JavaScript innerHTML not loading data - javascript

I want to get the values that were entered by the user from the window prompts, and let them display in paragraph tags on by html page. I thought using document.getElementById("idName").innerHTML would work, but it doesn't show the values that were entered by the user.
Here is the code I have on my JavaScript page. I have called the methods that need to execute on the page. :
var players = [];
var numberOfMoves = 0;
var currentPlayer = 0;
getPlayerNames(); //Get player names
setPlayerInformation(); //Set the names of the players in paragraph tags with id playerOneInformation and playerTwoInformation
function getPlayerNames()
players[0] = window.prompt("Please Enter Player 1: ", "");
players[1] = window.prompt("Please Enter Player 2: ", "");
function setPlayerInformation()
document.getElementById("playerOneInformation").innerHTML = players[0];
document.getElementById("playerTwoInformation").innerHTML = players[1];


Javascript-Using Parsed Data From a Query String as a Heading

I am wondering how to take the information from a parsed query string and use it to display on the top of my page. Ignore the window.alert part of the code, I was just using that to verify that the function worked.
For example: If the user had choices of Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall, whichever they chose would display a a header on the next page. So if (seasonArray[i]) = Fall, I want to transfer that information into the form and display it as a element. I'm sure this is easily done, but I can't figure it out. Thanks, in advance.
function seasonDisplay() {
var seasonVariable =;
seasonVariable = seasonVariable.substring(1, seasonVariable.length);
while (seasonVariable.indexOf("+") != -1) {
seasonVariable = seasonVariable.replace("+", " ");
seasonVariable = unescape(seasonVariable);
var seasonArray = seasonVariable.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < seasonArray.length; ++i) {
if (window != top)
top.location.href = location.href
<h1 id="DynamicHeader"></h1>
Replace the alert line with:

lookup username using getactiveuser using Google Spreadsheet script

I have been trying to lookup username using activeuser. Only the first part works and the last part doesnt. My goal is to unhide the sheet based on the username of the active user (sheetname is based on username). Below is the code I am using.
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menuEntries = [];
menuEntries.push({name: "Test getActiveUser/getEmail", functionName: "onTest"});
ss.addMenu("Rep Drowndown", menuEntries);
function onTest() {
testGetEmail("menu function");
function testGetEmail(callerId) {
var userEmail = "";
var activeUser = Session.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null)
Browser.msgBox("Session.getActiveUser() returned null", "called by " + callerId, Browser.Buttons.OK);
userEmail = activeUser.getEmail();
if (userEmail == "")
Browser.msgBox("Your Email returned an empty string", "called by " + callerId, Browser.Buttons.OK);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var lookup = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var range = ss.getRange('$A$3:$B$8').getValues();
var lookupRange = [];
for (var i = 0; i < range.length; i++)
var index = lookupRange.indexOf(lookup);
if (index == -1) {
// implicit no-op
else {
var link = range[index][2]
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(link);
You need to set up an installable trigger. This allows the script to run with authorization, whereas normally "onOpen()" is run as a Simple Trigger. Since Simple Triggers can't authorize as users, you'll never get an email address.
The simplest solution is to set testGetEmail() to be run on open. Do this within the Script Editor by choosing Resources > Current Project's Triggers in the menu. Then click "No triggers set up. Click here to add one now." Finally, set up your trigger:
Choose your function's name (testGetEmail) from the first dropdown under "Run."
Choose "From spreadsheet" in the second dropdown under "Events."
Choose "On Open" in the third dropdown.
Then test to be sure I didn't commit a typo :-)

how can I send data from another page by post to bulk domain search page in whmcs?

I have created a page containing a text-area field and few check boxes, from where user can write many domain names in each line in text-area field, and then can choose different domain type through check-boxes. then user clicks on submit button which is redirected to bulk domain search page ?
Link to page where I'm trying to do this is --
I tried to create a simple submit button, but that does not work, then I wrote following code to submit the data by calling a function --
<script type="text/javascript">
function alerttlds() {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var values = new Array();
var tld = new Array();
var bulkdomains = new Array;
jQuery.each(jQuery("input[name='tld[]']:checked"), function() {
tld[j++] = jQuery(this).val();
for(var k = 0; k < tld.length; k++) {
var lines = jQuery('textarea[name=sld]').val().split('\n');
jQuery.each(lines, function(){
bulkdomains[i++] = this+tld[k];
document.getElementById('bulkdomains').value = bulkdomains.join("\n");

Javascript: Simple currency converter with previous conversions

what i aim to do is a very simple currency converter. Basically, you type in a number, and press a button, a text is displayed that says "x dollars is y euros". Press the button again, a new text is displayed where the old one was, and the old one is displayed under the new one.
I've come so far that when something is entered in the field, it pops up below, and if you press the button again (with the same or a different value) it becomes a list of text.
To clarify what it is i'm saying here, take a look at this jsfiddle:
Now i want to make it so that only numbers work, and so that number(x) is converted when the button is pressed and displayed below next to some fitting text (like "x dollars is y euros")
This is my js code, check the jsfiddle full code (html, js, css)
Any suggestions?
var count = 0;
function validate() {
var amount = document.querySelector("#amount");
if(amount.value.length > 0) {
amount.className = 'correct';
else {
amount.className = 'empty';
if (document.querySelector('.empty')) {
alert('Något är fel');
else {
function addconvert(amount) {
var table = document.querySelector('#tbody');
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var amountTd = document.createElement('td');
var amountTextNode = document.createTextNode(amount);
table.insertBefore(tr, table.firstChild);
var button = document.querySelector(".button");
button.onclick = validate;
Your number validation is failing. Change the first part of your validation to this:
function validate() {
var amount = document.querySelector("#amount");
var amountNum = parseFloat(amount.value); //This is the numeric value, use it for calculations
if(amount.value.length > 0 && !isNaN(amountNum) ) {
amount.className = 'correct';
amount.value = amountNum;
Working here:
You need a conversion rate (there are APIs for that), and then you can just add them together in a string
var convRate = 1.3;
var amountTextNode = document.createTextNode(amount + " dollars is " + amount*convRate + " euros");
Regarding the API, Yahoo will tell you what you need without even the need to sign-in
url: "*"
}).done(function(data) {
convRate = data.query.results.rate.Rate
To make sure that only numbers work, you can test the variable amount.value using the isNaN function. This will return true if the user's input is Not-a-Number, so if it returns false, you can proceed with your conversion.
if (!isNaN(amount.value)){
addconvert(+amount.value) // the plus symbol converts to a number
} else {
// display error here
Inside your addconvert function, you can add code to will multiply your input amount by an exchange rate to get a rough conversion.
function addconvert(){
// ...
var euros = 0.74 * amount
var text = amount + ' dollars is ' + euros + ' euros'
var amountTextNode = document.createTextNode(text);

Why is result displaying result plus previous result in loop?

I have an image and name displaying in a new div. However, I have run into a problem where the next time a person enters name and picture and presses save, their userDiv shows their name plus the previous users name. For example, there are two users: User 1 and User 2. When I select all users and loop through the results the names are logging differently. User one shows up as "User 1", but User 2 shows up as "User 1 User 2". From a quick look around I think it is because innerHTML gets all content from the parent div, but I'm not sure.
var htmlStr="";
var theID;
var theName;
var thePhoto;
var len = results.rows.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
theID = results.rows.item(i).id;
theName = results.rows.item(i).username;
htmlStr += theName;
thePhoto = results.rows.item(i).imagepath;
var imageHold= new Image();
imageHold.src = thePhoto;
console.log("this is the src:"+imageHold.src);
var userDiv = document.createElement("div");//Create the div
document.getElementById('showUsers').appendChild(userDiv);//append it to the document = 'block';
Remove var htmlStr=""; and declare it within the loop on each iteration. So change
htmlStr += theName;
var htmlStr = theName;
and this should resolve your issue
