Good javaScript time picker which shows previous and next time option? - javascript

Hi I am looking for a JavaScript time picker which shows the previous and next option. The closest one I found is eonasdan's Boostrap 3 time picker! But the thing missing is the visible previous/next time option. I did a mock up picture and highlighted the fields that I need in orange based on eonasdan's solution but I have no clue how to make it. Is there any good time picker I can use to make it?

Try this. In this you are provided with Date, Time and Date and Time together.


Adjust default UI of Input Date on Android Browsers

Some of my users do not know that the year on the date picker can be selected. I just wanted to add an arrow next to the year just like the following image.
I guess currently there is no way to do it, but just wanted to make sure so I ask for helps.

dynArch calendar - issue when input field is non date

I have been using the dynArch calendar for some time now. Can't say I've explored all the alternatives but I can recommend this one. Its pretty flexible.
I have run into a problem today that selecting a date was suddenly not updating the text control.
Ultimately, the problem seems to be that when the linked text box is blank, the calendar does not update the linked text box on selecting a date. Further testing reveals that any non-date causes the unwanted behavior.
I have verified that this behavior has been lurking in my production code, so its something I need to address.
I have started walking through the js library to see if i can track it down, but thought I would reach out to the collective as well.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
In my particular case, the reason I was not seeing the popup was becuase the target text box had an invalid date in it.
I did not research if i could make it pop up a calendar w/ today in it.

Javascript Date Time Picker - Default Time Value

I am using this script for a Javascript Date and Time picker.
After a few modifications I have gotten everything to work as I'd like it to minus the default time.
By default, if a time is not selected from the drop down menus initiating the onChange event, the time defaults to the current time. I need this to default to 12:00am. I Have looked through the code and have tried several changes but cannot get this to work the way I'd like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"AJAX" Calendar Widget that include Time Selection

Are there any existing AJAX/Javascript Date picker widgets/libraries that also allow you to select a time range? That is, after picking a date, an existing UI pops-up/becomes available to select a time range for the same.
I'm looking for example of things like this. UI Libraries that offer some form of date picking, followed by a step to pick a time range.
Yes, I know, a dozen different ways this could be implemented myself. I'm interesting in knowing what kind of preexisting libraries exist for this problem domain.
Here are some of the MANY choices:
Fancy Time Picker
NoGray Time Picker
This JQuery Plugin
Another JQuery Plugin
JQuery pt.TimeSelect
Clock Pick
Clock Picker
John Resig (The J IN JQuery) has this to say about it.
You'll need to combine a DATE Plugin with a Time Plugin, don't try to cram both into one dialog

Date/Time input for an HTML Form

I'm having trouble finding an elegant way to allow for date/time input in an html form. I am thinking of having drop down menus for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond that are populated with valid entries only. I could do this by hard coding values for each drop down menu, but I'm thinking there must be a more elegant way to do this, perhaps with some already existing javascript library that I have not found yet. Any tips for getting this done?
edit: Second, and if possible, millisecond precision is needed for what I'm working on.
edit#2: After reading some of the comments, I have come to the realization that it is probably a bad idea to have drop down menus for the large range of values required by hours/minutes/seconds and especially milliseconds. I think will go with having the DatePicker prototype date chooser, along with a simple textfield for time input.
This can be done quite elegantly with a Jquery plug-in called Datepicker
There are many calendars which can do this, with both date and time :
Calendar Date Select
Control.DatePicker (based on PrototypeJS) my favourite, I made an enhanced version, with more features, I can share it
Dynarch calendar but I find it too heavy
and others
I think a very easy way to do this is by using PHP i.e. for making choosing a day and a month:
Use the select command for the form, then insert a PHP line to initiate a for loop. So for the days the loop would go from 1 -> 31 and for the month from 1 -> 12. So instead of hard coding it for all the days months etc, you can neatly fit it into one line of code with a small bit of PHP added.
You could expand on on this plugin since you want second/millisecond
