I have created a range slider where I am displaying a bubble with slider value within it.
( This example is based on https://css-tricks.com/value-bubbles-for-range-inputs/, I am simply attempted to recreate based on JS)
Here is a function that is suppose to make the bubble move along with the slider:
function displayValue(event) {
var rangeInput = document.getElementById('myRange');
var width = rangeInput.offsetWidth;
var min = rangeInput.getAttribute('min');
var max = rangeInput.getAttribute('max');
var newPoint = (event.target.value - min)/(max - min);
var offset = -1.3;
var newPlace;
if (newPoint < 0) {
newPlace = 0;
} else if (newPoint > 1 ) {
newPlace = width;
} else {
newPlace = width * newPoint + offset;
offset -= newPoint;
var outputElement = document.getElementById('myOutput');
outputElement.value = event.target.value;
outputElement.style.left = newPlace;
outputElement.style.marginLeft = offset = "%";
This function only partially works (as in the value insider the bubble updates but not the position)
Why is the sldier failing to update it's position ?
I found couple of anomalies in your code which might be typos.
Instead of:
outputElement.style.left = newPlace;
outputElement.style.marginLeft = offset = "%";
outputElement.style.left = newPlace + 'px';
outputElement.style.marginLeft = offset + "%";
I want to call a function only once every time the div #blinds reach their max-height at 430px, how can I do this?
My Codepen: https://codepen.io/cocotx/pen/YzGBpVJ
window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
var blinds = document.getElementById("blinds");
blinds.style.height = event.clientY + 'px';
One polling way is adding the code below in your js if there are other behaviours changing the size of the element. Simply change 400 to the value you want.
var blinds = document.getElementById("blinds");
setInterval(() => {
let rect = blinds.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.height > 400)
console.log(" reach 400");
}, 100);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
var blinds = document.getElementById("blinds");
blinds.style.height = event.clientY + 'px';
// i added here the condition
if(blinds.offsetHeight > 430 /*the value you want*/){
//call your function
Notice that this doesn't work if you use blinds.style.height instead of blinds.offsetHeight, there's a difference between using these but i im still trying to figure it out.
I would suggest to clean your code:
function handler(event){
if(blinds.offsetHeight >430){
//call your function
//and maybe remove the listener
EDIT: try this code
function hasReachedMax(){
var styles = getComputedStyle(blinds);
var borderBottom = styles.borderBottom.split("px")[0]; //this is to get the number of pixels
var borderTop = styles.borderTop.split("px")[0];
var maxH = styles.maxHeight.split("px")[0];
var currentDivSize = blinds.offsetHeight-borderBottom-borderTop;
return maxH == currentDivSize;
function resetTrigger(){
//the condition to reset your trigger, for example making the div element at least 5 px smaller than maxHeight
var styles = getComputedStyle(blinds);
var borderBottom = styles.borderBottom.split("px")[0];
var borderTop = styles.borderTop.split("px")[0];
var maxH = styles.maxHeight.split("px")[0];
var currentDivSize = blinds.offsetHeight-borderBottom-borderTop;
return maxH-currentDivSize>5;
//this should be part of your main code
var trigger = true;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
var blinds = document.getElementById("blinds");
blinds.style.height = event.clientY + 'px';
//call your function
console.log("Im called now");
if(resetTrigger()) trigger=true;
Seen a few similar questions on here but most seem to refer to zooming and panning images, I can't find anything that answers my problem.
I'm looking to create something like https://timmywil.com/panzoom/demo/, but I want to have a DOM element zoom on click, then pan around on mouse move.
I've been able to come up with something that's very nearly there, example here. https://jsfiddle.net/kevngibsn/5okxr8n3/29/
For this I'm using Zoomooz to handle the zoom, and jQuery Pan to take care of the panning. The issue with this example is that jQuery Pan works out the size of the DOM element on page load and doesn't take into account the increased size after zoom, so mouse move doesn't pan to the edges.
Here's the code from jQuery Pan:
(function( $ ){
var getSize = function($element) {
return {
'width': $element.width(),
'height': $element.height()
var toCoords = function(x, y) {
return {'x': x, 'y': y};
var vectorsEqual = function(v1, v2) {
return v1.x == v2.x && v1.y == v2.y;
$.fn.pan = function(options) {
//Container is element this plugin is applied to;
//we're pan it's child element, content
var container = this;
var content = this.children(':first');
//Precalculate the limits of panning - offset stores
//the current amount of pan throughout
var offset = toCoords(
Number(content.css('left').replace('px', '')) | 0,
Number(content.css('top').replace('px', '')) | 0
var containerSize = getSize(container);
var contentSize = getSize(content);
var minOffset = toCoords(
-contentSize.width + containerSize.width,
-contentSize.height + containerSize.height
var maxOffset = toCoords(0, 0);
//By default, assume mouse sensitivity border
//is 25% of the smallest dimension
var defaultMouseEdge = 0.25 * Math.min(
var settings = $.extend( {
'autoSpeedX' : 0,
'autoSpeedY' : 0,
'mouseControl' : 'kinetic',
'kineticDamping' : 0.8,
'mouseEdgeSpeed' : 5,
'mouseEdgeWidth' : defaultMouseEdge,
'proportionalSmoothing' : 0.5,
'updateInterval' : 50,
'mousePan' : null
}, options);
//Mouse state variables, set by bound mouse events below
var mouseOver = false;
var mousePanningDirection = toCoords(0, 0);
var mousePosition = toCoords(0, 0);
var dragging = false;
var lastMousePosition = null;
var kineticVelocity = toCoords(0, 0);
//Delay in ms between updating position of content
var updateInterval = settings.updateInterval;
var onInterval = function() {
if (container.hasClass('pan-off')) return false; //Temporarily disabling pan add/remove class pan-off
var mouseControlHandlers = {
'edge' : updateEdge,
'proportional' : updateProportional,
'kinetic' : updateKinetic
var currentHandler = settings.mouseControl;
if(!mouseControlHandlers[currentHandler]()) {
//The handler isn't active - just pan normally
offset.x += settings.autoSpeedX;
offset.y += settings.autoSpeedY;
//If the previous updates have take the content
//outside the allowed min/max, bring it back in
//If we're panning automatically, make sure we're
//panning in the right direction if the content has
//moved as far as it can go
if(offset.x == minOffset.x) settings.autoSpeedX = Math.abs(settings.autoSpeedX);
if(offset.x == maxOffset.x) settings.autoSpeedX = -Math.abs(settings.autoSpeedX);
if(offset.y == minOffset.y) settings.autoSpeedY = Math.abs(settings.autoSpeedY);
if(offset.y == maxOffset.y) settings.autoSpeedY = -Math.abs(settings.autoSpeedY);
//Finally, update the position of the content
//with our carefully calculated value
content.css('left', offset.x + "px");
content.css('top', offset.y + "px");
var updateEdge = function() {
if(!mouseOver) return false;
//The user's possibly maybe mouse-navigating,
//so we'll find out what direction in case we need
//to handle any callbacks
var newDirection = toCoords(0, 0);
//If we're in the interaction zones to either
//end of the element, pan in response to the
//mouse position.
if(mousePosition.x < settings.mouseEdgeWidth) {
offset.x += settings.mouseEdgeSpeed;
newDirection.x = -1;
if (mousePosition.x > containerSize.width - settings.mouseEdgeWidth) {
offset.x -= settings.mouseEdgeSpeed;
newDirection.x = 1;
if(mousePosition.y < settings.mouseEdgeWidth) {
offset.y += settings.mouseEdgeSpeed;
newDirection.y = -1;
if (mousePosition.y > containerSize.height - settings.mouseEdgeWidth) {
offset.y -= settings.mouseEdgeSpeed;
newDirection.y = 1;
return true;
var updateProportional = function() {
if(!mouseOver) return false;
var rx = mousePosition.x / containerSize.width;
var ry = mousePosition.y / containerSize.height;
targetOffset = toCoords(
(minOffset.x - maxOffset.x) * rx + maxOffset.x,
(minOffset.y - maxOffset.y) * ry + maxOffset.y
var damping = 1 - settings.proportionalSmoothing;
offset = toCoords(
(targetOffset.x - offset.x) * damping + offset.x,
(targetOffset.y - offset.y) * damping + offset.y
return true;
var updateKinetic = function() {
if(dragging) {
if(lastMousePosition == null) {
lastMousePosition = toCoords(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);
kineticVelocity = toCoords(
mousePosition.x - lastMousePosition.x,
mousePosition.y - lastMousePosition.y
lastMousePosition = toCoords(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);
offset.x += kineticVelocity.x;
offset.y += kineticVelocity.y;
kineticVelocity = toCoords(
kineticVelocity.x * settings.kineticDamping,
kineticVelocity.y * settings.kineticDamping
//If the kinetic velocity is still greater than a small threshold, this
//function is still controlling movement so we return true so autopanning
//doesn't interfere.
var speedSquared = Math.pow(kineticVelocity.x, 2) + Math.pow(kineticVelocity.y, 2);
return speedSquared > 0.01
var constrainToBounds = function() {
if(offset.x < minOffset.x) offset.x = minOffset.x;
if(offset.x > maxOffset.x) offset.x = maxOffset.x;
if(offset.y < minOffset.y) offset.y = minOffset.y;
if(offset.y > maxOffset.y) offset.y = maxOffset.y;
var updateMouseDirection = function(newDirection) {
if(!vectorsEqual(newDirection, mousePanningDirection)) {
mousePanningDirection = newDirection;
if(settings.mousePan) {
this.bind('mousemove', function(evt) {
mousePosition.x = evt.pageX - container.offset().left;
mousePosition.y = evt.pageY - container.offset().top;
mouseOver = true;
this.bind('mouseleave', function(evt) {
mouseOver = false;
dragging = false;
lastMousePosition = null;
updateMouseDirection(toCoords(0, 0));
this.bind('mousedown', function(evt) {
dragging = true;
return false; //Prevents FF from thumbnailing & dragging
this.bind('mouseup', function(evt) {
dragging = false;
lastMousePosition = null;
//Kick off the main panning loop and return
//this to maintain jquery chainability
setInterval(onInterval, updateInterval);
return this;
})( jQuery );
I'd at about my limit on this one, any advice on how to get that panning the whole element?
Need to apply the animateScript() function to different images/divs on mouseover. i think i just need to change my document.querySelector but im not sure how to do so so that it applies to one of the 4 different images.
let tID; //we will use this variable to clear the setInterval()
//let x = event.clientX, y = event.clientY, elementMouseIsOver = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
function stopAnimate() {
} //end of stopAnimate()
function animateScript() {
let position = 80; //start position for the image slicer
let height = 0;
const interval = 190; //180 ms of interval for the setInterval()
const diff = 80; //diff as a variable for position offset
const next_row = 110;
let elements = document.querySelectorAll(':hover');
tID = setInterval(() => {
document.querySelector(".avatar").style.backgroundPosition = `-${position}px -${height}px`;
//we use the ES6 template literal to insert the variable "position"
if (height < 220)
if (position < 720) {
position = position + diff;
else if (position == 720){
position = 80;
height = next_row + height;
console.log("height: ", height);
else {
if (position < 400) {
position = position + diff;
else if (position == 480){
position = 80;
height = 0;
console.log("height: ", height);
//reset the position to 256px, once position exceeds 1536px
}, interval); //end of setInterval
} //end of animateScript()
You're hard-coding the .avatar selector, which will always get the first element with that class, so you're correct that that will need to change.
One easy solution would be to pass the hovered element into your function.
const handleMouseEnter = (e) => {
const el = e.target;
element.addEventListner("mouseenter", handleMouseEnter);
function animateScript(element) {
tID = setInterval(() => {
element.style.backgroundPosition = `whatever style`;
}, interval);
I have a Javascript animation at http://dev17.edreamz3.com/css/
All code works, however, there are performance problems. on Desktop, its good, On mobile things are so slow that it's unusable. I want to optimize the animation so that it runs smoothly on mobile. It can take 20 seconds or more for the animation to render.
Right now the way the code is designed is in js/anim.js there is a render() function that gets executed every time a scroll event happens. The problem is that this routine is not efficient, that's what I think of. Each time render() executes it loops through all the paths and sections of the maze and redraws them, is there any alternative way or a strategy to get it working both on mobile as well as desktop.
var offPathTime = 1000;
window.offSection = -1;
function render() {
// var top = ($window.scrollTop() + (0.4 * $window.height())) / window.scale;
var top = ($('.parent-div').scrollTop() + (0.4 * $('.parent-div').height())) / window.scale;
top -= 660;
top /= mazeSize.h;
if (window.offSection != -1) {
// var wtop = $window.scrollTop() / window.scale;
var wtop = $('.parent-div').scrollTop() / window.scale;
wtop -= 660;
wtop /= mazeSize.h;
var $offSection = $("#offSection" + window.offSection);
var $section = $("#section" + window.offSection);
var sTop = 200 -(mazeSize.h * (window.offSections[window.offSection].cy - wtop));
left: 290 -(mazeSize.w * window.offSections[window.offSection].cx) + "px",
top: sTop + "px"
}, offPathTime);
// Path
var lr = offPaths[window.offSection].x1 > offPaths[window.offSection].x0;
var dx = Math.abs(offPaths[window.offSection].x1 - offPaths[window.offSection].x0);
var dashw = (dx * mazeSize.w) | 0;
$offPaths[window.offSection].css("width", "0px");
if (lr) {
width: dashw + "px"
}, offPathTime);
} else {
var x0 = offPaths[window.offSection].x0 * mazeSize.w;
var x1 = offPaths[window.offSection].x1 * mazeSize.w;
$offPaths[window.offSection].css("left", x0 + "px");
width: dashw + "px",
left: x1 + "px"
}, offPathTime);
if ($container.css("top") != "0px") {
left: "-1550px",
top: "0px"
}, 500);
var pathIdx = -1;
var path0 = paths[0];
var path1;
var inPath = 0;
var i;
var curTop = 0;
var found = false;
for (i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
var top0 = (i == 0) ? 0 : paths[i-1].y;
var top1 = paths[i].y;
if (top >= top0 && top < top1) {
pathIdx = i;
path1 = paths[i];
inPath = (top - top0) / (top1 - top0);
found = true;
if (i > 0) {
var dy = paths[i].y - paths[i-1].y;
var dx = paths[i].x - paths[i-1].x;
var vert = dx == 0;
if (vert)
$paths[i-1].css("height", (dy * mazeSize.h * inPath) + "px");
} else if (top >= top0) {
path0 = paths[i];
var dy = paths[i].y - top0;
var vert = dy != 0;
if (i > 0) {
if (vert)
$paths[i-1].css("height", (dy * mazeSize.h) + "px");
} else {
if (i > 0) {
curTop = top1;
// Check for an active section
var section;
for (i=0; i<sections.length; i++) {
var d = Math.abs(sections[i].cy - (top - 0.05));
if (d < 0.07) {
var $section = $("#section" + i);
1) At the very least - assign all DOM objects to variables outside of the function scope. Like this:
var $parentDiv = $('.parent-div');
var $sections = $(".section");
function render() {
2) Also you should probably stop animation before executing it again, like this:
If you are running render() function on scroll - it will run many times per second. stop() helps to prevent it somewhat.
3) If it will not be sufficient - you can switch from jQuery to Zepto(jQuery-like api, but much faster and uses css transitions for animations) or to Velocity(basically drop-in replacement for jQuery $.animate and much faster than original) or even to GSAP - much more work obviously, but it is very fast and featured animation library.
I'm attempting to output on a page multiple 'labels' over an image using absolute positioned divs. Each of these divs has a unique number and are placed according to an x and y position on the map (these are percentage based so the image may be scaled).
As some of these labels may overlap, I need a way to either stop them from overlapping, or to essentially 'bump' them off eachother so they no longer overlap. (At this point, it doesn't matter if they are not in their correct position as long as they are near enough as there is a separate 'Pin' view).
They need to stay within the confines of their container and not overlap with eachother.
<div id="labelzone">
<div class="label" style="left:0%;top:8%">001</div>
<div class="label" style="left:0%;top:11%">002</div>
<div class="label" style="left:1%;top:10%">003</div>
border: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
border:1px solid black;
Jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/79cco1oy/
There's a simple example of what I have as an output, these pins could be placed anywhere and there is no limit to how many is on the page, however there shouldn't be any occasion where there are too many to fit in the area.
I'm toying around with doing some form of collision detection and currently attempting to figure out an algorithm of some sort to get them to no longer overlap, and ensure they also don't overlap another item.
My solution is a bit more object oriented.
One object (LabelPool) will contain labels and will be in charge of storing and accomodating them so that they don't collide. You can customize the x/y values that you want to add/substract of the Label's positions in order to avoid their collision. The other object (Label) defines a Label and has some convenient methods. The collision algorithm that I used in LabelPool was taken from this post
var Label = function ($el) {
var position = $el.position(),
width = $el.outerWidth(true),
height = $el.outerHeight(true);
this.getRect = function () {
return {
x: position.left,
y: position.top,
width: width,
height: height
this.modifyPos = function (modX, modY) {
position.top += modY;
position.left += modX;
function updatePos() {
top: position.top,
left: position.left
var LabelPool = function () {
var labelPool = [];
function collides(a, b) {
return !(((a.y + a.height) < (b.y)) || (a.y > (b.y + b.height)) || ((a.x + a.width) < b.x) || (a.x > (b.x + b.width)));
function overlaps(label) {
var a = label.getRect();
return labelPool.some(function (other) {
return collides(a, other.getRect());
this.accomodate = function (label) {
while (labelPool.length && overlaps(label)) {
label.modifyPos(0, 1);// You can modify these values as you please.
var labelPool = new LabelPool;
$(".label").each(function (_, el) {
labelPool.accomodate(new Label($(el)));
Here's the fiddle.
Hope it helps.
Using js and jquery, you can find a basic collision engine based on left/top abs position and size of the label.
Every time you want to add a Label, you check if the positionning is overlaping any existing div, in this case, you translate the new Label to position. This operation may not be the most beautiful you can find, there can be a long process time in case of lots of labels.
$(document).ready (function () {
addLabel (0, 8);
addLabel (0, 11);
addLabel (1, 10);
addLabel (2, 7);
function addLabel (newLeft, newTop)
var newLab = document.createElement ("div");
newLab.className = "label";
$(newLab).css({"left": newLeft+"%", "top": newTop + "%"});
var labels = $("#labelzone > div");
newLab.innerHTML = "00" + (labels.length + 1); // manage 0s
$("#labelzone").append (newLab);
var isCollision = false;
var cpt = 1;
isCollision = false;
$(labels).each (function () {
if (! isCollision && collision (this, newLab))
isCollision = true;
if (isCollision)
$(newLab).css({"left": (newLeft + cpt++) + "%",
"top": (newTop + cpt++) + "%"});
} while (isCollision);
function isInside (pt, div)
var x = parseInt($(div).css("left"));
var y = parseInt($(div).css("top"));
var w = $(div).width () + borderWidth;
var h = $(div).height ();
if (pt[0] >= x && pt[0] <= x + w &&
pt[1] >= y && pt[1] <= y + h)
return true;
return false;
function collision (div1, div2)
var x = parseInt($(div1).css("left"));
var y = parseInt($(div1).css("top"));
var w = $(div1).width () + borderWidth;
var h = $(div1).height ();
var pos = [x, y];
if (isInside (pos, div2))
return true;
pos = [x + w, y];
if (isInside (pos, div2))
return true;
pos = [x + w, y + h];
if (isInside (pos, div2))
return true;
pos = [x, y + h];
if (isInside (pos, div2))
return true;
return false;
Here's another implementation of collision detection close to what you asked for. The two main goals being:
move vertically more than horizontally (because boxes are wider than tall)
stay within a reasonable range from the origin
Here goes:
function yCollision($elem) {
var $result = null;
$('.label').each(function() {
var $candidate = $(this);
if (!$candidate.is($elem) &&
$candidate.position().top <= $elem.position().top + $elem.outerHeight() &&
$candidate.position().top + $candidate.outerHeight() >= $elem.position().top) {
$result = $candidate;
console.log("BUMP Y");
return $result;
function xCollision($elem) {
var $result = null;
$('.label').each(function() {
$candidate = $(this);
if (!$candidate.is($elem) &&
yCollision($elem) &&
yCollision($elem).is($candidate) &&
$candidate.position().left <= $elem.position().left + $elem.outerWidth() &&
$candidate.position().left + $candidate.outerWidth() >= $elem.position().left) {
$result = $candidate;
console.log("BUMP X");
return $result;
function fuzzyMoveY($elem, direction) {
var newTop = $elem.position().top + $elem.outerHeight() / 4 * direction;
// stay in the canvas - top border
newTop = (newTop < 0 ? 0 : newTop);
// stay in the canvas - bottom border
newTop = (newTop + $elem.outerHeight() > $("#labelzone").outerHeight() ? $("#labelzone").outerHeight() - $elem.outerHeight() : newTop);
// stay close to our origin
newTop = (Math.abs(newTop - $elem.attr("data-origin-top")) > $elem.outerHeight() ? $elem.attr("data-origin-top") : newTop);
$elem.css({'top': newTop});
function fuzzyMoveX($elem, direction) {
var newLeft = $elem.position().left + $elem.outerWidth() / 4 * direction;
// stay in the canvas - left border
newLeft = (newLeft < 0 ? 0 : newLeft);
// stay in the canvas - right border
newLeft = (newLeft + $elem.outerWidth() > $("#labelzone").outerWidth() ? $("#labelzone").outerWidth() - $elem.outerWidth() : newLeft);
// stay close to our origin
newLeft = (Math.abs(newLeft - $elem.attr("data-origin-left")) > $elem.outerWidth() ? $elem.attr("data-origin-left") : newLeft);
$elem.css({'left': newLeft});
function bumpY($above, $below) {
if ($above.position().top > $below.position().top) {
$buff = $above;
$above = $below;
$below = $buff;
fuzzyMoveY($above, -1);
fuzzyMoveY($below, 1);
function bumpX($left, $right) {
if ($left.position().left > $right.position().left) {
$buff = $right;
$right = $left;
$left = $buff;
fuzzyMoveX($left, 1);
fuzzyMoveX($right, -1);
$('.label').each(function() {
$(this).attr('data-origin-left', $(this).position().left);
$(this).attr('data-origin-top', $(this).position().top);
var yShallPass = true;
var loopCount = 0;
while (yShallPass && loopCount < 10) {
yShallPass = false;
$('.label').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$collider = yCollision($this);
if ($collider) {
bumpY($this, $collider);
yShallPass = true;
console.log("y loops", loopCount);
var xShallPass = true;
var loopCount = 0;
while (xShallPass && loopCount < 10) {
xShallPass = false;
$('.label').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$collider = xCollision($this);
if ($collider) {
bumpX($this, $collider);
xShallPass = true;
console.log("x loops", loopCount);
This is not production code obviously but please report back if it helps.