Angularjs: HTML DOM is not updated - javascript

I've an inherited project writed in django 1.4 and I've no time to update it to another version of django.
I'm introducing angularjs in that project being newbie with it.
So, I've a HTML filled with data from the database (very simplified code):
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="commentController">
<input placeholder="say something!" type="text">
<button class="btn" ng-click="sendComment()" >
<li ng-repeat="comment in comments" id="aportacion{{}}">
{{comment.username}} - {{comment.text}}
And angularjs app (simplified) to fill the table with comments:
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("commentController",function ($scope) {
$scope.comments = [];
// this is generated dinamically with django from db data on page generation;
$scope.comments[$scope.comments.length] = {"username":"inigod", "text":"this is sparta"};
$scope.comments[$scope.comments.length] = {"username":"another guy", "text":"this is NOT sparta"};
This works great, it builds all the comments ok, nice.
Now I've a textbox to add new comment and want to send via ajax the new comment to db and with the response json add a new comment in the top of the comments in html.
I've tried modificating the angularjs code to this:
app.controller("commentController",function ($scope) {
$scope.comments = [];
// this is generated dinamically with django from db data on page generation;
$scope.comments[$scope.comments] = {"username":"inigod", "text":"this is sparta"};
$scope.comments[$scope.comments] = {"username":"another guy", "text":"this is NOT sparta"};
$scope.sendComment = function(){
Dajaxice.kolokvoweb.post_comment($scope.comment_callback, {'thread':'{{}}',
'type': 0,
'text': $('#comment').val(),
$scope.comment_callback = function (data){
if (data.result){
data["image"]= "/img/comment-placeholder.png";
//data["$$hashKey"] = "003";
alert("adding element" +$scope.aportaciones.length);
alert("added element" +$scope.aportaciones.length);
So I run this and I get two alert, one saying "adding element n" and the next "added element n+1" so it appears to reach to $scope.comment_callback an push the data to the array but the DOM is not updated and I cannot see the inserted comment in the page.
I must be something wrong but cannot find what...
I've see the response from ajax and is the same kind of JSON but withouth the $$haskey key.
PD: received data from the ajax service is:
The one getted when loading page for that comment (and which is well shown in the page) is:

You have to wrap the content of comment_callback in a $scope.$apply method to notify about $scope changes within async callbacks:
$scope.comment_callback = function (data){
if (data.result){
$scope.$apply(function() {
data["image"]= "/img/comment-placeholder.png";


Angular.js - Slicing a json request according to user input

I am a beginner at Angular.js and am currently going through the tutorial. I decided to try making the number of phones displayed changeable by the user. In my controller:
function PhoneListController($http) {
var self = this;
self.orderProp = 'age';
$http.get('phones/phones.json').then(function(response) {
self.phones =, self.displayNum);
PhoneListController.$inject = ['$http']; //services to inject for each parameter in PhoneListController
I slice the response data that I get from the server according to the displayNum input by the user. I'm sure that displayNum is updated in the model, however it doesn't slice the json as I expected it to. Is the http request only made once at the start?
The relevant section of my template:
Number of phones displayed:
<input ng-model="$ctrl.displayNum" />
<ul class="phones">
<li ng-repeat="phone in $ctrl.phones | filter:$ctrl.query | orderBy:$ctrl.orderProp">
<p>display num: {{$ctrl.displayNum}}</p>
The display num: {{$ctrl.displayNum}} at bottom updates according to the number input in <input ng-model="$ctrl.displayNum" />, but the list does not change size. If I hardcode a value in for self.displayNum in the controller the list is sliced correctly when I refresh the page, but changing the value in the input does nothing to the list.
As mentioned by #Alexander-Bolzhatov, I simply put the http request in a change function, called by ng-change in the template.
$http.get('phones/phones.json').then(function(response) {
self.phones =;
self.change = function(){
$http.get('phones/phones.json').then(function(response) {
self.phones =, self.displayNum);
Template code:
Number of phones displayed:
<input ng-model="$ctrl.displayNum" ng-change="$ctrl.change()"/>

AngularJS - Get printed value from scope inside an attribute?

I'm currently working on an AngularJS project and I got stuck in this specific requirement.
We have a service that has all the data, DataFactoryService. Then, I have a controller called DataFactoryController that is making the magic and then plot it in the view.
<div ng-repeat = "list in collection">
Now, we have a requirement that pass multiple data into one element. I thought an "ng-repeat" would do, but we need to have it inside an element attribute.
The scenarios are:
At one of the pages, we have multiple lists with multiple data.
Each data has a unique code or ID that should be passed when we do an execution or button click.
There are instances that we're passing multiple data.
Something like this (if we have 3 items in a list or lists, so we're passing the 3 item codes of the list):
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-primary" data-factory = "code1;code2;code3;">
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default" data-factory = "code1;code2;code3;">
In the example above, code1,code2,code3 came from the list data. I tried several approach like "ng-repeat", "angular.each", array, "ng-model" but I got no success.
From all I've tried, I knew that "ng-model" is the most possible way to resolve my problem but I didn't know where to start. the code below didn't work though.
<span ng-model = "dataFactorySet.code">{{list.code}}</span>
The data is coming from the service, then being called in the controller, and being plot on the HTML page.
// Controller
$scope.list = dataFactoryService.getAllServices();
The data on the list are being loaded upon initialization and hoping to have the data tags initialized as well together with the list data.
The unique code(s) is/are part of the $scope.list.
// Sample JSON structure
{ // list level
name: 'My Docs',
debug: false,
contents: [ // list contents level
code: 'AHDV3128',
text: 'Directory of documents',
code: 'AHDV3155',
text: 'Directory of pictures',
{ // list level
name: 'My Features',
debug: false,
contents: [ // list contents level
code: 'AHGE5161',
text: 'Directory of documents',
code: 'AHGE1727',
text: 'Directory of pictures',
How can I do this?
The solution for this particular problem could be writing 2 functions which will return the baseId and code with respect to the list in loop.
I would suggest to do it like below
//inside your controller write the methods -
$scope.getDataFactory = function(list){
var factory = (a) => a.code );
factory = factory.join(";");
return factory;
$scope.getDataBase= function(list){
var base= (a) => a.baseId);
base= base.join(";");
return base;
Let me know if you see any issue in doing this. This will definitely solve your problem.
You don't really have to pass multiple data from UI if you are using Angular.
Two-way data binding is like blessing which is provided by Angular.
check your updated plunker here []1
What I have done here :
I assumed that there must be some unique id (I added Id in the list) in the list.
Pass that Id on click (ng-click) of Submit button.
You already have list in your controller and got the Id which item has been clicked, so you can easily fetch all the data of that Id from the list.
Hope this will help you... cheers.
So basing from Ashvin777's post. I came up with this solution in the Controller.
$scope.getFactoryData = function(list) {
var listData = list.contents;
listData =,j) {
return i.code;
return listData.join(';');

Generate dynamic drop down with options from an Angular controller

In my view file I've one button. I want to append drop down on click of button.
Here is my code:
Controller File
$scope.appendnewrow = function (result) {
var tr = '<select><option ng-repeat="'+site in
var temp = $compile(tr)($scope);
View File
<a ng-click="appendnewrow(result)">Add domain</a>
When I ran this code options did not populate.
This is not the Angular way do to that.
Considering your data is in $scope.result, you can display the array using ng-options:
<a ng-click="addRow(row)">Add domain</a>
<select ng-options="site as for site in result"></select>
Add this function in your controller:
$scope.addRow = function(newRow) {
Here is a JSFiddle demo of what it could looks like.

Pass Angular typeahead object result to another function in controller

In this scenario I'm using the ui-bootstrap typeahead to capture an object from an external api. Using the select callback I'm getting that object and have the results set in a separate function within my controller.
The issue is that I want to take those results and send them off to a separate api with a click function I already have set up. My question is how do i get the results of the type-ahead into the click function to post? The user flow is as follows.
<input type="text" placeholder="Find A Game"
typeahead=" for test in getGames($viewValue)"
typeahead-loading="loadingLocations" typeahead-min-length="3"
typeahead-wait-ms="500" typeahead-select-on-blur="true"
<div ng-show="noResults">
No Results Found
<button ng-disabled="!asyncSelected.length"
ng-click="addtodb(asyncSelected)">Add To Database</button>
As you can see the label is set to the items name and this works fine. When the user selects the name I then use typeahead-on-select="setGames($item)" to send off the entire object to its own funtion. From there I want to take the object and pass it to another function that you can see within the button tags ng-click. I currently have it passing the model, but what I really want is to pass the entire object within $item from the select event. So far my controller looks like this:
.controller('GiantCtrl', function ($scope, $http, TermFactory, $window, SaveFactory) {
$scope.getGames = function(val) {
return $http.jsonp('', {
params: {
query: val
return item;
$scope.setGames = function (site) {
var newsite = site;
$scope.addtodb = function (asyncSelected, newsite) {
TermFactory.get({name: asyncSelected}, function(data){
var results = data.list;
if (results === undefined || results.length === 0) {{vocabulary:'5',,}, function(data) {
$window.alert('All Set, we saved '+asyncSelected+' into our database for you!')
} else {
// do stuff
No matter what I do I cant seem to pass the entire $item object into this click function to post all the info i need.
Via New Dev in Comments:
$item is only available locally for typeahead-on-select... you can
either assign it to some model within your controller, or, in fact,
make the model of typeahead to be the item: typeahead="test as for test in getGames($viewValue)" – New Dev

Having issues tying together basic javascript chat page

I have the skeleton of a chat page but am having issues tying it all together. What I'm trying to do is have messages sent to the server whenever the user clicks send, and also, for the messages shown to update every 3 seconds. Any insights, tips, or general comments would be much appreciated.
Issues right now:
When I fetch, I append the <ul class="messages"></ul> but don't want to reappend messages I've already fetched.
Make sure my chatSend is working correctly but if I run chatSend, then chatFetch, I don't retrieve the message I sent.
var input1 = document.getElementById('input1'), sendbutton = document.getElementById('sendbutton');
function IsEmpty(){
if (input1.value){
} else {
sendbutton.setAttribute('disabled', '');
input1.onkeyup = IsEmpty;
function chatFetch(){
url: "",
dataType: "json",
method: "GET",
success: function(data){
for(var key in data) {
for(var i in data[key]){
function chatSend(){
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: JSON.stringify({text: $('input1.draft').val()}),
This seems like a pretty good project for Knockout.js, especially if you want to make sure you're not re-appending messages you've already sent. Since the library was meant in no small part for that sort of thing, I think it would make sense to leverage it to its full potential. So let's say that your API already takes care of limiting how many messages have come back, searching for the right messages, etc., and focus strictly on the UI. We can start with our Javascript view model of a chat message...
function IM(msg) {
var self = this;
self.username = ko.observable();
self.message = ko.observable();
self.timestamp = ko.observable();
This is taking a few liberties and assuming that you get back an IM object which has the name of the user sending the message, and the content, as well as a timestamp for the message. Probably not too far fetched to hope you have access to these data elements, right? Moving on to the large view model encapsulating your IMs...
function vm() {
var self = this;
self.messages = ko.observableArray([]);
self.message = ko.observable(new IM());
self.setup = function () {
self.message().username([user current username] || '');
self.chatFetch = function () {
$.getJSON("", function(results){
for(var key in data) {
// parse your incoming data to get whatever elements you
// can matching the IM view model here then assign it as
// per these examples as closely as possible
var im = new IM();
im.username(data[key][i].username || '');
im.message(data[key][i].message || '');
im.timestamp(data[key][i].message || '');
// the ([JSON data] || '') defaults the property to an
// empty strings so it fails gracefully when no data is
// available to assign to it
All right, so we have out Javascript models which will update the screen via bindings (more on that in a bit) and we're getting and populating data. But how do we update and send IMs? Well, remember that self.message object? We get to use it now.
function vm() {
// ... our setup and initial get code
self.chatSend = function () {
var data = {
'user': self.message().username(),
'text': self.message().message(),
'time': new Date()
$.post("", data, function(result) {
// do whatever you want with the results, if anything
// now we update our current messages and load new ones
All right, so how do we keep track of all of this? Through the magic of bindings. Well, it's not magic, it's pretty intense Javascript inside Knockout.js that listens for changes and the updates the elements accordingly, but you don't have to worry about that. You can just worry about your HTML which should look like this...
<div id="chat">
<ul data-bind="foreach: messages">
<span data-bind="text: username"></span> :
<span data-bind="text: message"></span> [
<span data-bind="text: timestamp"></span> ]
<div id="chatInput">
<input data-bind="value: message" type="text" placeholder="message..." />
<button data-bind="click: $root.chatSend()">Send</button>
Now for the final step to populate your bindings and keep them updated, is to call your view model and its methods...
$(document).ready(function () {
var imVM = new vm();
// perform your initial search and setup
// apply the bindings and hook it all together
ko.applyBindings(imVM.messages, $('#chat')[0]);
ko.applyBindings(imVM.message, $('#chatInput')[0]);
// and now update the form every three seconds
setInterval(function() { imVM.chatFetch(); }, 3000);
So this should give you a pretty decent start on a chat system in an HTML page. I'll leave the validation, styling, and prettifying as an exercise to the programmer...
