How to solve this error in phonegap -- #!/usr/bin/env node - javascript

I am getting this error when linking the library in phonegap.js
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
#!/usr/bin/env node
I'm using Netbeans 8.0.2
Windows 7 Home Premium x86
Any idea how can I fix this?

Probably you are trying to link wrong library.
This line #!/usr/bin/env node means that your library is a shell script, not a JavaScript program.


SyntaxError: Unexpected token '||='

I need to build nextjs project with PDFViewer using #react-pdf-viewer, but when collecting page there are some error SyntaxError: Unexpected token '||='.
The problem is occured from pdf.js in node_modules, I try to change ||= to || in pdf.js, and build no error.
But I need to deploy in hosting and need to download pdf.js from yarn install, some code that I change before will be restored.
How can I solve it?
This is great example how to correctly setup react-pdf with NextJS.
However, as mentioned in comments, you still get SyntaxError: Unexpected token '||=' with a node version below 15, so you need to upgrade to >=15.0.
Then it works as expected.

Unhandled JS Exception: Unexpected token '<' no stack

I started facing an issue with running my react native application in iOS device
Unhandled JS Exception: Unexpected Token '<' no stack
This started happening after i generated the main.jsbundle in react native application using the below curl command
curl http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle -o main.jsbundle
and added this file in xcode project. This seems to like an issue with parsing of the main.jsbundle file which i added in react-native.
Prior to the above process i tried running the application with localhost:8081 for finding the jsbundle but doesn't help me for ios devices. Code in my develop branch is working fine, but same develop code in my feature branch doesn't work with main.jsbundle.
Did anyone faced similar issue with running react native code in iOS devices.
The response you're getting is most likely in HTML format, which starts with a <. When you try to parse this response (presumably with res.json()) an exception is thrown, because a json string cannot start with a <
Try debugging your program and check exactly what the response you're getting is

how do I run js in atom? I get a bash error when saving the file

I'm learning javascript and trying to run my code in atom. I've installed node.js but when I save the file I get:
bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
[Finished in 0.137s]
I saved the file as learning.js on my desktop. Sorry if this is very vague
node <filename.js>
You need to invoke node like node learning.js instead of however you're doing it that's calling bash.

How to properly connect linter in Atom with jshint

I want to use the linter package in the Atom Editor. I have installed the packages "linter" and "linter-jshint". Additionally I installed jshint via npm (globally) and downloaded the jshint-repo from GitHub.
When I just try to run the linter on an open .js file in Atom, it fails with message "Error running JSHint". The same happens if I point the executablePath for linter-jshint in the Atom config to the downloaded repo folder.
When I set the executablePath to the node.js Module ("linter-jshint": executablePath: "C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/jshint") it just shows a warning ("JSHint return an invalid response, check your console for more info"). Developer Tools console shows:
[Linter-JSHint] SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse ()
at Object. (main.js:157)
at ()
at step (C:\Users\Username.atom\packages\linter-jshint\lib\main.js:3)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103)
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to point to another subdir or a specific file?
Username contains space and a german umlaut "รถ".
PS: I can execute jshint from command line and it works.
On Executable Path field, you should actually point to jshint executable file, like this:

node js returning Syntax error: Unexpected identifier

I downloaded and installed node.js on Windows and I'm following a simple tutorial from
I've created a file called HelloWorld.js which contains just:
console.log("Hello World");
When I type node HelloWorld.js in the node.js console I get:
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
I checked my classpath variable and it has the C:\Program Files\nodejs\ on it.
HelloWorld.js is still open in Notepad++ for editing.
What am I doing wrong?
I think you are already in the the console.
Just follow the steps to fix the error:
1) Try doing CTRL + C couple of times. See if you exit the console
2) Then do node HelloWorld.js
I think you will get your output
When in your node console already, you can simply do require("./HelloWorld.js") to get the output. (Given that you are in the directory that contains this file)
When I type node HelloWorld.js in the node.js console I get
You should type JavaScript into the Node.js console.
node is a program name. HelloWorld.js is a command line argument. They are not JavaScript.
You should type those into your shell (e.g. Windows Powershell or bash).
I had the same issue when following an online course, my mistake was that i did not safe the file i was following as .js in the name when saving.
Therefore my Hello.js did not open because it was only Hello
If people are facing below-mentioned error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier at the time of running, console.log("Hello World"); code with command, node HelloWorld.js, in VS code editor
Problem :
node HelloWorld.js ^^^^^ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Solution :
(1) Just install Babel JavaScript extension in VS code editor
(2) After Babel JavaScript extension is installed, save your Program and then run your program with the command, node HelloWorld.js
Definitely will get the expected result.
I'm on linux and I'd the same issue
what I was writing in terminal is :
node file.js
all what I had to do is to write node file.js from the start without writing node first .
Although the question is old, I just solved it. So for anyone who still likes an answer: Apparently Node.Js installs two different consoles or executables. There is "Node.js" and there is "Node.js command prompt". Use the latter and it will work
To clarify, I used another tutorial in Dutch. Use the Javascript code in there and then in your web browser type http://localhost:3000. There you will see the Hello World output.
A little late but I figured this out as I'm learning it as well. You are not in the correct Node.js command window:
You are probably trying to run Node.js, ie. the one with the red arrow. This gives you the "Unexpected identifier" error. You want the Node.js command prompt, or the one shown with a green arrow.
On windows hit CTRL + D to exit REPL and then run HelloWorld.js again
