I'm learning functional programming and I wonder if there is a way to "combine" functions like this:
function triple(x) {
return x * 3;
function plusOne(x) {
return x + 1;
function isZero(x) {
return x === 0;
combine(1); //1
combine(triple)(triple)(plusOne)(1); // 10
combine(plusOne)(triple)(isZero)(-1); // true
If the para is a function, it "combines" the function into itself, and if not it will return the final result.
This is a concept from maths called function composition.
f(x) = y
g(y) = z
g(f(x)) = z
(g•f)(x) = z
That last line is read "g of f of x equals z". What's great about composed functions is the elimination of points. Notice in g(f(x)) = z we take an x input and get a z output. This skips the intermediate point, y.
Composition is a great way to create higher-order functions and keep your code sparkly clean. It's plain to see why we'd want this in our Javascript programs.
JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language with rich support for functions. We can create a simple comp function, which combines two input functions, g and f, and results in a new function -
function triple(x) {
return x * 3
function plusOne(x) {
return x + 1
function comp(g, f) {
return function(x) {
return g(f(x)) // "g of f of x"
const myfunc =
comp(triple, plusOne)
Just as the question suggests, it's likely we will want to combine more than two functions. Below we write compose which takes all of the input functions and reduces them using our simple comp from above. If no functions are given, we return the empty function, identity -
const triple = (x) =>
x * 3
const plusOne = (x) =>
x + 1
const comp = (g, f) =>
x => g(f(x)) // "g of f of x"
const identity = (x) =>
const compose = (...all) =>
all.reduce(comp, identity)
const myfunc =
compose(triple, triple, plusOne) // any amount of funcs
You can be as creative as you like. Below, we write pipe which allows our programs to read in a comfortable left-to-right direction -
const triple = (x) =>
x * 3
const plusOne = (x) =>
x + 1
const pipe = x =>
f => pipe(f(x))
pipe(1)(plusOne)(triple)(triple)(console.log) // 18
pipe(3)(triple)(plusOne)(triple)(plusOne)(console.log) // 31
Evaluation of expression one -
f => pipe(f(1))
f => pipe(f(2))
f => pipe(f(6))
f => pipe(f(18))
and expression two -
f => pipe(f(3))
f => pipe(f(9))
f => pipe(f(10))
f => pipe(f(30))
f => pipe(f(31))
related techniques
Curried functions and partial application are concepts that gel with function composition. pipe above is introduced in another Q&A as $ and demonstrated again here -
const $ = x => // "pipe", or whatever name you pick
k => $ (k (x))
const add = x => y => // curried add
x + y
const mult = x => y => // curried mult
x * y
$ (1) // 1
(add (2)) // + 2 = 3
(mult (6)) // * 6 = 18
(console.log) // 18
$ (7) // 7
(add (1)) // + 1 = 8
(mult (8)) // * 8 = 64
(mult (2)) // * 2 = 128
(mult (2)) // * 2 = 256
(console.log) // 256
function triple(x) {
return x * 3;
function plusOne(x) {
return x + 1;
function isZero(x) {
return x === 0;
var combine = function (v) {
var fn = [];
function _f(v) {
if (typeof v === 'function') {
return _f;
} else {
return fn.reduce(function (x, f) { return f(x); }, v);
return _f(v);
var a, b;
console.log(combine(1)); //1
console.log(combine(triple)(triple)(plusOne)(1)); // 10
console.log(combine(plusOne)(triple)(isZero)(-1)); // true
console.log(a = combine(plusOne)); // function ...
console.log(b = a(triple)); // function ...
console.log(b(5)); // 18
console.log(combine(triple)(plusOne)(triple)(plusOne)(triple)(plusOne)(1)); // 40
// #naomik's examples
var f = combine(triple);
var g = combine(triple)(triple);
console.log(f(1)); // 3
console.log(g(1)); // 9 (not 6 as you stated)
Function composition has already been detailed in other answers, mostly https://stackoverflow.com/a/30198265/4099454, so my 2 cents are straight onto answering your latest question:
If the para is a function, it "combines" the function into itself, and if not it will return the final result. Thanks!
const chain = (g, f = x => x) =>
typeof g === 'function'
? (y) => chain(y, (x) => g(f(x)))
: f(g);
// ====
const triple = x => x * 3;
const inc = x => x + 1;
const isZero = x => x === 0;
It is also possible to build a complex Functionality by Composing Simple Functions in JavaScript.In a sense, the composition is the nesting of functions, passing the result of one in as the input into the next. But rather than creating an indecipherable amount of nesting, we'll create a higher-order function, compose(), that takes all of the functions we want to combine, and returns us a new function to use in our app.
function triple(x) {
return x * 3;
function plusOne(x) {
return x + 1;
function isZero(x) {
return x === 0;
const compose = (...fns) => x =>
fns.reduce((acc, cur) => {
return cur(acc);
}, x);
const withCompose = compose(triple, triple, isZero);
You can simply call the function on the return values themselves, for example:
plusOne(triple(triple(1))) // 10
isZero(triple(plusOne(-1))) // true
I stumbled upon this javascript statement:
const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x);
I don't understand the expression f(y), x. With some experimenting I found out that this is working too: f(y(x)). It gives the exact same result (for my example at least and is much more understandable to me).
const pipe1 = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x);
const pipe2 = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y(x)));
const addThree = x => x + 3;
const addTwo = x => x + 2;
let x1 = pipe1(addTwo, addThree)(2); //x1 is seven
let x2 = pipe2(addTwo, addThree)(2); //x2 is seven
Then I thought that this is some syntax sugar for x,y for x(y) and tried this:
let z = n => addThree, n; //addThree(n)? no, that does not work!
I need some light on the expression f(y), x). Yes I read some stackoverflow articles that the expression is evaluated form left to right and the last is returned. It just makes no sense to me in this example.
fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x)
If you format it, it might make more sense.
(y, f) => f(y),
So (y, f) => f(y) is the first parameter to reduce (the reducer function), and x is the 2nd parameter to reduce, which is the initial value.
In conclusion, you were thrown off by the lack of grouping with the arrow function. :)
"Value-X" is going to be the x variable, passed as the 2nd parameter to the reduce function.
const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x);
const foo = pipe(func1, func2, func3);
The expression can be rewritten as this, if it helps to clarify things:
function pipe(...fns) {
return function (x) {
function chain(y, f) {
// y = previous return value
// If this is the first time the function is called, y = x
return f(y);
return fns.reduce(chain, x);
I have a 2 functions and 1 variable which when combined take the form
const value = f(g(x))(x)
That is, f(g(x)) returns a function taking x again. I don't like this redundancy and it's preventing me from declaring my function pointfree.
What Ramda function do I need to transform this into R.something(f, g)(x)?
Here's a working example, testable in http://ramdajs.com/repl/?v=0.24.1,
const triple = x => x * 3
const conc = x => y => x + " & " + y
const x = 10
// I'm looking for R.something(conc, triple)(x)
You can use R.chain
const something = chain(conc, triple)
You can see this in action on the Ramda repl.
you can make a function result which does
const triple = x => x * 3
const conc = x => y => x + " & " + y
let result = (a, b) => e => a(b(e))(e)
const x = 10
// I'm looking for R.something(conc, triple)(x)
console.log(result(conc, triple)(x));
const x = (a) => b(a) is the same thing as const x = b
const a = () => { console.log('hi'); }
let x1 = a;
let x2 = () => a();
Whats the difference between..
const equalField = R.propEq('field'); // NOT WORK!
const equalField = (f) => R.propEq('field')(f); // WORKS!
The first one return a function, the second one return the result.
Check my code snippet...
const addingError = {
message: '',
errors: [ { field: "number" }, { field: "mac" } ]
// const equalField = R.propEq('field'); // NOT WORK!
const equalField = (f) => R.propEq('field')(f); // WORKS!
const getErrors = R.pipe(R.always(addingError), R.prop('errors'))
const anyField = R.converge(R.any, [equalField, getErrors])
const result = anyField('mac');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.23.0/ramda.js"></script>
My intention is...
When I call anyField('mac')
R.any will be called with R.any(equalField('mac'), getErrors('mac'))
equalField('mac') returns a function, and this is ok because the first argument of R.any is a function
getErrors('mac') returns a array, and this is ok because the second argument of R.any is an array.
It all depends on b …
x = (a) => b(a) is not the same thing as x = b
You are wrong if b is a function that expects exactly 1 argument – or b is a curried function
You are right if b is a function that expects more than 1 argument
The problem is compounded because Ramda has a magical API that allows you to interact with a single function as if it was curried or uncurried.
// Ramda magic
R.propEq('a', 'b', {a: 'b'}) // true
R.propEq('a')('b', {a: 'b'}) // true
R.propEq('a', 'b')({a: 'b'}) // true
R.propEq('a')('b')({a: 'b'}) // true
This is going to generate some confusion (and I personally think this sucks), but we're going to ignore it for now
Simplified demonstrations
Below: b is a function that expects exactly 1 argument. x and y work as intended
const b = n => n + 1
const x = b
const y = n => b (n)
console.log(x(1)) // 2
console.log(y(1)) // 2
Below: b is a function that expects more than 1 argument – y is a problem in this case
const b = (n,m) => n + m
const x = b
const y = n => b(n)
console.log(x(1,2)) // 3
console.log(y(1,2)) // NaN
Below: b is a curried function that expects more than 1 argument – y is no longer a problem
const b = n => m => n + m
const x = b
const y = n => b(n)
console.log(x(1)(2)) // 3
console.log(y(1)(2)) // 3
Ramda magic sauce; source of confusion
So regarding Ramda specifically, the answer is slightly more complicated
Below, if we call x and y in curried form, we get exactly the answer we are expecting – however, if we call x and y with both remaining arguments, then only x will perform as expected; y will return a function waiting for the last argument
const b = R.propEq('a')
const x = b
const y = n => b(n)
// call in curried form, everything works as expected
console.log(x('b')({a: 'b'})) // true
console.log(y('b')({a: 'b'})) // true
// call with both args, y blows up
console.log(x('b', {a: 'b'})) // true
console.log(y('b', {a: 'b'})) // function n(r){return 0===arguments.length||b(r)?n:t.apply(this,arguments)}
The error is of course because of the way we defined y
// bad, only accommodates one extra argument
// ramda super magical api would allow any number of arguments per application
const y = n => b(n)
// instead write
const y = (...args) => b(...args)
// above: which of course is stupid in a whole new way
// instead just write
const y = b
// above which is stupid, too
// instead just write
Your intention
I (think) I understand what you're trying to do in your updated post. If so, the following snippet might be of some help to you
const fieldEq = R.propEq('field')
const errorsInclude = type =>
R.compose (R.any(fieldEq(type)), R.prop('errors'))
const addingError = {
message: '',
errors: [ { field: "number" }, { field: "mac" } ]
errorsInclude('mac') (addingError) // true
errorsInclude('number') (addingError) // true
errorsInclude('foo') (addingError) // false
Be careful not to fetishize point-free programming. In the code above, errorsInclude must be called in curried form. The Ramda Way® might suggest you use R.curry for the binary function
const errorsInclude = R.curry((type, x) =>
R.compose (R.any(fieldEq(type)), R.prop('errors')) (x))
// now you can call it either way
console.log(errorsInclude('mac', addingError)) // true
console.log(errorsInclude('mac')(addingError)) // true
But! this sorta defeats the purpose of R.compose – I personally think the following is probably the best you can end up with if you want to adhere to ramda conventions
const errorsInclude = R.curry((type, x) =>
R.any(fieldEq(type), R.prop('errors', x)))
There's nothing sexy about it, but it at least it's straightforward – just my 2 cents.
#ScottSauyet comments that it could also be solved using R.useWith:
const errorsInclude = R.useWith(R.any, [R.propEq('field'), R.prop('errors')]);
For what it's worth
Your question title is at the core of lambda calculus' eta conversion –
const g = x => f (x) == f
g(y) == f(y)
g == f
This only works as a law when all functions accept/expect exactly 1 argument tho (which is the case in lambda calculus).
I am learning function programming in JavaScript, currently I have the following code.
I would like to combine this two functions in another function which alllow an user to pass a value in and having the result equal to the value passed plus 10 multiply 3 using the following functions.
Pseudo code example:
const myFormulat= add(10).multiply(3);
How can I write this function using only vanilla JS ES6?
function add(x){
return function(y){
return y + x;
function multiply(x){
return function(y){
return y * x;
// my calculation
// get x add 10 and after multiply by 3
Bear traps and landmines
This answer exists solely to demonstrate why this is not such a great idea – complexity is thru the roof with basically no gain. Note we must tell our function when to end, so i've added a special function call so our expressions will look like this
// where x is the input for the entire function chain
One last change is our library of functions add, mult, et al must be wrapped in some scope that limits the reach of our proxy. This scope tells us exactly where the functions we wish to chain exist.
Oh and if the title of this section wasn't a warning enough, we use a Proxy too.
// helpers
const identity = x => x
const comp = f => g => x => f(g(x))
// magic wand
const using = scope => {
let acc = identity
let p = new Proxy({
call: x => acc(x),
}, {
get: (target, name) => {
if (name in target)
return target[name]
else if (name in scope)
return x => {
acc = comp (scope[name](x)) (acc)
return p
throw Error(`${f} is not undefined in ${scope}`)
return p
// your functions wrapped in a scope
const math = {
add: x => y => x + y,
mult: x => y => x * y
// chain it up
const main = using(math).add(3).mult(4).add(5).mult(6).call
// (((2 + 3) * 4) + 5) * 6
// ((5 * 4) + 5) * 6
// (20 + 5) * 6
// 25 * 6
// 150
Function composition
But seriously, don't do that. Pushing everything through the . operator is unnatural given your starting point and you should be looking for more effective means to combine functions.
We can effectively do the same thing using a slightly different notation – the biggest difference here is complexity is almost zero
const compose = (f,...fs) => x =>
f === undefined ? x : compose (...fs) (f(x))
const add = x => y => x + y
const mult = x => y => x * y
const main = compose (add(3), mult(4), add(5), mult(6))
console.log(main(2)) // => 150
Maybe you don't like traditional function composition, and that's fine, because we have yet another way to tackle this problem using Functors – simply put, a Functor is a container with a map function.
Below we have a Box function which puts values in our container. The map function accepts a function and creates a new Box with the return value of the user-specified function. Lastly, we have a fold function which allows us to take our value out of the box
Again, it changes up the way we write the code a little bit, but the reduction is complexity is tremendous (compared to the Proxy example)
const Box = x => ({
map: f => Box(f(x)),
fold: f => f(x)
const add = x => y => x + y
const mult = x => y => x * y
const main = Box(2).map(add(3)).map(mult(4)).map(add(5)).map(mult(6)).fold
main(console.log) // 150
See: http://scott.sauyet.com/Javascript/Talk/Compose/2013-05-22/
function add(x){
return function(y){
return y + x;
function multiply(x){
return function(y){
return y * x;
Function.prototype.compose = function(g) {
var fn = this;
return function() {
return fn.call(this, g.apply(this, arguments));
var f = multiply(3).compose(add(10));
If i understand you correctly you are trying to figure out function chaining in JavaScript
Function Chaining or Method chaining is a common pattern in JS world.
one of the methods in which you can achieve chaining is by creating a class and returning this operator or current object reference back
You can find interesting tutorial regarding this in following URL
I want to be able to run the func n times with this createIterator function.
var createIterator = function (func, n) {
getDouble = function (x) {
return x + x;
return getDouble * n;
I want to be able to do this with the code:
var getQuad = createIterator(getDouble, 2);
getQuad(2) //8
Here are the tests is needs to pass:
Test.describe("Iterator for 'getDouble' function", function() {
var getDouble = function (n) {
return n + n;
Test.it("Running the iterator for once", function() {
var doubleIterator = createIterator(getDouble, 1);
Test.assertEquals(doubleIterator(3), 6, "Returns double of 3 as 6");
Test.assertEquals(doubleIterator(5), 10, "Returns double of 5 as 10");
Test.it("Running the iterator twice", function() {
var getQuadruple = createIterator(getDouble, 2);
Test.assertEquals(getQuadruple(2), 8, "Returns quadruple of 2 as 8");
Test.assertEquals(getQuadruple(5), 20, "Returns quadruple of 5 as 20");
I have been at this for awhile and have not been able to figure this out. Any help would be awesome. Thanks!
You can write a simple repeat procedure that when applied to n, f, and x, will repeat the application of function f to argument x, n times.
// ES6
const repeat = n => f => x =>
n === 1 ? f(x) : repeat(n-1)(f)(f(x));
const getDouble = x => x * 2;
const double = repeat(1)(getDouble);
const quad = repeat(2)(getDouble);
See it work
console.log(double(3)); // 6
console.log(double(5)); // 10
console.log(quad(2)); // 8
console.log(quad(5)); // 20
Let step through the evaluation of one of the examples:
const double = repeat(1)(getDouble);
Because repeat has been applied to n and f here, it returns
x => 1 === 1 ? getDouble(x) : repeat(0)(getDouble)(getDouble(x))
Now, when we call
Substitute 3 for x
1 === 1 ? getDouble(3) : repeat(0)(getDouble)(getDouble(3));
Because 1 === 1, the first part of the ternary expression is returned
getDouble(3); // 6
double(3) === getDouble(3) === 6
Now let's see the same process for quad
const quad = repeat(2)(getDouble);
Because repeat has been applied to n and f here, it returns
x => 2 === 1 ? getDouble(x) : repeat(1)(getDouble)(getDouble(x))
Now, when we call
Substitue 2 for x
2 === 1 ? getDouble(2) : repeat(1)(getDouble)(getDouble(2));
Because 2 === 1 is false, the second part of the ternary expression is returned
So we have to call repeat again, with n=1, f=getDouble, x=4, so
1 === 1 ? getDouble(4) : repeat(0)(getDouble)(getDouble(4))
Because 1 === 1, the first part of the ternary expression is returned
getDouble(4); // 8
quad(2) === getDouble(4) === 8
If you need the ES5, here you go
// ES5
var repeat = function repeat(n) {
return function (f) {
return function (x) {
return n === 1 ? f(x) : repeat(n - 1)(f)(f(x));
var getDouble = function getDouble(x) {
return x * 2;
var double = repeat(1)(getDouble);
var quad = repeat(2)(getDouble);
console.log(double(3)); // 6
console.log(double(5)); // 10
console.log(quad(2)); // 8
console.log(quad(5)); // 20
If you want your original API, which I believe to be inferior, we can still implement that
// ES6
const createIterator = (f, n) => x =>
n === 1 ? f(x) : createIterator(f, n-1)(f(x));
const getDouble = x => x * 2;
const double = createIterator(getDouble, 1);
const quad = createIterator(getDouble, 2);
And here's the ES5
// ES5
var createIterator = function createIterator(f, n) {
return function (x) {
return n === 1 ? f(x) : createIterator(f, n - 1)(f(x));
var getDouble = function getDouble(x) {
return x * 2;
var double = createIterator(getDouble, 1);
var quad = createIterator(getDouble, 2);
Both implementations work identically
So why is repeat(n)(f)(x) better ?
Well, because the function is fully curried, you can partially apply it in meaningful ways.
const getDouble = x => x * 2;
const once = repeat(1);
const twice = repeat(2);
const thrice = repeat(3);
const quad = twice(getDouble);
quad(5); // 20
const annoyingAlert = thrice(x => {alert(x); return x;});
annoyingAlert('wake up !'); // displays 'wake up !' three times
Your function isn't as flexible because it takes the function, f, and the number of times, n, as a tuple. Getting around this would require manually currying your function or using a Function.prototype.bind hack.
Try rearranging variables. Note, getDouble would be undefined at var getQuad = createIterator(getDouble, 2); as getDouble is defined within createIterator
var createIterator = function (func, n) {
getDouble = function (x) {
return (x + x) * n;
return func || getDouble;
var getQuad = createIterator(null, 2);
console.log(getQuad(2)) //8
var createIterator = function(func, n) {
getDouble = function(x) {
return x + x;
return func.bind(null, n * n) || (getDouble(n)) * n;
var getQuad = createIterator(function(x) {
return x + x;
}, 2);
I just want to run getDouble n times.
You could use a loop inside of createIterator , return accumulated value as variable within function returned from createIterator that can be multiplied by parameter passed to getQuad
var createIterator = function(func, n) {
getDouble = function(x) {
return x + x;
var curr = n, res = 0;
while (--curr) {
res += func && func(n) || getDouble(n);
return function(y) {
return res * y
var getQuad = createIterator(null, 2);
console.log(getQuad(5)) // 20
You can do it like this,
Create an empty array of n
Fill the array by the function(arguments)
Join the array by operator
Create a function constructor using the joined array and arguments
Use the new function inside another function to pass the arguments from outside, and then return this new function.
Code snippet of what I am saying is here (if your browser supports Array.prototype.fill)
var createIterator = function (func, n, operator) {
operator = operator || "+";
var inner = Function(["f", "a"], "return " + Array(n ).fill("f(a)").join(operator) + ";");
return function (arg) {
return inner(func, arg);
var c = createIterator(function (n) {return n + n;}, 2);
document.write(c(3) + "<br/>");
document.write(c(6) + "<br/>");
var d = createIterator(function (n) {return n + n;}, 3, "+");
document.write(d(3) + "<br/>");
document.write(d(6) + "<br/>");
otherwise use this snippet
var createIterator = function (func, n, operator) {
operator = operator || "+";
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {array[i] = "f(a)";}
var inner = Function(["f", "a"], "return " + array.join(operator) + ";");
return function (arg) {
return inner(func, arg);
var c = createIterator(function (n) {return n + n;}, 2);
document.write(c(3) + "<br/>");
document.write(c(6) + "<br/>");
var d = createIterator(function (n) {return n + n;}, 3, "+");
document.write(d(3) + "<br/>");
document.write(d(6) + "<br/>");