js fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/zxa4h7au/
What I am trying to achieve:
Using jQuery, I would like the dot along the line to move up and down to the point of the paragraph that the user has scrolled on. so for example, the starting point would be "PARAGRAPH" then if I move down to "ANOTHER PARAGRAPH" the dot would then move down to that page.
I have tried to use scroll and animate but this does not work:
$(document).scrollDown(function(e) {
'marginTop' : "+=4000"
Could anyone please tell me where I am going wrong here? Or if there is another way to achieve what I am trying to do.
Maybe I've don't understand. You just need that you blue dot scroll down and scroll up with you page flow, right?
You can achieve this thing in two ways:
1 - CSS solution: just give to the badge this property "position: fixed" and than position it in the right place(centered on the line and with a top value like 0 or 10px;
2 - jQuery solution: check this fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/zxa4h7au/1/
$(window).scroll(function(e) {
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
'marginTop' : scrollTop
Is this what you need or something different?
I just used this code to get my menu highlighted as I scroll down to each each section of my WordPress site:
(function($) {
$("header nav ul").toggleClass("open");
$(window).scroll(function() {
var position = $(this).scrollTop();
$('.section').each(function() {
var target = $(this).offset().top;
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (position >= target) {
$('#primary-menu > li > a').removeClass('active');
$('#primary-menu > li > a[href=#' + id + ']').addClass('active');
color: #fff !important;
Here is the link: http://scentology.burnnotice.co.za
Problem is that the last item(Contact) is not getting highlighted when I scroll all the way down up to contact section.
Also,if I click on a menu item,it goes to the respective section but that menu doesn't get highlighted unless I scroll the page a little bit down'.
How can I solve that?
Thanks in advance
NOTE: It seems that you took that code from my answer to this SO question, I have edited it to cover your case. Other people looking for more code can check it out for a snippet.
So, you have two problems:
The last item is not getting highlighted.
When clicking on a menu item, the page scrolls to the respective section but that menu doesn't get highlighted unless scrolling down the page a little bit.
Problem 1
This one is easy, you just forgot to add the id attribute to the last section :)
It should be:
<section id="contact" class="container contact-us section">
Problem 2
Your click event starts a scroll animation to the corresponding section but, since the navigation bar is on the top of the page, you made the animation to leave a little margin on the top. That margin prevents the section from reaching the top of the page, so the menu item doesn't get highlighted.
#Shnibble pointed you in the right direction, you can add a small positive margin to the value returned by $(window).scrollTop() (or a negative one to the offset().top of the element).
So, following the code you have included, it will be something like:
if (position + my_margin >= target) {
The margin could be the height of your navigation bar:
my_margin = $('#site-navigation').height();
You can, obviously, add a little more or less to tailor it to your needs.
There is a simple solution and it just requires a bit of additional math :)
You are measuring from the top of the (window) viewport and checking to see if it is greater than or equal to the top of a specified target div. Because your content sections are exactly 100% of the viewport, it is impossible for the top of the viewport ever be greater than or equal to the top of the last content div.
What you need to do is offset the point you are measuring from so that you are not measuring from the top of the viewport, but rather some ways down from the top, say halfway or 3/4 of the way down. This will solve both of your issues.
Edit: here is something to get you started, then play around with dividing the window height by 1/2 or something like that:
var position = $(this).scrollTop() + $(window).height;
Let me start of by saying, I'm just now learning JS and Jquery, so my knowledge is very limited.
I've been looking around for 2 days now, and tried all sorts of combinations. But I just can't get this to work.
Below is an example of the layout
I'm looking for a way to trigger an event when div 1 is X px from the top of the screen. Or when div 1 collides with div 2.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to change the css of div 2 (the fixed menu) when div 1 is (in this case) 100px from the top of screen (browser window). Alternatively, when div1 passes div2 (I'm using responsive design, so the fixed height from top might become a problem on smaller screens right? Seeing as the header for example won't be there on a hand held.). So maybe collision detection is better here? Would really appreciate some thoughts and input on this matter.
Another issue is, div2 has to revert back to is previous css once div1 passes it (going back (beyond the 100px)).
This is what I have but it has no effect
$(document).ready(function() {
var content = $('#div1');
var top = $('#div2');
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
if(content.offset().top <= 100) {
top.css({'opacity': 0.8});
top.css({'opacity': 1});
I am not sure of the reason but $("#content").offset().top was giving a constant value on console. So I added window.scrollTOp() to check its distance from top, here is how it works,
$(document).ready(function() {
var top = $("#menu");
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
if(($('#content').offset().top - $(window).scrollTop()) <= 100){
top.css({'opacity': 0.4});
top.css({'opacity': 1});
This is my code:
$( document ).ready(function() {
var target = $(".passthis").offset().top-$(window).height();
$(document).scroll(function() {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= target) {
<div class="passthis" style="text-align:center;font-size:20px;margin-top:815px;">
Scroll Below here
Right now this code will show div.something only when the user passes div.passthis. The .passthis div is exactly at the bottom of the screen. Howver, I want to move .passthis the middle of the screen but being new to JS i am unsure how i can modify my script to do that. Can I use a number for x,y or something?
What can I do to move the .passthis to the middle of the screen and still make .something show after the user passes .passthis.
Here is a jsFiddle demo that you are welcome to play with. As I explained, if the window never scrolls, nothing is going to happen (.something will never appear). Additionally, you can see the numbers for the different values in this demo. It should give you an idea of what you're shooting for as far as the MATH of it all is concerned. As recommended above, you should read up on jQuery's .scrollTop() and other window dimensional methods and values.
I would like a div to appear and slide down once you scroll pass the header.
Here's what it should look like:
Here's what I got so far but it's not working.
You'll need to find out the height of the header and its position on the page then just show or hide the div depending on the scrollTop value using jquery.
For example:
// Get the headers position from the top of the page, plus its own height
var startY = $('header').position().top + $('header').outerHeight();
function checkY(){
if( $(window).scrollTop() > startY ){
// Do this on load just in case the user starts half way down the page
Then you'll just need to set the .fixedDiv to position:fixed: top: 0; left: 0;
Edit: I've added a checkY() function that you can call whenever the page loads as well as on scroll. To hide it initially though, just use CSS.
You might want to just show and hide your div rather than pseudo class AND hide and show
then (on scroll):
set what you want your div to look like i.e. 0,0 and fixed
Use the Keep It Simple method!
I've updated your jsfiddle with something you can try.
Try this:
Also, this article was helpful:
So I previously asked a question about how to create a banner like the one shown here and I got a really good answer to start me off. I have been working on it since and I'm having a lot of problems getting the animation to slide back to it's original position.
Here is my animation: http://jsfiddle.net/43nCF/ (don't click the green block first)
Issue: After the first time you toggle a block, clicking another block will not move it to the left.
I also have some other minor issues which I would be grateful if someone helped me with.
How do I get the width and the moving of the blocks to animate simultaneously like in the banner animation I am trying to replicate?
How do I get the block to slide back to the original position instead of just kind of 'transporting' there?
I am only beginner at jQuery so any help would be amazing.Thanks.
As for the positioning problem: you need to drop the left declaration in your second function.
Regarding making the animation act simultanous: animate both the right and the width property for each element, in one call:
function() {
var position = $.data(this, 'position');
var ind = $(this).index();
//moves image back to original position
$('#container div').each(
function() {
right: "",
width: 100
Working example here.
I see you have a response.
In case this version is of any help to you:
Instead of altering the divs other than the one being affected, I wrapped them all in a #slider div and adjusted that one's left margin to push it to the left.
marginLeft: '-' + ind * 105 + 'px'
and back
marginLeft: 0 + 'px'
There is a much easier way altogether of doing this. By using jQuery's scrollTo plugin, this can be done in a mere few lines of code, without using indices, calculations, or anything of that nature.
Live Demo http://jsfiddle.net/Jaybles/WEzny/