Comparing input value with value of an array in AngularJS - javascript

I have a problem with the validation about existing values. I don't know how to compare two values and add the new value only, when it isn't exist in the Database. I've tried with angular.forEach() but it adds the new object always when the compare (what I'm doing with angular.equals()) isn't false and thats wrong. The object have to be only one time in the database.
Here is my create function:
$scope.createItem = function (createItem) {
//here I have to define a query to compare createItem.lname with the table list (array items from the db) in the view.
//That was the code:
angular.forEach(nameslist, function (value) {
if (angular.equals(createItem.lname, value.lname)) {
function () {
//success code
$scope.createItem = null;
function (err) {
//error code
Can anyone give me some help.. I don't know how to solve it.

var itemAbsent ={
}).indexOf( < 0;
if (nameAbsent){
function () {
//success code
$scope.createItem = null;
function (err) {
//error code


how to get distinct value from angularjs loop

I made a loop in angularjs and i want to get a distinct values from this loop then push it to an array.
What I got instead, are repetitive values.
The $scope.Empassignedvacations returns multiple data from datatable from db. one column from it is vac which displays multiple vacations keys in the db.
What i want to do is to take these keys and distinct them and push them to another $scope array. its name is $scope.checkedvacs. but i got 2,2,2,2,20,20,20,20
Assignments.getvacations().then(function (response) {
$ = (;
.then(function (response) {
$scope.Empassignedvacations = (
$scope.checkedvacs.push( $scope.Empassignedvacations.vac );
angular.forEach($scope.Empassignedvacations, function (e) {
angular.forEach($scope.AlternateDirector, function (a) {
if (e.Staff_Key == a.Staff_Key) {
$scope.AlternateD = e.AlternateD;
angular.forEach($scope.status, function (s) {
if (e.status == s.stsid) {
$scope.sts = s.stsid;
Thanks in advance
It happens because you play with the same value $scope.Empassignedvacations.
You push it to the array and after - change it. This is a reason why you get 2,2,2,2,20,20,20,20
So you can fix it by pushing the copy of the value, like:
$scope.checkedvacs.push( angular.copy($scope.Empassignedvacations.vac));
First declare $scope.checkedvacs=[] & $scope.keys=[] in globally for standard code practice then try bellow code
angular.forEach($scope.Empassignedvacations.vac, function(item) {
// we check to see whether our object exists
$scope.keys = item[keyname];
// if it's not already part of our keys array
if ($scope.keys.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// push this item to our final output array
remove bellow code and replace your code with first code sample..
$scope.checkedvacs.push( $scope.Empassignedvacations.vac );
angular.forEach($scope.Empassignedvacations, function (e) {
angular.forEach($scope.AlternateDirector, function (a) {
if (e.Staff_Key == a.Staff_Key) {
$scope.AlternateD = e.AlternateD;
angular.forEach($scope.status, function (s) {
if (e.status == s.stsid) {
$scope.sts = s.stsid;
You can also follow bellow link that may be helpful for you

CRM Javascript Automatically Populated a Look-up Value with a specific field

I'm trying to write a javascript on CRM Phone Call page. We have a custom look-up field called new_department, and we want to automatically populate the field with value "IT" (there should be one) when the form is opened.
The thing is we have a separate Dev and Production CRM link therefore I cannot just assign a hard-coded GUID value into this field. So first I wrote a Rest Retrieve Multiple to get the correct department.
Then my problem is I'm not sure about the result returned from this Retrieve Multiple. How do I grab just the GUID from Rest? I'm seeing that this is a type of {Object}. Then lastly how do I go about setting the lookup value after retrieving the {Object}? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is my code.
function phonecall() {
var formType = Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType();
if (formType == 1) //create
//RetrieveMultiple function
var DepartmentId = getITDepartment();
//set the lookup value
var ID =;
var departmentValue = new Array();
departmentValue[0] = new Object();
departmentValue[0].id = DepartmentId;
departmentValue[0].name = 'IT';
userValue[0].entityType = "new_department";
function getITDepartment()
XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.RetrieveMultiple("new_departmentSet", "$select=new_departmentId&$filter=new_name eq 'IT'",
function (results) {
if (results.length > 0)
resultList = results;
}, function (error) { alert(error); }, function onComplete() { }, false);
return resultList;
Thanks much.
I'm not familiar with XrmServiceToolkit but here how code could look like to work properly - I replaced only assigning part:
var DepartmentId = getITDepartment();
if (DepartmentId != null && DepartmentId.length > 0){
id: DepartmentId[0].new_departmentId,
name: "IT",
entityType: "new_department"
You are setting the lookup value correctly, you just need to get the Id correctly. The results variable is an array of new_department records, so try something like this:
var resultId = null;
XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.RetrieveMultiple("new_departmentSet", "$select=new_departmentId&$filter=new_name eq 'IT'",
function (results) {
if (results.length > 0)
resultId = results[0].new_departmentId; //gets the first record's Id
}, function (error) { alert(error); }, function onComplete() { }, false);
return resultId;

A function that has nested callback functions does not return values [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to return value from Node.js function which contains DB query [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a function inside of which there is a nested callback function structure. I want that first "mother" function to return a certain value, after it's been calculated in the callback functions sequence. However. it doesn't really work. Here's a simplified version of the code, do you think you could help?
function finalResult() {
var finalanswer = firstFunction(secondFunction);
function firstFunction (callback) {
var notion = 1;
callback(null, notion);
function secondFunction (err, notion) {
if (err) console.log(err);
var answer = notion + 1
return answer;
return finalanswer;
Thank you!
return getContexts(makeQuery);
function getContexts (callback) {
dbneo.cypherQuery(context_query, function(err, cypherAnswer){
if(err) {
err.type = 'neo4j';
return callback(err);
// No error? Pass the contexts to makeQuery function
return callback(null,cypherAnswer);
function makeQuery (err,answer) {
// Error? Display it.
if (err) console.log(err);
// Define where we store the new contexts
var newcontexts = [];
// This is an array to check if there are any contexts that were not in DB
var check = [];
// Go through all the contexts we received from DB and create the newcontexts variable from them
for (var i=0;i<;i++) {
// Now let's check if there are any contexts that were not in the DB, we add them with a unique ID
if (check.indexOf(element) < 0) {
uid: uuid.v1(),
name: element
return newcontexts;
You're setting finalanswer equal to the return of firstFunction however, if you look at the body of firstFunction, it does not return anything. The last line of firstFunction should be:
return callback(null, notion);
I quickly tested this in the Chrome console and it seems to work as expected and logs 2 to the console.
Now that the original code has been posted I would update the code as such:
// call getContexts with a callback when complete
getContexts(function(err, contexts){
function getContexts (callback) {
dbneo.cypherQuery(context_query, function(err, cypherAnswer){
if(err) {
err.type = 'neo4j';
return callback(err);
// No error? Pass the contexts to makeQuery function
var contexts = makeQuery(null,cypherAnswer);
// we have our answer, call the callback
callback(null, contexts);
function makeQuery (err,answer) {
// Error? Display it.
if (err) console.log(err);
// Define where we store the new contexts
var newcontexts = [];
// This is an array to check if there are any contexts that were not in DB
var check = [];
// Go through all the contexts we received from DB and create the newcontexts variable from them
for (var i=0;i<;i++) {
// Now let's check if there are any contexts that were not in the DB, we add them with a unique ID
if (check.indexOf(element) < 0) {
uid: uuid.v1(),
name: element
return newcontexts;

Push new field and value to json array object in node.js

I'm new to node.js. I need to display Name in jqgrid, but I stored only id of one document into another document.
I have 2 documents like Student master and student mark document. I have to display mark details in jqgrid. In mark document I stored student id instead of name. How do I fetch the name and send a new object to jqgrid?
My code is as follows:
exports.getAllstudentsmark = function(req, callback)
studentsmarks.find(function(error, studentsmarks_collection) {
if( error ) callback(error)
else {
studentsmarks_collection.toArray(function(error, results) {
if( error ) callback(error)
else {
newresult = results;
newresult[i]['studentname'] = getStudentName(results[i].studentid);
callback(null, newresult)}
var getstudentObjectId = function(id)
return student.db.bson_serializer.ObjectID.createFromHexString(id);
var getStudentName = function(id)
student.findOne({_id: getstudentObjectId (id)}, function(e, o){
newresult[i]['studentname'] is always getting undefined. But if I log into getStudentName function I can get answer into getStudentName function.
My callback function is only getting this problem. How to resolve and get my result in an easy way. Please help any one.
try this inside your for loop
newresult.push({'studentname': getStudentName(results[i].studentid) });
by the time you access newresult[i] it doesn't exist, so accessing studentname field of it is impossible
Your problem here is that you are not setting the name of the user into the array, but the return value of student.findOne, since this is an asynchronous method. Maybe try this thing
exports.getAllstudentsmark = function(req, callback)
studentsmarks.find(function(error, studentsmarks_collection) {
if( error ) callback(error)
else {
studentsmarks_collection.toArray(function(error, results) {
if( error ) callback(error)
else {
newresult = [];
getStudentName(results[i].studentid, function (studentName) {
newresult.push({studentname: studentName});
callback(null, newresult)}
var getstudentObjectId = function(id)
return student.db.bson_serializer.ObjectID.createFromHexString(id);
var getStudentName = function(id, callback)
student.findOne({_id: getstudentObjectId (id)}, function(e, o){
I hope it helps

Angularjs must refresh page to see changes

What I have is simple CRUD operation. Items are listed on page, when user clicks button add, modal pops up, user enters data, and data is saved and should automatically (without refresh)be added to the list on page.
getAllIncluding: function(controllerAction, including) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from(controllerAction).expand(including);
return manager.executeQuery(query).fail(getFailed);
addExerciseAndCategories: function(data, initialValues) {
var addedExercise = manager.createEntity("Exercise", initialValues);
_.forEach(data, function(item) {
manager.createEntity("ExerciseAndCategory", { ExerciseId: addedExercise._backingStore.ExerciseId, CategoryId: item.CategoryId });
function addFailed() {
removeItem(items, item);
$scope.getAllExercisesAndCategories = function() {
adminCrudService.getAllIncluding("ExercisesAndCategories", "Exercise,ExerciseCategory")
function querySucceeded(data) {
$scope.queryItems = adminCrudService.querySucceeded(data);
var exerciseIds = _($scope.queryItems).pluck('ExerciseId').uniq().valueOf();
$scope.exerciseAndCategories = [];
var createItem = function (id, exercise) {
return {
ExerciseId: id,
Exercise : exercise,
ExerciseCategories: []
// cycle through ids
_.forEach(exerciseIds, function (id) {
// get all the queryItems that match
var temp = _.where($scope.queryItems, {
'ExerciseId': id
// go to the next if nothing was found.
if (!temp.length) return;
// create a new (clean) item
var newItem = createItem(temp[0].ExerciseId, temp[0].Exercise);
// loop through the queryItems that matched
_.forEach(temp, function (i) {
// if the category has not been added , add it.
if (_.indexOf(newItem.ExerciseCategories, i.ExerciseCategory) < 0) {
// Add the item to the collection
Here is how I add new data from controller:
adminCrudService.addExerciseAndCategories($scope.selectedCategories, { Name: $scope.NewName, Description: $scope.NewDesc });
So my question is, why list isn't updated in real time (when I hit save I must refresh page).
Here is my querySuceeded
querySucceeded: function (data) {
items = [];
data.results.forEach(function(item) {
return items;
I believe I've narrowed my problem !
So PW Kad lost two hours with me trying to help me to fix this thing (ad I thank him very very very much for that), but unfortunately with no success. We mostly tried to fix my service, so when I returned to my PC, I've again tried to fix it. I believe my service is fine. (I've made some changes as Kad suggested in his answer).
I believe problem is in controller, I've logged $scope.items, and when I add new item they don't change, after that I've logged $scope.queryItems, and I've noticed that they change after adding new item (without refresh ofc.). So probably problem will be solved by somehow $watching $scope.queryItems after loading initial data, but at the moment I'm not quite sure how to do this.
Alright, I am going to post an answer that should guide you on how to tackle your issue. The issue does not appear to be with Breeze, nor with Angular, but the manner in which you have married the two up. I say this because it is important to understand what you are doing in order to understand the debug process.
Creating an entity adds it to the cache with an entityState of isAdded - that is a true statement, don't think otherwise.
Now for your code...
You don't have to chain your query execution with a promise, but in your case you are returning the data to your controller, and then passing it right back into some function in your service, which wasn't listed in your question. I added a function to replicate what yours probably looks like.
getAllIncluding: function(controllerAction, including) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from(controllerAction).expand(including);
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded).fail(getFailed);
function querySucceeded(data) {
return data.results;
Now in your controller simply handle the results -
$scope.getAllExercisesAndCategories = function() {
adminCrudService.getAllIncluding("ExercisesAndCategories", "Exercise,ExerciseCategory")
function querySucceeded(data) {
// Set your object directly to the data.results, because that is what we are returning from the service
$scope.queryItems = data;
$scope.exerciseAndCategories = [];
Last, let's add the properties we create the entity and see if that gives Angular a chance to bind up properly -
_.forEach(data, function(item) {
var e = manager.createEntity("ExerciseAndCategory");
e.Exercise = addedExercise; e.Category: item.Category;
So I've managed to solve my problem ! Not sure if this is right solution but it works now.
I've moved everything to my service, which now looks like this:
function addCategoriesToExercise(tempdata) {
var dataToReturn = [];
var exerciseIds = _(tempdata).pluck('ExerciseId').uniq().valueOf();
var createItem = function (id, exercise) {
return {
ExerciseId: id,
Exercise: exercise,
ExerciseCategories: []
// cycle through ids
_.forEach(exerciseIds, function (id) {
// get all the queryItems that match
var temp = _.where(tempdata, {
'ExerciseId': id
// go to the next if nothing was found.
if (!temp.length) return;
// create a new (clean) item
var newItem = createItem(temp[0].ExerciseId, temp[0].Exercise);
// loop through the queryItems that matched
_.forEach(temp, function (i) {
// if the category has not been added , add it.
if (_.indexOf(newItem.ExerciseCategories, i.ExerciseCategory) < 0) {
// Add the item to the collection
return dataToReturn;
addExerciseAndCategories: function (data, initialValues) {
newItems = [];
var addedExercise = manager.createEntity("Exercise", initialValues);
_.forEach(data, function (item) {
var entity = manager.createEntity("ExerciseAndCategory", { ExerciseId: addedExercise._backingStore.ExerciseId, CategoryId: item.CategoryId });
var itemsToAdd = addCategoriesToExercise(newItems);
_.forEach(itemsToAdd, function (item) {
function addFailed() {
removeItem(items, item);
getAllExercisesAndCategories: function () {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from("ExercisesAndCategories").expand("Exercise,ExerciseCategory");
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(getSuceeded).fail(getFailed);
function getSuceeded(data) {
items = [];
data.results.forEach(function (item) {
exerciseAndCategories = addCategoriesToExercise(items);
return exerciseAndCategories;
And in controller I have only this:
$scope.getAllExercisesAndCategories = function () {
function querySucceeded(data) {
$scope.items = data;
