using multiple nested if statement in javascript - javascript

Its my understanding that you can stack multiple nested if statements so that you can validate a users input on a form. I have tried to combine two nested if statements so that I can check a users input for multiple fields such as freight and mileage used when they submit but it only goes through the first nested if statement for mileage? Is there a better method to write a script to accomplish this kind of task? The code I have been working with is below. My goal is to have a message alert the user that they have not entered any mileage information for their out of town trip and/or have it alert them they included parts and ask if they ordered them to put the freight info in the freight field. if neither issue exists, I want it to drop out of the if statements and lock the form minus the customer's signature.
test = this.getField("City").value;
test1 = test.toUpperCase();
if (test1.indexOf("HOBBS") == -1) {
if (this.getField("MileageTotal").value === 0) {
app.alert("You have not listed any mileage for this trip.\n\n Please add mileage information for trips outside of the city.", 3, 0, "Trip Mileage Missing");
} else if (this.getField("TotalParts").value > 0 ){
if(this.getField("Freight").value === 0) {
result = app.alert("You have indicated that you have used parts on this job. \n Were any of these parts ordered?", 2, 2, "No Freight Entered");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.numFields; i++){
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
this.getField(fname).readonly = true;
} // makes all fields readonly
var f = this.getField("TechSigDate");
f.value = util.printd("mmm/d/yyyy", new Date());
this.getField("Customer Signature").readonly = false;
this.getField("LockCustomer").readonly = false;
this.getField("Lock Form").display = display.hidden;
I appreciate all of the advice you all are giving. I attempted to combine the statements and use an && instead. This works great for the mileage however it skips the freight validation and goes straight to locking the form. I attempted to set it to be true if TotalParts is grater than 0 and Freight is 0. Am I doing the && statements incorrectly?
test = this.getField("City").value;
test1 = test.toUpperCase();
if (test1.indexOf("HOBBS") == -1 && this.getField("MileageTotal").value === 0) {
app.alert("You have not listed any mileage for this trip.\n\n Please add mileage information for trips outside of the city.", 3, 0, "Trip Mileage Missing");
if (this.getField("TotalParts").value > 0 &&this.getField("Freight").value === 0){
result = app.alert("You have indicated that you have used parts on this job. \n Were any of these parts ordered?", 2, 2, "No Freight Entered");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.numFields; i++){
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(i);
this.getField(fname).readonly = true;
} // makes all fields readonly
var f = this.getField("TechSigDate");
f.value = util.printd("mmm/d/yyyy", new Date());
this.getField("Customer Signature").readonly = false;
this.getField("LockCustomer").readonly = false;
this.getField("Lock Form").display = display.hidden;

I would always show all problems.
It's annoying to the user to have to fix them all one by one.
test = this.getField("City").value;
test1 = test.toUpperCase();
alerts = []
if (test1.indexOf("HOBBS") === -1 && this.getField("MileageTotal").value === 0) {
alerts.push("You have not listed any mileage for this trip.\n\n Please add mileage information for trips outside of the city.", 3, 0, "Trip Mileage Missing");
if (this.getField("TotalParts").value > 0 && this.getField("Freight").value === 0) {
alerts.push("You have indicated that you have used parts on this job. \n Were any of these parts ordered?", 2, 2, "No Freight Entered");
if (alerts.length === 0) {
this.numFields.forEach((files, index) => {
var fname = this.getNthFieldName(index);
this.getField(fname).readonly = true;
}) // makes all fields readonly
var f = this.getField("TechSigDate");
f.value = util.printd("mmm/d/yyyy", new Date());
this.getField("Customer Signature").readonly = false;
this.getField("LockCustomer").readonly = false;
this.getField("Lock Form").display = display.hidden;
} else {
// Maybe you can also do alerts.forEach(app.alert)
alerts.forEach(alert => app.alert)

If you want to check both if statements, get rid of the 'else'. This does not appear to be an exclusionary situation, e.g. freight and mileage are possible, yes?


Can anyone please show me how to use the .push() method for an array?

Ask the user to input names of people they would like to invite to a dinner party.
Each name should be added to an array.
The user can only invite a maximum of ten people. If they try to add more than 10 names, the program should state, “You have already added 10 people to your guest list.”
The program should then output the list.
I am trying to solve this task, I am not sure if I am doing it properly. I am a beginner so I will appreciate any help or hints.
let list = [];
list.length = 10
let input = prompt("Add a guest");
if(input <= 10 || input == null){
break; //arr.slice(0,10)
Loop through; if the user inputs nothing I assume they are "done" - not stated in the requirements how to manage this.
I put this in a function to call passing the max count but that was not specifically stated here in the requirements.
Just loop until the conditions are met.
function addGuests(maxGuests = 10) {
const tooMany = "You have already added 10 people to your guest list.";
const promptText = "Add a guest";
let list = [];
let hasGuest = true;
while (list.length < maxGuests && hasGuest) {
let guests = prompt(promptText);
if (guests != null && guests.trim().length > 0) {
console.log("L:", list);
} else {
hasGuest = false;
if (list.length >= maxGuests) {
return list;
let guests = addGuests(10);
console.log(guests, guests.length);
Try something like:
const readLineSync = require('readline-sync');
const arr = [];
while (arr.length < 10) {
const guest = readLineSync.question('Add a guest: ');
if (guest) {
console.log('You have added 10 people...');
This uses the readline-sync module to get input from the user, starts off with an empty array and keeps pushing non-empty input values to it until the length of that array is 10. It then prints out the items in the array to the console.

GridView Validation is not working properly in JavaScript

I want to validate on button click that at least one of the rows must be edited and updated in JavaScript.
So I wrote the below code for validation
function checkGridValidate() {
var StrPriError = "";
var grdCount = GrdProspective1.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < grdCount; i++) {
if (GrdProspective1.Rows[0].Cells[5].Value == "" || GrdProspective1.Rows[0].Cells[7].Value == "") {
StrPriError += "Kindly edit atleast one row \n";
if (StrPriError != "") {
return false;
else {
return true;
What happening here is, when I update the first row and submit it is not giving any alert that's perfect, but when I update the second row it still asks me Kindly edit at least one row.
I don't know what's going wrong here.
Have a look the js fiddle for the same
Currently, the validation is limited to only check the top row for two reasons:
.Rows[0] will always inspect the top row, despite the for loop.
This should make use of i as it increments through the collection:
if (GrdProspective1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value == "" ||
The last if..else, by returning in either case, will interrupt the loop. The return statements here have a similar effect to break statements, with regards to the loop.
So, unless you want the loop to be interrupted, they should be moved out the loop:
for (var i = 0; i < grdCount; i++) {
if (...) {
// ...
if (StrPriError != "") {
return false;
else {
return true;
Though, fixing those should reveal a different issue – the function is checking that every row has been edited rather than one-or-more.
If, for example, there are 5 rows and you fill in both fields in 2 of the rows, the remaining 3 rows will match the condition and append the error message.
Inverting the condition, so you're searching for a row that's filled in and remembering whether you have, should resolve this.
function checkGridValidate() {
// assume invalid until found otherwise
var anyEdited = false;
var grdCount = GrdProspective1.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < grdCount; i++) {
var cells = GrdProspective1.Rows[i].Cells;
// verify that both fields were given a value
if (cells[5].Value !== "" && cells[7].Value !== "") {
anyEdited = true; // remember that you've found an edited row
break; // and, no need to keep looking for more
// alert only if no rows were filled out
if (!anyEdited) {
alert("Kindly edit at least one row.");
return anyEdited;

Javascript if value is in array else in next array

I have found a few posts on here with similar questions but not entirely the same as what I am trying. I am currently using a simple if statement that checks the data the user enters then checks to see if it starts with a number of different values. I am doing this with the following:
var value = string;
var value = value.toLowerCase();
country = "NONE";
county = "NONE";
if (value.indexOf('ba1 ') == 0 || value.indexOf('ba2 ') == 0 || value.indexOf('ba3 ') == 0) { //CHECK AVON (MAINLAND UK) UK.AVON
country = "UK";
county = "UK.AVON";
} else if(value.indexOf('lu') == 0){//CHECK BEDFORDSHIRE (MAINLAND UK) UK.BEDS
country = "UK";
county = "UK.BEDS";
I have about 20-30 different if, else statements that are basically checking the post code entered and finding the county associated. However some of these if statements are incredibly long so I would like to store the values inside an array and then in the if statement simply check value.indexOf() for each of the array values.
So in the above example I would have an array as follows for the statement:
var avon = new Array('ba1 ','ba 2','ba3 ');
then inside the indexOf() use each value
Would this be possible with minimal script or am I going to need to make a function for this to work? I am ideally wanting to keep the array inside the if statement instead of querying for each array value.
You can use the some Array method (though you might need to shim it for legacy environments):
var value = string.toLowerCase(),
country = "NONE",
county = "NONE";
if (['ba1 ','ba 2','ba3 '].some(function(str) {
return value.slice(0, str.length) === str;
})) {
country = "UK";
county = "UK.AVON";
(using a more performant How to check if a string "StartsWith" another string? implementation also)
For an even shorter condition, you might also resort to regex (anchor and alternation):
if (/^ba(1 | 2|3 )/i.test(string)) { … }
No, it doesn’t exist, but you can make a function to do just that:
function containsAny(string, substrings) {
for(var i = 0; i < substrings.length; i++) {
if(string.indexOf(substrings[i]) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
Alternatively, there’s a regular expression:
/ba[123] /.test(value)
My recomendation is to rethink your approach and use regular expressions instead of indexOf.
But if you really need it, you can use the following method:
function checkStart(value, acceptableStarts){
for (var i=0; i<acceptableStarts.length; i++) {
if (value.indexOf(acceptableStarts[i]) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
Your previous usage turns into:
if (checkStart(value, ['ba1', ba2 ', 'ba3'])) {
country = 'UK';
Even better you can generalize stuff, like this:
var countryPrefixes = {
'UK' : ['ba1','ba2 ', 'ba3'],
'FR' : ['fa2','fa2']
for (var key in countryPrefixes) {
if (checkStart(value, countryPrefixes[key]) {
country = key;
I'd forget using hard-coded logic for this, and just use data:
var countyMapping = {
'BA1': 'UK.AVON',
'BA2': 'UK.AVON',
'BA3': 'UK.AVON',
'LU': 'UK.BEDS',
Take successive characters off the right hand side of the postcode and do a trivial lookup in the table until you get a match. Four or so lines of code ought to do it:
function getCounty(str) {
while (str.length) {
var res = countyMapping[str];
if (res !== undefined) return res;
str = str.slice(0, -1);
I'd suggest normalising your strings first to ensure that the space between the two halves of the postcode is present and in the right place.
For extra bonus points, get the table out of a database so you don't have to modify your code when Scotland gets thrown out of leaves the UK ;-)

How can i know its valid in JS?

I am developing an Adobe interactive form with LiveCycle LC designer with JavaScript.
// Identify required fields (it may be a free text field, drop-down, check box, i mean there 3 kinds possibilties) and make yellow colored them
var myArrayYellow = new Array();
var yellowFields;
yellowFields = my_required_fields_list_string.rawValue
myArrayYellow = yellowFields.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < myArrayYellow.length; i++) {
===> Here at this point, i want to check the existence of [i] field in the form that its a valid field/objetc or not? bcz, i have chances of getting non-existing fields in the my_required_fields_list_string, hence prior to assigning yellow color to them, i want to check their validity on the form or not? Pls. let me know the JS for this // if its true/found, then only assign yellow color as below
xfa.resolveNode("MY_ADOBE_FORM.." + myArrayYellow [i]).ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "255,255,254"
For some other purpose, some expert gave me a JS as below, i tried to tune it as per my above requirement, but its not working
function findNodes(vNode){
if (vNode.className === "field"){
if (vNode.isPropertySpecified("name") === true){
var myStateName = new RegExp(;
var returnValue =;
if (returnValue != -1) {
this.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "192,192,192";
this.access = "readOnly";
} else {
this.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "255,255,255"; //whatever colour is open access
this.access = "open";
for (var a=0;a<vNode.nodes.length;a++) {
if I understand your problem, you need to check if xfa.resolveNode returns something and handle it from there.
var node;
if ( (node=xfa.resolveNode("MY_ADOBE_FORM.." + myArrayYellow[i]) )!==null){
node.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "255,255,254"
If I understand correctly, you are trying to check if all of your values in the array are valid before preforming operations on them. Just check and make sure they are not null.
EDIT: You should probably check for empty string as well.
for (var i = 0; i < myArrayYellow.length; i++) {
if (!(myArrayYellow[i] == null || myArrayYellow[i] == "")){
//Do Stuff

Array.push causes program to have errors

I followed the advice from a previous question to get my promps to add values to an array, but it has caused my program to throw up True values when they are not.
var course = new Array();
var grade = new Array();
while(confirm("Would you like to add a course?")){
course.push( prompt("Enter the course code. Example - ABC1234") );
var upperTest = course.slice(0,3);
var integerTest = course.slice(4,7);
if (course.length !== 7) {
alert ('Invalid Course Code');
if (upperTest !== upperTest.toUpperCase()) {
alert ('Invalid Course Code');
if (isNaN(integerTest)) {
alert('Invalid Course Code');
if (isNaN(grade)) {
alert('Invalid Grade');
if (LOWEST_GRADE > grade || HIGHEST_GRADE < grade) {
alert('Invalid Grade');
I have it set to make sure the entered text matches the conditions, but since the .push was added the whole thing stuffs up.
I get an Invalid Course Code error, something is playing up with that.
The Array is used to store multiple courses, which is fine. But, since it's an array, you need to access each position of it to validate each individual course, using a loop:
var courses = new Array(); // use the name courses instead, to indicate that it's a collection
for (var i = 0; i < courses.length; i++) {
var course = courses[i];
var upperTest = course.slice(0,3);
var integerTest = course.slice(4,7);
if (course.length !== 7) {
alert ('Invalid Course Code');
if (upperTest !== upperTest.toUpperCase()) {
alert ('Invalid Course Code');
if (isNaN(integerTest)) {
alert('Invalid Course Code');
This will validate every course that is in the Array. Otherwise, when you test courses.length, you'll be validating the number of elements in the array, not the number of characters of each course.
The same needs to be done for the grades array.
Do you want to validate entered course code? In such case you need to do it with the item not with the whole array:
while (confirm("...")) {
var courseCode = prompt("...");
var upperTest = course.slice(0,3);
var integerTest = course.slice(4,7);
if (courseCode.length !== 7) {
alert ('Invalid Course Code');
// place your other if's here
