = getLatestFileName()
{'data': prevFileName, 'count': 0},
def getLatestFileName():
return max(glob.iglob('static/*'),key=os.path.getctime)
def isNewImageFileAdded(prevFileName):
latestFileName = max(glob.iglob('static/*'),key=os.path.getctime)
if(prevFileName == latestFileName):
return "false"
return "true"
Creating separate thread to keep the socket open. emit sends the msg to the client from server...
#socketio.on('connect', namespace='/test')
def test_connect():
global thread
if thread is None:
thread = socketio.start_background_task(target=background_thread)
emit('my_response', {'data': 'Connected', 'count': 0})
And here is Client Side.[replaced ajax call with the following code]
var socket = io.connect(location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + ':' +
location.port + namespace);
socket.on('my_response', function(msg) {
setTimeout(function(){ $("#image").attr("src","/"},1000)
Please correct me if i am wrong.

How Play Framework handle CloseEvent from WebSocket?

I am using Play Framework with WebSocket in Scala, and I try to accept with Actor.
If web server close the connection, the client can touch this by onClose in JS like this:
websocket.onclose = function (evt) { onClose(evt) };
But what about the server side?
If the client close the browser, can web server touch this close event?
def ws(userId: String) =
WebSocket.tryAcceptWithActor[String, String](request⇒
Future {
Right(out ⇒ Props(new WsActor(userId, out)))
class WsActor(val userId: String, val clientActor: ActorRef) extends Actor{
override def receive: Receive = ???
override def preStart(): Unit = {
//when client close
//will call it
override def postStop(): Unit = {

Cannot communicate with websocket. Autobahn: received HELLO message, and session is not yet established

I am trying to build a WebSocket session using Python 3.4, Django, Autobahn and JS. I have successfully run the websocket server on the python side, but i cannot subscribe or receive any data published by the server
My code is fairly simple:
class TestAppWS(ApplicationSession):
An application component that publishes an event every second.
def onConnect(self):
def onJoin(self, details):
counter = 0
while True:
self.publish('com.myapp.topic1', counter)
counter += 1
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
def start_ws():
session_factory = ApplicationSessionFactory()
session_factory.session = TestAppWS
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# factory = WebSocketServerFactory("ws://localhost:8090", debug=False)
# factory.protocol = MyServerProtocol
server = None
transport_factory = WampWebSocketServerFactory(session_factory, debug_wamp=True)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
coro = loop.create_server(transport_factory, 'localhost', 8090)
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
except OSError:
print("WS server already running")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if server:
start_ws() is run inside a separate Thread object. If I access localhost:8090 on my browser I can see the Autobahn welcome message.
On the frontend I have
var connection = new autobahn.Connection({
url: 'ws://localhost:8090/',
realm: 'realm1'}
connection.onopen = function (session) {
var received = 0;
function onevent1(args) {
console.log("Got event:", args[0]);
received += 1;
if (received > 5) {
console.log("Closing ..");
session.subscribe('com.myapp.topic1', onevent1);
It does not seem to work, when I try to connect the frontend I get the following error on the backend side:
Failing WAMP-over-WebSocket transport: code = 1002, reason = 'WAMP Protocol Error (Received <class 'autobahn.wamp.message.Hello'> message, and session is not yet established)'
WAMP-over-WebSocket transport lost: wasClean = False, code = 1006, reason = 'connection was closed uncleanly (I failed the WebSocket connection by dropping the TCP connection)'
TX WAMP HELLO Message (realm = realm1, roles = [<autobahn.wamp.role.RolePublisherFeatures object at 0x04710270>, <autobahn.wamp.role.RoleSubscriberFeatures object at 0x047102B0>, <autobahn.wamp.role.RoleCallerFeatures object at 0x047102D0>, <autobahn.wamp.role.RoleCalleeFeatures object at 0x047102F0>], authmethods = None, authid = None)
RX WAMP HELLO Message (realm = realm1, roles = [<autobahn.wamp.role.RoleSubscriberFeatures object at 0x04710350>, <autobahn.wamp.role.RoleCallerFeatures object at 0x04710330>, <autobahn.wamp.role.RoleCalleeFeatures object at 0x04710390>, <autobahn.wamp.role.RolePublisherFeatures object at 0x04710370>], authmethods = None, authid = None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\autobahn\wamp\", line 91, in onMessage
File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\autobahn\wamp\", line 429, in onMessage
raise ProtocolError("Received {0} message, and session is not yet established".format(msg.__class__))
autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError: Received <class 'autobahn.wamp.message.Hello'> message, and session is not yet established
on the javascript console I see:
Uncaught InvalidAccessError: Failed to execute 'close' on 'WebSocket': The code must be either 1000, or between 3000 and 4999. 1002 is neither.
Any idea? It looks like the session is not started, honestly it is not clear how this session work. Should not the session be initialized once a connection from the client is made?
Your TestAppWs and your browser code are both WAMP application components. Both of these need to connect to a WAMP router. Then they can talk freely to each other (as if there were no router in between .. transparently).
Here is how to run.
Run a WAMP Router.
Using (but you can use other WAMP routers as well), that's trivial. First install
pip install crossbar (currently) runs on Python 2, but that's irrelevant as your app components can run on Python 3 or any other WAMP supported language/run-time. Think of like a black-box, an external infrastructure, like a database system.
Then create and start a default router:
cd $HOME
mkdir mynode
cd mynode
crossbar init
crossbar start
Run your Python 3 / asyncio component
import asyncio
from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationSession
class MyComponent(ApplicationSession):
def onJoin(self, details):
print("session ready")
counter = 0
while True:
self.publish('com.myapp.topic1', counter)
counter += 1
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationRunner
runner = ApplicationRunner(url = "ws://localhost:8080/ws", realm = "realm1")
Run your browser component
var connection = new autobahn.Connection({
url: 'ws://localhost:8080/ws',
realm: 'realm1'}
connection.onopen = function (session) {
var received = 0;
function onevent1(args) {
console.log("Got event:", args[0]);
received += 1;
if (received > 5) {
console.log("Closing ..");
session.subscribe('com.myapp.topic1', onevent1);
