Javascript Date Time Picker - Default Time Value - javascript

I am using this script for a Javascript Date and Time picker.
After a few modifications I have gotten everything to work as I'd like it to minus the default time.
By default, if a time is not selected from the drop down menus initiating the onChange event, the time defaults to the current time. I need this to default to 12:00am. I Have looked through the code and have tried several changes but cannot get this to work the way I'd like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ion-datetime how to open view on current year, but to not select day

i am working on an issue with a ionic date-time date picker.
When i open the datepicker, it opens with a view of may 2021.
when i scroll along to the current date, i see a circle around today's date. so it does seem to be selecting todays date correctly.
i have tried setting the value of today, and this works. however, it also selects the current date.
This is a problem.
I need the current month to open in the view, but for the datepicker to not have anything selected. I have read through the documentation and there doesn't seem to be an option for giving a initial view.
As far as i know, working with a 'New date' to isostring() solution wouldn't work either, as it would select the current date, and i can't leave parts of that iso string blank.
anyone have any ideas for this specific problem? it would seem so straightforward for there to be a view selector.
I had to update "#ionic/angular-toolkit"

Bootstrap datetimepicker zone issue

I have a bootstrap datetimepicker installed on my website, which is this plugin:
The problem I experience is that whenever a user has a different timezone, the time in the datetimepicker changes aswell. (The value is coming from the database and is a solid date)
So for example, my timezone it does:
Whenever I change my timezone, it reverts to this:
Make one timezone default. Either in 'connect.php' or in 'head.php'. Fix it, wherever you feel suitable.
Now, According to Bangkok, all user's time will get set. Fix this code in that page, which is included in each and every page. That's the reason i prefer it to be in 'connect.php' or 'header.php'.

Good javaScript time picker which shows previous and next time option?

Hi I am looking for a JavaScript time picker which shows the previous and next option. The closest one I found is eonasdan's Boostrap 3 time picker! But the thing missing is the visible previous/next time option. I did a mock up picture and highlighted the fields that I need in orange based on eonasdan's solution but I have no clue how to make it. Is there any good time picker I can use to make it?
Try this. In this you are provided with Date, Time and Date and Time together.

jQuery datePicker endDate

I'm using this particular datepicker script (which is not the one provided in jQuery itself, but they happen to have the sane name)
And in the examples there's an option to only select dates in the past selectables, however, i can't figure out how to set selectables dates in the past INCLUDING today, without trying to fool the datePicker that the end date is tomorrow (which causes the calendar to render tomorrow selectable, but at select it does nothing)
After lot of testing however i've come into some light about the problem, it seems that when you pass the endDate to the script it transform it to string to later again transform it to a Date object, when doing this the script seems to ignore the hour and it simple puts 00:00:00:00 but when checking the max selectable date it gets 12:00:00:00, since the date i'm givin is greater than today it becomes not selectable.
Thanks in advance
PD: Suggestions like "use another calendar then" means too many changes, so i'd rather try to fix the current one.

Selecting Data on JavaScript popup menu using Selenium

I am using Selenium to test out a web site. The web site contains a date field, which when clicked, opens a popup from wherein I can choose the date.
My issue is that I wish to select a particular date using the Selenium IDE or Selenese. I have tried various methods, but have not been able to get a correct solution or been able to resolve it, except by manually specifying a date to the field in Selenese script. I am using Java to implement the test case.
An example could be checked by going to any airlines site and clicking on the date field for departure. The popup which comes up, I wish to capture a date on that. This could be a future date or the present date.
You need to implement some code that will navigate calendar to the desired date. Depending on the calendar appearance it may be required to navigate to the next month or year, so you need the code that will determine what needs to be done and then emulate required events for Selenium.
We had the same task in our tests and we end up with either selecting today's date or by entering the date into the field directly. We also made a code that will allow to select any date on the calendar by we did this only because we needed to test the calendar widget and we were the authors of the widget so we knew how it was made. However it resulted in writing a lot of code
Selenium IDE is limited in its ability to handle javascript. I've worked around it at times
by putting custom links in that do customized GETs, but it's a hack.
You could look at Sahi, which can do it. I haven't tried it though.
