I'm developing a project in AngularJS and I am using the Fullpage.js to scroll the page. So far so good, the problem is as follows:
As I have inside pages, must also use the scroll script these pages.
But even creating the function as Scope to work on all pages or creating it with different name and starting in each of the FullPage returns the following error:
FullPage: Fullpage.js can only be initialized once and you are doing it multiple times !
Does anyone know how can I do so that when I start the function of another page, I cancel the function of FullPage the previous page and start another function of the current controller again?
Follows function I'm using:
vm.rolagem_home = function(){
menu: '#menu',
lockAnchors: false,
//anchors:['firstPage', 'secondPage', 'trespage'],
navigation: false,
navigationPosition: 'right',
//navigationTooltips: ['firstSlide', 'secondSlide'],
showActiveTooltip: false,
slidesNavigation: true,
slidesNavPosition: 'bottom',
css3: true,
scrollingSpeed: 700,
autoScrolling: true,
fitToSection: true,
fitToSectionDelay: 1000,
scrollBar: false,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
easingcss3: 'ease',
loopBottom: false,
loopTop: false,
loopHorizontal: true,
continuousVertical: false,
//normalScrollElements: '#element1, .element2',
scrollOverflow: false,
scrollOverflowOptions: null,
touchSensitivity: 15,
normalScrollElementTouchThreshold: 5,
keyboardScrolling: true,
animateAnchor: true,
recordHistory: true,
controlArrows: true,
verticalCentered: true,
// sectionsColor : ['#ccc', '#fff'],
paddingTop: '0em',
paddingBottom: '0px',
fixedElements: '#header, .footer',
responsiveWidth: 0,
responsiveHeight: 0,
//Custom selectors
sectionSelector: '.section',
slideSelector: '.slide',
onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction){},
afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index){},
afterRender: function(){
$(window).load(function() {
afterResize: function(){},
afterSlideLoad: function(anchorLink, index, slideAnchor, slideIndex){
if(slideIndex > 0){
if(slideIndex == 6){
onSlideLeave: function(anchorLink, index, slideIndex, direction, nextSlideIndex){
}, 1000);
Yes, you should call the same DIV and destroy the FullPage, so you managed to call in another div again.
if($('#agencia').fullpage() != ''){
Working - https://codepen.io/alvarotrigo/pen/bdxBzv
So I want to do this swiper.js carousel which slides linear from right to the left and after mouse hover it would stop. I used this function which works pretty fine:
$(".swiper-container3").hover(function() {
}, function() {
If speed parameter is not defined in my swiper initialization function, then it stops after a hover (but only if the nearest slider will be on center of carousel).
How to force swiper.js to stop with the function above but not to wait for one of the sliders to be on center?
Rest of the code
const enableSwiper3 = function(){
mySwiper3 = new Swiper ('#swiper-container3', {
loop: true,
slidesPerView: "auto",
spaceBetween: 10,
centeredSlides: true,
a11y: true,
keyboardControl: true,
grabCursor: true,
freeMode: false,
pagination: {
el: '#swiper-pagination3',
paginationClickable: true,
breakpoints: {
400: {
slidesPerView: 'auto',
spaceBetween: 20,
loop: true
767: {
autoplay: {
delay: 5000,
disableOnInteraction: true,
pauseOnMouseEnter: true,
speed: 10000,
I also want to lower its speed so whole slider goes linear very slow and just after hovering it it stops. Example on the site below: https://www.intercom.com/ (people are talking section).
Hey I'm using swipper js to build a vertical slider!
The Intended Solution:
-> When building the slider , i want to release the mouse scroll as soon it reaches the first or last slide.
The Problems:
-> Sometimes it makes the page scroll and the slider at the same time (happened only a few times) when i lowered the swiper version to 4.5.1
-> Main problem happened when i was working with version 5.3.1, when reaching the first or last slide, it scrolled too suddently, and the transition wasn't smooth which caused some usability problems...
<script src="https://unpkg.com/swiper#5.3.1/js/swiper.min.js"></script>
Version 4.5.1
let productSwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container--product", {
direction: "vertical",
loop: false,
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true,
grabCursor: true,
speed: 1000,
paginationClickable: true,
parallax: true,
autoplay: false,
effect: "slide",
centerMode: false,
mousewheel: true,
loopFillGroupWithBlank: false,
slidesPerView: 'auto',
Version 5.3.1
let productSwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container--product", {
direction: "vertical",
loop: true,
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true,
grabCursor: true,
speed: 1000,
parallax: true,
autoplay: false,
effect: "slide",
centerMode: false,
mousewheelSensitivity: 1,
mousewheel: {
releaseOnEdges: true,
loopFillGroupWithBlank: false,
slidesPerView: 'auto',
Note: I removed the release on edges atribute on the 4.5.1 version, because currently it was causing that bug.
Sorry for the long post , thanks in advance!
I use Slick slider. I need to set the delay before changing slide, how can I realize this task?
Here is slider's JS-code:
infinite: true,
dots: true,
dotsClass: "intro__dots",
arrows: false,
swipe: false,
draggable: false
var introTitle = $(".intro__title"),
introSlide = $(".intro__slide");
$(".intro__slider").on("beforeChange", function () {
$(".intro__slider").on("afterChange", function () {
Here is full code on codepen
try this:
// On before slide change
$('.your-element').on('beforeChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
setTimeout(function() {
//your code to be executed after 1 second
}, 1000);
You can use autoplaySpeed: 3000, in slick options
autoplaySpeed: 3000,
infinite: true,
dots: true,
dotsClass: "intro__dots",
arrows: false,
swipe: false,
draggable: false
you can use speed to 3000
infinite: true,
autoplay: true,
autoplaySpeed: 6000,
dots: true,
dotsClass: "intro__dots",
arrows: false,
will make the transition in 3 sec, but it won't make a delay, to use a delay I would recommend to use your own dots buttons and the methods slickGoTo , slickNext
Currently this webpage opens to the tab, "Freebies & Extras." I want it to open to the first tab, "Commonwealth & Council." I believe, by default, it will open to the first tab. I tried to locate where it is telling the browser to open it on the third tab but couldn't find it.
I think this is the code you are looking for:
active: 2,
The active option tells the tab control which tab to display.
If you change the active value to 0 (or remove it altogether), it should display the first tab on page load.
Since the activtate event is not triggered for the initially displayed tab, you could move the code from the activate event handler into a separate function, and then call that function both in the activate event handler and when the page first loads.
$(document).ready(function() {
function activateTab(index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 80,
itemMargin: 5,
asNavFor: '#slider'
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
sync: "#carousel"
case 1:
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 80,
itemMargin: 5,
asNavFor: '#slider2'
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
sync: "#carousel2"
active: 0,
collapsible: false,
activate: function(event, ui) {
You need to set the active to 0 in the code
$(document).ready(function() {
active: 2,
collapsible: false,
activate: function(event, ui) {...
When you click the tab 0, then the page runs this code:
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 80,
itemMargin: 5,
asNavFor: '#slider'
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
sync: "#carousel"
Since you are not clicking this tab to start, this code is not running when the tab opens. You need to run the code by yourself. I suggest create a function and call it right after defining the tabs.
The full script would be (maybe something is misplaced, because I haven't run it):
function ClickedTab(carousel, slider){
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 80,
itemMargin: 5,
asNavFor: slider
animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: true,
slideshow: false,
sync: carousel
$(document).ready(function() {
active: 0,
collapsible: false,
activate: function(event, ui) {
switch (ui.newPanel.index()) {
case 0:
ClickedTab("#carousel", "#slider"); break;
case 1:
ClickedTab("#carousel2","#slider2"); break;
ClickedTab("#carousel", "#slider")
I'm using slidesjs and I want make multi sliders
I have 2 sliders #show and #show2, and I want that 2 slidersw work in 1 time: slides will be change in one time.
Now now 1 slider slides change earlier than 2, what is wrong in my code ?
I want that slides will change in one time:
width: 900,
height: 300,
navigation: false,
pagination: {active: false},
play: {
auto: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
effect: "fade",
effect: {
slide: {
speed: 200
fade: {
speed: 300,
crossfade: true
width: 900,
height: 300,
navigation: false,
pagination: {active: false},
play: {
auto: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
effect: "fade",
effect: {
slide: {
speed: 200
fade: {
speed: 300,
crossfade: true
I try .ready but slides also change in different time
Give them both a class, and target them at the same time.
<div class="sliders" id="show"></div>
<div class="sliders" id="show2"></div>
$(".sliders").slidesjs({ ... });