How Play Framework handle CloseEvent from WebSocket? - javascript

I am using Play Framework with WebSocket in Scala, and I try to accept with Actor.
If web server close the connection, the client can touch this by onClose in JS like this:
websocket.onclose = function (evt) { onClose(evt) };
But what about the server side?
If the client close the browser, can web server touch this close event?

def ws(userId: String) =
WebSocket.tryAcceptWithActor[String, String](request⇒
Future {
Right(out ⇒ Props(new WsActor(userId, out)))
class WsActor(val userId: String, val clientActor: ActorRef) extends Actor{
override def receive: Receive = ???
override def preStart(): Unit = {
//when client close
//will call it
override def postStop(): Unit = {


Trigger a Client function with a service worker

I have a chat platform I'm building for fun. I have built notifications into the platform. On a browser it looks like this when you click the notification, with noticeSource being the user the new message is from. So it knows, to focus the page and then use the loadChat() function to load the chat associated with that user.
However, I am also running this as PWA for android, so when it detects its on a phone it uses the Service worker showNotification method. I use this function to detect the click and to bring the app into focus.
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event)
const rootUrl = new URL('./index.php', location).href;
clients.matchAll().then(matchedClients => {
for (let client of matchedClients){
if (client.url.indexOf(rootUrl) >= 0){
return client.focus();
return clients.openWindow(rootUrl).then(
function (client) {
What I can't figure out is how to communicate between the SW and the client that the client should run the loadChat() function and pass along the user it should run it for. In general if someone could point me toward a resource that explains how to communicate between the SW and the client that would be appreciated. I've looked but haven't found anything and I am assuming it's because I'm not really clear on how service workers are suppose to work.
As is often the case, I found an answer after I posted the question. The client object has a method postMessage(), so once I have my client found I can use that to post a message with the userName, on the client side I can use eventListener navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage to catch messages from the sw and execute functions.
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event)
const rootUrl = new URL('./index.php', location).href;
clients.matchAll().then(matchedClients => {
for (let client of matchedClients){
if (client.url.indexOf(rootUrl) >= 0){
return ;
return clients.openWindow(rootUrl).then(
function (client) {
and on the client side

C# Websocket The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake

Hello I'm currently implementing a websocket component to my very basic site. I'm running .NET Core 3.1 HTTP Listener for serving html, I've been stumped by implementing websockets.
I've worked with TCP in C# before and understand the flow of everything but websockets are a new thing to me. Here is the C# code for accepting websockets
[Route("/socket", "GET")]
public static async Task upgrade(HttpListenerContext c)
if (!c.Request.IsWebSocketRequest)
c.Response.StatusCode = 400;
var sock = (await c.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null)).WebSocket;
byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
var r = await sock.ReceiveAsync(buff, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);
catch (Exception x)
Console.WriteLine($"Got exception: {x}");
I've added var r = await sock.ReceiveAsync(buff, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None); to this function because originally I was getting the exception in my WebSocketHandler class, so I moved the code to the one function to test.
Here is the client:
let socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/socket");
socket.onopen = function (event) {
console.log("[ OPENED ] - Opened Websocket!");
socket.onclose = function (event) {
console.log("[ CLOSED ] - Socket closed");
socket.onerror = function (error) {
console.log("[ ERROR ] - Got websocket error:");
socket.onmessage = function (event) {
// This function will be responsible for handling events
console.log("[ MESSAGE ] - Message received: ");
const content = JSON.parse(;
Here is the output in the console for the client:
Navigated to
index.html:556 [ OPENED ] - Opened Websocket!
index.html:569 [ CLOSED ] - Socket closed
And here is the exception from the C# server:
Got exception: System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException (997): The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake.
at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketBase.WebSocketOperation.Process(Nullable`1 buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketBase.ReceiveAsyncCore(ArraySegment`1 buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at SwissbotCore.HTTP.Routes.UpgradeWebsocket.upgrade(HttpListenerContext c) in C:\Users\plynch\source\repos\SwissbotCore\SwissbotCore\HTTP\Routes\UpgradeWebsocket.cs:line 29
I can provide the http requests that the client sends if need be but I am completely stumped on this, any help will be greatly appreciated.
You might want to read up on The Close Handshake in Section 1.4 in RFC 6455 and also Close the WebSocket Connection in Section 7.1.1 in RFC 6455.
Essentially, you need to let the WebSocket endpoint know you are going to close the socket, before you terminate the socket.
For your server side, you should probably be catching this exception, as this can also happen in production scenarios when network issues occur.
I'm not sure why, but, if you change the code inside try block to this:
var sock = (await c.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null)).WebSocket;
byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
await Listen(sock);
catch (Exception x)
Console.WriteLine($"Got exception: {x}");
private async Task Listen(WebSocket sock)
return new Task(async () =>
while(sock.State == WebSocketState.Open)
var r = await sock.ReceiveAsync(buff, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);
it's gonna work out fine.

Is there any way to implement real time messaging web application (Push message to the client among multiple clients)? [duplicate]

I'm working on setting up my first websocket server for a communications app. I can't seem to figure out how websockets are implemented in Java.
I've tried, unsuccessfully, creating an annotation based Endpoint, but I'm not sure where the client info is going to come through. This is basically the gist of my code, without going into mundane details.
I'm trying to make the class MessageHelper deal with the websocket info transfer, I just can't grasp how to actually get the transfer there.
class MainServer implements Runnable {
ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
int port;
MainServer(int p) {
this.port = p;
public void run() {
clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
} catch(IOException e) {
// Do something
new Thread(new MainThread(clientSocket)).start();
// Other methods below.
public class MainThread {
final Socket socket;
MainThread(Socket s) {
this.socket = s;
public void run() {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
String input = br.readLine(), read = br.readLine();
while(!input.isEmpty()) {
read += "\n";
read += input;
input = br.readLine();
* Everything works fine, I'm just not sure where to go
* from here. I tried creating MessageHelper into the java
* websocket implementation using annotations but it did not
* accept input from the client after the handshake was
* made. My client would send something but it would just
* give and EOFException.
if(websocketHandshakeRequest(read)) {
MessageHelper messageHelper =
new MessageHelper(this.socket);
} else {
// Do something
} catch(Exception e) {
// Do something.
Don't be confused about the name WebSocket. A TCP socket and a WebSocket are entirely different kind of "sockets".
In Java you use a ServerSocket for TCP sockets. TCP is a transport layer protocol used to implement application layer protocols like POP3 and HTTP.
WebSocket is a HTTP/1.1 protocol upgrade commonly used in web servers and web browsers. You cannot use a ServerSocket for the WebSocket protocol, at least not so straight forward as you might think. First, you have to implement the HTTP/1.1 protocol and then the WebSocket protocol on top of that.
In the Java world you can use web servers like Tomcat or Jetty which provide WebSocket implementations and a high level Java API. This API is part of the Jave Enterprise Edition (JEE). See also the Jave EE 7 Tutorial - Chapter 18 Java API for WebSocket.
E.g. Jetty is a lightweight JEE web server which can be embedded in your application or run as a stand-alone server. See Jetty Development Guide - Chapter 26. WebSocket Introduction.
So in a Java web application running in a WebSocket enabled JEE web server like Jetty you can implement a server side WebSocket as follows:
package com.example.websocket;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import javax.websocket.CloseReason;
import javax.websocket.OnClose;
import javax.websocket.OnError;
import javax.websocket.OnMessage;
import javax.websocket.OnOpen;
import javax.websocket.Session;
import javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint;
public class ToUpperWebsocket {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ToUpperWebsocket.class);
public void onOpen(Session session) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("WebSocket opened: %s", session.getId()));
public void onMessage(String txt, Session session) throws IOException {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Message received: %s", txt));
public void onClose(CloseReason reason, Session session) {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("Closing a WebSocket (%s) due to %s", session.getId(), reason.getReasonPhrase()));
public void onError(Session session, Throwable t) {
LOGGER.error(String.format("Error in WebSocket session %s%n", session == null ? "null" : session.getId()), t);
You register your class as a WebSocket handler for the specific path with the #ServerEndpoint annotation. Your WebSocket URL is then ws://host:port/context/toUpper or wss://host:port/context/toUpper for HTTPS connections.
Here is a very simplistic HTML page to demonstrate the client side connection to the above WebSocket. This page is served by the same webserver as the WebSocket. The webapplication containing the WebSocket is deployed at context "websocket" on localhost port 7777.
<h2>WebSocket Test</h2>
<input type="text" id="input" />
<input type="button" id="connectBtn" value="CONNECT" onclick="connect()" />
<input type="button" id="sendBtn" value="SEND" onclick="send()" disable="true" />
<div id="output">
<script type="text/javascript">
var webSocket;
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var connectBtn = document.getElementById("connectBtn");
var sendBtn = document.getElementById("sendBtn");
var wsUrl = (location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://") + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':'+location.port: '') + "/websocket/toUpper";
function connect() {
// open the connection if one does not exist
if (webSocket !== undefined
&& webSocket.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED) {
updateOutput("Trying to establish a WebSocket connection to <code>" + wsUrl + "</code>");
// Create a websocket
webSocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl);
webSocket.onopen = function(event) {
connectBtn.disabled = true;
sendBtn.disabled = false;
webSocket.onmessage = function(event) {
webSocket.onclose = function(event) {
updateOutput("Connection Closed");
connectBtn.disabled = false;
sendBtn.disabled = true;
function send() {
var text = document.getElementById("input").value;
function closeSocket() {
function updateOutput(text) {
output.innerHTML += "<br/>" + text;
If you're willing to use Java Spring - which I think would be great for your use case, it's pretty easy to setup a websocket server and client connection.
There's an example here -

Tornado- how to call a handler in another function

I am currently trying to use Tornado's web-socket handlers to update a dashboard every time a certain function is called. here is the handler:
class WebSocketHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
clients = []
def open(self):"WEBSOCKET OPEN")
def on_message(self, message):"message from websocket recieved")
self.write_message("WebSocket connected")
def on_close(self):"WEBSOCKET closed")
and here is the client-side script which connects the WebSocket on load:
function WebSocketTest()
{ var ws = 0;
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8008/WEB");
ws.onopen = function()
ws.send("initial connect")
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
ws.onclose = function()
console.log("closed ");
The websockets connect sucessfully.
i need to call write_message from WebSocketHandler but i'm very confused what the instance of it is? the error i keep running into is that self isn't defined but im not sure what self is exactly? i know that WebSocketHandler gets run whenever the client tries to load ^/WEB$
EDIT: here is my file, i need to call write_message right after the spawn callback call in itercheckers
class Server():
def run(cls):
# Start web
template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates')
jinja2loader = Jinja2Loader(template_path)
kwargs = dict(
static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static'),
app = web.Application(handlers, **kwargs).listen(
# Reset events
def reset(parent=None):
if parent is None:
parent = configuration
# Reset event happyness
yield events.reset_happy(parent)
# Read last status
data = yield events.get(parent)
# Read and set happy from the last status
happy = (data or {}).get('status', events.STATUS_OK) \
in events.HAPPY
yield events.set_happy(parent, happy)
# Iterate sub-events
for event in parent['events']:
yield reset(event)
# Start checkers
def itercheckers(parent):
index = 0
for event in parent.get('events', []):
if 'checker' in event:
checker = event['checker']
p, m = checker['class'].rsplit('.', 1)
getattr(importlib.import_module(p), m)(
frequency=checker.get('frequency', 1),
index += 1
# Start alerts
for alert in configuration['alerts']:
p, m = alert['class'].rsplit('.', 1)
getattr(importlib.import_module(p), m)(
# Start loop
First thing first, self keyword is pointed to current websocket client that is handled in the moment. To use tornado websockets you must initialize tornado app
app = web.Application([
(r'/ws', WSHandler), #tells it to redirect ws:// to websocket handler
#Choose different names from defaults because of clarity
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.listen(5000) #listen on what port
Then you must have WSHandler class you're pointing websockets trafic to
class WSHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
#crossdomain connections allowed
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
#when websocket connection is opened
def open(self):
print("Client connected ")
def on_close(self):
print("Client disconnected")
def on_message(self,message):
self.write_message(message) #echo back whatever client sent you
So complete app would look like
from tornado import websocket, web, ioloop
clients = []
#whenever you want to broadcast to all connected call this function
def broadcast_message(msg):
global clients
for client in clients:
class WSHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
#crossdomain connections allowed
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
#when websocket connection is opened
def open(self):
#here you can add clients to your client list if you want
print("Client connected ")
def on_close(self):
print("Client disconnected")
def on_message(self,message):
self.write_message(message) #echo back whatever client sent you
app = web.Application([
(r'/ws', WSHandler), #tells it to redirect ws:// to websocket handler
#Choose different names from defaults because of clarity
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.listen(5000) #listen on what port
And now to connect to it with js
function WebSocketTest()
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5000/ws");
ws.onopen = function()
ws.send("initial connect")
ws.onmessage = function (evt)
ws.onclose = function()
console.log("closed ");
I haven't tested it but should work

Winsock.SendData equivalent with Javascript?

Can the following VB Script to open an IP cash drawer be done in Javascript instead?
Private Sub CashDrawerConnect_Click()
ipaddr = ""
Winsock1.RemoteHost = ipaddr
Winsock1.RemotePort = 30998
Sleep 250
TxtOpStatus = "Connection to the cash drawer at " & ipaddr & " is established..."
End Sub
Private Sub CashDrawerOpen_Click()
If Winsock1.State = sckConnected Then
Winsock1.SendData "opendrawer\0a"
TxtOpStatus = "Not connected to the device"
End If
End Sub
You could do it on javascript, but not while running on a browser.
You would need to install nodejs and run your js file directly from the console.
This is a small example that would connect you the the drawer and send the "opendrawer" command on your example:
var net = require('net');
var client = net.connect({port: 30998, host: "yourip"}, function() {
If however the server has access to the drawer the javascript code could just make a request to the server which would be on charge of opening the connection to the drawer and sending the payload (opendrawer).
If you use php you can take a look at the sockets documentation.
Using VB and JavaScript the calls are mostly the same, you just jhave to adapt it to the language.
The following is a snippet that uses WinSock from JScript
var oWinsock;
var sServer = "";
var nPort = 3098;
var bClose = false;
oWinsock = new ActiveXObject("OSWINSCK.Winsock");
// Hooking up handlers
WScript.ConnectObject(oWinsock, "oWinsock_");
oWinsock.Connect(sServer, nPort);
WScript.Echo("Invalid URL");
bClose = true;
function oWinsock_OnConnect() {
oWinsock.SendData('Your data');
function oWinsock_OnDataArrival(bytesTotal) {
var sBuffer = oWinsock.GetDataBuffer();
sSource = sSource + sBuffer;
function oWinsock_OnError(Number, Description, Scode, Source,
HelpFile, HelpContext, CancelDisplay) {
WScript.Echo(Number + ': ' + Description);
function oWinsock_OnClose() {
oWinsock = null;
bClose = true;
while (!bClose) {
In the browser? Not really, but you can use WebSockets
You'll need to implement a WebSocket server, so if you need to talk directly to a socket, you can't do it from a browser. But you could implement a proxy server that relays information between the socket server and the WebSocket server.
If you don't need two way communication, the best thing would be for your server to provide a webservice that wraps that socket request. Then your client can just make an AJAX call.
