Load JSON content into a meteor template - javascript

I'm working on a Meteor application that should fulfil a datalist with some data stored in a JSON file as part of a process. However, I didn't succeed in importing its data to a template. So I was wondering how I could solve this.
I have stored the JSON file into panel/skills.json, and it looks like this basically:
{"value":".NET Compact Framework"},
{"value":".NET Framework"},
{"value":".NET para Web"}
And this is how the HTML file looks like:
<div class="required">
<input type="text" class="form-control" list="tags">
<datalist class="form-control" id="tags" name="tags">
{{#each skills}}
<option value={{value}}></option>
Is there any way of getting the JSON file into a .js archive, and load it using helpers? Thank you :)

I didnt try but this will work.
load json file using require
store values to reactiveVar
return from helper
var json = require('panel/skills.json');
Template.myTemplate.onCreated(function() {
this.skills = new ReactiveVar(json);
skills: function (){
return Template.instance().skills.get();

Use Can create a method in you Meteor.methods
getSkills: function (){
var Skills = JSON.parse(Assets.getText("parse/skills.json"));
return Skills.skills;
And now invoke this method in your template
skills: function (){
Meteor.call('getSkills', function(err, result){
return result;
I did not test yet, but I alread use something like these.


My Meteor app isn't returning data from the server via Pub Sub

I've completed the basic leaderboard app and read further documentation and finally decided to make my own app using this tutorial as a guide: http://meteorcapture.com/publishing-data-from-an-external-api/
my current code seems to work up until the point of passing data back to the client. I can't seem to get data from the server. Even though I have my subscribe and publish all set up.
I've cut down and simplified my code but to reduce points of error:
MyMp = new Mongo.Collection('mymp');
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.setDefault('searching', false);
var twfyHandle = Meteor.subscribe('twfySearch', Session.get('postcode'));
Session.set('searching', ! twfyHandle.ready());
'submit form': function(event, template) {
var postcode = template.$('input[type=text]').val();
if (postcode) {
Session.set('postcode', postcode);
mymp: function() {
return MyMp.find();
searching: function() {
return Session.get('searching');
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('twfySearch', function(postcode){
console.log(postcode); // this received ok
var self = this;
var mp = {first_name: 'Test Name', party: 'Labour'}
self.added('mymp', Random.id(), mp);
Templates in my HTML file:
<h1>Get Details on your MP and Constituency</h1>
<h2>Enter your post code below</h2>
{{> searchForm }}
{{#if searching }}
<div class="">
{{> twfyResults }}
<template name="twfyResults">
{{ mp.first_name }}
<template name="searchForm">
<input type="text" name="postcode" id="postcode" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
I'm passing a postcode to the server and the server populates a basic JSON object 'mp' under a publish method and makes it ready().
This is where it fails. Although my console.log() calls show that the server is getting the postcode fine and creating the mp object. The client is not getting anything back!
I have managed to manually run in the browser console MyMp.findOne() and it returns the object the server created. However, this object seems inaccesible to my template. Also the 'mp' object itself doesnt exist.
I've realised THREE errors in my code.
I assumed the template object used to access the data sent back had the same name on the frontend as it did in the server (mp). Instead I should have been trying to access the helper name "mymp".
This was fixed by changing the twfyResults template to reference the helper method:
<template name="twfyResults">
{{ mymp.first_name }}
My helper for the twfyResults was in the wrong context. So I rewrote my helpers like so:
searching: function() {
return Session.get('searching');
mymp: function() {
return MyMp.findOne();
But the above alone wasn't enough. I also had to change the "mymp" helper to return just one result as in this case only one result would ever be returned. That way I could access my objects variables in the above way. So my helper was changed to findOne() instead of just find as seen above.

Angularjs: HTML DOM is not updated

I've an inherited project writed in django 1.4 and I've no time to update it to another version of django.
I'm introducing angularjs in that project being newbie with it.
So, I've a HTML filled with data from the database (very simplified code):
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="commentController">
<input placeholder="say something!" type="text">
<button class="btn" ng-click="sendComment()" >
<li ng-repeat="comment in comments" id="aportacion{{comment.pk}}">
{{comment.username}} - {{comment.text}}
And angularjs app (simplified) to fill the table with comments:
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("commentController",function ($scope) {
$scope.comments = [];
// this is generated dinamically with django from db data on page generation;
$scope.comments[$scope.comments.length] = {"username":"inigod", "text":"this is sparta"};
$scope.comments[$scope.comments.length] = {"username":"another guy", "text":"this is NOT sparta"};
This works great, it builds all the comments ok, nice.
Now I've a textbox to add new comment and want to send via ajax the new comment to db and with the response json add a new comment in the top of the comments in html.
I've tried modificating the angularjs code to this:
app.controller("commentController",function ($scope) {
$scope.comments = [];
// this is generated dinamically with django from db data on page generation;
$scope.comments[$scope.comments] = {"username":"inigod", "text":"this is sparta"};
$scope.comments[$scope.comments] = {"username":"another guy", "text":"this is NOT sparta"};
$scope.sendComment = function(){
Dajaxice.kolokvoweb.post_comment($scope.comment_callback, {'thread':'{{thread.pk}}',
'type': 0,
'text': $('#comment').val(),
$scope.comment_callback = function (data){
if (data.result){
data["image"]= "/img/comment-placeholder.png";
//data["$$hashKey"] = "003";
alert("adding element" +$scope.aportaciones.length);
alert("added element" +$scope.aportaciones.length);
So I run this and I get two alert, one saying "adding element n" and the next "added element n+1" so it appears to reach to $scope.comment_callback an push the data to the array but the DOM is not updated and I cannot see the inserted comment in the page.
I must be something wrong but cannot find what...
I've see the response from ajax and is the same kind of JSON but withouth the $$haskey key.
PD: received data from the ajax service is:
The one getted when loading page for that comment (and which is well shown in the page) is:
You have to wrap the content of comment_callback in a $scope.$apply method to notify about $scope changes within async callbacks:
$scope.comment_callback = function (data){
if (data.result){
$scope.$apply(function() {
data["image"]= "/img/comment-placeholder.png";

Meteor - return all documents from collection 1 and then query collection 2 as looping through collection 1

I am very new to Meteor (and web programming) and setup two collections, one called Posts and the other Authors (I do realize I could put all this information in one collection but I want to try it this way). I am trying to display all posts so I am doing eachPost in the HTML code which will loop through all my Posts. As I am looping through my Posts, I am trying to save the post id in a Hidden input so I can use that id for each post to query the Authors collection and display the Author name. I added a console.log and it writes undefined every time for my postId - any idea why this is doing this or a better way to solve this problem (without embedding author information in Posts)?
<template name="dashboard">
{{#each eachPost}}
<input type="hidden" id="postId" value="{{_id}}">
eachPost: function()
return Posts.find({});
authorName: function()
var postId = $('#postId').val();
return Authors.findOne({_id: postId});
Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any and all help!
I think there is no need to store it in a hidden element
you can access it by using this._id in authorname helper
You can do like below
<template name="dashboard">
{{#each eachPost}}
eachPost: function()
return Posts.find({});
authorName: function()
return Authors.findOne({_id: this._id});
Try this,it may work for you

Template not working with JSON / Mustache.js

I am currently running into trouble with Mustache.js templates. Everything seems to be correct, and the template loads as HTML on the page. But it doesn't have access to the JSON data and I'm not quite sure why. Can anyone help out? Thanks in advance.
The Javascript that I am using is below.
success: function(results){
var template = $("#newCurrItem").html();
var newContents = Mustache.to_html(template, results);
error: function(error){
This image shows the JSON format:
And, here is the template:
<script id="newCurrItem" type="text/html">
<!-- Template for new curriculum -->
<li id="curr-list-item">
<div id="curr-item">
<input type="checkbox" class="item-delete">
<label id="item-content" class="item-content">{{curr}}</label>
Try structuring your JSON data more like this:
{ "results" : [
"curr": "curr_dbc",
"createdAt" : ...,

Emberjs, data-source, twitter bootstrap typeahead

While this may be specific to the "typeahead" situation, and my example has static content, really this would apply to any bootstrap usage of "data-source". I want to someday when I grow up use dynamic content for my typeahead implementation, so am trying the binding way for now:
//add some bootstrap specific stuff
attributeBindings: ['data-provide', 'data-items', 'dataSourceBinding:data-source'],
'dataSourceBinding': Ember.Binding.oneWay('App.AddStoreTemplateController.statesArray')
I have a router with connectOutlets which attaches my template:
{{view Ember.TextField elementId="state" placeholder="NY/New York" valueBinding="state" data-provide="typeahead" data-items="4" data-source="App.router.addStoreTemplateController.statesArray"}}
My controller:
AddStoreTemplateController: Ember.ArrayController.extend({
statesArray: ['Alabama', 'Washington']
What I expect to see rendered in HTML:
<input id="state" class="ember-view ember-text-field" placeholder="NY/New York" type="text" data-provide="typeahead" data-items="4" data-source="['Alabama', 'Washington']">
What it actually renders in HTML:
<input id="state" class="ember-view ember-text-field" placeholder="NY/New York" type="text" data-provide="typeahead" data-items="4" data-source="App.router.addStoreTemplateController.statesArray">
Typeahead docs
Thanks so much. I really enjoy EmberJS!!
After fiddling with this a bit more, I figured out an easy way to do this. It doesn't require a 3rd party library and you can use Ember.TextField to keep your inputs pretty:
I created a new extended TextField object to keep things separate:
Ember.TextFieldTypeahead = Ember.TextField.extend({
//add some bootstrap specific stuff
attributeBindings: ['data-provide', 'data-items', 'data-source'],
'data-source': function(){
return JSON.stringify(["Alabama", "Washington"]);
Then in my template:
{{view Ember.TextFieldTypeahead elementId="state" placeholder="NY/New York" valueBinding="state" data-provide="typeahead" data-items="4" data-source=on}}
Things worked fine. Only confusing thing to me, and this may be an Ember bug or just my noob status of the framework, is that data-source= in the template can be anything, it still references the function that I declared. just leaving it as "data-source" in the template yields an error on the handlebars build, so I just opted to make the value "on" so I'm not confused in 6 months time when I revisit the code for some reason. Curious.
I'm also guessing I can extend this even more to observe "value" and then on value change populate the 'data-source' property with whatever ajax call my server responds with to satisfy the dynamic requirement.
You can also do something like this (when you want to load the data dynamically as you type from the server):
EEPD.EbedMedicationArticleTypeAhead = Bootstrap.Forms.TypeAhead.extend({
init: function () {
this.set('idProperty', 'id');
valueChanged: function () {
var id = this.get('value');
var self = this;
var label = this.get('_childViews')[1].$()
if (Ember.empty(label) && !Ember.empty(id)) {
var articleDescription = this.get('item.articleDescription');
} .observes('value'),
getLabel: function (item) {
return '%# (%#)'.fmt(Ember.get(item, 'description'), Ember.get(item, 'amount'));
getQueryPromise: function (query) {
//get some data from SignalR
return $.connection.ccprCardioArticles.server.getAllByDescriptionLike(query);
the handlebar will look like this:
{{view EEPD.EbedMedicationArticleTypeAhead
For this I wouldn't use the Ember.TextField. You could do something like:
<input ... data-items="4" {{bindAttr data-source="formattedDataSource"}}/>
In your controller:
formattedDataSource: function(){
.. format your states array as a string or dump to json...
