I'm trying to access a variable named city in the Meteor Accounts.onCreateUser user creation function and have not been successful in my attempts to do so. I have tried to return city at the end of the HTTP.get call and have also tried creating the city var outside of HTTP.get and simply setting city without using var but none of these things seems to have worked. When console.log(city) runs it does accurately output the desired information so this variable must not be the issue. If I am making a nube mistake forgive me.
Accounts.onCreateUser( function (options, user) {
if (options.profile) {
options.profile.picturelrg = "http://graph.facebook.com/" + user.services.facebook.id + "/picture/?type=large";
user.profile = options.profile;
options.profile.picturesm = "http://graph.facebook.com/" + user.services.facebook.id + "/picture/?type=small";
options.profile.messenger = "https://www.messenger.com/t/" + user.services.facebook.id;
HTTP.get("http://ipinfo.io", function (error, result) {
var place = JSON.parse(result.content);
var city = place.city;
options.profile.city = city;
return user;
The technically correct repose to this is that you need to use the synchronous version of HTTP.get. See the docs and this question for examples.
However there's a more fundamental issue: you're trying to grab the user's location data but onCreateUser only runs on the server. So even if you do solve this problem, you'll end up with the same data in each user's profile. You'll need to run the get on the client and update via a method. Try something like this:
Accounts.createUser(options, function(err) {
if (!err) {
HTTP.get(..., function(err, result) {
var city = ...;
var place = ...;
Meteor.call('updateProfileWithCityandPlace', city, place);
updateProfileWithCityandPlace: function(city, place) {
check(city, String);
check(place, String);
Meteor.users.update(this.userId, {
$set: {'profile.city': city, 'profile.place': place}
I'm creating my custom order id with auto-increment generator function for my project. I will state my question here, if you want to know the whole story please read below.
As written in the title, I need a way to reject my set to Firebase and it has to be done in 1 query. Currently, it will write my orderID to Firebase without rejecting it. But I need to reject if there is the same ID in the table.
The short version of my code will be posted here, the whole function will be posted below.
id: orderID,
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Order ID fail to generate. Regenerating new ID')
} else {
console.log('Order ID created!')
The story,
I'm creating my own custom order id with auto-increment generator function for my project. The problem is that if multiple users creating order at the same time, it will generate the same id. Yes, I can use transaction() to solve the problem but I have no idea how to use it. Therefore, I have created my own version of the "transaction". With my method, I am able to prevent duplicates id unless 2 or more users create order within 1 second of gap. Or if anyone is kind enough to show me an example of how to write a transaction for my function, I thank you in advance.
The flow of the code is,
Get "currentMonth" and "orderIdCounter" from Firebase -> orderIdCounter +1 and update to Firebase -> start the process of generating order id -> Send the generated id to firebase -> If return success "order ID created", If not "got duplicate id" Re-run the whole process.
Below is the code for my order id generator function.
function createOrderID(orderCounterRef){
var childData = [];
var orderID;
//Get the Current Month and Order ID Counter from Firebase
orderCounterRef.on('value', function(snap) { childData = snapshotToArrayWithoutID(snap); });
var currentMonth = childData[0];
var orderIDCounter = childData[1];
if (orderIDCounter !== undefined){
//Update orderIDCounter on Firebase.
//This is to prevent duplicate orderID when multiple users is creating order at the same time.
var IDCounter = parseInt(orderIDCounter) + 1;
//Set IDCounter to 3 digits
IDCounter = ('00' + IDCounter.toString()).slice(-3);
//Handle the process to generate Order ID. Return in YYMMxxx(auto increment) format.
orderID = handleCreateOrderID(currentMonth, (parseInt(orderIDCounter) - 1));
//Check if duplicate ID on firebase
id: orderID,
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('Order ID fail to generate. Regenerating new ID')
} else {
console.log('Order ID created!')
return orderID;
My DB:
You should indeed use a transaction as you have mentioned in your question.
The following should do the trick:
//Declare a function that increment a counter in a transaction
function createOrderID() {
var orderIdRef = firebase.database().ref('orderId');
return orderIdRef.transaction(function(currentId) {
return currentId + 1;
//Call the asynchronous createOrderID() function
createOrderID().then(function(transactionResult) {
If you want to start the counter at a specific value, just create an orderId node in your database and assign a specific value to it, e.g; 1912000.
If you just want to start at 1, you don't need to create a node, it will be automatically created with the first call to the createOrderID() function.
Thank you, #samthecodingman & #Renaud Tarnec for your advice.
I took #samthecodingman's code and change a bit to fit my project. But I use generateOrderID() only to call the result and it works well. But you won't get any value with just the code. I call out another function (connectToFirebase) whenever users enter the page. I am not sure why it works or if this is the right way, but it works for me and that's good enough.
export function generateOrderID(){
var orderId;
var childData = [];
const orderCounterRef = firebase.database().ref('orderCounter/');
//Get the Current Month from Firebase
orderCounterRef.on('value', function(snap) { childData = snapshotToArrayWithoutID(snap); });
//Check ID format YYMMXXX (XXX=auto_increment). Hanlde auto_increment for Year and Month
handleOrderIdFormat(childData[0], orderCounterRef)
orderCounterRef.child('orderId').transaction(function(currentId) {
orderId = (currentId||0) +1;
return orderId;
}, function(err) {
if( err ) {
return orderId;
export function connectToFirebase(){
//Connection Firebase Database
const orderCounterRef = firebase.database().ref('orderCounter/');
orderCounterRef.on('value', function(snap) { });
I am faced with the problem of retrieving two data values of a single node from my firebase database and reference it in my javascript file but don't know how to go about it. I have been able to retrieve just one data value from a node (in this case "message") but I would like to add "from" as well. Most tutorials just reference one so I am really confused. So how do I get multiple data values?
This is my code...
JS file
exports.sendNotification7 = functions.database.ref('/GroupChat/{Modules}/SDevtChat/{SDevtChatId}/message')
.onWrite(( change,context) =>{
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
var eventSnapshot = change.after.val();
var str = "New message from System Development Group Chat: " + eventSnapshot;
var topic = "Management.Information.System";
var payload = {
data: {
name: str,
click_action: "Student_SystemsDevt"
// Send a message to devices subscribed to the provided topic.
return admin.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload)
.then(function (response) {
// See the MessagingTopicResponse reference documentation for the
// contents of response.
console.log("Successfully sent message:", response);
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("Error sending message:", error);
You can read from however many nodes you want in a Cloud Function. However, only one can trigger the function to run.
To read from your database use the following code:
admin.database().ref('/your/path/here').once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var value = snapshot.val();
You will probably want to read from the same place that the Cloud Function was triggered. Use context.params.PARAMETER to get this information. For the example you posted your code would turn out looking something like this:
admin.database().ref('/GroupChat/'+context.params.Modules+'/SDevtChat/'+context.params.SDevtChatId+'/from').once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var value = snapshot.val();
Just trigger your function one level higher in the JSON:
exports.sendNotification7 =
.onWrite(( change,context) =>{
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
var eventSnapshot = change.after.val();
var str = "New message from System Development Group Chat: " + eventSnapshot.message;
var from = eventSnapshot.from;
I did a couple of projects with node.js and I'm aware of the async behaviour and that one should usually use callback functions, etc. But one thing that bothers me ist the following.
I'm developing an Alexa skill and I have a function that handles the User intent:
'MyFunction': function() {
var toSay = ""; // Holds info what Alexa says
// Lot of checks and calculations what needs to be said by Alexa (nothing special)
if(xyz) {
toSay = "XYZ";
}else if(abc) {
toSay = "ABC";
toSay = "Something";
// Here is the "tricky" party
if(someSpecialEvent) {
toSay += " "+askDatabaseForInput(); // Add some information from database to string
this.emit(':ask', toSay, this.t('REPROMT_SPEECH')); // Gives the Info to Alexa (code execution stops here)
As mentioned in the code, there is some code which is usually used to find out what the output to Alexa should be.
Only on rare events, "someSpecialEvent", I need to query the database and add information to the String "toSay".
Querying the DB would look something like:
function askDatabaseForInput() { // The function to query the DB
var params = {
TableName: "MyTable",
OtherValues: "..."
// Do the Query
docClient.query(params, function(err, data) {
// Of course here are some checks if everything worked, etc.
var item = data.Items[0];
return item; // Item SHOULD be returned
return infoFromDocClient; // Which is, of course not possible
Now I know, that in the first function "'MyFunction'" I could just pass the variable "toSay" down to the DB Function and then to the DB Query and if everything is fine, I would do the "this.emit()" in the DB Query function. But for me, this looks very dirty and not much reusable.
So is there a way I can use "askDatabaseForInput()" to return DB information and just add it to a String? This means making the asynchronous call synchronous.
Making a synchronous call wouldn't affect the user experience, as the code isn't doing anything else anyway and it just creates the String and is (maybe) waiting for DB input.
Thanks for any help.
So you could do 2 things:
Like the person who commented says you could use a callback:
function askDatabaseForInput(callback) {
var params = {
TableName: "MyTable",
OtherValues: "..."
docClient.query(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null)
} else {
var item = data.Items[0];
callback(null, item);
or you could use promises:
function askDatabaseForInput() {
var params = {
TableName: "MyTable",
OtherValues: "..."
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
docClient.query(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
var item = data.Items[0];
you can then either put a function in where you call askDatabaseForInput or do askDatabaseForInput.then(....).
In the function or the .then you would add what you retrieved from the database to the variable toSay
hope this helps
I'd like to write a feature like this:
Scenario: new Singleton create
When a new, unmatchable identity is received
Then a new tin record should be created
And a new bronze record should be created
And a new gold record should be created
which would tie to steps like this:
defineSupportCode(function ({ Before, Given, Then, When }) {
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var chanceGenerator = require('./helpers/chanceGenerator')
var request = require('./helpers/requestGenerator')
let identMap;
// reset identMap before each scenario
Before(function () {
identMap = [];
// should generate a valid identity
// persist it in a local variable so it can be tested in later steps
// and persist to the db via public endpoint
When('a new, unmatchable identity is received', function (callback) {
request.pubPostIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], callback);
// use the local variable to retrieve Tin that was persisted
// validate the tin persisted all the props that it should have
Then('a new tin record should be created', function (callback) {
request.pubGetIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], callback);
// var self = this;
// request.pubGetIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], callback, () => {
// console.log('never gets here...');
// self.callback();
// callback();
// });
// request.pubGetIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], (callback) => {
// console.log('never gets here...');
// self.callback();
// callback();
// });
The issue that I'm having is that I can't do anything in the Then callback. That is where I'd like to be able to verify the response has the right data.
Here are relevant excerpts from the helper files:
var pubPostIdentity = function (ident, callback) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://cucumber.utu.ai:4020/identity/' + ident.platform + '/' + ident.platformId,
headers: {
'X-Consumer-Custom-Id': ident.botId + '_' + ident.botId
body: JSON.stringify(ident)
console.log('ident: ', ident);
request(options, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
console.log('pubPostIdentity: ', err);
console.log('pubPostIdentity: ', response.statusCode);
// accept an identity and retrieve from staging via identity public endpoint
var pubGetIdentity = function (ident, callback) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'http://cucumber.utu.ai:4020/identity/' + ident.platform + '/' + ident.platformId,
headers: {
'X-Consumer-Custom-Id': ident.botId + '_' + ident.botId
request(options, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
console.log('pubGetIdentity: ', err);
console.log('pubGetIdentity: ', response.body);
Something that we are considering as an option is to re-write the feature to fit a different step definition structure. If we re-wrote the feature like this:
Scenario: new Singleton create
When a new, unmatchable 'TIN_RECORD' is received
Then the Identity Record should be created successfully
When the Identity Record is retreived for 'tin'
Then a new 'tin' should be created
When the Identity Record is retreived for 'bronze'
Then a new 'bronze' should be created
When the Identity Record is retreived for 'gold'
Then a new 'gold' should be created
I believe it bypasses the instep callback issue we are wrestling with, but I really hate the breakdown of the feature. It makes the feature less readable and comprehensible to the business.
So... my question, the summary feature presented first, is it written wrong? Am I trying to get step definitions to do something that they shouldn't? Or is my lack of Js skills shining bright, and this should be very doable, I'm just screwing up the callbacks?
Firstly, I'd say your rewritten feature is wrong. You should never go back in the progression Given, When, Then. You are going back from the Then to the When, which is wrong.
Given is used for setting up preconditions. When is used for the actual test. Then is used for the assertions. Each scenario should be a single test, so should have very few When clauses. If you want, you can use Scenario Outlines to mix several very similar tests together.
In this case, is recommend to take it back to first principles and see if that works. Then build up slowly to get out working.
I suspect in this case that the problem is in some exception being thrown that isn't handled. You could try rewriting it to use promises instead, which will then be rejected on error. That gives better error reporting.
I created code like this for getting news from xml export from another website and I am trying to fill with it my database.
function UpdateLunchTime() {
var httpRequest = require('request');
var xml2js = require('xml2js');
var parser = new xml2js.Parser();
var url = 'http://www...com/export/xml/actualities';
url: url
}, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
'Some problem.');
} else if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
'Another problem');
} else {
parser.parseString(body, function (err2, result) {
var count = 0;
for (var i=0;i<result.Root.event.length;i++)
result.Root.event.forEach(function(entry) {
function InsertActionToDatabase(action)
var queryString = "INSERT INTO Action (title, description, ...) VALUES (?, ?, ...)";
mssql.query(queryString, [action.akce[0], action.description[0],...], {
success: function(insertResults) {
error: function(err) {
console.log("Problem: " + err);
For individual actualities it's working fine but when I run it over whole xml I get this error:
Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 180 and has been reached. See 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=267637' for assistance.
And for a few last objects I get this error:
Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]TCP Provider: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
Thanks for help
The problem is that you're trying to make too many concurrent (insert) operations in your database. Remember that in node.js (almost) everything is asynchronous, so when you call InsertActionToDatabase for one of the items, this operation will start right away and not wait before it finishes to return. So you're basically trying to insert all of the events at once, and as the error message said there's a limit on the number of concurrent connections which can be made to the SQL server.
What you need to do is to change your loop to run asynchronously, by waiting for one of the operations to complete before starting the next one (you can also "batch" send a smaller number of operations at once, continuing after each batch is complete, but the code is a little more complicated) as shown below.
var count = result.Root.event.length;
var insertAction = function(index) {
if (index >= count) return;
InsertActionToDatabase(result.Root.event[i], function() {
insertAction(index + 1);
And the InsertActionToDatabase function would take a callback parameter to be called when it's done.
function InsertActionToDatabase(item, done) {
var table = tables.getTable('event');
table.insert(item, {
success: function() {
console.log('Inserted event: ', item);