Meteor template helper & document.write issue - javascript

I am looking to display a simple javascript calendar within a meteor-ionic template. I have the page setup correctly but when I write in the template helper: return document.write(buildCal(...)) the calendar hijacks the page and none of the other elements display. When I just code return buildCal(.....), it just prints out the all of the divs and not html. Can someone tell me what I am missing here?
function buildCal(m, y, cM, cH, cDW, cD, brdr) {
var mn = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
var dim = [31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
var oD = new Date(y, m - 1, 1); //DD replaced line to fix date bug when current day is 31st
oD.od = oD.getDay() + 1; //DD replaced line to fix date bug when current day is 31st
var todaydate = new Date() //DD added
var scanfortoday = (y == todaydate.getFullYear() && m == todaydate.getMonth() + 1) ? todaydate.getDate() : 0 //DD added
dim[1] = (((oD.getFullYear() % 100 != 0) && (oD.getFullYear() % 4 == 0)) || (oD.getFullYear() % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28;
var t = '<div class="' + cM + '"><table class="' + cM + '" cols="7" cellpadding="0" border="' + brdr + '" cellspacing="0"><tr align="center">';
t += '<td colspan="7" align="center" class="' + cH + '">' + mn[m - 1] + ' - ' + y + '</td></tr><tr align="center">';
for (s = 0; s < 7; s++) t += '<td class="' + cDW + '">' + "SMTWTFS".substr(s, 1) + '</td>';
t += '</tr><tr align="center">';
for (i = 1; i <= 42; i++) {
var x = ((i - oD.od >= 0) && (i - oD.od < dim[m - 1])) ? i - oD.od + 1 : ' ';
if (x == scanfortoday) //DD added
x = '<span id="today">' + x + '</span>' //DD added
t += '<td class="' + cD + '">' + x + '</td>';
if (((i) % 7 == 0) && (i < 36)) t += '</tr><tr align="center">';
return t += '</tr></table></div>';
currentcalendar: function() {
var todaydate = new Date();
var curmonth = todaydate.getMonth() + 1; //get current month (1-12)
var curyear = todaydate.getFullYear(); //get current year
return document.write(buildCal(curmonth, curyear, "main", "month", "daysofweek", "days", 1));
<template name="calendar">
{{#contentFor "headerButtonLeft"}}
{{>ionNavBackButton path="index"}}
{{#contentFor "headerTitle"}}
<h1 class="title">Calendar</h1>

Just return buildCal() instead of document.write(buildCal()) - you almost never use document.write() in Meteor, templates give you dynamic content.


Javascript loop through date/times in vali increments

I've trying to build out a table from a start time until the end of day in defined increments.
eg: if the user selects 15 minute increment starting from 8:10am, the times goes
My current code does not correct work out we've changed to the next hour and then start the offset again, eg i get:
Here is a JSFiddle
Here is the code I have so far;
// from select:
let $first_hour = 8;
let $first_minute = 10;
let day_count = 1; // don't worry about this;
let duration = 15; // increment
var offset = 0;
var current_time = parseInt($first_hour + $first_minute);
for (var i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
if (current_time < 2400) {
var time_string = ('' + current_time);
var time_minutes = parseInt(time_string.substring(time_string.length - 2));
if (time_minutes < 60) {
// offset = 0;
times += '<tr>';
for (var d = 1; d <= day_count; d++) {
times += '<td>d: ' + d + ' : time: ' + current_time + ' ->' + time_string.substring(time_string.length - 2) + ' offset: ' + offset +'</td>';
times += '</tr>';
} else {
offset = (time_minutes - 60);
// times += '<tr>';
// times += '<td>o:' + offset + ' tm: ' + time_minutes + '</td>';
// time_minutes = offset;
// times += '</td>';
console.log('current_time: ' + current_time);
current_time = parseInt(current_time + duration + offset);
In this line your else offset has to be reset to 0
for (var d = 1; d <= SP.new_conference.day_count; d++) {
times += '<td>d: ' + d + ' : time: ' + current_time + ' ->' + time_minutes + ' offset: ' + offset +'</td>';
// times += '</tr>';
} else {
offset = 0;
and then your current time and offset should look like this
current_time = parseInt(current_time + SP.new_conference.duration );
I have fixed this issues in the jsfiddle if you want to have a look

Script does not show original image

Guys I have a script that shows blogger articles, only the images of the articles are of poor quality.
Looking at the script the only part that refers to the image is this
// Get the post thumbnails
postimg = ("media$thumbnail" in entry) ?$thumbnail.url : imgBlank;
// Build the post template
output += '<div class="itemposts">';
output += '<h6>' + posttitle + '</h6>';
output += '<div class="iteminside"><img src="' + postimg + '" />';
output += '<span class="summary">' + postsumm + '</span></div>';
output += '<div style="clear:both;"></div><div class="itemfoot">' + timepub + replies + '<a class="itemrmore" href="' + posturl + '">' + rmoreText + '</a></div>';
output += '</div>';
css code:
.itemposts img {
margin:2px 10px 2px 0px;
border:1px solid #dcdcdc;
Does anyone know which part of the code needs to be changed to show the image with the original quality?
added full code full code
var showPostDate = true,
showComments = true,
idMode = true,
sortByLabel = false,
labelSorter = "Games",
loadingText = "Loading...",
totalPostLabel = "Jumlah posting:",
jumpPageLabel = "Halaman",
commentsLabel = "Komentar",
rmoreText = "Selengkapnya ►",
prevText = "Sebelumnya",
nextText = "Berikutnya",
siteUrl = "",
postPerPage = 6,
numChars = 370,
<script type='text/javascript'>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original:
// Modified by Taufik Nurrohman
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var minpage = 6; // Minimum number to display the page
var maxpage = 10; // The maximum number of pages to display
var firstpage = 0; // Detect the first time it is executed
var pagernum = 0; // Contain the page number where we
var postsnum = 0; // Start the first page
var actualpage = 1; // Starting value of the current page (it will change if you click the pagination).
// This is the container template that will be used to insert the posts template, pagination and the posts count
document.write('<div id="toc-outer"><div id="results"></div><div id="itempager" style="position:relative;"><div id="pagination"></div><div id="totalposts"></div><a title="Taufik Nurrohman" style="display:block!important;visibility:visible!important;opacity:1!important;position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:14px;font:normal bold 8px Arial,Sans-Serif!important;color:#666;text-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.1);text-decoration:none;" href="" target="_blank">►TN</a></div></div>');
var _results = document.getElementById('results');
var _pagination = document.getElementById('pagination');
var _totalposts = document.getElementById('totalposts');
// Build the table of contents framework
function showPagePosts(json) {
var entry, posttitle, posturl, postimg, postsumm, replies, monthnames, timepub, output = "";
if (pagernum === 0) {
postsnum = parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t);
pagernum = parseInt(postsnum / postPerPage) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < postPerPage; i++) {
if ("entry" in json.feed) {
if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
entry = json.feed.entry[i];
posttitle = entry.title.$t; // Get the post title
// Get rel="alternate" for truly post url
for (var k = 0, elen =; k < elen; k++) {
if ([k].rel == "alternate") {
posturl =[k].href; // This is your real post URL!
// Get the comments count
for (var l = 0, clen =; l < clen; l++) {
if ([l].rel == "replies" &&[l].type == "text/html") {
var commentsnum =[l].title.split(" ")[0]; // This is your comments count
// If the Blogger-feed is set to SHORT, then the content is in the summary-field
postsumm = ("summary" in entry) ? entry.summary.$t.replace(/<br ?\/?>/ig, " ").replace(/<.*?>/g, "").replace(/[<>]/g, "") : ""; // Get the post summary
// Reduce post summaries to "numChars" characters.
// "numChars" is a variable. You determine the value
if (postsumm.length > numChars) {
postsumm = (numChars > 0 && numChars !== false) ? postsumm.substring(0, numChars) + '...' : "";
// Get the post date (e.g: 2012-02-07T12:56:00.000+07:00)
var _postdate = entry.published.$t,
_cdyear = _postdate.substring(0, 4), // Take 4 characters from the "postdate" beginning, it means the year (2012)
_cdmonth = _postdate.substring(5, 7), // Take 2 character 5 step from "postdate" beginning, it mean the month (02)
_cdday = _postdate.substring(8, 10); // Take 2 character 8 step from "postdate" beginning. it means the day (07)
// Month array template
monthnames = (idMode) ? ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Agt", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des"] : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
// The final product of the post date = (07 Feb 2012) (cdday monthnames cdyear)
timepub = (showPostDate) ? _cdday + ' ' + monthnames[parseInt(_cdmonth, 10) - 1] + ' ' + _cdyear + ' - ' : '';
// The final product of the comments count & comments label (10 Komentar) (commentsnum commentsLabel)
replies = (showComments) ? commentsnum + ' ' + commentsLabel : '';
// Get the post thumbnails
postimg = ("media$thumbnail" in entry) ?$thumbnail.url : imgBlank;
// Build the post template
output += '<div class="itemposts">';
output += '<h6>' + posttitle + '</h6>';
output += '<div class="iteminside"><img src="' + postimg + '" />';
output += '<span class="summary">' + postsumm + '</span></div>';
output += '<div style="clear:both;"></div><div class="itemfoot">' + timepub + replies + '<a class="itemrmore" href="' + posturl + '">' + rmoreText + '</a></div>';
output += '</div>';
// Put the whole template above into <div id="results"></div>
_results.innerHTML = output;
// Build the pagination
function _create_pagination() {
output = "";
var starter = 0;
output += ((actualpage > 1) ? '<a title="' + prevText + '" class="prevjson" href="javascript:_init_script(' + (actualpage - 1) + ')">' + prevText + '</a>' : '<span class="prevjson hidden">' + prevText + '</span>') + '<em style="font:inherit;color:inherit;" class="pagernumber">';
if (pagernum < (maxpage + 1)) {
for (starter = 1; starter <= pagernum; starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
} else if (pagernum > (maxpage - 1)) {
if (actualpage < minpage) {
for (starter = 1; starter < (maxpage - 2); starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
output += ' ... ';
output += '' + parseInt(pagernum - 1) + '';
output += '' + pagernum + '';
} else if (pagernum - (minpage - 1) > actualpage && actualpage > (minpage - 1)) {
output += '1';
output += '2';
output += ' ... ';
for (starter = actualpage - 2; starter <= actualpage + 2; starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
output += ' ... ';
output += '' + parseInt(pagernum - 1) + '';
output += '' + pagernum + '';
} else {
output += '1';
output += '2';
output += ' ... ';
for (starter = pagernum - (minpage + 1); starter <= pagernum; starter++) {
output += (starter == actualpage) ? '<span class="actual">' + starter + '</span>' : '' + starter + '';
output += '</em>' + ((actualpage < starter - 1) ? '<a title="' + nextText + '" class="nextjson" href="javascript:_init_script(' + (actualpage + 1) + ')">' + nextText + '</a>' : '<span class="nextjson hidden">' + nextText + '</span>');
_pagination.innerHTML = output;
_totalposts.innerHTML = totalPostLabel + ' ' + postsnum + ' - ' + jumpPageLabel + ' ' + ((actualpage * postPerPage) - (postPerPage - 1)) + ((actualpage < starter - 1) ? ' - ' + (actualpage * postPerPage) : "");
// Functions to remove and append the callback script that has been manipulated in the `start-index` parameter
function _init_script(n) {
var parameter = (n * postPerPage) - (postPerPage - 1), old, s,
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
url = (sortByLabel) ? siteUrl + '/feeds/posts/summary/-/' + labelSorter + '?start-index=' + parameter : siteUrl + '/feeds/posts/summary?start-index=' + parameter; // Optional: Sort posts by a specific label
if (firstpage == 1) {
// Jump to top
document.documentElement.scrollTop = _results.offsetTop - 30;
document.body.scrollTop = _results.offsetTop - 30;
// Remove the old callback script
old = document.getElementById("TEMPORAL");
_results.innerHTML = '<div id="loadingscript">' + loadingText + '</div>';
_pagination.innerHTML = '';
_totalposts.innerHTML = '';
s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.src = url + '&max-results=' + postPerPage + '&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showPagePosts'; = 'TEMPORAL';
firstpage = 1;
actualpage = n;
// Execute the _init_script() function with parameter as `1` on page load
// So it will show the first page.
window.onload = function() {
Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures or videos
So you need to get the original image
In some cases you have the size in the url, like in this one at the end of url
You can simply remove that part and get the full size of the image
In your case you have a url like this
you can change to
This post explain very well how you can use List of all the App Engine images service get_serving_url() URI options

Multiday Calendar Datepicker JQuery Plugin

I'm using jQuery plugin from these websites web , github.
This is screenshot whith my problem:
For some reason some months are not full ie. last day in month transfer in next month. Why?
This is JavaScript:
(function($) {
$.fn.jCal = function(opt) {
$.jCal(this, opt);
$.jCal = function(target, opt) {
opt = $.extend({
day : new Date(),
days : 1,
showMonths : 1,
monthSelect : false,
dCheck : function(day) {
return true;
callback : function(day, days) {
return true;
selectedBG : 'rgb(0, 143, 214)',
defaultBG : 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
dayOffset : 0,
forceWeek : false,
dow : [ 'S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S' ],
ml : [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
ms : [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],
_target : target
}, opt); = new Date(,, 1);
if (!$(opt._target).data('days')) $(opt._target).data('days', opt.days);
for (var sm = 0; sm < opt.showMonths; sm++) $(target).append('<div class="jCalMo"></div>');
opt.cID = 'c' + $('.jCalMo').length;$('.jCalMo', target).each(function(ind) {
drawCalControl($(this), $.extend({}, opt, {
'ind' : ind,
'day' : new Date(new Date( Date( + ind))
}));drawCal($(this), $.extend({}, opt, {
'ind' : ind,
'day' : new Date(new Date( Date( + ind))
if ($(opt._target).data('day') && $(opt._target).data('days')) reSelectDates(target, $(opt._target).data('day'), $(opt._target).data('days'), opt);
function drawCalControl(target, opt) {
$(target).append('<div class="jCal">' + ((opt.ind == 0) ? '<div class="left" />' : '') + '<div class="month">' + '<span class="monthYear">' + + '</span>' + '<span class="monthName">' +[] + '</span>' + '</div>' + ((opt.ind == (opt.showMonths - 1)) ? '<div class="right" />' : '') + '</div>');
if (opt.monthSelect) $(target).find('.jCal .monthName, .jCal .monthYear').bind('mouseover', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', == 0) $(this).addClass($(this).attr('class') + 'Hover');
}).bind('mouseout', function() {
}).bind('click', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
$('.jCalMo .monthSelector, .jCalMo .monthSelectorShadow').remove();
var monthName = $(this).hasClass('monthName'),
pad = Math.max(parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')), parseInt($(this).css('padding-left'))) || 2,
calcTop = (($(this).offset()).top - ((monthName ? : 2) * ($(this).height() + 0)));
calcTop = calcTop > 0 ? calcTop : 0;
var topDiff = ($(this).offset()).top - calcTop;
$('<div class="monthSelectorShadow" style="' + 'top:' + $( + 'px; ' + 'left:' + $( + 'px; ' + 'width:' + ($( + (parseInt($('paddingLeft')) || 0) + (parseInt($('paddingRight')) || 0)) + 'px; ' + 'height:' + ($( + (parseInt($('paddingTop')) || 0) + (parseInt($('paddingBottom')) || 0)) + 'px;">' + '</div>').css('opacity', 0.01).appendTo($(this).parent());$('<div class="monthSelector" style="' + 'top:' + calcTop + 'px; ' + 'left:' + (($(this).offset()).left) + 'px; ' + 'width:' + ($(this).width() + (pad * 2)) + 'px;">' + '</div>').css('opacity', 0).appendTo($(this).parent());
for (var di = (monthName ? 0 : -2), dd = (monthName ? 12 : 3); di < dd; di++) $(this).clone().removeClass('monthYearHover').removeClass('monthNameHover').addClass('monthSelect').attr('id', monthName ? (di + 1) + '_1_' + : ( + 1) + '_1_' + ( + di)).html(monthName ?[di] : ( + di)).css('top', ($(this).height() * di)).appendTo($(this).parent().find('.monthSelector'));
var moSel = $(this).parent().find('.monthSelector').get(0),
diffOff = $(moSel).height() - ($(moSel).height() - topDiff);
$(moSel).css('clip', 'rect(' + diffOff + 'px ' + ($(this).width() + (pad * 2)) + 'px ' + diffOff + 'px 0px)').animate({
'opacity' : .92,
'clip' : 'rect(0px ' + ($(this).width() + (pad * 2)) + 'px ' + $(moSel).height() + 'px 0px)'
}, 'fast', function() {
$(this).parent().find('.monthSelectorShadow').bind('mouseover click', function() {
'opacity' : .1
}, 'fast');$('.jCalMo .monthSelect','mouseover mouseout click', $.extend({},, function(e) {
if (e.type == 'click') $($.extend(, {
day : new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/_/g, '/'))
$(target).find('.jCal .left').bind('click', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', > 0) return false;
var mD = {
w : 0,
h : 0
$('.jCalMo', {
mD.w += $(this).width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right'));
var cH = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'));
mD.h = ((cH > mD.h) ? cH : mD.h);
});$('<div class="jCalMo"></div>'); = new Date($('div[id*=' + + 'd_]:first','id').replace( + 'd_', '').replace(/_/g, '/'));; - 1);drawCalControl($('.jCalMo:first',,;drawCal($('.jCalMo:first',,;
if ( > 1) {
$('.right',$('.jCalMo:eq(' + ( - 1) + ') .jCal',;$('.left:last, .right:last',;
$('<div class="jCalSpace" style="width:' + mD.w + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;"></div>');$('.jCalMo','<div class="jCalMask" style="clip:rect(0px ' + mD.w + 'px ' + mD.h + 'px 0px); width:' + (mD.w + (mD.w / + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;">' + '<div class="jCalMove"></div>' + '</div>');$('.jCalMove','margin-left', ((mD.w / * -1) + 'px').css('opacity', 0.5).animate({
marginLeft : '0px'
}, 'fast', function() {
$(this).children('.jCalMo:not(:last)').appendTo($(;$('.jCalSpace, .jCalMask',;
if ($('day')) reSelectDates(, $('day'), $('days'),;
});$(target).find('.jCal .right').bind('click', $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', > 0) return false;
var mD = {
w : 0,
h : 0
$('.jCalMo', {
mD.w += $(this).width() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-right'));
var cH = $(this).height() + parseInt($(this).css('padding-top')) + parseInt($(this).css('padding-bottom'));
mD.h = ((cH > mD.h) ? cH : mD.h);
});$('<div class="jCalMo"></div>'); = new Date($('div[id^=' + + 'd_]:last','id').replace( + 'd_', '').replace(/_/g, '/'));; + 1);drawCalControl($('.jCalMo:last',,;drawCal($('.jCalMo:last',,;
if ( > 1) {
$('.left',$('.jCalMo:eq(1) .jCal',;$('.left:first, .right:first',;
$('<div class="jCalSpace" style="width:' + mD.w + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;"></div>');$('.jCalMo','<div class="jCalMask" style="clip:rect(0px ' + mD.w + 'px ' + mD.h + 'px 0px); width:' + (mD.w + (mD.w / + 'px; height:' + mD.h + 'px;">' + '<div class="jCalMove"></div>' + '</div>');$('.jCalMove','opacity', 0.5).animate({
marginLeft : ((mD.w / * -1) + 'px'
}, 'fast', function() {
$(this).children('.jCalMo:not(:first)').appendTo($(;$('.jCalSpace, .jCalMask',;
if ($('day')) reSelectDates(, $('day'), $('days'),;
});$('.jCal', target).each(function() {
var width = $(this).parent().width() - ($('.left', this).width() || 0) - ($('.right', this).width() || 0);
$('.month', this).css('width', width).find('.monthName, .monthYear').css('width', ((width / 2) - 4));
});$(window).load(function() {
$('.jCal', target).each(function() {
var width = $(this).parent().width() - ($('.left', this).width() || 0) - ($('.right', this).width() || 0);
$('.month', this).css('width', width).find('.monthName, .monthYear').css('width', ((width / 2) - 4));
function reSelectDates(target, day, days, opt) {
var fDay = new Date(day.getTime());
var sDay = new Date(day.getTime());
for (var fC = false, di = 0, dC = days; di < dC; di++) {
var dF = $(target).find('div[id*=d_' + (sDay.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDay.getDate() + '_' + sDay.getFullYear() + ']');
if (dF.length > 0) {
fC = true;
sDay.setDate(sDay.getDate() + 1);
if (fC && typeof opt.callback == 'function') opt.callback(day, days);
function drawCal(target, opt) {
for (var ds = 0, length = opt.dow.length; ds < length; ds++) {
$(target).append('<div class="dow">' + opt.dow[ds] + '</div>');
var fd = new Date(new Date(;
var ldlm = new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setDate(0));
var ld = new Date(new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setMonth(fd.getMonth() + 1)).setDate(0));
var copt = {
fd : fd.getDay(),
lld : ldlm.getDate(),
ld : ld.getDate()
var offsetDayStart = ((copt.fd < opt.dayOffset) ? (opt.dayOffset - 7) : 1);
var offsetDayEnd = ((ld.getDay() < opt.dayOffset) ? (7 - ld.getDay()) : ld.getDay());
for (var d = offsetDayStart, dE = (copt.fd + copt.ld + (7 - offsetDayEnd)); d < dE; d++) $(target).append(((d <= (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="pday">' + (copt.lld - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) - d)) + '</div>' : ((d > ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="aday">' + (d - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) + '</div>' : '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd_' + (fd.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '_' + fd.getFullYear() + '" class="' + ((opt.dCheck(new Date((new Date(fd.getTime())).setDate(d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset))))) ? 'day' : 'invday') + '">' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '</div>')));
$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:first, div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:nth-child(7n+2)').before('<br style="clear:both; font-size:0.1em;" />');$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd_]:not(.invday)').bind("mouseover mouseout click", $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', > 0) return false;
var osDate = new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/c[0-9]{1,}d_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{4})/, '$1/$2/$3'));
if ( osDate.setDate(osDate.getDate() + ( - osDate.getDay()));
var sDate = new Date(osDate.getTime());
if (e.type == 'click') $('div[id*=d_]','selectedDay').removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
for (var di = 0, ds = $('days'); di < ds; di++) {
var currDay = $('#' + + 'd_' + (sDate.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDate.getDate() + '_' + sDate.getFullYear());
if (currDay.length == 0 || $(currDay).hasClass('invday')) break;
if (e.type == 'mouseover') $(currDay).addClass('overDay');
else if (e.type == 'mouseout') $(currDay).stop().removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
else if (e.type == 'click') $(currDay).stop().addClass('selectedDay');
sDate.setDate(sDate.getDate() + 1);
if (e.type == 'click') { = osDate;, di);
di = ds;$('day','days', di);
And code in html:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="${contextPath}include/js/jCal.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
var calSettings = {
1:{calDay: 0, names: ['S','M','T','W','T','F','S']}, //sunday
2:{calDay: 1, names: ['M','T','W','T','F','S','S']}, //monday
3:{calDay: -5, names: ['T','W','T','F','S','S','M']}, //tuesday
4:{calDay: -4, names: ['W','T','F','S','S','M','T']}, //wednesday
5:{calDay: -3, names: ['T','F','S','S','M','T','W']}, //thursday
6:{calDay: -2, names: ['F','S','S','M','T','W','T']}, //friday
7:{calDay: -1, names: ['S','S','M','T','W','T','F']}}; //saturday
busyDays= new Array($busyDays);
calendarMaxDateTime = $calendarMaxDate.getTime();
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
day: new Date($calendarSetDate.getTime()),
days: 7,
showMonths: 5,
monthSelect: true,
forceWeek: true, // force full week selection
dow: calSettings[${defaultCheckinDay}].names,
callback: function (day, days) {
if(days==7){//disabling selection of periods shorter than 7 days
return true;
I dont know where is problem, i looking in this script few hours i cant detect bug. Plz help.
I changes two line of code in this function in JavaScript and now works:
function drawCal(target, opt) {
for (var ds = 0, length = opt.dow.length; ds < length; ds++) $(target).append('<div class="dow">' + opt.dow[ds] + '</div>');
var fd = new Date(new Date(;
var ldlm = new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setDate(0));
var ld = new Date(new Date(new Date(fd.getTime()).setMonth(fd.getMonth() + 1)).setDate(0));
var copt = {
fd : fd.getDay(),
lld : ldlm.getDate(),
ld : ld.getDate()
var offsetDayStart = ((copt.fd < opt.dayOffset) ? (opt.dayOffset - 7) : 1);
var offsetDayEnd = ((ld.getDay() < opt.dayOffset) ? (7 - ld.getDay()) : ld.getDay());
if(offsetDayEnd == 6) offsetDayEnd = 5;
for (var d = offsetDayStart, dE = (copt.fd + copt.ld + (7 - offsetDayEnd)); d < dE; d++) $(target).append(((d <= (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="pday">' + (copt.lld - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) - d)) + '</div>' : ((d > ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) ? '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd' + d + '" class="aday">' + (d - ((copt.fd - opt.dayOffset) + copt.ld)) + '</div>' : '<div id="' + opt.cID + 'd_' + (fd.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '_' + fd.getFullYear() + '" class="' + ((opt.dCheck(new Date((new Date(fd.getTime())).setDate(d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset))))) ? 'day' : 'invday') + '">' + (d - (copt.fd - opt.dayOffset)) + '</div>')));
$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:first, div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd]:nth-child(7n+2)').before('<br style="clear:both; font-size:0.1em;" />');$(target).find('div[id^=' + opt.cID + 'd_]:not(.invday)').bind("mouseover mouseout click", $.extend({}, opt), function(e) {
if ($('.jCalMask', > 0) return false;
var osDate = new Date($(this).attr('id').replace(/c[0-9]{1,}d_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{4})/, '$1/$2/$3'));
osDate.setDate(osDate.getDate() + 1);
if ( osDate.setDate(osDate.getDate() + ( - osDate.getDay()));
var sDate = new Date(osDate.getTime());
if (e.type == 'click') $('div[id*=d_]','selectedDay').removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
for (var di = 0, ds = $('days'); di < ds; di++) {
var currDay = $('#' + + 'd_' + (sDate.getMonth() + 1) + '_' + sDate.getDate() + '_' + sDate.getFullYear());
if (currDay.length == 0 || $(currDay).hasClass('invday')) break;
if (e.type == 'mouseover') $(currDay).addClass('overDay');
else if (e.type == 'mouseout') $(currDay).stop().removeClass('overDay').css('backgroundColor', '');
else if (e.type == 'click') $(currDay).stop().addClass('selectedDay');
sDate.setDate(sDate.getDate() + 1);
if (e.type == 'click') { = osDate;, di);
di = ds;$('day','days', di);

Cant get what's the issue with Datepicker?

I'm using smarty template engine. I'm using datepicker js plugin. My HTML code is as follows:
<td valign="middle" align="right"><b>From Date </b> : </td>
<td align="left" > <input type="text" style="width:100px;" class="inputfield" name="from_date" id="from_date" value="{$from_date}" maxlength="10"/></td>
<td valign="middle" align="right"><b>To Date </b> : </td>
<td> <input type="text" style="width:100px;" class="inputfield" name="to_date" id="to_date" value="{$to_date}" maxlength="10"/></td>
The jQuery function code is as below :
<script language="javascript" type="application/javascript">
$(function() {
$( "#from_date" ).datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'
$(function() {
$( "#to_date" ).datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'
$(document).ready(function() {
// sort on the fourth column and first column, order asc
sortList: [[1,0]]
$(".submit_form").click(function(e) {
var result = validateDate();
return false;
The datepicker.js file is as follows:
/* $(function() {
$( "#cal_from_date" ).datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'
$( "#cal_to_date" ).datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'
var datePickerDivID = "datepicker";
var iFrameDivID = "datepickeriframe";
var dayArrayShort = new Array('Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa');
var dayArrayMed = new Array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
var dayArrayLong = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
var monthArrayShort = new Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
var monthArrayMed = new Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
var monthArrayLong = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
var defaultDateSeparator = "/"; // common values would be "/" or "."
var defaultDateFormat = "dmy" // valid values are "mdy", "dmy", and "ymd"
var dateSeparator = defaultDateSeparator;
var dateFormat = defaultDateFormat;
function displayDatePicker(dateFieldName, displayBelowThisObject, dtFormat, dtSep)
var targetDateField = document.getElementsByName (dateFieldName).item(0);
if (!displayBelowThisObject)
displayBelowThisObject = targetDateField;
if (dtSep)
dateSeparator = dtSep;
dateSeparator = defaultDateSeparator;
if (dtFormat)
dateFormat = dtFormat;
dateFormat = defaultDateFormat;
var x = displayBelowThisObject.offsetLeft;
var y = displayBelowThisObject.offsetTop + displayBelowThisObject.offsetHeight ;
var parent = displayBelowThisObject;
while (parent.offsetParent) {
parent = parent.offsetParent;
x += parent.offsetLeft;
y += parent.offsetTop ;
drawDatePicker(targetDateField, x, y);
function drawDatePicker(targetDateField, x, y)
var dt = getFieldDate(targetDateField.value );
if (!document.getElementById(datePickerDivID)) {
// don't use innerHTML to update the body, because it can cause global variables
// that are currently pointing to objects on the page to have bad references
//document.body.innerHTML += "<div id='" + datePickerDivID + "' class='dpDiv'></div>";
var newNode = document.createElement("div");
newNode.setAttribute("id", datePickerDivID);
newNode.setAttribute("class", "dpDiv");
newNode.setAttribute("style", "visibility: hidden;");
// move the datepicker div to the proper x,y coordinate and toggle the visiblity
var pickerDiv = document.getElementById(datePickerDivID); = "absolute"; = x + "px"; = y + "px"; = ( == "visible" ? "hidden" : "visible"); = ( == "block" ? "none" : "block"); = 10000;
// draw the datepicker table
refreshDatePicker(, dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate());
function refreshDatePicker(dateFieldName, year, month, day)
var thisDay = new Date();
if ((month >= 0) && (year > 0)) {
thisDay = new Date(year, month, 1);
} else {
day = thisDay.getDate();
var crlf = "\r\n";
var TABLE = "<table cols=7 class='dpTable'>" + crlf;
var xTABLE = "</table>" + crlf;
var TR = "<tr class='dpTR'>";
var TR_title = "<tr class='dpTitleTR'>";
var TR_days = "<tr class='dpDayTR'>";
var TR_todaybutton = "<tr class='dpTodayButtonTR'>";
var xTR = "</tr>" + crlf;
var TD = "<td class='dpTD' onMouseOut='this.className=\"dpTD\";' onMouseOver=' this.className=\"dpTDHover\";' ";
var TD_title = "<td colspan=5 class='dpTitleTD'>";
var TD_buttons = "<td class='dpButtonTD'>";
var TD_todaybutton = "<td colspan=7 class='dpTodayButtonTD'>";
var TD_days = "<td class='dpDayTD'>";
var TD_selected = "<td class='dpDayHighlightTD' onMouseOut='this.className=\"dpDayHighlightTD\";' onMouseOver='this.className=\"dpTDHover\";' "; // leave this tag open, because we'll be adding an onClick event
var xTD = "</td>" + crlf;
var DIV_title = "<div class='dpTitleText'>";
var DIV_selected = "<div class='dpDayHighlight'>";
var xDIV = "</div>";
// start generating the code for the calendar table
var html = TABLE;
// this is the title bar, which displays the month and the buttons to
// go back to a previous month or forward to the next month
html += TR_title;
html += TD_buttons + getButtonCode(dateFieldName, thisDay, -1, "<") + xTD;
html += TD_title + DIV_title + monthArrayLong[ thisDay.getMonth()] + " " + thisDay.getFullYear() + xDIV + xTD;
html += TD_buttons + getButtonCode(dateFieldName, thisDay, 1, ">") + xTD;
html += xTR;
// this is the row that indicates which day of the week we're on
html += TR_days;
for(i = 0; i < dayArrayShort.length; i++)
html += TD_days + dayArrayShort[i] + xTD;
html += xTR;
// now we'll start populating the table with days of the month
html += TR;
// first, the leading blanks
for (i = 0; i < thisDay.getDay(); i++)
html += TD + " " + xTD;
// now, the days of the month
do {
dayNum = thisDay.getDate();
TD_onclick = " onclick=\"updateDateField('" + dateFieldName + "', '" + getDateString(thisDay) + "');\">";
if (dayNum == day)
html += TD_selected + TD_onclick + DIV_selected + dayNum + xDIV + xTD;
html += TD + TD_onclick + dayNum + xTD;
// if this is a Saturday, start a new row
if (thisDay.getDay() == 6)
html += xTR + TR;
// increment the day
thisDay.setDate(thisDay.getDate() + 1);
} while (thisDay.getDate() > 1)
// fill in any trailing blanks
if (thisDay.getDay() > 0) {
for (i = 6; i > thisDay.getDay(); i--)
html += TD + " " + xTD;
html += xTR;
// add a button to allow the user to easily return to today, or close the calendar
var today = new Date();
var todayString = "Today is " + dayArrayMed[today.getDay()] + ", " + monthArrayMed[ today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getDate();
html += TR_todaybutton + TD_todaybutton;
html += "<button class='dpTodayButton' onClick='refreshDatePicker(\"" + dateFieldName + "\");'>this month</button> ";
html += "<button class='dpTodayButton' onClick='updateDateField(\"" + dateFieldName + "\");'>close</button>";
html += xTD + xTR;
// and finally, close the table
html += xTABLE;
document.getElementById(datePickerDivID).innerHTML = html;
// add an "iFrame shim" to allow the datepicker to display above selection lists
Convenience function for writing the code for the buttons that bring us back or forward
a month.
function getButtonCode(dateFieldName, dateVal, adjust, label)
var newMonth = (dateVal.getMonth () + adjust) % 12;
var newYear = dateVal.getFullYear() + parseInt((dateVal.getMonth() + adjust) / 12);
if (newMonth < 0) {
newMonth += 12;
newYear += -1;
return "<button class='dpButton' onClick='refreshDatePicker(\"" + dateFieldName + "\", " + newYear + ", " + newMonth + ");'>" + label + "</button>";
Convert a JavaScript Date object to a string, based on the dateFormat and dateSeparator
variables at the beginning of this script library.
function getDateString(dateVal)
var dayString = "00" + dateVal.getDate();
var monthString = "00" + (dateVal.getMonth()+1);
dayString = dayString.substring(dayString.length - 2);
monthString = monthString.substring(monthString.length - 2);
switch (dateFormat) {
case "dmy" :
return dayString + dateSeparator + monthString + dateSeparator + dateVal.getFullYear();
case "ymd" :
return dateVal.getFullYear() + dateSeparator + monthString + dateSeparator + dayString;
case "mdy" :
default :
return monthString + dateSeparator + dayString + dateSeparator + dateVal.getFullYear();
Convert a string to a JavaScript Date object.
function getFieldDate(dateString)
var dateVal;
var dArray;
var d, m, y;
try {
dArray = splitDateString(dateString);
if (dArray) {
switch (dateFormat) {
case "dmy" :
d = parseInt(dArray[0], 10);
m = parseInt(dArray[1], 10) - 1;
y = parseInt(dArray[2], 10);
case "ymd" :
d = parseInt(dArray[2], 10);
m = parseInt(dArray[1], 10) - 1;
y = parseInt(dArray[0], 10);
case "mdy" :
default :
d = parseInt(dArray[1], 10);
m = parseInt(dArray[0], 10) - 1;
y = parseInt(dArray[2], 10);
dateVal = new Date(y, m, d);
} else if (dateString) {
dateVal = new Date(dateString);
} else {
dateVal = new Date();
} catch(e) {
dateVal = new Date();
return dateVal;
function splitDateString(dateString)
var dArray;
if (dateString.indexOf("/") >= 0)
dArray = dateString.split("/");
else if (dateString.indexOf(".") >= 0)
dArray = dateString.split(".");
else if (dateString.indexOf("-") >= 0)
dArray = dateString.split("-");
else if (dateString.indexOf("\\") >= 0)
dArray = dateString.split("\\");
dArray = false;
return dArray;
function updateDateField(dateFieldName, dateString)
var targetDateField = document.getElementsByName (dateFieldName).item(0);
if (dateString)
targetDateField.value = dateString;
var pickerDiv = document.getElementById(datePickerDivID); = "hidden"; = "none";
// after the datepicker has closed, optionally run a user-defined function called
// datePickerClosed, passing the field that was just updated as a parameter
// (note that this will only run if the user actually selected a date from the datepicker)
if ((dateString) && (typeof(datePickerClosed) == "function"))
function adjustiFrame(pickerDiv, iFrameDiv)
// we know that Opera doesn't like something about this, so if we
// think we're using Opera, don't even try
var is_opera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1);
if (is_opera)
// put a try/catch block around the whole thing, just in case
try {
if (!document.getElementById(iFrameDivID)) {
var newNode = document.createElement("iFrame");
newNode.setAttribute("id", iFrameDivID);
newNode.setAttribute("src", "javascript:false;");
newNode.setAttribute("scrolling", "no");
newNode.setAttribute ("frameborder", "0");
if (!pickerDiv)
pickerDiv = document.getElementById(datePickerDivID);
if (!iFrameDiv)
iFrameDiv = document.getElementById(iFrameDivID);
try { = "absolute"; = pickerDiv.offsetWidth; = pickerDiv.offsetHeight ; =; =; = - 1; = ; =;
} catch(e) {
} catch (ee) {
When I tested in firbug it is giving me the error TypeError: $(...).datepicker is not a function
I've included the files reuired i.e. jquery1.9.1 and datepicker .js, but still it's not working. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
Your code is just working perfectly! Check out this.
You just missed to include jquery-ui
Try including : <script src="//"></script> in you <head> tag.
UPDATE: The fiddle is by #Safiuddin

How to display values from an array onto a calendar with javascript

Here I have a java script that will build an calendar based on the year and month chosen in document.write(makeCalendar(2013,0)) First param is the year and second param is the month.
I have worked to a point where it only displays the calendar event on that day but is unable to display the rest of the date in my HolidayName[] Here is my array and loop to display the events, although new events will be added later on. It is only capable of displaying the first date, which I dont understand why since it should be looping all the way through. Below is my loop, followed by the javascript.
var HolidayName = new Array (0, 1, "New Years Day",6, 1, "Canada Day",11, 25, "Christmas Day",11, 26, "Boxing Day")
function getHoliday(month, day)
for(var index = 0; HolidayName.length > index; index++)
if(HolidayName[index] == month && HolidayName[index+1] == day)
var name = HolidayName[index+2]
return ""
return name
Below is the code and the event is being displayed in the show dates section from the functon getHoliday(mth, dayCtr)
function leapYear(yr) {
if (yr < 1000) yr+=1900
return((yr%4 == 0) && ((yr%100 == 0) || (yr%400 ==0)))
function startCol(width, height, color){
return('<TD WIDTH=' + width + ' HEIGHT=' + height + '>' + '<FONT COLOR="' + color + '">');
function makeCalendar(yr, mth){
var months = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
var days = new Array(31, leapYear(yr)?29:28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
var weekDays = new Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat")
var HolidayName = new Array (0, 1, "New Years Day",6, 1, "Canada Day",11, 25, "Christmas Day",11, 26, "Boxing Day")
function getHoliday(month, day)
for(var index = 0; HolidayName.length > index; index++)
if(HolidayName[index] == month && HolidayName[index+1] == day)
var name = HolidayName[index+2]
return ""
return name
var mthSz = days[mth]
var mthName = months[mth]
var firstDyofMnth = new Date(yr, mth, 1)
var firstDay = firstDyofMnth.getDay() + 1
var numRows = Math.ceil((mthSz + firstDay-1)/7)
var mthNameHeight = 50
var borderWidth = 2
var cellSpacing = 4
var cellHeight = 80
var hdrColor = "midnightblue"
var hdrSz = "+3"
var colWidth = 100
var dayCellHeight = 25
var dayColor = "black"
var dayCtr = 1
// Build the HTML Table
var txt = '<CENTER>'
txt += '<TABLE BORDER=' + borderWidth + ' CELLSPACING=' + cellSpacing + '>'
//Show Month Name and Year
txt += '<TH COLSPAN=7 HEIGHT=' + mthNameHeight + '>'
txt += '<FONT COLOR="' + hdrColor + '" SIZE=' + hdrSz + '>'
txt += mthName + ' ' + year + '</FONT>' + '</TH>'
// Show Days of the Week
txt += '<TR ALIGN="center" VALIGN="center">'
for (var dy = 0; dy < 7; ++dy) {
txt += startCol(colWidth, dayCellHeight, dayColor) + weekDays[dy] + '</FONT></TD>'
txt += '</TR>'
// Show Dates in Calendar
for (var row=1; row <= numRows; ++row) {
txt += '<TR ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top">'
for (var col = 1; col <= 7; ++col) {
if (((col < firstDay) && (row==1)) || (dayCtr>mthSz))
{txt += '<TD BGCOLOR="Gainsboro"><BR></TD>'}
txt += '<TD HEIGHT=' + cellHeight + '><FONT COLOR="' + dayColor + '"> <B>'
txt += dayCtr
txt += '</B></FONT><BR>' + getHoliday(mth,dayCtr) + '</TD>'
txt += '</TR>'
// close all basic table tags and output txt string
txt += '</TABLE></CENTER>'
Because you have else { return "" } and then outside the if...else statement, return name. So whether the condition is true or false, your function will terminate during the first run of the loop, returning the name if the condition is true, or an empty string otherwise.
Also, I think you need to increment index by 3, not by 1, on each loop; and you should use semi-colons to end each line (unless it is the start or end of a {} block).
var HolidayName = new Array(0, 1, "New Years Day", 6, 1, "Canada Day", 11, 25, "Christmas Day", 11, 26, "Boxing Day");
function getHoliday(month, day) {
for (var index = 0; index + 2 < HolidayName.length; index+=3) {
if (HolidayName[index] == month && HolidayName[index + 1] == day) {
return HolidayName[index + 2];
return '';
