display: none/block onclick messes up - javascript

I am having troubles for some reason, and I can't seem to find out how...
I am making a quiz, which starts with a start button, and has buttons "next" and "prev" buttons.. When I hit the start button, the question 1 and answer 1 will come up and the start button disappears, when I then hit next it is loading in the second question, but not the answer 2
my code:
// Hide / Show actions
function hideStartButton() { document.getElementById("start-button").style.display = "none";}
function showAnswers1() { document.getElementById("answers1").style.display = "block"; }
function hideAnswers1() { document.getElementById("answers1").style.display = "none"; }
function showAnswers2() { document.getElementById("answers2").style.display = "block"; }
function hideAnswers2() { document.getElementById("answers2").style.display = "none"; }
Complete code: http://jsfiddle.net/5jz092cb/
it does load answers2 when I don't use hideAnswer1(); else it comes up blank?

.hidden {display: none;}
function change(id,c)
if (id_(id)) {id_(id).className = c; if (id_(id).className=='') {id_(id).removeAttribute('class');}}
else if (id) {id.className = c; if (id.className=='') {id.removeAttribute('class');}}
else {alert('Error: the class id \''+id+'\' was not found or has not yet been imported to the DOM.\n\nNew class intended: '+c);}
Also you need to hide and show layers simultaneously often in these kind of scenarios so you may very well need to do something like loop through and hide all the elements except the one you want to hide.


Why is the imagine not displayed while beeing "inline". js/html

I want to show and hide a picture by using one button. when it's clicked, the picture is displayed and a variable is set to 1. so that when you press the button the next time, the picture will be hidden again.
After the button is pressed, I console.log the value of set variable + if the picture is displayed or not. Console says that the Picture is "inline". But the picture is not on my screen.
I think all you need is the js function. If you need more information. just comment. thank's!
function showHideM(){
let open;
open = 0
if (open == 0){
open = 1;
document.getElementById("melmanId").style.display = "inline";
if (open == 1){
open = 0;
document.getElementById("melmanId").style.display = "none";
You don't really need flags to maintain the state of the image's visibility. You can use classList's toggle method to toggle a class on/off or, in this case, visible/hidden, which makes things a little easier.
// Cache the elements, and add an event listener
// to the button
const img = document.querySelector('img');
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
// Toggle the "hidden" class
function handleClick() {
.hidden { visibility: hidden; }
img { display: block; margin-bottom: 1em; }
button:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #fffff0; }
<img class="hidden" src="https://dummyimage.com/100x100/000/fff">
Additional documentation
Note: this will replace all the styles applied to 'melmanId'
let show = true;
function showHideM() {
show = !show;
document.getElementById("melmanId").style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById("melmanId").style.display = "none";

Autoscroll when div appears and when details/summary is clicked

I'm trying to figure out how to add autoscroll till the end of the page/div in 2 different situations as I'm new to JS.
1)When a div is appearing from display:none to block.
For example, here is when my alert appears and I want it to be fully shown. Is there a way to add in a piece of automatic code here? I made it mechanically so far.
document.querySelector('button').onclick = function() {
if(document.querySelector('select').value === "a") {
rightAlert.style.display = 'block';
wrongAlert.style.display = 'none';
window.scrollBy(0, 100);
When details/summary are clicked and expanded, with the traditional structure (Details, Summary, P)
document.querySelector('summary').onclick = function() {
window.scrollBy(0, 100);
but it didn't work.
Thanks a lot!

Is it possible to use transitions with display none to display block

I'm still developing a genius forum for my website. I want to add some fancy javascript effects. I don't want to use jQuery for now.
My problem is the following: I have an element which appears by checking if the value of the function is true or false. With those check my article shows or hides.
My question is: Is it possible to use transitions so that my block drops down like the way transitions do?
The first js function describes the check and the next function hides or show my article when the values are not empty.
function CheckEmptyValues() {
var inputFields = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var textFields = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
var postData = [inputFields, textFields];
for(var i=0; i<postData.length; i++) {
for(var j=0; j<postData[i].length; j++) {
if(postData[i][j].value !== '') {
return false;
return true;
function showPreview() {
if (CheckEmptyValues() === false) {
this.prevPost.style.display = "block";
else {
this.prevPost.style.display = "none";
When my emptyvalues are false the article appears and if not, it disappears. But when this happens you see only show or hide, no further effect or something.
I want to make this something like this effect: http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss3_transition1
The height value should start with 0 and end with 150 height or something like that.
Does anyone have a solution how to make this look cool?
Thanks in advance.
No, you can't, display is defined as non animatable.
If you want workarounds, see CSS3 Animation and Display None.
No, display doesn't come in transition-property. But, you can try opacity and for the display:block , put it in your div:hover or only div css.
You could use opacity, and set it to 0 or 1:
this.prevPost.style.display = "block";
this.prevPost.style.opacity = 1;

player plays two times on first click

I am having a tough time I have a code where you click on a image and if it possible to move it to next cell the it should move
function changecell(a){
var moved=false;
if(a%3 !=0) {
if(ij[a-1]==0) {
if(moved==true) {
move.innerHTML = no;
if((a+1)%3 !=0 && moved==false) {
if(ij[a+1]==0) {
if(moved==true) {
move.innerHTML = no;
function playTick() {
function swap(x1,x2) {
var temp=ij[x1];
var p = eval("document.images.i"+x1);
p = eval("document.images.i"+x2);
my problem is for first click the sound plays for two times and then after that it plays once as it is supposed to play.
Does anybody have any idea about this?
I did put an alert() in the if(moved==true) loop the alert shows only for once but sound plays twice. Suppose the if(moved==true) was getting executed again wouldn't I get another alert()?
I'm thinking that both the if conditions are being satisfied on the first run so the playTick() method is being called twice. Without knowing the value of a, i cannot be sure.

display message javascript while a calculation is being made

I have been looking around and I cannot seem to figure out how to do this, although it seems like it would be very simple.(mobile development)
What I am trying to do is display a message (kind of like an alert, but not an alert, more like a dialog) while a calculation is being made. Simply like a Loading please wait. I want the message to appear and stay there while the calculation is being done and then be removed. I just cannot seem to find a proper way of doing this.
The submit button is pressed and first checks to make sure all the forms are filled out then it should show the message, it does the calculation, then hides the message.
Here is the Calculation function.
function scpdResults(form) {
//call all of the "choice" functions here
//otherwise, when the page is refreshed, the pulldown might not match the variable
//this shouldn't be a problem, but this is the defensive way to code it
//restore these fields to their default values every time submit is clicked
//this puts the results table into a known state
//it is also used in error checking in the populateResults function
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = "Results:";
document.getElementById('fuse_cb_sel').innerHTML = "Fuse/CB 1:";
document.getElementById('fuse_cb_sel_2').innerHTML = "Fuse/CB 2:";
document.getElementById('fuse_cb_result').innerHTML = "(result1)";
document.getElementById('fuse_cb_res_2').innerHTML = "(result2)";
document.getElementById('sccr_2').innerHTML = "<b>Fault Rating:</b>";
document.getElementById('sccr_result').innerHTML = "(result)";
document.getElementById('sccr_result_2').innerHTML = "(result)";
document.getElementById('contactor_result').innerHTML = "(result)";
document.getElementById('controller_result').innerHTML = "(result)";
//Make sure something has been selected for each variable
if (product === "Choose an Option." || product === "") {
alert("You must select a value for every field. Select a Value for Product");
} else {
//valid entries, so jump to results table
document.location.href = '#results_a';
******This is where the message should start being displayed***********
document.getElementById('motor_result').innerHTML = motorRatingVal + " " + motorRatingType;
document.getElementById('voltage_res_2').innerHTML = voltage + " V";
document.getElementById('product_res_2').innerHTML = product;
document.getElementById('connection_res_2').innerHTML = connection;
document.getElementById('disconnect_res_2').innerHTML = disconnect;
if (BLAH) {
else {
document.getElementById('CalculatedResults').style.display = "block";
} //end massive else statement that ensures all fields have values
*****Close out of the Loading message********
} //scpd results
Thank you all for your time, it is greatly appreciated
It is a good idea to separate your display code from the calculation code. It should roughly look like this
If you are having trouble with any of those steps, please add it to your question.
Computers are fast. Really fast. Most modern computers can do several billion instructions per second. Therefore, I'm fairly certain you can rely on a a setTimeout function to fire around 1000ms to be sufficient to show a loading message.
if (product === "Choose an Option." || product === "") {
/* ... */
} else {
/* ... */
var loader = document.getElementById('loader');
loader.style.display = 'block';
window.setTimeout(function() {
loader.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('CalculatedResults').style.display = "block";
}, 1000);
<div id="loader" style="display: none;">Please wait while we calculate.</div>
You need to give the UI main thread a chance to render your message before starting your calculation.
This is often done like this:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
Using the timer allows the code to fall through into the event loop, update the UI, and then start up the calculation.
You're already using a section to pop up a "results" page -- why not pop up a "calculating" page?
Really, there are 4,000,000 different ways of tackling this problem, but why not try writing a "displayCalculatingMessage" function and a "removeCalculatingMessage" function, if you don't want to get all object-oriented on such a simple thing.
function displayCalculatingMessage () {
var submit_button = getSubmitButton();
submit_button.disabled = true;
// optionally get all inputs and disable those, as well
// now, you can either do something like pop up another hidden div,
// that has the loading message in it...
// or you could do something like:
var loading_span = document.createElement("span");
loading_span.id = "loading-message";
loading_span.innerText = "working...";
submit_button.parentElement.replaceChild(loading_span, submit_button);
function removeCalculatingMessage () {
var submit_button = getSubmitButton(),
loading_span = document.getElementById("loading-message");
submit_button.disabled = false;
loading_span.parentElement.replaceChild(submit_button, loading_span);
// and then reenable any other disabled elements, et cetera.
// then bring up your results div...
// ...or bring up your results div and do this after
There are a billion ways of accomplishing this, it all comes down to how you want it to appear to the user -- WHAT you want to have happen.
